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A Royal Continuum

Page 9

by Marie Harte

Tanner studied Matthias, taken with his sincerity. And he admitted that Ava could do worse than with Matthias at her side. For all his faults, Matthias was fierce in his defense of others. And the Dekkers staunchly protected their own.

  "Come on, Tanner. How hard will it be to have sex with Ava? And maybe get her to share her love with me?"

  Thoughts of making love to Ava with Matthias present, or hell, making love with the both of them, had Tanner's blood pressure rising, along with another, harder, portion of his anatomy.

  Matthias noticed and laughed. "Don't get up. I'll grab the food waiting for us on the counter. Why don't you take a minute and think things over?" Matthias rose and sobered. "Trust me, Tanner. And do what your heart tells you."

  Tanner scowled. Screw Matthias and that fucking heart crap. He was mulling the idea when moments later, they walked silently back to the room. Why couldn't the prince be a shallow, selfish, lackluster royal? Why did he have to be so introspective, so thoughtful, and so caring of others? Tanner shot him a dirty look. And why did the man have to be so damned right all the time?

  Chapter 9

  * * *

  When Matthias and Tanner returned to the room, Ava looked bleary-eyed as she answered the door.

  "What took you so long?" she asked, but Matthias was having a hard time focusing on her words. She wore a long T-shirt that came to her mid-thigh, and when she flopped back on the bed, her pink panties flashed them.

  A glance at Tanner showed the man as intent on Ava as he was, and Matthias contained a grin. His plan was definitely working.

  He'd let Tanner stew on what he'd said, wondering how long it would take him to give Matthias a chance. To his delight, he didn't have long to wait. They'd just reached the door to the room when Tanner had stopped him, a hand on his arm to halt him from knocking. "I'll do it," he'd growled. Nothing more, but he'd said enough.

  And now Matthias could feel his future sidling ever closer. Tanner's blond hair gleamed like gold in the flickering light from the television, much like Ava's did. God, Tanner and Ava were so much alike it was startling. So needy, and so damned desperate not to need anyone.

  Matthias sighed and placed the food on the counter. He caught Tanner's eye and nodded toward Ava.

  Tanner frowned but cleared his throat. "Ava? Can I fix you a plate?"

  She yawned and stood. "No thanks. I'll help myself." Pattering to the Styrofoam dishes on the counter, she leaned close to inhale the burger and fries smothered in ketchup.

  "Nice, guys. I like."

  Tanner stepped closer, caging her between his body and the counter. "Me, too."

  Matthias watched, captivated, as Tanner took control in no uncertain terms. Talk about shooting right out of the starting gate. The large man stormed Ava's senses. As she turned to face him, he swallowed her breath in a kiss that set the room on fire.

  Though Matthias had figured he'd have to remain as silent as a church mouse so as not to alarm Ava, he needn't have worried. The moment Tanner settled those lips on her, she seemed to forget about everything else but him. And Tanner latched on to her passion like a drowning man. Oddly enough, Matthias didn't feel left out. Instead, he felt a part of something more, and his heart swelled with joy.

  In moments, Ava stood naked in Tanner's arms, and Matthias had a hard time remaining still. Tanner groaned, and Matthias groaned with him. Tanner slid his hands up and down Ava's smooth back, riding over the swell of her firm ass, those rounded cheeks Matthias wanted to sink his teeth into.

  All of Matthias's intentions to watch and wait, to let Tanner ease Ava into compliance, fled as he watched Ava stroke Tanner's body and saw Tanner's aroused response.

  Shucking his clothes and ignoring the burning in his side, Matthias reached the pair and wrapped his arms around Ava, holding her hips as he pressed into her hot skin.

  She started but didn't pull away from Tanner, and Matthias lowered his head to suck at her neck, groaning his own pleasure at her taste. The feel of her ass cradling his cock made him want to thrust hard, but when Tanner's hands tentatively sought his waist, Matthias's passion exploded.

  "Take off your clothes, Tanner," he growled, thrusting his pelvis against Ava's greedy ass. She ground back into him as they both watched Tanner remove his shirt.

  Matthias wrapped his arms around her waist and slid a hand down her belly and between her thighs.

