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One Steamed Night

Page 3

by Lara Nance

  She settled in the chair he held. The rich aroma of seasoned meat made her stomach growl.

  “There are fruits and cheeses, as well. My ship’s cook is quite accomplished.”

  Besides the duck and veggies, Ross uncovered plates of cheeses, a dish of sautéed spinach, a bowl of pickled artichokes, and figs stuffed with cream cheese. “Allow me to choose the best pieces for you.” He forked a bite of the duck and carried it to her mouth.

  “This is wonderful,” she murmured between his offerings. Being fed was pampering beyond her experience, and she loved it. She smiled and offered him an artichoke heart with her fork.

  “Mmm.” He ran his tongue over his lips after swallowing.

  They continued sharing food and staring into each other’s eyes until she finally raised a hand. “I’m going to burst out of this corset if I eat more. But thank you, it was wonderful.”

  “My lady, one last treat. You may like some chocolates I’ve saved for a special occasion.” He rose and strode to his desk.

  “Please, call me Mina.”

  Ross paused and turned to face her. “Mina. What a pretty name.”

  She lowered her eyes and heat rushed to her face. Wow. A shiver of anticipation rocked her. Her name had never sounded so sensual.

  “These chocolates came from Switzerland.” He withdrew a red velvet box from a desk drawer. “I’m told they’re the finest in the world.”

  Mina pushed back from the table when he came toward her and leaned against it at her side. After removing the top of the box, he extracted a round piece and extended his hand. “Try one.”

  His warm gaze lit a fire in her belly that traveled down her legs. He placed the chocolate before her lips, and his fingers grazed her cheek. The simple yet intimate offering made her squirm in her seat, and she accepted the silky smooth sweetness into her mouth.

  “Mmm.” Her eyes fluttered closed and when she opened them again, Ross knelt by her side, his face only inches from hers. She sucked in a breath, and her pulse raced.

  Taking her hand, he raised it to his lips, planting a soft kiss on each fingertip. “My lady, forgive me, but your beauty and bravery has overwhelmed me. Is there any hope you might view a mere captain as one who could win your heart?”

  Mina tried to move her lips to respond, but his blue eyes held her captive, leaving her breathless. His warm breath tickled her cheek. Everything about him combined to completely overwhelm her. Surely he heard her pounding heart.

  He lowered his head and gently rotated her hand to expose her wrist. Slowly, he tugged each gloved finger then slid the velvet from her hand. His lips pressed against the tender flesh of her palm, burning like a brand that sent sparks shooting up her arm. The simple sensual act turned her on more than anything any man had ever done. Heat pooled in her lower belly. He trailed kisses up her forearm, and her nipples hardened within the confining fabric of her bustier. Such exquisite torture.

  The kisses ceased when he reached her elbow and he lifted his head. His searching glance begged permission to continue.

  The best she could manage was an attempted smile she hoped he took as encouragement. Then she disengaged her hand and softly grazed his cheek with her knuckles. A muscle twitched and his pupils dilated. Exhaling, she raked her fingers through his long hair and a guttural groan rumbled in his chest.

  “Mina,” he whispered, then gently pushed her back until her shoulders met the chair. His hands gripped her waist and she arched her back, the tight corset forcing her breasts up. He kissed the rounded creamy flesh as though worshiping at a shrine then had his tongue travel across the area where skin met fabric.

  Her eyes popped wide at the tingling heat running from the trail of his mouth. Dear God, it was the most stimulating experience she’d ever had. He ran his tongue deeper to explore the dangerous area of cloth-hidden flesh, sliding beneath the surface and licking at her nipples. She moaned and clutched his shoulders, pulling him closer.

  “Do you like that?” The hunky captain raised his head, his breath coming fast. “You’re more delicious than those expensive chocolates. I’m afraid this appetizer has whetted my appetite for the main course. What say you, my lady?”

  The teasing left her eager for more. Swallowing and nodding, she crushed her lips against his. He moved his arms around her hips and grasped her bottom, pulling her close. The satin of her skirt swished as she grasped her legs around his chest.

