Christian Mitchell

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Christian Mitchell Page 16

by Jennifer Foor

  I’d suffered enough in the past few days, and I knew I’d have to explain to the slew of doctors who were coming to evaluate me. I’d already been poked by a nurse who drew my blood and did vitals. An officer was on the way, but I wasn’t sure why because I’d washed away any ounce of proof, besides the fact that it could be argued I had consensual sex with him hours before. I suppose they needed my formal statement, which meant this was going to get ugly. Since I’d already been threatened, I didn’t want to think what else would come from this kind of publicity. In true family fashion my brother and Shalan showed up shortly after. I could tell his fiancée was reluctant to speak to me. She seemed uncomfortable, like he’d made her accompany him.

  As much as I appreciated the support, I couldn’t help but wonder what they were all thinking. It made me feel weak like they were afraid they couldn’t leave me alone for even a few minutes.

  The officer arrived, and much to my surprise it wasn’t a female detective. The man asked my family to leave the room while he took my statement. Since it was so involved I knew it was important to start from the beginning. If my parents were adamant about taking Seth down than I had to make sure they had every single detail.

  Starting from the strip club I accounted every single moment I’d spent with Seth. When I struggled with some parts he waited for me to get myself together in order to continue. While he wasn’t a woman, I appreciated how sympathetic he was to my situation. He gave me statistics, and reminded me that it was never the victim’s fault, even if they taunted their attacker, which I hadn’t.

  It didn’t stop me from crying halfway through, or feeling like a slut explaining what we’d done and where it happened.

  Just when I thought he’d changed his mind about me he smiled and put his pen down then proceeded to assure me that I wasn’t the first person to fool around in a movie theater. It still embarrassed me, but at least made me feel like he was attempting to get me to feel better.

  After nearly an hour of questions the officer left, and my family filled in the tiny room. They said their goodbyes, all of them leaving me to get rest. It wasn’t without a fight though. My mom wanted to stay, but I convinced her that I needed to sleep. After making sure the nurse was going to provide me with some kind of medication to help me relax, she followed the rest of my family out.

  The moment I knew I was alone I located the phone and dialed Ethan. I didn’t expect him to answer, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to close my eyes and sleep if I didn’t at least leave him a message telling him how sorry I was.

  If I’d known he’d react so angrily maybe I wouldn’t have done it. Even though I didn’t understand why it was so important to him, I appreciated that he cared enough to be upset.

  Nothing surprised me more than him answering on the first ring. “Chris? Are you alright?”

  “Not really.”

  “Are your parents still there with you?” He asked.

  “No. They all left. Noah and Shalan were also here. I made them all leave so I could rest.”

  “You don’t sound like you’re restin’.”

  I shrugged even though he couldn’t see me. “Yeah, well I have a lot on my mind.”

  “About earlier.”

  “I’m so sorry, Ethan. I didn’t mean to hurt you. If I could take back everything I would.”

  “I hooked up with someone when I left tonight.” His confession shocked me. “I know I don’t have to tell you what I do, but I felt bad as soon as it started. What you did pissed me off. No, it wasn’t just that. It hurt. I guess after all this time I felt like I’d always be every one of your firsts. It’s stupid now, because we’re both adults, but how many people can look back at their life and say that they shared everything for the first time with only one person? I wanted that with you, because no matter how mad I get at you, you’ll always be my best friend. You’ll always be the person I turn to; the one I can’t live without.”

  I started to bawl. As if my life couldn’t get anymore messed up, I felt devastated over hurting Ethan. Nobody meant more to me than he did. “You’re my best friend too. That mistake ruined my life, Ethan. I’d do anything to take it back. I wish it never happened.”

  “I think the hardest part was seeing it happen. I’m sure that was the plan though. Don’t cry, I’ve got a feelin’ that Seth is about to get what’s comin’ to him. Don’t you worry your pretty little head. We’ll get through this.”