  "Ava, baby." He groaned and turned her face to reach her lips. The searing kiss had his head spinning. "Damn, Tanner, you've got her dripping wet."

  Ava moaned, and Matthias kissed his way down her cheek to her neck, sucking at her pulse as he watched Tanner strip out of his jeans, socks and shoes. The man didn't wear underwear, and Ava gasped as her gaze fell on Tanner's flushed cock.

  "He's big, isn't he?" Matthias felt totally turned on by the people he was growing to love. "He tastes so good. Like thick, sweet cream as he rushes down your throat."

  Tanner moved to the bed, and Matthias and Ava followed. Tanner knelt on the bed, scooting back to give Ava and Matthias enough room to join him. No one denied the threesome about to happen, and Matthias was pleased he wouldn't have to work to convince either Tanner or Ava that this was right.

  "Taste him, Ava. Take that cock between your lips and suck him until he comes."

  Tanner held himself for her, his breathing choppy as he waited. He connected with Matthias's gaze, and the heat between them was enough to whet Matthias's need to burn something.

  "Come here, Ava," Tanner rasped. "Because Matthias has that look in his eyes, the one he wears when he wants to torch something. He needs to put out the fire raging inside of him. And he needs to do it in you. Your sweet little pussy is what he wants, isn't it?"

  "Yes," Matthias hissed, shuddering when Ava bent over on her hands and knees. She glanced over her shoulder at him, a sultry look on her face as she licked her lips, her eyes widening as she noted his thickening erection. She smiled, then, and turned to take Tanner into her mouth.

  The man groaned as he threaded his fingers in her hair. "Christ, Matthias. You should see her face. She's so fucking sexy."

  "Mmm. Yeah. But you should see her ass. So firm, so ripe. I can't wait to take you there, Ava. To fuck you there while Tanner slides into your pussy." Her moan had him rubbing harder against her ass cheeks. "But not now, baby. That first time should be slow and easy, and I just can't wait." He was panting with the need to fuck her.

  "Do it, Matthias. Take her," Tanner growled, his shaft gliding in and out of Ava's mouth with a sensual rhythm that had Matthias following the movement with his shaft. He thrust against the outside of her hip when he really wanted to be inside of her.

  "You ready for me, Ava? Ready for my cock?"

  Ava moaned around Tanner, and Matthias spread her knees farther apart. He shoved a finger into her, her wet heat pushing him past the need for caution, for tenderness. The animalistic need building within him burst and, without pause, he thrust inside her and pushed deep. The motion sent her harder over Tanner's shaft, and the man groaned his thanks.

  "This is so good." Tanner said thickly, uttering what Matthias had been thinking. "So perfect. Lefne, take me. Swallow me. All of it."

  Matthias was aware of the odd term since Tanner had used it on him the other day. He hadn't thought to ask what it meant, but knowing the man called Ava by the endearment as well gave him added hope for their future.

  Pulling out, Matthias slammed back into Ava and felt pleasure spiral along his shaft into his balls. He began pumping and reached around to her hard clit.

  "You're tight, baby," Matthias rasped as he rode her. "So slick and hard. So close. You need to come, don't you? To swallow Tanner's cum and have me shoot inside your pussy. But more, you need to clench me tight. Milk me, baby. And take Tanner deep, swallow his essence. Feel him shudder as he comes. Feel me spurt, the life rushing into you when my cum bathes your womb." His rocking grew harder, faster, as his arousal spiked. "Until you don't know where you end and we begin. Until you are
n't complete unless you're swallowing our cum, taking it deep inside of you."

  Tanner's groans grew louder, his body taut as he reached for his climax. And seeing him so close brought Matthias to the edge. He rubbed Ava's aching nub and felt her walls tighten around him. Heaven and hell at the same time. The need to come overwhelmed him, but he wasn't ready to end their ecstasy yet. Not when he was so close to his heart's desire. So near the two people that meant everything to him.

  "Oh, fuck. I'm going to come." Tanner grunted, fisting the waterfall of Ava's golden hair. "Swallow me, baby. Swallow all of me."

  "Yes," Matthias hissed, ecstasy magnifying as he watched Tanner tense and orgasm. The twisted agony on his face shot Matthias and Ava into orgasm, the immense pleasure flowing between them like a river of desire bombarded by tides of rapture.

