Book Read Free

Christian Mitchell

Page 6

by Jennifer Foor

  I lifted my shirt over my head as I answered. “You still want to take me out? I figured you got what you wanted already.”

  “I like you, Chris. You’re different.”

  “Thanks, I think.”

  He stepped toward me breaking the distance between us. I watched his hand reach up and touch my cheek, before he tucked my hair back behind my ear. “Let me take you out. The last show is in about an hour. I’ll have you home before midnight.”

  Since I’d just put out it wasn’t like I had a good reason to steer clear of Seth. In fact, I knew if I did it would make me look like a slut. Since I was far from being promiscuous I decided that it was better if I went along with it. The brutal truth was that besides Ethan, Seth was the closest I had to a new friend. I mean, Becca and Amber seemed nice. I wanted them to accept me. Thinking I’d screwed up with Amber, I decided to give Seth a chance. At the end of the day it was obvious that we were attracted to one another. It wasn’t exactly how I would have liked to start a relationship, though all of it was uncharted waters as far as my experience went.

  “Fine. Let’s catch a movie.”

  Seth waited for me to clean up a bit before we exited my room. He took my hand as we walked through the living room and even said hi to my roommates. Despite feeling uncomfortable something about being in the presence of this popular man made me giddy.

  I’d thought I’d had a one-night stand. It was my impression that we’d never be friends. Seth seemed genuinely interested in me, and I had no clue what to do about it.

  Chapter 8


  The movie theater was dark and for the most part empty. Except for a few couples scattered throughout it was vacant. Seth held my hand as we watched in silence. Halfway into the show we began making out. I couldn’t get enough of his kisses¸ and for some reason it didn’t matter if we were in public. I actually liked knowing that I was his date.

  You can imagine the shock I felt when his hand traveled down underneath my panties. His warm palm cupped my pussy, his finger circling over my clit. I looked around the dark room to see if anyone was watching us. Once a little more pressure was applied I refused to worry.

  The draw of his finger entering me caused me to whimper. It was turning me on so much that I began lifting my butt off the seat to match the way his hand was working. I knew that if someone were behind me they’d know exactly why my head was bouncing. To imagine it being someone we knew was terrifying yet thrilling. We started kissing again as he continued to plunge his finger inside of me while flicking my clit with his thumb nail. I couldn’t contain how amazing it felt, soon falling prey to an earth shattering orgasm.

  Slowly he revoked his finger, shocking me when it was brought up to my lips and drug over them. I pulled my head away until he came forward and kissed my lips, sucking in the flavor himself.

  It turned me on more. Our tongues meshed together and I immediately went searching for the fly on his pants. His stiff cock, so apparent, was there waiting once I made it inside. He stopped kissing me and whispered against my lips. “Please kiss it. Suck my dick, Chris.”

  For the second time he’d asked me to do something I wasn’t comfortable with. The strange thing was that this time my mouth began to water. I wanted to return the favor he’d just given to me, and I was prepared to go against my better judgment to make it happen.

  Crawling down on the concrete floor wasn’t the hard part. It was trying not to think about being caught giving oral sex in a movie theater. If my parents ever discovered what I was doing they’d disown me.

  Even with that terrible fate looming in my mind, I cupped my palm around his shaft and leaned forward, taking the tip in between my lips. His warm skin felt so soft. The taste of rubber from our sexual relations earlier still lingered. Unsure of what I was about to take part in, I loved the idea of impressing Seth. He clenched a clump of my hair as my mouth consumed his hard cock. I sucked hard while using my free hand to massage the remainder of his shaft. I could hear the little sounds escaping him. They made me work harder to please him. My cheeks began to ache just as I felt a hot gush filling them. The salty flavor caused me to gag, spewing the wad onto the floor. Seth leaned forward offering me the edge of his t-shirt to wipe my face off with. “Damn, girl. Where’d you learn how to give head like that?”