  “Why do you think that? Did you talk to my father? Did he tell you the police were here?”

  “Your dad told me where you were. He let me know that I wouldn’t be able to see you until mornin’.”

  “Okay. So your just bein’ optimistic?” I knew Ethan well enough to know when he was keeping something from me. I didn’t have to see his face. “Ethan?”

  “I emailed him back, tellin’ him to meet me at ten. We’re goin’ to have a face-to-face and get things straight. It’s time that city boy learns what happens when he messes with a sweet country girl.”

  “Please don’t, Ethan. The police are involved now. If you put yourself in the scenario it could be trouble for you. I’m beggin’ you to stay out of it. Please. I need you to be there for me, not locked up for avenging. I don’t need a hero.”

  “This ain’t just about you, darlin’.”

  “You sound like my father.” His sweet talking wasn’t going to make me change my mind. I didn’t want him going anywhere near Seth.

  “Would you feel better if I called you once I’m back home?”

  “No! I’d rather you not go and talk to me now.”

  “Christian, from the moment I found out what that guy did to you I wanted to hurt this guy. He needs to pay for what he did to you. He needs to be taught a lesson; one that will make sure he never hurts another woman again. Don’t you get it? If I do nothin’ than I’ll feel like I didn’t do enough. This is as much for me as it is for you. He deserves much worse than a beatin’. You can’t lie in that bed and tell me that it wouldn’t bring a smile to your face knowin’ his pussy-ass is kissin’ the concrete of some dark parkin’ lot? There’s got to be some part of you that wants him to pay for what he’s done.”

  “I do, but I can’t let you entertain this idea to seek out revenge. You’re not a superhero, or an idiot. He could come back at you with assault charges. I don’t feel like high-fiving you as we pass in a court room. Be rational.”

  “I can’t. You can be mad if you want, but I’m goin’ out there tonight. He’s goin’ to learn that messin’ with you was the wrong choice.”

  I rolled my eyes feeling like nothing I said was going to change his mind. “You sound like a jealous boyfriend. You’re makin’ no sense.”

  “Yeah, well maybe that’s what I was. I got to get goin’, babe. I’ll come see you in the mornin’.”

  When I realized he’d hung up I quickly redialed his number. When he failed to answer I knew there was nothing I could do to stop him. Ethan was going to do what he felt was necessary. I was so distraught, so worried he was making a mistake, that I couldn’t possibly close my eyes to rest.

  As much as I appreciated him going out on a limb for me, I couldn’t exactly condone his actions. I continued trying to get him to answer his phone for nearly thirty-minutes. As the clock passed ten I knew it was too late. The night nurse came in and gave me medication in my IV. I could feel myself dozing. I knew Ethan’s meeting was out of my hands, but as my body let go, I prayed silently that when I woke up I’d see Ethan’s face smiling back at me. I didn’t know what I’d do if something bad happened to him, especially because it had everything to do with me.

  Chapter 26


  There was only one thing running through my mind during my drive to the library parking lot.


  Seth needed to pay for what he’d done to my girl, and I was going to make sure I was the one doing the punching. Once I’d put a hurting on him I’d let him know that if he ever laid a hand on a woman again I
’d be back to give it to him double.

  Christian’s pleas hadn’t made me feel bad enough to go back on my plan. I wasn’t going to be content with what happened until he’d felt everything he’d done to her.

  When I pulled up in the dark lot I noticed I was the only vehicle. There was a chance that Seth hadn’t gotten the message, but there was also a possibility that he’d chosen to not meet me in fear of getting his ass beat.

  My heart rate increased the moment I watched someone approaching my car on foot. I could tell it was Seth when he got closer into view. I didn’t hesitate when I jumped out of the vehicle and approached him. “I’m here, let’s talk.” He swung his arms open, as if to taunt me.

  “I ain’t here to talk. I’m here to listen to you beg for mercy, because there ain’t no way my friend is lyin’ about what you did to her.”

