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More Than Summer

Page 3

by Shawn Lane

  “You don’t waste time.”

  “Nope.” I smiled. “What’s the point?”

  “What indeed?” Brady pulled mine out, now fully erect, and I arched against him, our dicks sliding along each other. He let out a ragged moan.

  I gripped his shoulders, mouthing his neck as he got his long fingers around the heads of both our shafts, the precum leaking from them making them slick and moist. Somewhere above us a gull let out a piercing cry.

  “Brady,” I groaned out, my teeth finding the pulse of his throat.

  “Fuck yeah.”

  His grip on our cocks became tighter and faster, both of us losing control. I moved against him, desperate to come. I could feel him shaking beneath me, and I reached down to add my hand to his, moving my fingers to roll his balls. His moan was loud on the mostly quiet deck and he rocked against me, moving frantically. My own balls pulled tight and released cum all over us as I sucked a bruise against his collarbone. Only seconds later, Brady’s ejaculate joined mine, coating our hands and jeans all over.

  When I came down from the high, I chuckled. “We made quite the mess.”

  He kissed me. “We’ll clean up in a bit and go get some dinner. Wine tasting tomorrow? I booked us a limo service that does that kind of thing.”

  “I’m going to get spoiled,” I murmured.

  “That’s the idea.” He snuggled me closer to him, and for several long moments we just continued to lie together in the sun.

  * * * *

  I was feeling more than a little tipsy after our stop at the third winery on our itinerary, and Brady suggested we have the lunch we’d brought. The fourth winery had a pretty little picnic area by a lake that included tables and chairs, so we fetched the basket from the back of the limo and set up our lunch.

  Brady handed me a bottle of water. “So, why a nurse?”

  I shrugged. “I like helping people. Caring for them. Especially when they’re the most vulnerable, I guess. When they really need an advocate. Nothing’s worse than being sick or injured and scared. If I can help ease that even a little, I’m happy. And that’s what I wanted to do.”

  “That sounds amazing. You really are a sweetheart.”

  I ducked my head, knowing I was blushing, and peered into the basket. “Roast beef sandwich or tuna salad?”

  “Roast beef.”

  I handed him the sandwich and took a tuna for myself.

  “You know,” Brady said, and then he took a drink for his own water. “I had a crush on you when we were kids.”

  I laughed. “You had a crush on me? Get real.”

  “No, it’s true.” He looked very serious. “Whenever I saw you, you made my tummy tingle. I didn’t understand why or what to do with that for the longest time. I used to steal glances at you in class. And you never seemed to notice me. At least back then. I mean, we became friends eventually, but at first, I knew I liked you. The way most of the boys my age liked the girls. I just didn’t get what it meant.”

  “I didn’t know that.” I reached for his hand and linked his fingers. “You were my first crush too.”

  “Yeah?” He grinned. “And now look where we are. Together again like old times.”

  I pursed my lips. “Well, not quite like old times.”

  “The fucking is new for sure.”

  “This trip has been amazing.” I gazed out over the winery grounds. “I wish it could have been longer. Can’t believe we have to go back tomorrow already.”

  “Someone has to be back to work at seven tomorrow night.”

  I smiled wistfully. “Yeah. My hours can be damned inconvenient sometimes.”

  “Mine too when I’m filming. We often do sixteen-hour days.”

  “Mmm. How much wine have we bought so far?”

  Brady took a moment to think about it. “I’ve bought three bottles, and you bought four.”

  “I don’t know how much more tasting I can handle,” I admitted. “I’m kind of sloshed now.”

  His smile was tender. “I noticed.”

  I didn’t know if it was the wine or the weather or the day or maybe just him. But I found myself staring at him, engrossed in all there was about him that was beautiful and unique. I wanted that. Wanted him. And I was very much afraid this was just a little summer fling and I’d never know these feelings quite like this again.

  He reached over and rubbed the thumb of his right hand across my bottom lip. “You have tuna there.”

  I pulled his thumb into my mouth and sucked, pleased when his eyes widened.

  “Behave,” he said, breathlessly. “We’re in public.”

  “Yeah.” I let him go and he moved his hand away from my face. “Are we done here? Want me to clean up?”

