Christian Mitchell

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Christian Mitchell Page 8

by Jennifer Foor

  Once we were both inside I appreciated the heat being on. My frigid fingers started to warm up as we took off down the road, except we weren’t headed in the direction of my house.

  It was too early to panic, so I simply asked. “Where are you takin’ me? Did you already forget where I live?”

  “I know where you live, but you’re coming back to my place until you listen to me.”

  “No, I’m not. Turn this car around and take me back, Seth. I mean it. I’m not in the mood.”

  He drove faster, ignoring my demands. He even locked the doors to prevent me from opening them. I think that’s when I started to freak out a little bit. The only thing keeping me from screaming was the fact that he’d been wonderful when we were together. I had to take a second to think about his feelings.

  “Why couldn’t you just hear me out?”

  “I’ll listen, Seth. I will. Just stop drivin’ so fast. You’re scarin’ me. Why can’t we talk at my place?”

  “It’s too late for that. We’re here.” He pulled into the driveway of a dark house. It most definitely wasn’t decorated with letters like a frat house.

  “Where are we?” I asked.

  “Come with me. You’ll be fine.”

  While leery I followed Seth into the house. As soon as we got inside I began to worry. This house wasn’t lived in. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into another dark room. He let go of it and illuminated the room with a lighter. I got one quick look before it became dark again. The stairs were falling apart, and the paint was peeling off the walls. In the middle of the floor was a mattress covered with bunched up blankets. “Oh my God,” I started backing up. “Tell me you’re homeless and you’re not here to kill me.”

  The sudden fear of being in terrible danger hit me like a ton of bricks. Before my eyes were able to adjust to the darkness enough to find my way to the front door, he was taking hold of my hand again, jerking me into his chest. “I’m not going to kill you. I said we’re going to talk, and then you’ll see that I wasn’t lying. You’ll see how much I want you, Christian.”

  “Don’t call me that!”

  “Why? It’s your name?”

  “Please turn on a light. You’re scaring the shit out of me, Seth. This ain’t funny at all. I promise to listen to you, but get me out of here first.” I knew I was starting to beg, but this wasn’t normal. People didn’t go to abandoned buildings to have serious talks. It wasn’t right, and the longer we stood there the more upset I was getting.

  Seth took me by the waist and pulled me forward. He tugged me down on the mattress and sat next to me. The outside light finally gave me a little visibility. He was staring at me, and I felt uncomfortable being alone with him. “You’re so beautiful. I’ve watched you come into class for weeks, waiting for the day that you noticed me. I knew I’d have you if I was patient. Girls like you are worth the wait.”

  That was enough for me to hear to become terrified.

  “Why are you doin’ this?” I was getting choked up with my words. There was no explanation to the ill feeling that I had. This guy had never put me in harm’s way until this moment. If this was some sick joke it was working. I was afraid. “Please take me home. I promise I’ll forgive you.”

  Seth pinched my cheeks with one hand and forced me to look in his direction. His widened eyes sent chills over my spine. The trembling was no longer from being chilly. I was shaking in fear of losing my life to a psychopath. “Is that how you talk to the guy who you slept with a few hours ago? Do you know how good it felt when you wrapped your lips around my cock in that movie theater? I could have fucked you right there in those seats. I can’t stop thinking of the way your pussy tastes. I knew you’d be sweet.” His fingers trailed between my legs, dragging over my pussy. I shuddered, repulsed by his touch.

  “Get off of me.”

  Seth’s strength came into play after that first rejection. He clenched my wrist, preventing me from freeing. When I felt the force of his hold I immediately started to try and push him away from me. This only angered him more. He grabbed my other wrist and pinned me down on my back. I turned my head to the side, still trying to wriggle away. “Calm down. Stop teasing me.”

  “Teasin’ you?” Was he crazy? “I want to get away from you. This ain’t funny, Seth. Let me go. Get the fuck off of me.”