  Where I come from you don’t wait to be taken down. You make the first and the last move. At the very last minute I watched as he saw my arm coming around and lifted his to protect his face. I didn’t pause as I brought my arm back to send a second blow. His jaw cracked as my fist made contact with the skin and sent him down to the ground. “Get up!” I ordered.

  He came after me, trying to take me out at my waist. “Fuck you! I didn’t rape your friend.”

  I lifted my knee at the right moment, clipping him in the neck as his body made contact with mine. He rolled on the ground, clutching his throat.

  I stepped forward, prepared to kick him while he was already down.

  Seth covered his face with both hands again. “Wait! I didn’t come here to fight. You’ve got to believe me. She wanted it. She begged me to take her to that house. She didn’t want to get caught by my ex. I’ll take you there and tell you everything. Come on, man. You’ve got to believe me.”

  “You’ve got to be fuckin’ kiddin’ me. Why would I want to go anywhere with you? I already know what happened. I’ve heard every detail.” If he thought that taking me back to where it happened was going to somehow make me change my mind, he was mistaken. All I wanted to do was crush every bone in his body. I wanted him to suffer an excruciating pain, reminding him every second what he’d done to my girl.

  “We’re goin’ to head over to where it happened. You’re goin’ to give me a blow by blow, and then I’m goin’ to decide how to end this.” I wanted to laugh, but it was very obvious this guy was scared shitless. This was his idea first, and now he was cowering over it.

  “You’re insane. I changed my mind. I’m not going anywhere with you.” Blood ran out of his mouth as he spoke, and he kept spitting it out onto the ground. “My friends know I’m here. They’ll call the police if I’m not back within the hour.”

  “You think I’m scared of your friends, or the police? Look around, asshole. We’re out in the open. I just kicked your ass where everyone could watch. I ain’t scared of the cops, and I sure as hell ain’t scared of your threats. Now, if you know what’s good for you you’ll get in that car and drive us over to the abandoned house you raped my friend in. You can make this hard, or you can cooperate. It’s your choice.”

  “Why would I be stupid enough to let you take me to that house now, when I know you’re planning to hurt me more? You think I want to die? Forget it. I’m not going. You can suck my fat dick.”

  I grabbed him by the arm, pulling him to a standing position. “You’re going to explain your side of the story. Then I’ll leave. You have my word.” What I left out was yet to be determined.

  This part of my attack was unnerving because I was acting on pure rage. I wasn’t being rational, and I didn’t know if I’d be spending the night in a cell for assault on this douche. I needed to teach him a lesson, and since I knew he was scared of what I could do to him, I had his undivided attention.

  “Your word is shit.” He spit his blood at my feet. “Get the fuck away from me.”

  I don’t know why he didn’t notice my fist coming around again. This time I got a good portion of his head near the ear. He went down again, this time covering his whole head from fear of another blow. “I’m not done.”

  This second attack had been provoked. I knew I wanted to beat him to a pulp, and with each punch I felt a little better about my actions. He’d destroyed my friend, leaving her with a lifetime of fear. He deserved so much worse.

  Seth finally followed my directions without a fight. He insisted we walk there instead of driving, and since it was only a couple blocks I didn’t protest.

  Halfway there he started talking about Christian. “I should have known she was trouble when I met her. It was obvious she didn’t belong in that club. For what it’s worth she didn’t tell me she had a boyfriend.”

  As much as I liked hearing someone call me that, I knew I couldn’t correct him. “Shut up.”

  “No, you need to hear that it wasn’t all me. She invited me into her room. She knew what was going to happen. We talked about it first. I gave her time to back out.”

  When we were both standing in front of the condemned house I knew I could have taken him inside and killed him. I was that angry. A part of me wanted to keep busting him up. Just as I was about to move inside, I froze. This could cost me Christian forever. If I took this guy inside and inflicted more pain on him, there was a good chance I’d go to jail. I’d be no different than this loser and his lies.

