Book Read Free

Her Cowboy In Charge

Page 9

by Maggie Carpenter

  Willing his cock to go back to sleep, Clay had returned to the family home, and entering through the kitchen door he found his mother stirring a large saucepan on the stove.

  “Hello, honey. Would you like some cinnamon cake?” she asked. “It’s still warm from the oven.”

  “Why do you work so hard, mom? You know you don’t have to.”

  “This isn’t work, this is joy,” she beamed.

  “Yeah, I’d love some cake, and some coffee too. I’ll take it into the office. I have to send some information to Jeremy Clark, along with a bunch of other paperwork.”

  “Coffee’s in the pot, and I’ll slice you the cake.”

  “Where’s dad?” he asked, grabbing a mug and pouring himself the brew.

  “I’m not sure. He said something about taking a ride. Maybe he’s down at the stables.”

  “He only does that when he thinks he needs to clear his head. Is he doin’ okay?”

  “I’m sure he’s just getting some air,” she remarked. “There you go.”

  “Thanks, mom, it looks great.”

  “Clay, before you leave,” she began softly, “we’d like to meet this young lady of yours.”

  “Young lady of mine?” he chuckled. “Since when did you get so formal?”

  “How else should I put it? It’s been so long since you’ve brought anyone up here, I’m not sure what I should call her.”

  “Crystal,” he grinned. “Just call her Crystal.”

  “We’d like you two to pop down for a drink later, at the end of the day, after you’ve finished working.”

  “I would like you guys to meet, but it might be better if you came up to my place.”

  “That’d be fine, but any particular reason?”

  “You’ll think I’m bein’ foolish.”

  “When have I ever thought that about my smart son?” she twinkled.

  “You got me there,” he replied. “It’s Lucky, the dog I found. It’s his first day in the house and I’d rather not leave him alone just yet.”

  “That’s not foolish,” she declared, “and I agree. You shouldn’t, and I’m dying to meet him.”

  “Let me get some work done and think about, and I’ll pop back in before I leave.”

  “You mean, let me talk to Crystal,” she said with a wink.

  “I guess,” he sighed. “She’s just arrived too. She might not be ready to jump in the deep end right away. Meetin’ you guys is a big deal.”

  “Sure, hon, I understand. Just let me know.”

  Kissing her on the cheek, Clay headed to his office carrying his snack. The door was open, and he kicked it shut with his foot as he entered, then placing the cake and coffee on his desk he dropped into the chair and called Crystal’s cell phone. She answered immediately.

  “Hi, babe, what are you doin? Nothin’ you shouldn’t, I hope.”

  “I’m working on my book,” she replied, “and I wouldn’t dream of doing anything I shouldn’t.”

  “Just as well,” he joked. “How do you feel?”

  “How do you think?” she quipped.


  “Starving,” she groaned. “I’ll be ready for whatever’s on tap for tonight. That was so cruel.”

  “Since when is offerin’ someone an appetizer cruel?”

  “Stop! Is this why you’re calling, to torture me?”

  “I’m not torturin’ you, at least not yet,” he added, lowering his voice.

  “Ooh, my stomach. When you say things like that you make it go all twitchy.”

  “I’ll be makin’ somethin’ else twitchy real soon.”

  “I repeat, is this why you’re calling, to-?”

  “Hush,” he interrupted. “I’m callin’ because my mom and pop wanna meet you. I suggested they come up there after I finish work.”

  “Are you saying they’ll come up here for dinner?”

  “Lord no, they’ll just stop by for some coffee. My mom will probably bring some cookies or cake or somethin’. She’s always cookin’ and bakin’. I’m sittin’ here with a piece of cinnamon cake that just came outta the oven. You don’t have to do a thing except be your gorgeous self.”

  “What would I wear?”

  “Clothes would be good,” he chuckled.

  “Not funny.”

  “Crystal, my folks are totally easy, I swear.”

  “What time?”

  “Probably around six. I know it’s a bit nerve-rackin’, but you may as well get it over with.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “But you don’t have to do this. It’s okay if you’d rather wait.”