  I shrugged and sat back down next to him. I couldn’t tell him that I’d ever done that in my life. Ethan never asked me to do it, probably because he thought I’d never want to sleep with him again. Like I mentioned before, it was something I’d always considered intimate. My recent actions were ruining my good standards, leaving me to make bad judgment calls that literally left a bad taste in my mouth.

  “I’m just going to use the ladies room.” I stood up and left the room, hoping to be able to rinse my mouth out as best I could.

  The well-lit bathroom was a change from the dark theater. I headed over to the sink and started washing my hands so I could use them to rinse out my mouth. I’d no sooner began to swish the water around when someone came walking in. As quickly as possible I spit the water out and used a paper towel to wipe off the excess. The reflection in the mirror displayed a beautiful blonde. Her bright blue eyes caught my attention. I smiled at her, expecting the same action in return. I certainly didn’t think she’d come at me, or start shoving me into the porcelain vanity. “You bitch! Who do you think you are?”

  “What are you talkin’ about?” I may have been quiet, studious, and a bit peculiar at times, but nobody pushed me around. My brother taught me to defend myself if I needed to. “I don’t even know you,” I said as I shoved her back.

  She had tears falling from her eyes. “I saw you with him. You came here with Seth.”

  My eyes widened. “We’re friends.” Were we? I didn’t even know if it was the truth. Did that make me an awful person?

  “Well I’m his girlfriend.”

  I put my hands up. “Whoa. Are you Mila?” My body began to shake. I wasn’t afraid of fighting this girl. She was smaller than me, and it was clear that her emotions were all over the place.

  “You know my name? Did he tell you about me?” She had hope in her eyes. Unfortunately, I didn’t have good news for her.

  “No. I heard that the two of you used to date. Listen, I was under the impression that Seth was single. I never would have agreed to see him otherwise.”

  “I don’t know why he’d lie. He keeps doing this to me,” she sobbed.

  I reached over and placed my hand on her shoulder. It was obvious that she could have attacked me at the moment, but I got this feeling she needed support. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m in love with him. He loves me too. I know you don’t see it, but he does. When we’re alone he’s different. We’re going to get married. He promises me all the time.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  She wiped her eyes and continued. “Seth likes to be popular. He considers himself some kind of leader. I’ll never get why he does this shit. He says it’s important to keep up the charade. That’s all you are. You’re just a game to him. Frankly it’s pathetic that you gave in so easy.”

  “It’s not like that.” I tried to justify my actions had more meaning, but I was coming up with nothing.

  “You’re just another conquest. Don’t think you’re special.” I hated her sarcasm, but understood why she was so determined to hurt me.

  “I’m just goin’ to go. Do me a favor and tell your boyfriend not to call me. I don’t have time to deal with this drama.”

  I stomped out of the bathroom to find Seth waiting for me. He had his arms crossed and they fell down to his sides when Mila followed me. It took one look in his eyes to see that he knew he was screwed. “Lose the number I gave you,” I said as I walked by.

  Thinking he’d rush to comfort her, I was surprised when he followed me outside. “Chris, wait. It’s not what you think. She’s psycho. What did she say to you?”

  I stopped walking and turned to face
him. “For starters she said you were together. I’m basically a whore; one of your many, and that you play games like this all of the time.”

  He threw his hands up in the air. “What the fuck? Mila is crazy. Look, let me drive you home. I’ll explain everything.”

  I crossed my arms, and refused to look him in the eyes. “I’d rather walk.”

  “It’s getting late, and we’re miles from your place. Just let me drive you. I swear I won’t do anything.”

  Since I didn’t have many options, I pulled out my phone and dialed the one person I knew would come to my rescue. He picked up on the first ring.

  “Christian Mitchell. Long time no speak.”

  “Shut up, Ethan. I need a ride. Can you come pick me up from the movies?”

  I looked up as I awaited his reply, seeing Seth shaking his head. For some reason I felt bad for him.

  “I’ll be there in ten minutes. Are you alright?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Just hurry up.” I wasn’t fine, but I knew Ethan’s temper well enough to not want him getting into it with Seth. I’d made enough things a mess.

