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Her Cowboy In Charge

Page 5

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Clay, I would love to stay here and take care of him,” she beamed. “I’m really flattered that you want me to.”

  “Shoot, I’d be real grateful. Besides, I’ve stayed at your house so much over the last couple of months, I owe you.”

  “We both know that’s been my fault, and I’m sorry. I was an idiot.”

  “I’m just glad you’re okay with stayin’ here now,” Clay smiled.

  “I am, totally. I’ll bring over my computer and write while he’s sleeping. In fact, I’m thinking I might even include him in the book.”

  “It’s about a stalker, right? Isn’t that what you told me?”

  “Yep, a stalker in a small town much like Whitefish,” she laughed.

  “If I can get back tomorrow night I will, but it’s doubtful.”

  “Honestly, it’s fine. It will be a treat staying here.”

  “Then it’s settled,” he declared. “So…how do you like the chicken and mom’s barbecue sauce?”

  “Fantastic, and I’m not just saying that, and the cornbread and salad is great. In fact, the only thing that isn’t quite up to snuff is the honey butter,” she finished, then seeing the look on his face she burst out laughing. “Just kidding! It’s fabulous. Super fabulous.”

  “You had me goin’ there,” he said shaking his finger at her. “You should be a poker player.”

  They chatted and joked through the rest of the meal, then together they cleaned up the dishes. He washed, she dried, and when she’d put the last plate in the cabinet, she pulled out one of the stools from under the kitchen island and sat down. As she watched him wipe the counter tops, she thought he moved with the grace of a big cat, and she loved how his dark hair fell just over the back of his collar.

  “I can feel you starin’,” he said without turning around.

  “You have amazing shoulders,” she sighed. “I mean, really amazing. You should’ve been a surfer.”

  “I am a surfer, or I used to be.”

  “You were?”

  “Don’t you remember me telling you I went to college at Cal State?” he asked, turning to face her.

  “Oh, that’s right. I forgot. Did you like living there?”

  “Yeah, it was fun, but I sure missed the mountains, and I missed the change of seasons even more.”

  “I can totally understand that,” she said, and slipping off her stool she walked over to him put her arms around his neck. “I can’t wait to experience my first white winter. Will you keep me warm?”

  “I’ll keep your butt warm,” he said softly, wrapping his arms around her.

  “Butterflies,” she whispered.

  “That’s always a good sign,” he replied, then fisting her hair he yanked back her head and gazed down at her. “Ya know there’s two kinds of spankin’.”

  “There are?” she breathed, thinking if he let go of her hair her knees would buckle.

  “Sure. There’s good, old-fashioned punishment, then there’s slow, sensuous spankin’. Maybe I’ll introduce you to that later. You’re stayin’ over, right?”

  “I, uh, thought I’d be so weirded out I’d leave here pretty quick, so I didn’t bring a change of clothes.”

  “Why do you need a change of clothes?”

  “I guess I don’t,” she replied feeling her heart pump. “You know you’re holding my hair really tightly.”

  “Yep, you’re right, I do know that,” he said, his voice suddenly a deep rasp.


  “Cos you looked like you needed me to, and cos I felt like it.”

  “You’re making me totally weak,” she whimpered.

  “What if I did this?” he breathed into her ear, moving his free hand to cup and squeeze her breast.

  “Ooh, Clay, please, I can’t stand it.”

  “Babe, you put your bra back on. Didn’t I tell you about the rules for this house?”

  “R-rules?” she stammered.

  “No bra, no panties, and if you stick around, you sleep naked. Got it?”

  “Yeah,” she panted, “I got it.”

  “Good,” he purred, and sliding his mouth down to her neck he sucked in her skin.

  Crystal’s heart was madly thumping and her knees were jello. She silently begged him to lift her up and carry her back to his bed, or squash her lips with a maddeningly passionate kiss, or turn her over the cold granite kitchen island and take her from behind, maybe even land a few deliciously stinging swats, but to her great dismay he did none of those things.