  Groaning and gasping, feminine cries and male moans filled the room as they exploded in climax, filling one another with the ultimate pleasure.

  It was some time before Tanner withdrew, and Matthias followed, groaning his reluctance as he left Ava's warmth. He lay down next to her, Tanner on her other side, and he met the man's gaze over her body.

  Tanner's eyes gleamed with repletion and a lazy, contented affection. Between them, Ava yawned and sighed, and Tanner smiled down at her, his heart in his eyes.

  Matthias swallowed around a lump of emotion, wishing he could declare his feelings, but knowing it was too soon. That he'd shared the physical pleasure with them both was enough for now. And Tanner's growing feelings for Ava could only benefit them.

  Ava smiled up at Tanner and turned her gaze to Matthias. Staring down at her with love, he saw her expression suddenly sober. Not willing to lose this closeness so soon after sharing it, Matthias leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her mouth.

  "That was beautiful," he whispered, including both Ava and Tanner in his statement. Tanner nodded, his smile one of satisfaction.

  "It really was," Ava agreed.

  Finally able to let himself go, Matthias murmured his goodnights and settled next to Ava, curling around her as he readied for sleep. But unwilling to let Tanner out of his reach, he slipped his hand over Tanner's hip and held him, too. Tanner tensed, then sighed and relaxed into his hold. And for the first time in a long time, Matthias found himself utterly at peace.

  * * * *

  Ava woke to the sound of heavy breathing all around her. She blinked and found herself looking at a hard chest. She inhaled. Tanner. A sudden press against her backside nudged again, a growing hardness letting her know she had truly bedded the beast, and come out more than alive, but happy. Matthias.

  The reality of her situation hit her then, and her face filled with heat. Oh, my God. I had sex with two Dracon at once. And not any Dracon, but Matthias and Tanner. The embarrassment quickly faded as satisfaction mixed with pride. She'd taken them both, and given as much pleasure as she'd received. Her orgasm had been so intense, a feeling of pure desire magnified by the unexplainable feelings she picked up from her lovers.

  Incredible, and absolutely astonishing. Except the emotional backlash was as strong as her physical bliss had been. Remembering how she'd been taken, and claimed, by the large males had her squirming to experience it again. And her heart echoed the sentiment, wanting more affection, wanting the strong sense of caring she'd seen in both Tanner's and Matthias's eyes...which was a definite no-no.

  Much as she wanted to examine what she'd seen in Matthias's gaze, she didn't want to open herself up to that again. She'd been vulnerable to him for so long, and she hated feeling so weak. Tanner she could handle. His was a puzzle she was dying to piece together. She's seen moments of vulnerability in the blond Dracon, and his strength made it hard to reconcile such a tender heart in such a virile lover. But the taste of him, dear Dracon, she wanted more.

  The initial surprise when Matthias had joined in last night had startled her, but not for long. She'd experienced the ultimate fantasy--sex with two gorgeous, sexy men with no recriminations. Matthias wanted her help to hold onto Tanner. And Tanner...hell, he wanted her, period. The night had been perfect. No lengthy explanations of feeling, no pretend words of love. Just hot, sweaty sex.

  She deliberately ignored her heart clamoring for more. No, the physical was all she needed. That's all I want, she tried convincing herself. And this is why sex can lead to a woman's downfall. A good lay does not equal happily ever after. She sighed. I was right to be celibate for so long.

  Ava had experienced more intimacy in the past two days than in the last few years. And it seemed to get better each time. She had to admit, the two men made for a whopper of an orgasm. Apart, they'd each been magnificent. But being taken by both of them completed her. Filled that half of her always left wanting, which scared the hell out of her. Because this trip couldn't last forever. Best to take full advantage of the next few days. Oh, yes, she'd help Matthias with Tanner, because watching the two of them would no doubt set her off. And, well, it wouldn't hurt Tanner to be with Matthias--someone who could really love him, but more, protect him.

  But Tanner would be tricky. He felt something for Ava, she was certain, a tingling affection. But he was undecided about Matthias. He physically wanted the man, but she could feel him constantly fighting himself. And whether that was due to his heritage or from denial of love between men, she didn't yet know. But she planned on changing his mind, no matter what his problems might be. Matthias had been right to trust Tanner to her. She'd always been a caretaker, and she knew she could help heal Tanner's hurts--the ones buried deep in the heart of him.

