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The Journal Keeper (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Leerene Evans

  She wondered which one had thought to grab a pair of her pajamas before leaving her apartment and decided it had to have been Dorin. Not only was he the one who mentioned taking a pair with them, but Nikolas had been all He-Man-ish with his demand that women not wear trousers. She couldn’t imagine Nikolas swiping her PJs for her.

  Whoever had done it, she would have to thank them. As she settled into the huge, fluffy bed, she knew it wouldn’t be hard to fall asleep. The softness of the mattress was like sleeping on a cloud, and the blankets on top were already on their way to warming her cold toes. With all the excitement from the day, it didn’t take her long to drift off to sleep.

  * * * *

  Nikolas watched through a crack in the door as Rianne discovered his gift to her, watched the smile that lit up her face as she unwrapped the scandalous sleepwear. His grip on the doorframe tightened as he watched her slip the shirt over her head, hiding that delectable body from sight. He almost regretted bringing the clothing with them, but the obvious happiness on his mate’s face quickly extinguished those thoughts.

  The soft glow from the fire played across her face as she settled into the oversized bed. Her body was swallowed in a mass of blankets, but he knew they would keep her warm until he and Dorin could do the job.

  He had hoped to spend the night with her, but Dorin had insisted on giving her some space. He worried the two of them would end up crowding her. Nikolas didn’t agree with his friend’s choice but chose to go along with it. At least for now.

  Soon, though. Soon he would spend the night wrapped around her soft body, feeling her breathe as he wrapped his arms around her. He ached to do it then, to slip underneath the covers with her and hold her throughout the night, but an image of Dorin kissing her popped into his head and he couldn’t.

  Dorin had the right to claim her first, to be with her. Nikolas was just the third, only a part of the mating trio because his friend feared Nikolas would fade away without a mate. Dorin still thought Nikolas shared his race’s view on mating, but the truth was, Nikolas didn’t care what his mate was. As long as she loved him as much as he loved her, Nikolas would be happy. Dorin’s decision to join the two of them had come as a shock to Nikolas, but he hadn’t denied his request. Nikolas still wondered if he had made the wrong choice, if he maybe should have protested the joining, but it was too late. Nikolas and Dorin were bonded, and they would share a mate.

  He shook the thoughts away and simply watched Rianne sleep, mesmerized by the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. Her lips were slightly parted, but no sound emerged as she slept.

  After staring at her for a while, he slid the door closed, shutting himself in darkness. His superior eyes could easily navigate the darkened room, but even without, he knew the room like the back of his paw. The walls were green, like the forest in summer. His chair sat by the fireplace on the opposite side from where he stood. His bed was to his left, a chest at the foot. The only other furniture was a bookcase by the windows, filled with novels from Laurasia, Gondwanaland, and the human realm. Walking over, he fingered The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, wondering if Rianne would like to read some of the texts he’d managed to snatch from the portal travelers.

  Grabbing a random book from the shelves, he moved across the room to sit in his chair. A log thrown into the fireplace had a flame shooting up from the embers. Settling in for a read, he tried to clear his mind of images of the woman sleeping just a room away.

  Chapter Four

  Rianne wasn’t sure what woke her up first, the sunlight streaming through the window or the soft humming from Carme as she straightened the room. With a contented yawn, she sat up, stretching her limbs until they gave a satisfying pop.

  “Good morning, dear. I trust you slept well?” Carme asked, smiling as she moved to help Rianne out of bed.

  “Wonderfully, thank you. That bed is magic, I swear,” Rianne grinned.

  “Not quite,” Carme laughed, moving to make the bed.

  Rianne spotted a tray sitting in front of the fire, filled with what looked like fruit, toast, and juice. Her stomach rumbled appreciatively as she picked up a piece of toast and began nibbling on the buttery bread. If Carme was surprised by her choice in sleepwear, the woman didn’t comment, for which Rianne was grateful. She wasn’t sure what the people of this world would think of her more forward-thinking attire, but she didn’t think Nikolas or Dorin would have brought it with them if the outfit would cause problems.