  “I’m gonna go into the garage and find the box I stored Trooper’s things in,” he said as he raised his head. “You’re gonna go into the bedroom and take off your bra and your panties, and I’ll meet you back in the livin’ room.”

  “Uh-huh,” she breathed.

  “You’re wantin’ me real bad right now, aren’t you babe?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “So polite,” he smiled. “Not yet. Not for a while, and remember that fantasy I told you about? Tyin’ your ankles apart and makin’ you crazy?”


  “I’m gonna be doin’ that one of these days real soon, so you can think about it all afternoon,” he purred, then leaning in he kissed her lightly, released her hair, and engulfed her in a bear hug. “You feel real good.”

  “I love being held like this,” she sighed. “It’s the best feeling in the whole world.”

  “I’m thinkin’ the same thing,” he murmured.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “For what?”

  “Everything, absolutely everything.”

  “Back at ya.”

  Closing his eyes he breathed in the scent of her hair. His cock was hard and pressing against his jeans. He wanted her to feel it, he wanted her to ache for him, as he was aching for her. He’d been attracted to her from the moment he’d seen her, and as the weeks had passed his feelings had slowly grown, but now, suddenly, they were blossoming into full bloom. He didn’t know if it was because fate had placed Lucky in her path and sharing the dog’s rescue had somehow drawn them together, or if it was because he’d found a kinky kindred spirit. The reason didn’t matter. It was happening, and it was real.

  “Clay?” she said softly, breaking into his thoughts. “If I’m going to stay here I do have one request.”

  “Sure, whatever you want.”

  “The forty-niners are playing tonight. The game starts at five. Can we watch it?”

  “Are you puttin’ me on? You like football?”

  “Absolutely,” she exclaimed shifting in his arms. “I never miss my forty-niners.”

  “This day just gets better ’n better,” he grinned. “You’d best go and get rid of that underwear before I throw you over that island and fuck your brains out.”

  “Then I’m not going anywhere,” she whispered, placing her hand on his crotch.

  “Damn, girl,” he growled, “that’s not playin’ fair.”

  “Who said I play fair?” she asked, deftly unzipping his fly and slipping her against his bulge.

  “You’d better stop,” he warned.

  “Why? Don’t you like it?” she breathed, her fingers wiggling their way through his boxers.

  “Dammit, girl, you are so…”

  “So what?” she teased, tightening her hold.

  “I said, you’d better stop,” he repeated.

  “What will you do if I don’t?”

  Suddenly, with a swiftness that shocked her, he had flipped her over and she was bent across the island.


  Crystal let out a wail as Clay flipped up the tail of her shirt and ripped her lacy french-cut panties in two. Her startled cry didn’t surprise him, and he gazed at her perfect moons for only a moment before landing several hot slaps.

  “OW! OW! OW!”

  “I reckon that’s what you were wantin’, am I right?” he asked, landing two more quick swats. “The truth!“

  “Yes,” she panted, “yes, it was. Ooh, yo
ur hand is so hot.”

  “And your pussy is so wet,” he grunted, dropping his fingers into her sex. “So fuckin’ wet.”

  Not bothering to drop his jeans, he pulled his cock from his open zipper and placed it against her soaked entrance.

  “Ask nice.”

  “Ooh, Clay, please.”

  “Please what?”

  “Please take me.”

  “You mean, like this?” he growled thrusting forward.


  Gripping her hips he pulled her back from the edge of the island and began to pump with slow, powerful strokes. Thanks to their earlier escapade he knew he had staying power and he planned to take his time.

  “You are such a bad girl,” he grunted, spanking as he stroked.

  “If it gets me what I want I’m going to be bad all the time,” she gasped.

  He unexpectedly pulled out, and shifting to stand beside her, he circled her waist and dispatched a rapid volley of hard swats across the full width of her bottom.

  “STOP! I’ll be good, I swear, please,” she begged, squirming and kicking out her feet.