  Matthias, however... She wasn't sure how to handle him. He said he wanted her. Hell, he'd said he loved her. But he'd been with many women, and there was always another clamoring in the sidelines wanting a taste of the handsome prince. Had Ava really believed she would want to be a part of that life? To watch Matthias smile and enjoy her for a few weeks, maybe even a few months, before he turned away to the next willing woman? Ava wanted to be more than another lover turned friend. She wanted Matthias to truly love her for who she was despite her connection to the Dracon-serving Tailstacks. Ha. Talk about a fantasy.

  She mentally shook her head, trying to not to dwell on Matthias, but was unable to let the subject go. She thought it odd he didn't display any jealousy over her interactions with Tanner. Then again, she didn't begrudge Tanner and Matthias their pleasure either. For that matter, she'd yet to see them together. The thought of sex between them made her womb clench, and she wondered how to make that happen. Matthias would easily agree. Tanner would be the harder nut to crack.

  Someone murmured and pulled her closer. Tanner. Matthias grumbled and reached out. A hand began rubbing her belly and she closed her eyes, lost in the overwhelming touch of large male hands over her flesh. This is what I need. Not thoughts of love. Action, hot steamy sex. She moaned as fingers shifted and stroked, and then she spread her legs wider as a thick digit pressed inside of her.

  Matthias groaned, and Tanner shifted against her hip, his heavy erection prodding the side of her ass. She recalled Matthias's promise from last night and flushed at the thought. She'd never had anal sex, wasn't sure she wanted to. But the notion of having both Tanner and Matthias inside her that way, one from the front and one from the back, had her rethinking the idea.

  A hot mouth suddenly engulfed her breast and she gasped, arching into questing lips as she was pressed flat on her back. She peeked at blond hair hiding a sensual face and closed her eyes again, wanting to lose herself in the sensation.

  The heat on Matthias's side next to her disappeared, only to reappear centered between her legs. Hands stroked her thighs while Tanner lavished her breasts, making her squirm with need. And then Matthias put his mouth over her, drawing her sex between his full lips, his teeth and tongue all working to drive her absolutely insane. The closeness also put him in contact with Tanner, as she could tell from Tanner's indrawn breath.

  After a moment Tanner sighed and continued stroking her with hands
and his mouth. Moans and gasps, sucking and slurping sounds filled the room as the three of them sought bliss again. Matthias brought her to peak with his mouth. As she cried out, Tanner swallowed her excitement with a drugging kiss before lying back beside her.

  It wasn't until she caught her breath and opened her eyes that she noted Matthias's hand around Tanner's cock, the stroking action that had Tanner arching back in desire. The carnal picture both men presented had her wishing for a camera, to capture the image for all time. Instead she committed their beauty to memory.

  Matthias leaned over her, still between her legs, but this time he focused his attention on Tanner. He pumped his large hand around Tanner's long erection, caressing the silky liquid dripping from Tanner's cock into a steady lubricant. Ava leaned close and took Tanner's nipple between her teeth. He nearly shot off the bed, thrusting harder into Matthias's hand. And then Matthias took his hand away and replaced it with his mouth.

  Ava leaned back to watch them, playing with Tanner's chest with seeking fingers. She twisted his nipples, petted his rock hard abdomen and ran her fingers down through his pubic hair, careful to work around the base of his shaft as Matthias engulfed the rest of him.

  She thought the two of them made the most erotic picture. Two battle-formed Dracon males, both muscular and handsome, raw lust emblazoned in their fathomless black eyes. The thin edge of control teetered back and forth between them, an intricate dance with no clear leader.

  Tanner's hands stroked Matthias's hair before threading through the strands, gripping tight. And Ava realized Matthias had to be sporting a huge hard-on. Eager to see it, she scooted down, pushing him toward Tanner. He willingly moved over, but she gripped his cock before he could press into the mattress.

  Matthias groaned but remained on his knees, bent over Tanner, as she pumped him. He was wet, his pre-cum over her hand and on the sheets as he pressed hard against her palm.

  "Matthias," Tanner rasped. "Fuck, what are you doing to me?"


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