  “You are completely delectable,” he murmured between kisses, as he slowly circled his warm tongue with hers, tracing fire.

  “Captain, you’re pretty, mmm, delectable yourself.” She gently raked her nails down his neck, massaging his nape, then stroked his taut shoulder muscles.

  He rose, pulled her to her feet and swept her into his strong arms. She gasped and snaked an arm about his neck for support. A laugh of sheer delight gurgled in her throat.

  With a swift grin, he planted a kiss on her lips. “Shall we to bed, my darling? I’ve a mind to ravish your luscious body from head to toe.”

  “Let the ravishing begin, Captain.” Snuggling against his broad chest, she reveled in the fire coursing through her veins.

  “The bed may not be what you’re used to.” He lowered her to settle on its edge. “But I’ll try to make you not care.”

  She laughed and then bit her bottom lip as he jerked his white ruffled shirt over his head, exposing the curves of his muscles. When he shook back his long hair in a gesture of manly glory, she almost lost her breath.

  If this was a dream, she never wanted to wake. If this was the evening planned by Madame Eve, the woman had fulfilled Mina’s wishes beyond belief.

  Ross knelt in front of her and ran his hands up her legs under her skirt. He loosened the ribbons of her garter and peeled down the fishnet hose. Then he encircled her waist with his hands, caressing up to her armpits, and lower to her back. His deft fingers released the hooks along her spine and her bustier fell away. Her breasts hung loose, aching for his hands.

  Mina didn’t have to wait long for her skirt to follow the bodice. It slid down her legs, then her lover pressed her backward on the bed. After removing his boots and pants, he crawled atop her and lowered his long, warm body.

  “You are so beautiful.” He cupped a breast, running his thumb over her nipple.

  A shock of pleasure shot through her, sending her wiggling beneath him, his hard cock firm against her thigh. Wetness dampened her panties. After whisking them away, he moved his fingers to explore her slick heat.

  Burning passion rose, forcing out an involuntary, little cry from her. Tracing her fingertips along his muscled back to his firm butt, was a glorious discovery of toned firm flesh. She ground her hips and, grinned at his sharp inhale. Her hair had fallen loose from its pins and pooled across the pillow and he buried his face in it.

  After a moment, Ross eased down and used his warm tongue to tease her nipples and her groin tensed. An ache inside her begged for him to be inside her, longing for his fullness. Arching her back, she clamped her hands against his buttocks, but he wouldn’t be deterred from his leisurely tour of her torso that continued to her abdomen, and then to her mound.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” she said, forcing the words between gritted teeth.

  “That was my plan,” he murmured in a low, sexy voice.

  “Two can play this game.” It was easy to snake a leg to capture his so she could straddle him.

  A grin flashed and his eyes grew dark with his own passion.

  Running her palms up his chest to his breasts, she tweaked his nipples until he groaned.

  “Damn, woman.”

  Replacing her fingers with her lips and teeth, she circled and nipped. He grabbed her hips, and threw back his head. Trailing kisses down his taut abs, she reached his cock, took the firm shaft in her hand and teased the tip with her lips.

  A deep moan echoed in his chest.

  With a feather-light tongue, she moved up and down until his legs thrashed among the sheets.
His enjoyment made her smile and she enveloped the hot member in her mouth, squeezing its base.

  In return, he grasped her head, rubbing his fingertips across her scalp. Lifting his hips, he pushed into her mouth, continuing to groan in pleasure.

  Finally, he drew her upward until they were chest to chest. “You are one amazing woman. I want you. I want to be in you.”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Do you have a condom or whatever you call them in this time? A sheath maybe?”

  His low, sultry chuckle had her pulses racing. “We’ll call them condoms. Oh yeah, I have plenty.”

  With a hearty laugh of her own, she allowed him to roll from beneath her, and he swung his legs over the side of the berth.

  “I’ve my own brand, as a matter of fact.” He strode to his desk, his erect cock swinging. After opening a drawer, he extracted a string of silver packets and carried it to the bed. After stripping one off, he handed it to her.

