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Tempted by a Carrington

Page 4

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  Raw passion in her eyes made Dallas gulp hard. “In a naughty-girl mood, huh?”

  “You can say that. If I wasn’t worried about someone walking in on us, I’d tempt you to take me right here.”

  Feeling the intense heat of her body, Dallas felt as if he were sweating from within. It was selfish of him, but he’d been fantasizing about her moving away from Haven House. Their lovemaking was restricted because of her position as foster mother. Even when she spent a night at his home, she couldn’t relax completely because she had to remain in control of herself.

  Letting go and completely freeing inhibitions was difficult for someone filled with fear. He loved spending time with her at Haven House, but so many rules had to be closely followed. No matter how much he wanted her to himself, he’d never ask her to move.

  Another couple entered the model, and Lanier and Dallas regrouped then quickly exited. The man looked as if he recognized Dallas but said nothing.

  Lanier giggled. “Did you see how hard that guy was staring at you?”

  Dallas shrugged. “He was probably trying to place me.”

  Dallas’s fame was merely a part of what he did for a living and nothing to do with who he was as a man. Some sports figures got caught up in the fame game, but not him. Dallas was grounded and he loved his fans and enjoyed meeting them. Superstar attitude was not in him.

  Dallas grinned. “Houston’s the ham in the family, and he loves his megastar power. He has settled down a lot down since meeting Kelly. She brought him down to earth in a hurry.”

  “She certainly tamed that big old Texas boy.”

  “Yeah, and my parents are totally gone on Kelly. I wonder when they’ll walk down the aisle.”

  Lanier looped her arm through Dallas’s. “They’re smart not to rush into anything, even if they are perfect for each other.”

  Dallas outlined Lanier’s heart with his finger. “Are we?”

  Lanier shut her eyes. “Not as perfect as I want. It’s on me, though. I have lots of imperfections. I want to give you my all, and I’m working hard to get it right.”

  Dallas frowned. “The last thing I want is for you to do hard labor in this relationship.” If it didn’t come to her naturally, he feared they’d never work as a couple. Thinking she might not love him enough to marry him was upsetting. Yet, deep down inside, he felt loved by her.

  As the couple moved through the next town house, Dallas was quiet. His carefree mood had changed to more reserved. Lanier made him think hard and worry too much about what was happening inside her head, yet she was also the only one who could make changes in herself.

  Dallas had no desire to change Lanier, but he wanted her to be totally confident about her feelings for him. Forcing a time frame on her wouldn’t help, either. But he didn’t plan to wait forever for her to make up her mind about loving him enough to marry. Perhaps she just couldn’t love that hard. But there was no in-between for him; it was all or nothing.

  As soon as they’d entered the last town house, Lanier perked up. “Oh, my goodness, look at this place. It’s beautiful, the kind of home I’ve dreamed of! I know I haven’t seen it all, but I love what I see.”

  Moving into the spacious kitchen, Lanier’s hands lovingly swept the granite counters. That all appliances were stainless steel had her tickled pink.

  “Look here, Dallas. An entire stainless package is standard instead of an upgrade.”

  Dallas grinned and grabbed her hand, steering her toward the wrought-iron staircase.

  Lanier stopped on the stairway. Turning to Dallas, she cupped his face between her hands. “This is it! I feel it. I probably should look at a few more complexes, but I bet I’ll end up right back here.”

  “This one really is great. Have you thought about buying instead of leasing? I can set you up with my Realtor. Just say the word and it’s done.”

  “Maybe I will. I’m sure it’s better to buy a home than pay rent and end up with nothing to show for it.”

  Lanier and Dallas rapidly made their way up the few remaining steps. They entered the master suite and the glowing expression on Lanier’s face said it all. “How huge is this! Oh, my God, check out the bathroom with that fabulous tub. I can imagine us in it together.”

  Dallas could imagine it, too. The thought of Lanier straddling him in the tub caused a rise in his manhood. He made a mental note to coerce her into the bathroom Jacuzzi at his house.