  Once the phone was back in my purse I turned to look at Seth. He was leaning against his car watching me. “I’m not a bad guy, Chris. When I said I liked you I meant it. I asked you out because I wanted to see you again.” He pulled out a flask and started drinking the contents. He obviously had a drinking problem.

  “Oh, it wasn’t because I put out so easy?”

  “No. Of course not. I mean, I’m not going to lie. It was nice. We have good chemistry. You can’t deny that.”

  It was true, yet I couldn’t admit it at this point. “Please don’t do this.” I started to feel overwhelmed, used, and completely confused. It had been one day, though I felt like we did have something between us. The idea of giving up after I’d screwed him was an awful feeling. It was as if I’d slept with him for nothing. I wasn’t that girl.

  I couldn’t be that girl.

  Mila walked out of the building and I watched his posture straighten. He pointed toward her, yelling clear across the lot. “Thanks a lot! I hope you’re happy, you stupid hoe.”

  She kept walking to her car, as if she couldn’t hear him. He motioned in her direction. “See what I mean? She’s full of shit, Chris. I swear.”

  I placed my hands over my face as I thought about how to respond. I hadn’t asked for this crap to happen on top of all of the drama at my parent’s house. “Seth, I’ve had a bad day. I’m goin’ home.”

  “I’m sorry I ruined your day. Even though it ended terribly, I enjoyed the parts where we were together. For the record, I’m not losing your number.”

  “Seth, please stop. It was a mistake.”

  “Which part?”

  “All of it. I’m not some easy lay. It never should have happened. I had a lot to drink and you kept pushin’.”

  “Don’t give me that shit. I’d believe that if it weren’t for today. What’s your excuse?”

  “I’m havin’ family problems. You wouldn’t understand. My sister’s messed up on drugs. I guess I needed reprieve.”

  “So you used me? This is completely wrong on so many levels. I liked you, that’s why I hit on you. Yeah the sex was great, but I would have been okay waiting. You’re the one to make the choice. You can’t take it back. I just can’t believe you used me to clear your fucking head.”

  I was offended. “I did not!” He was right and I hated being aware of it.

  “Yeah, that’s not how I see it. Just because I was willing doesn’t make it right.”

  “Screw you. I’m not a slut.”

  “I never said you were.” He didn’t have to. He obviously expected to sleep with me and when it happened he knew he could come back for more.

  The sound of a car that desperately needed a new muffler pulled into the parking lot. I felt comforted knowing that Ethan had arrived to save me from myself.

  I turned to walk in the direction of his car and felt Seth tug me back toward him. In an instant I was slamming against his hard chest. I tried to fight him but he pushed his lips against mine. His eyes were closed making me feel like it was personal. When I finally freed myself from his hold he seemed more content. “I always get what I want. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  I backed away. “I’m sorry. I wish things were different. Goodnight, Seth.”

  “Chris, wait. Don’t walk away from me.”

  I ignored him and headed toward the car, not wanting to look back and see the man that I was ashamed of sleeping with.

  Chapter 9


  “What the hell were you doing with that scrub?” It was the first question Ethan asked when I climbed into the passenger seat.

  “Don’t start with me, Ethan. I’m not in the mood.”

  “Dude, I watched him kiss you. Why am I here if you were clearly on a date?”

  “I said I don’t want to talk about it. Please. It’s been a terrible day.” I covered my face with my hands while we pulled out of the parking lot. “Sorry. I’m not tryin’ to start a fight.”

  “How long have you been seein’ that jackass?”

  It wasn’t Ethan’s fault that I was in this predicament, but I wasn’t about to give him all of the details. Some things were better left unsaid. “I’m not seein’ him. Are you goin’ to give me the third degree? I’d just as soon walk if you are.”

  “Whoa. Defensive much? Who crawled up your ass today?”