  Mina squinted in the dim gas light. The front of the packet had a design of clock parts—wheels and cogs. The label read, Cockwork Condoms. She burst out laughing at the play of words. “So these are steampunk condoms?”

  “Exactly, my lady. Invented them myself.” Retrieving the pack from her, he ripped it open. With a deft move, he unrolled the silver-colored latex over his cock and climbed into the bed.

  Her heart beat faster as he stalked across the mattress, for all the world like a panther hunting its prey with a hard, intent stare.

  She wet her lips, and spread her legs as he crawled atop her. Ross moved his lips to hers, hard and insistent, tongue thrusting as his hips moved.

  The manly captain lowered a hand to position his hard cock, and she lifted her torso from the bed when he thrust. He answered her cry of pleasure with a rumbling growl. They rocked together, in sync as though not their first time making love. Poised above her, supported by his hands, he gazed at her with eyes full of passion, and something else...amazement?

  The look mirrored her own feelings. This had to be more than a one-night stand. It seemed more like two bodies coming together, finding each other after a long journey. Could it actually be real? Mina didn’t care whether she dreamed or not. That question could wait until tomorrow. All that mattered was Ross and this moment. This perfect moment.

  “Ah, woman. You’re more than I ever dreamed of.” Lowering his head, he focused on her lips, planting a deep searching kiss that left her breathless.

  With his face cupped between her hands, she returning the kiss with all her heart. “You, Captain, are all that I ever dreamed of.”

  He smiled, and nuzzled her neck, quickening his thrusts. With his intensified efforts, the muscles of his back bunched.

  Her skin burned and a shiver started in her belly then spread down her legs. She clasped him to her. A second later, he gave a low cry, sucking in a quick breath and collapsed atop her, breathing hard, a fine sheen of sweat coating his skin. Murmuring a soothing sound in his ear, she lightly trailed her fingertips down his back. His warm weight on her created a post-coital cocoon that enveloped her in cozy security.

  “Mina?” Ross murmured near her ear.


  “That was fantastic.” He planted a kiss on her temple.

  “Mmm hmm. Don’t move,” she ordered.

  “Yes, my lady.”

  Chapter Three

  Mina juggled a bag of groceries, her purse, and a ring of keys as she attempted to unlock her apartment door. Finally succeeding, she pushed through and went in. She unloaded the groceries on the kitchen counter and tossed her purse on the sofa.

  It had been two weeks since her fantasy one-night stand and she couldn’t stop thinking about Ross. After the fantastic evening in his cabin, she’d awakened in the strange hotel room, back in her black silk pajamas. Surely he was a real person. He had to exist. Despite her attempts to contact him through Madame Eve though, his identity remained a secret.

  She uncorked a bottle of merlot and poured a glass, kicked off her pumps, then settled in a plush chair beside the couch with a heavy sigh.

  Madame Eve had to be a magician to make her fantasy come true. Mina remained intrigued with her match. Had Ross wanted a similar experience that convinced Madame Eve to hook them up in that crazy, steampunk setting? Did he still think about her, or had it simply been a pleasurable evening of role playing?

  With a sigh, she returned to the kitchen to refill her glass. Hearing a knock on her door, she headed for the foyer and peered through the peephole. Nothing. Strange. Who had it been? She almost turned away, but some strange impulse urged her to open the door anyway.

  The hall outside sat empty, the elevator silent. Then her gaze fell to a white envelope on the carpet. The scrolled script on the front sent her heart racing. That handwriting had been on all the correspondence from Madame Eve. When she bent to retrieve the note, a lump rose in her throat.

  Closing the door, she returned to her seat in the living room and opened the envelope. Unlike the last time, it didn’t contain a message: only two tickets for Steamcon, a steampunk event. Taking place in Seattle in two weeks.

  At first, she dismissed using them. Why would she traipse across the country for a convention of people who liked to dress up in Victorian garb and pretend they were in another era? Then again, maybe those folks were kindred spirits. People who wanted to live in a different century and face adventures. Madame Eve could be directing her to seek her element among the creative members of that community.