  Lanier’s wild enthusiasm over the largest town house had Casey smiling. “I’ll work up both sets of figures for you. If you finance with us, we pay closing costs and offer ten thousand dollars in upgrades.”

  Lanier looked hopeful. So many things rushing around in her brain suddenly made her feel off-kilter. Leasing or buying was a big step. Knowing she had excellent credit had her worry-free. If the price was right, Lanier was sure she could accomplish it.

  Smiling, Lanier took Dallas’s hand. His gentle squeeze was reassuring.

  Lanier held up her forefinger. “One more question. Are the locations of leased homes and purchased homes mixed together in the same neighborhoods?”

  Casey shook her head. “Purchased homes and leased ones are set apart by brick perimeters. Security gates are provided at both entries.”

  Gathering up all paperwork related to the complex, Lanier shoved them in a manila folder Casey had given her. After shaking hands with the manager, she and Dallas were ready to go.

  The moment they stepped out into the sunlight, Dallas brought her into his arms and kissed her thoroughly. “I guess I can tell you now.”

  Lanier hunched her shoulders. “Tell me what?”

  Dallas laughed. “We fell in love with the same town house.”

  “I’m glad you approve. I felt the chemistry in spades. The rooms seemed to reach out and embrace me. The master suite has everything I could want. It wasn’t my bed, but it was sure summoning me to try it out,” she said, laughing. “My imagination got away from me in there.”

  Dallas kissed the tip of her nose. “Mine was right there with yours. I’m glad the air conditioner was on.”

  Lanier laughed. “I love it when we’re on the same page.”

  Taking Lanier’s hand in his, Dallas started walking toward the car. “It happens to us a lot.” He glanced at his watch. “Let me get you back to Haven House so I can go home and lay down for a while. Resting before practice never hurts.”

  Envisioning him up to bat, Lanier swung their entwined hands back and forth. “I love to see your muscles ripple when you’re on deck.”

  “In that case, I’ll try to give you a real good show.” He flexed his upper arm muscles. “Iron clad,” he joked.

  Lanier smiled. She loved his muscles and his strength, but she particularly loved how protected she felt nestled in his powerful arms.

  Dallas had a hard time leaving Lanier’s warm embrace. She had come into his arms as soon as they had entered the house. She was kissing him as if she couldn’t get enough of his mouth, and he was returning her moist kisses with unbridled passion. Knowing this would probably end with him taking a cold shower, he still couldn’t pull away. His manhood was stiff as a board, grinding up against her body with tender force.

  Lanier loosened the buckle on his belt and then lowered his zipper. She wasn’t in control of herself and she didn’t care. Reaching inside his fly, she found his erection and began moving her closed hand up and down his shaft.

  Losing his hands in her hair, he tugged gently. Tilting her head back, his tongue licked up and down her throat. Unbuckling her belt, he removed it and slid the slacks halfway off her hips. As his hands slid into her panties, she gasped wantonly. For only a fleeting moment she thought of where they were. She easily convinced herself that foreplay was not intercourse.

  Continuing to pump her hands up and dow
n his sex, she wrapped her hands around him tighter. Bringing him as much pleasure as she could was what was on her mind. She wanted to send him off to his nap with something hot and sweet to think about.

  As Dallas’s fingers probed inside of her, it was all she could do to remain standing. She was wet and hot and he was hard as stone and his breathing was jagged. In the next instant, she felt the ripples of a powerful climax wending its way throughout her inner chamber. Dallas muffled both of their moans of fulfillment as he covered her mouth with his.

  After kissing her breathless, he went into the downstairs bathroom and Lanier ran to the one upstairs.

  Looking into the mirror, Lanier saw how glazed over her eyes looked. The color in her cheeks was heightened and her hair was all over the place from Dallas pushing his hands through it. She smiled, wishing he didn’t have to leave, yet she was happy they’d both been satisfied.