  “Addy’s fucked up on drugs. It’s bad. My parents are sendin’ her to rehab. Dinner was horrible, and now Noah’s postponin’ the weddin’ again. Everything’s a mess, and on top of that I may have just ruined my chances of ever bein’ friends with my new roommates.”

  “How so?” He asked.

  “It’s a long story. Besides, we agreed not to talk about people we get involved with.”

  “So you’re involved?” He beat his hand to the beat of the song that was playing as he spoke. With his eyes focused on the road he waited for my response.

  “It doesn’t matter. It’s never happenin’ again.”

  “You screwed Seth didn’t you? You’re such a hussy!” He teased.

  I smacked him on the arm. “Shut up. You have no room to talk. How many girls have you banged in the past two years?” For a while it used to hurt me severely to think about him being with other people. I’d learned to live with the jealousy because it was the only way our friendship would survive. It was also another reminder of how much he’d always meant to me.

  “That’s beside the point. I’m a guy. You’re a sweet woman of innocence. You can’t let a guy like Seth deflower you.”

  “Oh my God, stop! Deflower? Did you just say that? We both know who deflowered me, and it wasn’t Seth.”

  He patted me on the leg. “It was my pleasure by the way. Your cherry will always be mine.”

  “You’re so sick.”

  “You love me. Stop bitchin’.”

  We pulled up in front of my house, and I looked down at my knees. “I don’t even feel like talkin’ to any of them.”

  Ethan turned away from the curb and began driving again. He reached over and took my hand, the same one I’d had down Seth’s pants. As he clenched it I felt horrible. “You can spend the night with me, but no funny stuff, and you better not try somethin’, because I ain’t into sloppy seconds.”

  “I wouldn’t even -.”

  “I might, because it’s you, so make sure you don’t let me. Tonight I’m your best friend with no benefits.”

  I laughed and looked out the window. “You’re hopeless.”

  “There’s hope for me out there somewhere. I just haven’t found it yet.” He paused for a second. “Oh, just to warn ya, I’ve got company, but I’ll kick her ass out as soon as we get there.”

  “Who is it this week?” I had to ask. Ethan may not have been a jock, albeit his good qualities were obvious to other women. His dark blonde hair was longer, almost always hanging out of the John Deere hat he wo
re. His parents were also farmers, giving us a common connection both academically and with our family life. Ethan was on a scholarship, but he didn’t have to work hard. His intelligence was hidden by his witty sense of humor. Though apparent in his GPA, he was always a fun person to be around. It was another reason why he never had trouble getting laid. Ethan was the whole package, and I’d never regret him being my first. “I don’t have to come over and ruin your night.”

  “Yes you do.”

  I rolled my eyes. Even if I started an argument with him, he’d still insist that I stay over. In this case I needed him. He was my rock; the one person who could make all of my frustrations disappear.

  It took him less than two minutes to send his new conquest on her way. She didn’t exit without giving me looks of disapproval, not that I cared. Everyone on campus saw the two of us together. It was no secret that we were friends. If they wanted to imply we were a couple I wasn’t going to correct them. To them Ethan was just another college guy looking for play, but to me he was so much more. Our friendship meant everything to me, and his support was my lifeline.

  Once we were in his apartment with the door shut, he pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head. “Sorry you had a bad day.”

  “Is it okay to hate myself?”

  “It’s not okay, and I’ll tell you why.” He sat us down on his bed before continuing. “You’re smart, and somewhat sexy, probably a little more than somewhat, but whose judgin’?”

  I shoved him down flat on the bed, immediately feeling a rush of anxiousness. He must have seen how I responded and sat back up abruptly. “Be nice to me.”

  “I’m always nice to you, Chris. I only pick on you because I love ya.”

  We said those words a lot, but they weren’t romantic. Our friendship was special, and we loved each other as friends, so I reminded myself on a daily basis. It was hard after being in real love with the guy. I wished things were different. Even after sleeping with Seth my heart would always defer to Ethan. He knew me like no other could, and for that I’d forever care about him.


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