  Wordlessly he released her, then pulling off his trousers he watched her lay flat on the island as she put her hands on her seat to rub her seared skin. Stepping forward he grabbed her wrists and placed her arms above her head as he leaned over her body.

  “What were you sayin’ about bein’ a bad girl to get your way?” he asked, his breath hot in her ear.

  “You spanked me so hard,” she panted.

  “Yep, and now you’re gonna think twice before you think about manipulatin’ me again, right?”

  “Yes, yes, I’ll be good.”

  Moving his lips to her neck he nuzzled and kissed, then straightening up he returned his cock to her wet, waiting pussy and slipped inside. She bucked back at him, and resting his hands on her wonderfully warm backside he started to stroke, but this time with gusto.

  Crystal’s eyes were squeezed shut. She had provoked the spanking, she had wanted it and he had delivered, and though the heat of his hand had shocked her, it had also sent a ferocious need between her legs. He was riding her hard, and his legs were grazing her stinging sit spot with every thrust, but it only served to fuel her mushrooming moment.

  “Clay, I’m so close,” she stammered breathlessly. “It’s so big, it’s…it’s…”

  “Not so fast, little lady,” he muttered, pausing his cock but leaving it buried inside her.

  “Ooh, Clay, why did you stop?”

  “You wanted to feel my hand smack your butt, right?”

  “I did, yes,” she said breathlessly.

  “And you wanted to have me ravage you right here, just like I’m doin’?”

  “Yes, yes,” she said impatiently. “I still don’t know why you stopped.”

  “Just lettin’ you know there’s more than one way to punish a bad girl. We understand each other?”

  “Ooh, yes,” she bleated, wriggling furiously.

  “Your tail looks real pretty squirmin’ like that,” he remarked as he slowly pulled his cock back, “but if you want me to start up again you’d better keep it still.”

  “Ooh, Clay, you make me crazy.”

  “You ain’t seen nothin’,” he promised, and grasping her hips he plunged forward.

  Closing her eyes she surrendered to his battering ram, almost immediately feeling the onset of the powerful bubble waiting to burst. His piston was relentless and gathering speed, and curling her fingers into fists she held her breath ready for the eruption.

  “Let it happen,” he commanded, landing an unexpected swat.

  She hissed in the air as she threw back her head. A burst of pins and needles exploded through her brain as she felt his hands grab her waist. He was grunting and groaning, but as her orgasm seized her, shuddering through her body, the sound of his voice evaporated and the only thing she heard were her own howls of release. When the spasms finally began to abate she sank into the hard granite, and moments later he was pulling her into his arms.

  “My gosh, Clay,” she said breathlessly, “you’ve always been incredible, but not like this.”

  “Thanks, I think,” he muttered.

  “Your heart is pounding so hard.”

  “Let’s go lay down.”

  “That’s a plan,” she panted.

  Arm-in-arm they moved through the living room, passing Lucky who was still sleeping, and when they reached the bedroom and collapsed on the bed, Crystal snuggled up against him and let out a long, heavy sigh.

  “You okay, babe?”

  “I’m so much better than okay,” she said, “but I’m still out of breath.”

  “You and me both,” he remarked. “You’re gonna wear me out.”

  “I doubt that, but tell me, what is it?”

  “What’s what?”

  “Your…what should I call it? It’s not aggression, it’s… your fire. That’s it exactly. It’s as if you’re on fire.”

  “I am, and I haven’t felt way this in a long time.”

  “Since that other girl? What was her name?”

  “Emily, yeah, since Emily, but this is different.”

  “It is?”

  “Hell, yeah. With Emily it was more about what we were doin’.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean,” he said, taking a deep breath, “I didn’t have the connection with her that I have with you. I really care about you, Crystal.”

  “I care about you too,” she said softly, “more than you know. Being in your house, it’s sort of…brought it to the surface somehow.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean,” he frowned. “I don’t get why, but it has.”