  “No, it’s fine.”

  “You’re sure.”

  “Uh-huh, I’m sure.”

  “I’d better get to work. I’ll see you soon, babe.”

  Ending the call, Crystal dropped the phone on the couch next to her and let out a loud grunt.

  “Jeez, couldn’t they have let me be here more than a couple of hours before I have to do the whole family thing?” she muttered, then taking a deep breath she turned her attention back to her novel.

  After he’d left she’d cleaned herself up, made some coffee, retrieved her computer and set to work. She loved the ranch house even more than the cottage on the lake. It was serene and comfortable, the environment was conducive to creative thinking, and she’d had no trouble jumping back into her half-finished chapter of, Alway’s Watching, but after Clay’s call, as she attempted to pick up where she’d left off, she couldn’t focus. The thought that in a very short while she would have to go through the grueling ordeal of meeting Clay’s parents began to weigh on her mind, and finding it impossible to concentrate she closed the file and opened up her scrabble games. She had several going at any one time, and she was finally able to lose herself in the competition.

  The minutes ticked by, and as the five o’clock hour neared she decided to take a shower and pick out what to wear. When she closed her computer and put it on the coffee table, Lucky woke up, yawned and stretched, then padded along behind her as she headed down the hallway. Entering Clay’s bathroom she was about the turn on the shower when she eyed the deep jacuzzi tub.

  “I think a long soak,” she sighed, and turning on the water, she wandered back to the guest room to look through her clothes.

  “Dress or pants, Lucky?” she mumbled as she looked at what she’d brought with her. “I guess the khaki slacks with my black sweater will work. I think that’s a safe bet, or should I wear jeans? We are on a ranch. No, the slacks. More respectful.”

  Hoping her choice was the right one she returned to the bathroom, and when Lucky laid down on the bathroom rug, she sat down next to him and rubbed his head.

  “You are the most precious boy,” she said softly. “How could anyone have abandoned you?”

  He whined and lifted his paw, then raising his head he began kissing her face.

  “Oh, Lucky, you’re really starting to come back to life. I wish it could be just you and me and Clay tonight. I wonder how long this darn meet and greet will last. I wish I’d told Clay to put it off, dammit.”

  “Then why didn’t you?”

  The noise of the running water had covered the sound of his arrival, and mortified that he’d heard her comment, Crystal felt her face burn red as she turned around and looked up at him.

  “I thought we had a conversation about bein’ forthright?” he frowned.

  “Uh…busted,” she replied in a vain attempt at levity.

  “What did we agree would happen if you did this again?”


  “Answer me,” he demanded. “What did we agree?”

  “That, uh, you’d spank me,” she breathed, feeling her belly do a violent flippy thing.

  “A dozen hard swats if I recall?”

  A nod was all she could manage, and she watched as he walked past her and turned off the faucets.

  “Come with me,” he directed, taking hold of her wrist and pulling her to her fee
t. “You stay here fella, I’ll be right back,” he said to Lucky, gently patting his head, then leading Crystal into the bedroom he closed the door behind him.

  “Why did you leave him in there?” she asked as he continued leading her to the guest room.

  “I don’t want him seein’ me spank you,” he replied as he sat on the edge of the bed, “and I don’t want him hearin’ you yellin’ either. Pull down those jeans and lay over my lap, and make it quick.”

  Seeing the steely glint in his eyes she did as he said, but she couldn’t resist a protest as she crawled over his waiting knees.

  “What was I supposed to do? You were asking me to meet you parents. How could I say no? It was nerve-racking.”

  “I gave you two opportunities to bail, and you assured me you were fine with it,” he scolded, instantly slapping her bottom with four, hard, rapid-fire swats.


  “Don’t tell me yes if you don’t mean it,” he said sternly, dispatching two more stinging swats.

  “I’m sorry,” she yelped.

  “You’ve got six to go, and they’re gonna be real hard. I’m gonna fix this problem, and if it means turnin’ your ass as red as a piece of smolderin’ coal on a barbecue that’s what I’ll do!”