  Chapter 3

  Lanier met with the rest of the Carrington family to watch the game. Lanier and Ashleigh embraced a long time. Once everyone had been accounted for, Beaumont and Austin led the way to the luxury box seats reserved for family and friends. While his parents tried hard not to miss a single game, there were times when they had to split up to ensure their sons had family support at their different games.

  Leaning forward in her seat, Lanier kept her eyes on Dallas. Dallas was up to bat. His powerful physique had her wishing she could laze her hands over every muscle he had. Just the thought of it turned her on. “Go, baby. Send that ball into orbit.”

  The crowd was boisterous, and a low pitch was called as ball one. “Ouch,” she soon yelped, grimacing at his first strike. A foul ball came next, giving Dallas two strikes and one ball. She stood and prayed for a hit.

  The bat cracked loudly as it met with the speeding ball, which soared high and kept going. Everyone jumped up as the baseball flew into the stands.

  “Poetry in motion,” Lanier shouted. “You go, Dallas!”

  Lanier jumped up and down, cheering as loud as she could. Dallas’s home run had put his team ahead by two runs. The fourth inning was going the Hurricanes’ way. Lanier wished for a victory, especially since Dallas loved to celebrate wins.

  Not only was Dallas superromantic after a win, but he was extremely high-spirited. When they lost, he didn’t take it out on anyone, but he wasn’t happy. He took it personally when his team gave up a game, vowing to practice even harder. Like all Hurricanes fans, Lanier preferred a win over a loss, but she loved to be with Dallas either way.

  As Dallas ran the bases, Lanier and Ashleigh high-fived.

  Lanier had never had the privilege of sitting in any seat at a sporting event before she knew Dallas, let alone box seats. She had been lucky to get enough food to eat each day.

  How many former foster children got to hang out with rich, superstar heroes?

  Looking at Lanier adoringly, Dallas massaged lotion into her legs and feet, still excited that she had agreed to spend the night. Without the slightest hesitation, she had given him an answer to a question he’d feared asking. She had been eager to go home with him. He couldn’t believe his good fortune.

  Stretched out on the custom king bed in a sexy black gown, she felt red-hot and sexy.

  Lanier stilled his hands. “The massage feels great, but I’m ready for the main event.”

  Taking in a deep breath, Dallas tried to calm his heart rate. “I love how you get straight to the point.”

  Lanier gave a soft, guttural growl and smiled devilishly. Taking the lotion from Dallas’s hand, she set it on the nightstand. She urged him to come closer and then laid flat on her back. Placing her hand at his nape, she guided his head until it rested between her perky breasts. “What’s your pleasure, superstar?” Lanier stroked his face. “Name it.”

  “What about boundaries?”

  Her eyes gleamed flirtatiously. “Only those you put in force.”

  Managing to get Dallas flat on his back, Lanier straddled his powerful thighs, positioning her buttocks below his manhood. She smothered his chest with moist kisses and flicked his erect nipples with her tongue. Dallas moaned deeply.

  Slowly, tantalizingly, she inched the silk boxers off his waist. His shaft, hardened by passion, came into view. Lanier sighed as white-hot desire washed over her in one scorching wave after another. “Can I have my way with you?”

  “Anyway you choose. Baby, I’m all yours.”

  “Mmm, yummy.” Her head dipped down again, going much lower than his chest.

  As if sampling something she’d never had before, Lanier tasted the crown of his manhood. She pulled slightly back and licked her lips. Loving the thrill of it, she sampled him like a brand-new lollipop flavor. She lifted her head and looked him square in the eyes. “You taste good. Mind if I have more?”

  Dallas locked eyes with hers—and he was stunned by this newfound provocativeness. Her mouth on his naked hardness felt insanely good. Fearing she might change her course of action, he didn’t dare move a muscle. He’d been holding his breath in anticipation, but he let out a stream of ragged breathing. “I love it when you have your way. Take all you want.” As her mouth curled around his manhood, he gasped. “Oh, yes,” he moaned softly. “I want you to taste every part of me.”