  “It’s Lucky,” she said firmly.

  “You mean the dog, or it’s lucky that we’ve finally discovered we’re on the same page?”

  “Oh! I meant the dog,” she replied, “but yes, the same page thing too.”

  “You sure love to be spanked. You honestly didn’t know that about yourself?”

  “I’ve always been attracted to take charge guys, and the idea of it was somewhere in the back of my mind, but that’s about it.”

  “Do you want me to take charge of you, Crystal?” he asked, shifting to prop himself up on an elbow and stare down at her.

  “Uh, how do you mean?”

  “I mean, I’ll take the lead, and I’ll spank you for bein’ bad, and I mean I’ll spank you properly.”

  “You spanked me hard just now.”

  “Not hard like discipline.”

  “Why would I need it?”

  “Hmmm, if you ever put yourself in danger, or were bein’ a brat, or you deceived me about somethin’ important.”

  “Or if I agreed to something I didn’t want to?”

  “Especially if you agreed to somethin’ you didn’t want to,” he said firmly, “but I won’t be bossy or a bully, and I’ll cherish you. I’ll look out for you, and if there’s something you really want, or you have a goal, I’ll support you and help you get there, but like I said, I’ll be in charge. Is that something you think you’d like?”

  “Um, I think it’s something I’d like to try,” she said quietly. “In fact, this is all weirdly wonderful.”

  “Yeah, it’s been a weirdly wonderful day,” he grinned.

  “I’m feeling a bit shell-shocked though.”

  “I think I am a bit too,” he frowned. “We’ll just take this whole thing a day at a time and see how it pans out.”

  “You’re in charge,” she giggled.

  “Why do I think you’re gonna be more of a handful than you are already?”

  “What? Worried I’m going to be too much for you?”

  “Not even for a single second, little girl. Not for a single second.”

  “You just gave me goose bumps. Let’s go find Trooper’s box of tricks?”

  “I think that’s a very good idea, and if a certain someone tries to hijack me again, she’ll find herself in a whole mes
s of trouble.”

  “A strong, tough cowboy like you was hijacked? What’s the world coming to?”

  “You’re cruisin’ for another ass bruisin’,” he winked. “Let’s go find that box before you end up bein’ too sore to sit down.”

  “Clay,” she said softly, her sassy grin disappearing.

  “Yes, babe?”

  “Please will you give me a hug?”

  “Sure,” he purred putting his arms around her. “Why so serious all of a sudden?”

  “I’m not sure,” she said softly. How can I tell you that you suddenly mean the world to me? How can I tell you that I never want the coming winter to end and the Spring to arrive?

  “It’s been a helluva day,” he said softly.

  A short while later, after a quick shower, as he donned a sweat suit he offered her one of his long sleeved T-shirts. She gratefully accepted. Her blouse had picked up some barbecue sauce from the kitchen island, and was seriously crumpled from their escapade.

  “That shirt looks a lot better on you than it ever did on me,” he winked as she rolled up the sleeves.

  “It’s so comfortable,” she remarked. “The cotton feels like silk.”

  “You really like it?”


  “It’s yours. Leave it here, take it back to your place, whatever you want.”


  “Yep. I want you to have it,” he said warmly, walking over and giving her a hug.

  “My gosh, thank you.”

  They headed out to the garage, and as they walked through the kitchen Clay stopped to pick up his jeans and boxers and take them into the laundry. Crystal saw her torn panties on the floor, and picking them up she broke into a smile.

  “Should I apologize?” he asked.

  “Not for a minute,” she grinned. “I’m going to keep these forever. That was a first, having my panties torn off, and it was amazing.”

  “I can promise you it won’t be the last.”

  “Then I guess I’d better buy a whole bunch more.”

  “I guess you’d better,” he chuckled.

  Clay knew exactly where Trooper’s box was, and entering the garage he reached up to a top shelf and carefully pulled it down. Carrying it into the kitchen he placed it on the island, then started up his coffee maker.


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