  “Clay, please-”

  His hot palm cut her off with two more hot blasts, and as he continued to punish her bottom he landed his hand slowly, making sure she felt the fiery bite of each smack. Crystal kicked and squirmed with each stinging slap, and when he sent the final two whisking across her sit spot, she let out a yowl.

  “Have I made myself clear?”

  “Yes, yes,” she whimpered. “I didn’t think.”

  “Next time, if there is a next time, it’ll be eighteen.”

  “Ooh, no, Clay.”

  “Will there be a next time?”

  “No, no, there won’t,” she promised, still wriggling on his lap. “I just forgot, it’s such a habit.”

  “Come here,” he said gruffly, pulling her up.

  Falling back on the bed he wrapped her up and held her against him.

  “You’ve gotta understand, babe, not bein’ honest with me isn’t gonna work.”

  “Sorry,” she mewled, nestling against his chest.

  “You still want me to be in charge?”


  “Is that the truth?”

  “Yes, I swear.”

  “Even though I just burned your butt?”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  “Do you want me to cancel? I can make somethin’ up.”

  “No. You’ve sort of calmed me down,” she said with a long sigh. “I really do want to meet them now, and I mean that.”

  He held her for a few minutes, stroking her hair and softly rubbing her sore backside, then pulling back he kissed her softly.

  “Better now?” he purred.


  “Let’s go check on Lucky,”

  “Yes, let’s. His first few minutes alone, but I’m sure he’s fine,” she remarked as they rose from the bed. “Ouch. I don’t think I’ll be taking that hot soak.”

  “Probably wouldn’t be the most comfortable bath you’ve ever had,” he replied, walking from the room with his arm around her shoulder, “but you’ve learned, right?”

  “I certainly have.”

  “And what did you learn, exactly?”

  “That I have to be forthright.”

  “Anything else?”

  “That you keep your promises.”

  “Yep. Always remember that,” he said soberly.

  Reaching the bathroom he opened the door and found Lucky exactly where they’d left him. The dog looked up, broke into a doggy smile, and getting to his feet he greeted them with a whine and a wagging tail.

  “You’re a good boy,” Clay said warmly, bending down and making a fuss of him. “You ready to meet my folks?” Lucky immediately responded with a sloppy lick. “I guess that means yes.”


  Clay’s father slowed his Range Rover to a stop outside Clay’s house. In the passenger seat Martha was nursing a fresh baked peach cobbler, and looking across at him, she gently touched his arm.

  “I’m sure Crystal will be delightful,” she said warmly, “and let’s not forget, she’s only here for the week, just until that rescue dog is settled.”

  “Mark my words, she’ll stay on.”

  “If she does it means our son has finally found a woman he truly cares for, and that’s great.”

  “You know what’s botherin’ me and I can’t shake it,” Kenny grimaced, “but you don’t have to worry. I’ll be on my best behavior.”

  “See that you are,” Martha said raising her eyebrows, “or no chicken and dumplings for you tonight.”

  “Is that what’s in that pot?”

  “That’s right!”

  “Damn. You sure know how to make a man tow the line.”

  She laughed out loud, then waited for him to climb from the car and open her door. Manners were big in the Parker household, and all three sons had been raised to be gentlemen.

  “Here, let me take that,” he offered, lifting the warm pie from her lap.

  Martha had no sooner slipped out of the SUV when the front door opened and Clay stepped out to welcome them.

  “What did you bring, Mom,” he asked, eyeing the cloth covered dish in his father’s hands.

  “Your favorite, peach cobbler.”

  “Fantastic, thanks, mom. Come on in.”

  They walked through the foyer and into the living room, and when Kenny laid eyes on Crystal he had to swallow hard not to gape. Standing next to a freshly clipped, odd-looking dog, was one of the prettiest girls he’d ever seen. Her shoulder-length honey-blonde hair, framed her face in gentle waves, and against the black of her sweater it looked like spun gold. Bright green eyes sparkled back at him, and as she moved towards him she broke into a radiantly white smile.