  He started laughing. Then I felt his tongue licking over my cheek. The smell of alcohol became apparent, and I wondered how much he could have consumed in the time since I’d seen him last. I closed my eyes and flipped my head around to make him stop. He pinned my thighs with his legs, pressing all of his weight over me.

  My cries were unheard, but I still continued. He attempted to kiss me and I moved my head, determined to fight him off. When my sobs remained he brought both hands together and held them with one of his, while using his other to reach into my pants. I felt him there, touching me without permission. “Why are you fighting me? You know you like it. You gave me this pussy without a fight earlier today.” He entered me with more than one finger. I gasped in between screams then felt his mouth covering mine. I tightened my lips to keep his tongue out. When he relaxed his own I bit down and pulled. He tightened his grip on my wrists and shoved his fingers as far inside of me as he could. The gentle guy I’d slept with was gone. This person didn’t care if I was begging him to stop. He was on a mission to sleep with me, and I was going to fight until I was free.

  “What the fuck did you do that for?” He yelled.

  “Get off of me.” I spit in his face, waiting and prepared for him to hit me.

  Instead he leaned forward wiping my own fluids over my cheek while whispering in my ear. “I like it when you fight. It’s almost as sexy as watching your lips devouring my dick.”

  The bile rose to the back of my throat as he adjusted once more, removing his finger only to shove it in my mouth. I tried to fight it, but he thrust it in so fast I began to gag, not from the taste, but from it being forced halfway down my throat. When he removed it I coughed and turned to the side in case I had to throw up.

  Seth used those seconds to flip me around and hold me down with the weight of his body. He tugged on my pants, pulling them off of my ass. I scream and yelled, begging for him to stop what he was doing. The taste of my tears filled my mouth as I cried out feeling him entering me. Time froze, and in that instant I knew he wasn’t going to let me go until he finished what he started. The pain, feeling wretched and dirty, followed by the sounds of him getting off on ripping the skin of my asshole as he continued pumping his hard shaft inside of it caused me to lose sense of what was actually happening. I don’t know if I was in denial, or the whole thing was just too tragic for me to be able to accept. No matter which way I tried to understand how I’d gotten to this point it all kept coming back to the fact that I’d let this man sleep with me. I’d let him have his way. I’d given him false hope, and now I was getting the brunt of his brutal display of anger. If Seth couldn’t have me he wanted to make sure that nobody else would ever want me again.

  While crying hysterically, I waited until he slowed down. The moment he pulled out of me I twisted around, sending him down next to me. With my pants at my knees I got up and started to run in the direction of the door. I refused to look back in fear of him being right behind me. My hand made contact with the doorknob the exact second that I was being spun around.

  “Please, don’t. Just let me go. You don’t have to do this. I’ll listen to you, I swear. I’ll do anything. Seth, please don’t,” I repeated over and over.

  He grabbed my face hard and pushed his lips over mine. I continued crying silently begging that someone would come to my rescue. He was too big to overpower, and I was honestly afraid of what would happen if I fought him too much.

  Once he pulled away from his kiss, he put his lips up to my ear. “Stop fighting me. I know you want this, just like you let me have it earlier. Spread your fucking legs like a good girl. My dick’s been craving you since we left the thea

  I was bawling. Snot ran down over my lips. I couldn’t see anything but his shadow in front of me, but knew I was trapped. “Please don’t hurt me, Seth. I’ll do what you want.” He shoved me harder against the wooden door, lifting me up against it. When I refused to wrap my legs around his waist he pulled me away and then slammed me back against it harder. The back of my head immediately began to throb. I dug my hands into his shoulders, feeling him placing my legs behind his back. I raised one hand and slapped him hard across his face, dragging my nails from his cheek to his ear.

  He yelled out loudly and shoved himself inside of me before leaning his head down and biting the skin under my chin. The new waves of pain were agonizing, so much that I wished I’d just pass out. He pressed his lips over mine again, and this time I refused to fight him. I’d done my best to break free, but he was double my size.

  The time that passed in the house all seemed to blur. Seth forced himself on me for hours until he couldn’t get hard anymore.