  “Yep. I think we can only handle maybe one more winery before I’ll have to carry you into the house at Bodega Bay.”


  We cleaned up our picnic, returned to our limo, and rode onto our next destination. But I was a little sad. It would be over too soon, and I was falling a little in love with Brady all over again.

  * * * *

  Brady stood at the window of the living room of the Bodega Bay house. I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

  “I should buy this place. Should I buy this place?’

  “Uh. I don’t know. How often would you use it? It’s not like you’re going to live here, right? Too far from your work and all.”

  “Yeah, but right now other people can rent it. If I bought it, it would be only for me.”

  “Hmm. True. But can you be so selfish as to keep this gorgeous place from everyone else? I mean, come on, Brady, you already have a pretty fabulous place.”

  He sighed. “You’re right. You’re too smart for your own good. I’m just being…”

  “Just being?”

  “Sentimental I guess.” Brady laughed at himself and then turned in my arms to face me. “Which is very unlike me. Want to go to bed?”

  “Mm. Thought you’d never ask.”

  I slipped my hand into his and pulled him with me into the master bedroom. It didn’t have the opulence of Brady’s room back home, but it was nice and cozy. I pushed him toward the bed.

  “Take your clothes off,” I ordered, and reached for the strip of condoms we’d left on the dresser from the night before. This time I was going to fuck him. Adrenaline pumped through me. I started ridding myself of my own clothes too.

  I took a moment to admire his nudity as he lay down on his stomach on the bed, ass in the air, ready and waiting for me to prepare him. Once I was done undressing, I scooped up the lube and snapped the lid.

  “God, you are so hot,” I said as I rolled a condom over my hard dick. I couldn’t wait to be fucking him. I wanted to bury myself in that tight, perfect ass.

  Crawling behind him on the bed, I squeezed out an extremely generous amount of slick lube and pushed two fingers inside him. Brady grunted.

  “All right?”

  “Uh-huh.” He had his face buried in the pillow. He rose up a little, offering me better access to him. I curled a finger upward, and he howled. “Fuck, Jere.”

  “Good? Or bad?”

  “Good, God damn it.”

  I laughed as I shoved a third lubed digit inside him, scissoring them into him.

  Brady’s hand was under him, stroking his cock.

  I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to have him. I pulled out my fingers, rubbed more lube onto my sheathed dick, and pushed in.

  I inhaled deeply, then slowly exhaled as I eased myself in, waiting for him as his muscles loosened and let me in. I gripped the sheets beside him and gritted my teeth against the need to come. It was so much. His ass clenching around my hardness.

  “You can move,” Brady said beneath me. He sounded amused.

  “Thank God.” I began moving within him, pumping his ass as my hands dug into his hipbones. It had been far too long since I’d topped and I’d almost forgotten how good it could feel.

  He rose
up onto his knees, pushing back against me, taking my cock deeper up his ass. “Ah, fuck, damn, that’s—that’s good.”

  I couldn’t agree more as I slammed into him. His fist was now wrapped tight around his cock, and he was jerking himself hard and fast. It sent an intense thrill up my spine as I turned the angle of my thrusts just a little, partially lifting him off the bed.

  “Jere, I’m gonna—”

  “Do it,” I urged. “Do it, please.”

  As his dick erupted, his ass muscles squeezed my shaft, wringing one the best fucking orgasms of my life out of me. He collapsed under me, which caused me to fall on him as I pulled out. Chuckling against his upper back, I place a kiss there, just under the nape.

  “Hot damn,” he muttered.

  “Yeah.” I huffed a breath against his hot, sweaty skin. “Yeah.”

  * * * *

  The drive home was pretty quiet for both of us. We spent some time talking politics and current events, but most of the time we just played music and sang along with the songs we liked. Badly, I might add. It was a comfortable, companionable trip where neither of us felt the need to fill the hours with too much chitchat.

  The closer we got to Los Angeles, though, the heavier my mood got. We hadn’t really talked much about the future between us other than vague “next time we should do this” sentences. They were meaningless really, and I knew it.