  Lanier happily honored his breathless request. Her glance at him was fleeting, yet she saw how tightly he held his eyes shut, lost in his own pleasure.

  Using the tip of her tongue, Lanier recircled the crown of his manhood and then began to lick him up and down. After kissing every inch of his erection, she sampled all of him, taking her sweet time giving him what he desired.

  She loved roving his body with her mouth, lips and tongue. Lanier silently hoped he’d taste her, too.

  As if Dallas felt Lanier’s desire to have his mouth and tongue serenade her intimate zones, he raised himself. Rolling her away from him and turning her onto her back, he looked down and studied her beauty. He tenderly stroked her breasts with his fingertips and then seduced her with an intensely passionate kiss. “Now I’m going to have my way. I want you, Lanier, badly.”

  Lanier’s eyelashes lowered. “I’m here, Dallas. Take me.”

  Sampling Lanier wasn’t all Dallas had in mind. Preferring to take it nice and slow, his tongue cautiously teased and hotly tantalized her intimate treasures, his fingers working magic on her at the same time.

  “Don’t close your eyes. I want you to witness and feel everything.” He lowered his head, slowly lapping his tongue between her legs.

  Trying not to thrash about wildly, she tightly gripped the sheets, unable to believe the zinging sensations coursing through her burning flesh. “Dallas,” she cried, “what are you doing to me?” She bit down on her lower lip. “Don’t stop.” Hot tears trickled from the corners of her eyes as Dallas’s mouth continued to make her feel sensational.

  All Lanier wanted was for Dallas to continue extinguishing the lake of fire burning out of control. Suddenly, her body arched wildly, uncontrollably. As rolling wave after wave of sensational fulfillment carried her away, she moaned helplessly.

  Eager to be deep inside of her, Dallas managed to protect them and then entered her. As he rode the waves of ecstasy Lanier was already high on, Dallas had a hard time holding back his own release. Things had heated up for him much quicker than he’d expected. Pleasuring her had come first. It had been his desire to give her a sensual experience she’d never forget.

  Unable to hold on another second, he tenderly plunged into her time after time, calling out her name as a firestorm of white-hot heat raced through his body.

  Opening her eyes, Lanier scanned his gorgeous face, excited to see the telltale signs of his release. “You feel what I feel?”

  “Every bit of it, babe, if incredible is what you’re feeling.”

’m way past that. I can’t even appropriately name those foreign feelings. Thanks.” She looked embarrassed. “I hope you’re okay with the way I showed my love for you. It’s not something I’ve done before, and I don’t want you to think otherwise.”

  “Hush, sweetheart. I know who you are. Let’s just think about us and how we make each other feel. There’s no reason for embarrassment. We got it like that.” He paused, appearing thoughtful. “There’s something I should tell you.”

  Trembling inwardly, Lanier’s left eyebrow lifted. “What?”

  “What we’re feeling is only the tip of the iceberg. I’m convinced there are more uncharted waters for us to navigate. We should enjoy every second of what we do together. Can you handle that?”

  Lanier smiled softly. “I can.” She tried to stifle a yawn and failed. The last thing she wanted to do was fall asleep. She had so much to stay awake for.

  Dallas chuckled. “Looks like someone’s sleepy.”

  Lanier frowned. “I can’t fall asleep until you make love to me until I’m too tired to flex a single muscle.”

  Uninhibited wasn’t a strong enough adjective to describe Lanier. She had transformed from a shy, sweet woman to this alluring, provocative tigress. Not for one second did he think it was anything other than spontaneous behavior. Whether she’d intended it or not, Lanier had exposed her heart and freed her inhibitions.

  “I’d love to make nonstop love to you every day and night. The condoms are in the nightstand drawer.” His eyes gently caressed her. “I’m waiting.”

  Dallas was thoroughly intrigued by the Lanier he’d just been introduced to. He loved the old one, but if he had to make a choice between old and new, he couldn’t decide, not without further introductions to the woman she desired to be.


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