  I don’t remember him leaving. Had I blacked out? How could I not recall his releasing me from his hold?

  The sun was just beginning to rise when I became coherent again. My pants were clinging onto one ankle, and my shirt was torn and tattered. With shaking hands I managed to pull up my underwear first. After getting both legs back in my pants, I pulled them up and did the best I could covering myself with the fabric of my ruined shirt.

  My purse, which had somehow ended up across the room, was left untouched. I found my phone inside, but stared at it wondering who I should call. My parents would never understand. My roommates weren’t close enough for me to trust them, and there was no way I could call Ethan, not about this.

  Before exiting the house, I found an old bathroom. The plumbing was off, but I managed to wipe off a mirror enough to take a look at my face. The person that stared back at me was unrecognizable.

  Chapter 12


  When I crept out of the bathroom I was able to get a better look around the old house. It was obviously used as a fraternity house at one time. Posters still hung in the rooms, and there was even leftover furniture in some.

  Even though I knew I was alone, I took my time going down the stairs. My body ached with each step, and a metallic taste reminded me that I was pretty beat up, on the inside and out.

  A few pictures were left on the walls, and where the mattress was left on the floor was a large area rug that had seen better days. Part of the ceiling had caved in where the dining room was, but I decided not to look any further. The less I knew about this house the better, because I knew it was going to haunt me.

  After doing my best to hide my ripped shirt, I began to trek in the direction of my house. Students jogged by me, and some were on bicycles. None of them noticed my condition, and if they had they never stopped to ask if I was okay. I kept my head down low as I marched down the sidewalk, focusing on every part that hurt.

  When I arrived at my house I’d gotten lucky that no one was around. I entered my room and locked the door. The first thing I noticed was that the blankets were off of my bed. I searched the room, not finding them anywhere. Since they were the last of my priorities I started removing my clothes.

  While standing in front of the mirror I peered at the reflection looking back at me. Tears filled my eyes as I touched each injured sore area, reliving how that particular ailment had occurred. Vomit rose to my mouth, and I hauled into the bathroom to puke. After throwing up for a few minutes I turned on the shower and climbed in. Much like the one I’d taken at Ethan’s house, I sunk down to the floor and held my knees up to my chest. Bawling wasn’t the answer, even if I was unable to control my emotions.

  It was still unbelievable. How could someone that seemed harmless do what he did to me? It was clear that this certainly wasn’t a dream, therefore I’d been assaulted sexually, and I had no idea how to go about seeking help. I was ashamed of my actions, so much that I couldn’t admit to ever being with him in the first place.

  Time got away from me again after my shower, in which I scrubbed every inch of my body hoping to rid myself of any remaining hints of his scent. After dressing I laid on my mattress and thought about calling my parents, but they were already dealing with my sister’s latest catastrophe. I couldn’t call them with this information, not after I’d let the guy in my pants the same day it happened.

  While blaming myself for everything that occurred, I fell asleep crying.

  I awoke to someone knocking on my bedroom door. I climbed off of my bed and walked over to the door, hesitating just before opening it. “Who is it?”

  “It’s me. We need to talk.” His voice caused me to cringe. I placed my hand over my mouth so he couldn’t hear me freaking out. “Chris, let me in.”

  Seth’s voice vibrated off of my door as if he were leaning against the opposite side. I backed away, fearful that he’d bust it open and hurt me worse. “Go away! Just leave me alone!”

  “I know you’re mad. Please let me in. I need to talk to you about it. I was drunk. When I woke up I remembered what happened. Chris, please-.”

  “Get the hell out of my house. I have nothin’ to say to you.”

  “I’m not leaving until we work this out. I know what happened was wrong, but it’s not a big deal. You need to forget it.”

  I thought about what he was asking me. Of course I wanted nothing more than to forget it ever happened, but as the constant ache of my body reminded me of how he’d held me down, I refused to let him off the hook. “This wasn’t an accident. You knew what you were doin’ when you took me there. I’m not stayin’ quiet, Seth. You raped me, and I’m goin’ to tell the whole fuckin’ world what kind of guy you are.” He may have thought I was weak, but he had another thing coming to him. Nobody was going to hurt me and get away with it.