  She pulled up the website for the convention on her laptop. Incredible. Seemed over three thousand people attended the event. Wow. A rush of excitement hit her brain. That may be what she’d been missing—a group of likeminded people. She’d never find what she wanted visiting bars in New York.

  Seattle. She looked for a ticket. Bam. Booked. All set.

  Steamcon, look out.


  Mina tugged on her corset and glanced down to make sure her breasts hadn’t escaped the boned garment. She settled her top hat on her curls and grinned. Folks dressed in steampunk garb strolled along the wide corridor of the hotel, headed for the marketplace. There were no familiar faces, but strangely she felt at home there.

  “Cool outfit.” A passing woman touched her elbow and smiled.

  “Thanks. Love yours, too.”

  A man on stilts strode by and doffed his top hat in her direction. She laughed and waved. These people are so creative. The costumes she’d seen so far amazed her. It would be easy to imagine the folks wearing them in the setting of her one-night stand adventure.

  She entered a large room where vendors displayed their wares for sale. Everything from books to costumes, booths for jewelry made from clock parts, Victorian hats, shoes and role-playing games. With everyone in costume and staying in their steampunk roles, it made for an interesting shopping experience. She almost imagined herself back in that strange world she’d entered via the Castillo hotel.

  “This is completely different from anything you can buy at your local drug store.” A male voice penetrated her thoughts. Sounded familiar.

  She pushed through a crowd gathered in front of a booth. A table held a complicated clockwork contraption that looked like a grandfather clock had thrown up. A tall, blond man stood behind it, pointing to the device.

  A gasp stole her breath. Although he appeared different, it was Ross.

  “This new invention allows a man to place a condom either prior to, or after erection.” He gestured to his mechanism. “Watch.”

  The crowd snickered and giggled, shifting and elbowing each other.

  Ross placed one of the silver rubbers on what represented a flaccid penis. Then he cranked a wheel on the side, and the mechanical cock began to grow with the condom expanding over it.

  Claps and cat-calls heralded the fully erect and successfully sheathed dildo.

  He spread his hands. “There you have it. The Cockwork Condom. Guaranteed to work from start to finish. And don’t forget the unique s
ilver color, perfect for the discerning gentleman.”

  The audience laughed. Several stepped up to make purchases. Mina couldn’t stop looking at Ross. It had to be him. He was a real person, with a real business. What would he say when he saw her? Would he be happy, or embarrassed to face her after the arranged evening?

  Indecision urged her to leave, but an indefinable instinct cemented her feet to the floor. Her breathing increased as he joked with his customers, bagging strips of his invention.

  The crowd finally cleared. Ross adjusted his mechanical device and ran fingers through his hair. While scanning the crowd, his glance rested on her. His eyes widened, and in a fluid movement, he leapt over the table. Rushing forward, he grabbed her shoulders.

  “Mina. God. I can’t believe it. Is it really you?” A slight furrow wrinkled his brow as he searched her face..

  She gulped back a laugh. “Yes. Yes. It’s really me.”

  Releasing her shoulders, he drew her into a close hug. “I thought I’d never see you again. Madame Eve doesn’t reveal her clients, despite my desperate attempts to locate you after the one-night stand. She kept telling me to have faith and everything would work out the way it’s supposed to.”

  “I know. I tried, too. Finally I gave up, and then I got tickets to this event, delivered.” A sense of disbelief swept through her.

  With gentle fingers, he brushed her hair from her forehead and removed her top hat. “Seems there are forces at work to bring us together.”

  “Whatever it is, I’m thrilled to be with you again.” She grinned, reveling in his encompassing, loving gaze. “This time, there will be no playacting. We don’t need that.”

  “No. All I need is you, Mina Davis.” He captured her mouth with his, making her his own.


  Lara Nance grew up and lived in many cities throughout the South. She loves to write in a variety of genres within the scope of women’s fiction. But the basis of all her stories is a tale that will entertain and intrigue.


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