  “All right, now, the prince told me he was taking you riding today, so you’ll need something that’s easy to move in,” Carme muttered to herself as she looked through the armoire.

  “And, of course, he won’t let me wear pants,” Rianne sighed, smiling wryly as she popped a piece of fruit into her mouth.

  “Afraid not, though I doubt he would deny you if it was something you really wanted. I’m sure with enough pressure, he would allow you at least one pair,” Carme offered, smiling devilishly.

  “Maybe.” Rianne shrugged, unwilling to admit she hoped to have her own clothes back soon and wouldn’t need Dorin’s permission to wear them.

  Carme gave her a saddened look, as if she knew what Rianne was thinking. Instead of saying anything, Carme pulled a minty-green riding gown from the back of the armoire, the skirt thick and full to allow for riding sidesaddle.

  “It’s beautiful,” Rianne breathed, fingering the dark-green hem.

  “Let’s see if it’ll fit,” Carme suggested.

  Surprisingly, Rianne wasn’t embarrassed to undress in front of Carme. It reminded her of gym class in grade school, having to change into a uniform in front of all the other girls. Some girls had gone into the showers or the bathroom stalls to change, but Rianne had always dressed by the lockers. She figured everyone had something they were self-conscious about. Who would notice the stretch marks on her thighs and the few extra pounds around her stomach when everyone was too busy focusing on their own insecurities? Getting dressed in front of Carme was even easier because it was usual and ordinary for the other woman to help someone get dressed. It was her job.

  “Perfect,” Carme claimed, stepping back to examine the gown.

  Rianne turned to look in the mirror, surprised at how much she loved the way the gown looked on her. The tight corset pushed up her breasts and sucked in her stomach, giving her an appealing hourglass figure. The skirt was heavy, but would drape nicely over her legs while she was riding. The material was thick, but she knew she would need something more if she was going to be outside. Her memory of huddling into Nikolas while he carried her through the snow had heat creeping through her core even as the icy reminder made her shiver.

  “Now, Sir Nikolas came to me this morning and told me you would need this while riding,” Carme said, holding out a box that had seemed to appear from nowhere.

  “What is it?” Rianne asked, turning to take it.

  “I’m sure I don’t know. He was very insistent, though, that you get it before you left,” Carme shrugged.

  Rianne opened the box, surprised to find a thick woolen cloak inside. The dark-gray material was heavy enough to keep her warm, but not so heavy as to weigh her down. Pulling it from the box, Rianne wrapped it around her shoulders, fastening the row of clasps to her waist. Two slots in the fabric allowed for her arms to slide through, an extra layer of wool coming to rest just below her elbows to keep her arms warm. There was a hood to help keep her ears warm, but she didn’t bother pulling it up. She knew it would likely fall back while she was riding, anyway.

  “It fits you perfectly,” Carme smiled, fixing the sleeves.

  “I can’t believe he got this for me,” Rianne murmured, staring at herself in the mirror.

  “Why not? It’s his job as your mate to keep you warm and safe,” Carme said, still focused on the cloak.

  “It’s just not something I’m used to,” Rianne admitted, looking at the other woman in the mirror.

  Carme met her gaze, her blue eyes softening as she
squeezed Rianne’s shoulders supportively.

  “It’s something you’ll soon learn to expect. All mated men are extremely protective of their women. It’s just our way,” Carme informed her softly.

  “I guess things are a little more different here than I thought,” Rianne sighed, turning from the mirror.

  Sensing her desire to change the subject, Carme grabbed the now-empty box and moved toward the door.

  “I’ll take you to Prince Dorin, if you’d like. I believe they worry you might be lost if left to your own devices,” Carme grinned, opening the door for her.

  “Can’t say that I blame them. This place is pretty big,” Rianne complained good-naturedly.

  “Not so big once you get used to it,” Carme assured her as they made their way down the stairs and toward the front door.

  “Carme, do you know what we’re riding?” Rianne questioned. “Dorin wouldn’t tell me, but I noticed when I came in there weren’t any horses in the stables.”