  “Mr. Parker, how lovely to meet you.”

  “Hi, there,” Kenny nodded, trying to take in the beauty of the girl standing in front of him.

  “Hello, honey, it’s real nice to meet you,” Martha said stepping up to stand beside her husband. “Kenny, why don’t you put the cobbler on the coffee table and Clay can bring us some plates. Crystal, I hope you like peaches.”

  “I love peaches,” Crystal replied, thinking Martha was one of the warmest human beings she’d ever met. The woman oozed kindness, and Crystal felt herself begin to relax. “Clay, the tray with the coffee is all ready to carry in. Just add a knife and-“

  “Yep, I’m on it,” he said interrupting her, and headed down the hall.

  Kenny placed the pie on the coffee table, and Lucky immediately lifted his nose to the air, sniffing loudly.

  “Why don’t we all sit down,” Crystal suggested moving to the couch.

  “Tell me, Crystal, how did you and Clay find this dog?” Martha asked. “He’s adorable, and so sweet.”

  “I was driving over to see Clay at the cottage by the lake. It was pouring, and when I saw him laying by the side of the road I couldn’t believe it. I got out and-“

  “You got out of your car in that storm?” Kenny asked, surprised that a young woman who appeared to be so polished would do such a thing.

  “I no choice,” she replied. “It took me a few minutes and half a granola bar, but he finally came over to me and I managed to get him in the car.”

  “You should have seen her,” Clay laughed walking in with the tray. “She looked more bedraggled than the dog.”

  “I’m sure I did,” she giggled.

  “Lucky’s a good name for him,” Kenny remarked.

  “Whatta ya reckon, pop. You think he’s a golden or a lab, or maybe even a setter cross?”

  “Hard to tell without his coat, but he looks more lab than golden to me.”

  “His coat is long though, so, he definitely has another breed in him.”

  “Whatever he is, he’s a cha
mp, aren’t you Lucky?” Crystal piped up.

  Leaving the mesmerizing aroma of the cobbler, the dog walked across to Crystal and sat down next to her chair.

  “You sure have bonded with him,” Martha said. “I’m not surprised. You were the one who picked up from the gutter.”

  “So, Crystal,” Kenny began, changing the subject, “Clay tells me you’ve never been on a ranch before.”

  “Never, and I’m really loving it. You have such a beautiful place, and Clay has promised to put me on a horse. I’m a bit scared but I’m excited.”

  “You gonna put her on Captain?” Kenny asked.

  “Yeah, of course,” Clay nodded.

  “Captain will take real good care of you,” Martha assured her. “All you have to do sit back and enjoy the ride.”

  “Me on a horse, I can’t believe it,” she grinned.

  Martha served up portions of the peach cobbler as Clay poured the coffee, and as the conversation continued, Clay could see his mother had warmed to Crystal and liked her, but he couldn’t get a read on his father. He was being polite and smiling a great deal, but Clay sensed a reservation, and when the coffee pot was empty, and the delicious cobbler consumed, it was Kenny who made the move to leave.

  “Well, I’m guessin’ it’s about time for us to take off,” Kenny declared rising from his chair. “My lovely wife here has promised me some chicken and dumplin’s for dinner tonight, and I’d best walk off this cobbler or I won’t be able to do it justice.”

  “It’s been a real pleasure meeting you, hon,” Martha smiled.

  “Thank you for coming up,” Crystal replied, getting to her feet and walking over to her.

  “I know you’re only here until Lucky is back on his feet, so I hope you make the most of it,” Martha continued. “Feel free to knock on my door any time.”

  “Thanks. If I run out of sugar I’ll be sure and do that, and thank you again for that cobbler. It’s incredible.”

  “The way Lucky’s been eyeing what’s left of it, you’d best put it out of reach,” Clay chuckled.

  “I think you’re right,” Crystal agreed picking it up. “I’ll take it into the kitchen right now.”


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