  “What the hell? I didn’t rape you. Don’t even go there. Don’t you dare fucking tell that to anyone.”

  “Why, it’s the truth? You held me down and forced yourself on me over and over again.” I was crying through my words, struggling the whole time.

  “You little cunt. Nobody will believe you, do you hear me? They’d never believe I could do that to someone, besides, good luck trying to prove that when everyone around you knows we fucked. You were ready and willing, baby. They all saw you.”

  I was so angry that if I had a pole I’d beat him with it. “If you don’t leave I’m callin’ nine-one-one. You have two seconds to get out.”

  I heard footsteps and then the front door slamming shut. When I knew I was home alone again, I opened my door and went out to the front to lock the deadbolt. My roommates had keys so they’d be able to get in.

  I spent the rest of the night locked in my room while the people I lived with went about their evening as if nothing terrible had happened. I wasn’t even positive that they were aware I was home. Not one of them checked on me.

  I picked up my phone to call my parents a few times, losing my nerve at the last second. When it got dark outside Ethan started blowing up my cell. I ended up turning it off so that I wouldn’t have to hear it anymore. I knew none of this was his fault, but somehow I felt that if he hadn’t overreacted I never would have been out on the street alone. I think I was so desperate to put the blame on anyone but myself.

  After hours of being a hermit, I walked out into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Amber sat at the counter sipping on a bottle of soda. Her eyebrows rose when I entered the room. “Hey, girl. What’s new?” She asked.

  I shrugged and grabbed a glass, holding it under the running faucet. Since I couldn’t exactly explain my situation I chose to lie. “Nothin’.”

  “How did it go with Seth? I heard he took you to the movies.” Was she insane? He wasn’t great. He was the devil.

  “I won’t be seein’ him anymore if that’s what you’re wonderin’.”

  “Why? Don’t tell me it’s because of Mila. She’s such a bitch.” Even though I wanted to go back to my quie
t room, I knew she wasn’t at fault. Amber was a nice person, and I could use a friend once all of this mess was resolved.

  “She’s part of it. Can you believe that she followed us to the movies and confronted me in the bathroom?” I had to keep the blame on this girl until I could figure out what I was going to do. I didn’t want too many people talking to Seth if I was going to go to the police with his assault on me. This type of situation required me to be especially careful. Either direction I took could ruin my life worse than it already was.

  “I’m sorry. She did that when we went out once. I’m glad she did though. I don’t have room in my life for guys like him.”

  “Yeah,” I was losing my patience. Seth was the last person on earth I wanted to discuss, and hearing her talk about him made me cringe. “I need to get back to my studies. I’ll see you later, Amber.”

  She clutched my arm as I tried to walk by. It hurt and I pulled back, grabbing it.

  “Are you alright?”

  “I fell when I was out last night. I tripped over a curb,” I lied.

  “Was Seth with you?” She inquired.

  “Look, I don’t want to talk about Seth, okay? If I never saw him it would be too soon. He’s a drunk, and I know you think he’s great, but he’s not.”

  I stormed in my room leaving her to assume whatever she wanted. Just hearing his name was causing me to lose my shit. There was no way I’d be able to go to class in the morning knowing he was sitting only feet behind me.

  I spent the next couple of hours researching sexual assault on the computer, wondering if I even had means to go to the authorities. Sure, he’d taken me to an abandoned building and had his way, but just hours before I’d given him oral in a movie theater. I’d already given him my body earlier in the day. If this was some kind of sick fetish I didn’t want any part of it. Not to mention that telling anyone this happened to me would make me look like a trouble maker. Seth was on a scholarship, he’d lose everything. As much as I hated the fucker, I was unsure of what I wanted to do. The idea of my parents finding out made my skin crawl. They’d never look at me as being the daughter they were proud of again.


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