  “Of course there weren’t horses in the stables. The only horses we have are shifters, and they don’t like being ridden. No, the stables are for other creatures who seek shelter during bad storms or when giving birth,” Carme answered, leading her toward the outer bailey.

  “Then what is Dorin taking me riding on?” Rianne asked.

  Her question went unanswered as the outer bailey came into sight. Carme stopped, but Rianne continued forward to meet Dorin who stood a few feet away. Dressed similarly to her in pants, shirt, and cloak, he smiled as she approached. His brown eyes swept her frame hungrily, making her entire body heat as she came toward him.

  “Good morning, danalya. I trust you slept well,” Dorin murmured when she was close enough.

  “Very,” Rianne breathed as he took her hand in his.

  “Good. At least one of us did.” Dorin grinned, pulling her close.

  “You didn’t sleep well?” Rianne asked as her free hand found purchase on his chest.

  “Not nearly as well as I could have. I missed you,” Dorin admitted, leaning down to place a chaste kiss to her lips.

  Her heart leapt in her chest at the brief contact, taking off quickly after he had drawn away. His eyes were filled with laughter as he looked down at her. Huffing in annoyance at being caught, she attempted to pull herself from his embrace.

  “Ah, ah, ah. I don’t think so. I like you too much where you are,” Dorin insisted, tightening his hold.

  “Well, I don’t see how we’ll be able to ride this way, unless you know something I don’t.”

  “Too right, my love. Though if it were warmer and we both had on less clothing, it might be possible.” Dorin smirked, his hand skimming down to rest on her hip, pulling her closer to his body.

  She gasped at the feel of his hardened cock pressed against her stomach, the length unmistakable even through all their layers of clothing. He buried his face in her neck, breathing deeply as his thumb rubbed tantalizing circles on her hip.

  “Mmm, yes. You smell even sweeter today than you did yesterday, if such a thing is possible,” Dorin hummed, brushing his nose along her jaw.

  Rianne swallowed a moan as his lips pressed against her pulse point, her entire body feeling warm despite the cold air.

  “We should probably go, otherwise I’m going to take you back into the castle and lock you in my chambers for the rest of the day,” Dorin practically growled, pulling away from her.

  She shivered at the sudden rush of cold air, instantly missing his warmth, but she knew it wouldn’t be a good idea to keep down the line they were walking.

  “So, what exactly are we going to be riding?” Rianne asked after clearing her throat.

  “You’ll see.” Dorin grinned, taking her hand and leading her out of the gates.

  At first, she thought he was taking her into the village outside the gates, but instead he turned and followed the castle walls until they reached the forest. Once there, he let out a shrill whistle, looking up into the trees. She looked up as well, surprised when one of the trees started moving.

  “What is it?” Rianne whispered, moving to clutch his arm.

  Before he could answer, a white horse-like creature came floating out of the tree, quickly followed by another black one. They had wings that stretched out twice the length of their bodies and nearly two feet wide. On each of their foreheads was a small horn, though they differed in lengths. The white one’s horn was about four inches long, while the black one had a horn that was nearly six inches long. Both were bigger than the Clydesdales she’d seen in parks and on Budweiser commercials.

  “This is Rysad and Alyla. They’re pegamies, winged horses,” Dorin said, urging her closer.

  “They’re beautiful,” Rianne murmured.

  “Yes, and very proud. They only allow certain people to ride them. I have been riding Rysad since I was a boy. His mate, Alyla, has been waiting for you,” Dorin told her.

  “Me? Why me?” Rianne asked, looking at the white horse-creature.

  “Because she is mated to Rysad and so can only allow my mate to ride her,” Dorin explained.

  “So she’s never been ridden before?” Rianne asked, holding her hand out to Alyla.

  “No,” Dorin answered, watching her.

  “Then how do you know she’ll let me ride her?” Rianne questioned, smiling as Alyla pressed her nose into Rianne’s hand.

  “Because she knows you, just as Rysad knows me,” Dorin said simply, petting his own pegamy.

  “What about saddles?” Rianne asked.