  It was difficult to do, but I turned around and shocked the hell out of him. “We’re done here.”

  “What? You believe me?”

  “No! I won’t stoop to your level. If we go in that house one of us ain’t comin’ back out. I hate you that much. I know what you did to her in that room, on that dirty mattress. She told me every single detail. She begged you to stop.”

  “I was drunk, man. If she said that I don’t recall it. We had a great day together. You saw what happened at the movies. I liked her.” He honestly triggered more anger. Finally he was coming clean, but it was too late.

  “You need to leave now. If you ever lay a hand on another girl I’ll make sure you end up in a house like this one. Do you understand?”

  I waited until I was a block away to call the police and report a possible rape. After giving them the description of what Seth was wearing and his full name, it would be easy for officials to pick him up. Even though they wouldn’t find any sign of an attack, I knew for a fact that he was always wanted for Christian’s assault. I was just pushing it along faster. This time they didn’t need a warrant for arrest. While that was being created and signed by a judge, I was getting that prick off the street. It was very satisfying.

  I waited nearly twenty minutes before deciding to pull out of the parking lot to head back to my place. About halfway there I noticed three police cars pulled over and one wasn’t campus security. Handcuffed and being pushed into the back of a sedan was Seth. I recognized him immediately, and grew a smile while continuing on. It wasn’t until I’d passed my apartment that I realized where I was going. Nothing could stop me, not even the hospital guidelines. She needed to know she was safe, and I had to see her face when I told her.

  When I reached the emergency room entrance I made a beeline for the security guard, quickly putting on a concerned face so he’d give me his attention. “Help me, please. My wife was brought in earlier with contractions. Can you tell me how to get to maternity?”

  He handed me a visitor’s badge and pointed toward the elevator, announcing the floor number I’d need to get to.

  Little did he know that I had no intentions of going to that floor, because I didn’t even know anyone who was pregnant. The directory was located at the main entrance, so once I’d gotten out of his view, I headed there first.

  Once I’d located the floor she’d be on, I made it to the stairs, taking them instead of alerting the nurses on duty when the elevator doors opened. I stood and waited patiently for someone to walk through the double doors so that I could sneak into the restricted area. They’d dimmed the lights, making it difficult for me to see the room num
bers; but luckily I knew where the room number was located and also the last digits of the phone number she’d called me from earlier.

  I sneaked inside, closing the door behind me so they wouldn’t hear us talking. Then I saw her lying there on the bed. When she turned to see me standing there I watched her frown turn into a welcoming smile. “What are you doin’ here?” She whispered.

  I rushed over to the bed, wanting to break the distance between us. “I had to sneak here to tell you somethin.”

  “Why are your fists bloody?” She asked.

  I stuck my hand in my pocket and smiled. “Let’s just say that I showed Seth how us cowboys handle someone hurtin’ our women.”

  She raised her brow. “You didn’t?”

  “I did, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat for you. Don’t you get it, Christian? Can’t you feel it?”

  She shook her head. “What? Feel what?”

  “That I’ve been lyin’ to you for a long damn time.”

  She let out an air-filled laugh. “Yeah right. I’m on too many drugs to find your jokes remotely entertaining.”

  I straightened my face and grabbed her hand. “It’s true, and it’s time I came clean about everything.”

  Chapter 27


  “Came clean?” I was so lost. Had it not been for the valium I’d been given through an IV perhaps I would have been able to follow him better. All I was sure of was that I needed to know every detail of what happened with Seth. “First tell me about your hand. What did you do?”

  “We met. We talked. I shoved him around a bit. Then I called the police and told them where they could find him. All in a day’s work, babe.”

  Since I felt so woozy it was difficult for me to react the way I should have. Normally I would have freaked out, but because of the meds I was able to simply smile and feel proud that Ethan had done something so brave in my honor. “Thank you.”

  “Like I said, I’d do anything for you. Now, are you goin’ to let me finish what I came here to tell you?”


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