  I found myself wishing I’d gotten more days off to take with him to Bodega Bay. I’d just used my regular days off, but I could have asked for a paid vacation day or two or even switched shifts with some other nurses. I wished I had. Now I was going back and wondering if I would see Brady Laurens again or if it would just be on my TV screen.

  It had been a long time since I’d felt such contentment. Such connection. To any guy. Yeah, it had been a vacation, so there hadn’t been much time for tension or problems between us. And that likely contributed to my starry outlook. No pun intended.

  But the only way to find out if we could also handle not so fun things between us was to try. Which I wanted to. Really. Basically I just didn’t know how to broach the subject without sounding like a needy, lovestruck fan with a celebrity.

  And the truth was, I was too chickenshit to ask.

  So I remained silent. Pretty soon, too soon, he was pulling up to the curb in front of my Laurel Canyon rental.

  “So.” Brady ran his hand through his hair. He was wearing sunglasses, so I couldn’t even see his eyes. “Listen.”

  Like I could do anything else. And here it came. I waited.

  “As I said before, when I’m filming I can be working sixteen-hour days. Several in a row. And those days are hell. I come home and fall into bed. That’s all I can do. And if I start getting film roles like I want to, there are times I’ll probably be gone for months at a time. Our schedules will never match. The reporters and all that, they never leave me alone. Sometimes they go to restaurants I’m at, they take pictures of me buying cheese, for God’s sake. They’ll write about who I’m fucking or not fucking or who I broke up with or am supposedly seeing and everything in between. It’ll be lies. I’ll be expected to go to premieres and promote stuff and just…such bullshit. But that’s my life. That’s what I signed up for. But you didn’t. And then there’s your life. What do you typically work? Four twelve-hour days in a row? Dealing with sick people? That’s got to be rough, Jere.”

  I nodded, letting out a long breath. “I know, Brady. I get it.”

  He frowned. “Get it?”

  I waved my hand. “This. Us. It was just a fling. It’s not like I didn’t understand. I’m a consenting adult. I wasn’t expecting anything else.”

  “Oh.” Because of the sunglasses, I couldn’t really read his expression, those dark eyes. But his tone was very neutral.

  “It’s okay,” I said softly.


  “What is?”

  “I was going to say that despite all of that I want this—this between us—to be more than just a summer thing. I want to keep seeing you. See where it can take us. In spite of all of the obstacles. Or I wanted to.” He turned his head to gaze out his windshield, straight ahead. “I really like you, Jeremiah. Again. Or still. Just like in school. I know it’s crazy maybe. We don’t really have much in common but great sex and knowing each other when we were kids. But…I’d hoped.”

  I grabbed his face in my hands and turned him toward me, pressing my lips to his in a hard, deep kiss. It was my stomach tingling now.

  He pulled back, his mouth beginning to curve in just a hint of a smile.

  “Take these off.” I pulled off his sunglasses. His eyes were twinkling with merriment. And I found myself smiling in response. “So, Brady Laurens, I want the same thing. I want to spend time together. Maybe see if I can stand you for more than a weekend of fun, wine, and sex.”


  He drew me back to him and kissed me for a long time.

  As I got out of his Corvette later, just before he was about to pull away, I remembered something. I ran after him and tapped on the car. He lowered the window.

  “You still have my wine,” I reminded him.

  He grinned. “You’ll have to come to my house and get it.”

  I laughed. “Okay. Deal.”

  Brady winked. “Bye, babe.”

  And as I watched him drive away, I couldn’t keep the smile from my face. I looked down as I turned and realized I held his sunglasses. I pulled out my phone.

  Tapped out, Got your glasses. You’ll have to come to my house to get them.

  Loose Id Titles by Shawn Lane

  At Long Last: Scott & Preston

  California Dreaming

  Car Wash

  More Than Summer

  Most Likely to Succeed

  One More Time

  * * * *


  The Crush Revisited

  Shawn Lane

  Shawn Lane is a multi-published author of gay romances and believes love and passion know no boundaries. Happily Ever After is for everyone.

  She lives in California and holds down a boring day job in a legal department of a giant corporation dreaming of the nights and weekends when she can create new stories.

  Find out more about Shawn Lane on her Web site and blog:

  Main Web site:

  Shawn Lane Writes Romance blog:




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