  “Alyla will not let you fall,” Dorin assured her.

  Rianne bit her lip, knowing any further doubts she voiced would be met with that same assurance. Dorin grinned as she continued to pet Alyla, marveling at the softness of her fur.

  “Are you ready to ride her?” Dorin asked.

  “I’m not sure how,” Rianne said nervously.

  Even as she said the words, Alyla bowed down on her front two legs, lowering her body enough so Rianne could easily climb onto the beast’s back. Dorin chuckled at her surprised gasp, climbing onto Rysad’s back easily.

  “Trust her, danalya. She won’t steer you wrong,” Dorin promised.

  Tentatively, Rianne moved to Alyla’s side, her hand trailing through the fur. Alyla gave a soft whinny as Rianne hoisted herself onto the pegamy’s back. She waited until Rianne was settled before standing to her full height. Rianne instantly grabbed hold of Alyla’s mane, gripping the smooth hair tightly in her hands.

  “Oh, my. This is high,” Rianne breathed, looking down at the ground.

  “Alyla won’t let you fall,” Dorin reassured her.

  Rianne nodded, focusing on keeping her seat more than on his words. Alyla nickered, turning her large head around to nip gently at Rianne’s shoes. Laughing at the playful gesture, Rianne finally relaxed into the horse-like creature.

  “Good. Now, how about a ride?” Dorin asked, grinning slyly.

  “As in fly?” Rianne asked, instantly tensing back up again.

  Dorin laughed at her obvious unease, throwing his head back as the sound echoed through the trees. Rysad shifted underneath him, snorting in what appeared to be impatience.

  “Not for your first time. I thought you might like to see more of the countryside. There’s a hill a few miles away that’s tall enough for you to see the ocean from the peak. I thought we might ride there. On the ground,” Dorin added, teasing her.

  “I didn’t realize we were that close to the sea,” Rianne said as they began moving.

  Alyla seemed perfectly content following Rysad’s lead through the woods, keeping pace with the larger male easily. Rianne let the pegamy have the lead, unsure about how to control the beast.

  “We’re closer to the sea than the mountains, which is good for many of our people. We have villages within our borders that are made up entirely of sea shifters. They live closest to the sea, but we can get to them within an hour if need be,” Dorin told her as they rode along.

how big is your kingdom?” Rianne asked, wanting to learn more about this mysterious place.

  “The wolves’ territory stretches from the eastern shore of Emddyn Bay to the west along the shore of the Roertia Sea. We have all the territory to the north and go as far south as the Liald River, which runs west from the southernmost tip of the Emddyn Bay,” Dorin answered.

  “Okay, that means nothing to me,” Rianne sighed.

  “I’ll show you the map when we return to the castle,” Dorin promised with a chuckle.

  “Promise?” Rianne asked, mock glaring at him.

  “Promise.” Dorin nodded, holding a hand over his heart.

  Rianne found herself smiling, enjoying the easiness of just being with him. As they continued on their journey, she realized just how much she liked it and began to worry that she might just be falling for him.

  She quickly shook that thought off, telling herself it was impossible to fall in love with someone after only two days. Besides, she still fully intended on returning home as soon as she found a way.

  * * * *

  The sound of swords clashing rang throughout the lists as the warriors went through their afternoon training. Dorin easily spotted Nikolas in the middle of the mayhem, standing nearly a foot taller than the wolves around him.

  Rianne stood beside him, her arm threaded through his as they made their way along the outer edge of the yard. A bench stood against the wall about halfway down, and that’s where he led her to, settling down beside her as they watched the fight going on.

  “Do they do this often?” Rianne asked, wincing at the sound of metal hitting metal.

  “Every day, though not always with swords,” Dorin admitted, taking her hand in his.

  Rianne gasped as Nikolas received a blow to his shoulder, but the giant bear just roared before going after the offender that much harder. In a matter of minutes, the wolf was pleading for the polar to stop. Dorin didn’t recognize the man, but Nikolas looked furious as he forced the smaller wolf to his knees before calling the match.


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