Book Read Free

Christian Mitchell

Page 23

by Jennifer Foor

  He sank down in the other end of the tub waiting for me to do something. Feeling completely out of my realm, I slipped my wet hands over my breasts, sliding easily over my hard nipples. I could feel an intense burning between my legs as I fondled myself this way. It had been a while since I was able to touch myself without cringing. Ethan’s eyes watched me, while I continued massaging my body. I ran one hand down between my legs, coursing over my clit once before going back to my breast. I had to bite down on my bottom lip to keep from crying out loudly. This intense teasing was only making me hotter, so much that my body felt like it was burning up. “Touch me,” I managed to say.

  He grabbed a washcloth that was folded on the ledge and lathered it with some scented soap. Starting on my left leg, he scrubbed my skin until he made his way to my inner thigh. I could feel that rag so close to my sweet spot, taunting me in ways that only Ethan could. When he pulled it back I felt disappointed. Then he rinsed it off, splashing the water all around my most private of areas. He peered at it, inching closer as if to touch it with his mouth. I gasped when I could once again feel his hot breath blowing over it. “I want you so bad, babe.” He kissed me there, slowly without tongue, letting his soft lips linger there.

  It was almost too much to bear. My increased breathing was more obvious as I attempted to tell him to proceed. “Ethan,” his name played off my lips. “Taste me.”

  His tongue felt like a million kisses all at once as it flicked over my clit. He slurped my pussy into his mouth, sucking it just enough and then letting go. My body arched at the moment I felt his warm tongue drawing circles over my bud. I tangled my fingers into locks of his hair, clenching them as he took me to places I never thought I’d go again. I could feel him pleasing me everywhere, in every crevice of my existence. I was losing myself in him, exactly what I knew would happen if I’d just let go.

  Ethan didn’t let me come down from my euphoric high. He pulled me down into the heated tub, positioning my legs to wrap around his back. His stiff erection was apparent beneath me, and unlike the night before, I was prepared to take it to the next level. Nothing was going to stop him from sliding inside of me, and I was about to make sure of it.

  While Ethan took his time, savoring each kiss, I obtained his hard cock with my right hand, scooting my pussy over it to the perfect spot. He halted me at the last second. “Are you sure?”

  I couldn’t explain why it happened, but I felt the hot tears filling my eyes even before I could answer. “Yes. I love you, Ethan. I’m sure.”

  He kissed me again, this time mingling his tongue with mine. I felt his fingers rubbing over my clit, like he was warming me up for penetration. My body reacted to his touch, and he knew it as well. Right before he slid inside, Ethan moved me to the side and climbed out of the tub. He located a towel and held it out for me. “I need you in bed, Chris. I want to fall asleep inside of you, just like our first time.”

  My mind took me back to that night when everything was perfect. It was then that I secretly gave him my heart to keep.

  I followed him into the bedroom, letting the towel fall before I made it to the mattress. Ethan sat down with his focus on me standing in front of him baring all. “God, you’re so beautiful.”

  In this moment I felt it.

  “Please make love to me,” I begged.

  “Gladly,” he whispered as he pulled me onto the bed.

  Ethan began at my feet, kissing my toes, then my ankles, and up to my calves. He massaged my knees and tickled behind them before moving up to my thighs. The anticipation of feeling him playing with my pussy sent me into a frenzy. I yearned for his touch again, and when it happened I couldn’t contain my enjoyment. He licked and then sucked on my clit again and again; each time giving me absolute pleasure. By the time he came up for air I could hardly breathe myself.

  Ethan massaged my breasts as he lifted to suckle on each of my nipples. His gentle bite at the end caused me to cry out. I clung to his hair, pulling as I lost control over myself again.

  By the time he made his way to my mouth I was unable to even consider that we hadn’t had intercourse yet. He’d satiated me to the brink of feeling as if I was flying. Then it happened. I could feel the pressure up against my sex. He was there; stiff, and ready.

  This was the moment where he stopped moving and waited for my permission. I kissed him eagerly, tasting his sweat over his lips. The salty residue glistened over his cheeks as I searched for his eyes. Once I met his stare I knew what I wanted; what was about to happen.

  I let one hand reach up and graze through his thick hair. “What are you waitin’ for?”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  I shook my head. “That’s not possible.”

  Then it happened. With careful precision he entered me, filling my channel with his familiar love. Like our first time together, it felt tight in the beginning. I clung to his body, digging my nails into his back. Beads of sweat covered our bodies as we continued grinding together. He gripped my hair and pulled me into a deep kiss. At the same time I could feel my body losing control. He slowed his pace to allow me a few moments to catch my breath.

  We flipped positions with me on top. Our hands laced together as I began rocking my body over his. The friction caused jolts of vibrating sensations from my lips to my toes. He held onto my hips, guiding me to a perfect stride. Then I felt it happening. He’d held out for as long as he could. I didn’t want him to stop, because being with him felt so right, but I knew it was his turn. Then he tightened up and exploded.

  Just like he’d given me, I waited a few minutes before attempting to move around. He pulled me down over his chest and wrapped his arms behind my back. I didn’t care that we were sweaty. Being with him made everything worthwhile. It was all I’d ever wanted. He was gentle, caring, and above all patient.

  We spent a little while lying there together talking about what was to come. We spoke of the bad times and he held me close when I had to cry a little. Speaking to Ethan about what happened wasn’t like talking to my doctor. He saw into my soul, and was the only person able to reach in and comfort me back to life again. He gave me hope, and promises that I knew he’d keep.

  I’d overcome my biggest hurdle, and all I could think about was being with him again, feeling him pleasuring me until I lost myself in momentary bliss.

  He didn’t push me away when I persuaded him for another round. In fact, with only a simple slip of the tongue I had him at my beck and call. I’d never felt so empowered, and perhaps it’s what he wanted me to feel. At any rate, he knew what I needed, and I was appreciative.

  I could feel his overwhelming emotions taking over as we continued to make love again and again throughout the night. By the time the sun started to rise we were exhausted, both in mind and body.

  Ethan had kept his promise, never taking a single moment for himself. The night had been about me, and I suppose it was important for my first time. The weird thing was that I never thought about Seth while we were intimate, and even in the hours afterwards. Being with Ethan occupied my mind, allowing me to savor each and every moment we were together.

  With the sun shining through the blinds I stayed wrapped in Ethan’s arms. He kissed me good morning and moved the hair out of my eyes. “Good mornin’, darlin’.”

  I hugged him tightly. “I could get used to this.”

  “I already am,” he replied.

  “It’s a good thing you got my dad’s approval to date me.”

  “Why is that?” He asked as he played with my hand.

  “It’ll be easier when you have to ask for my hand in marriage.”

  Ethan sat straight up and rubbed his face. I giggled, thinking my joke had gotten to him. “I’ll have you know that no matter what your family says you’re goin’ to be my wife. I’d like for us to wait until I graduate, but it’s goin’ to happen. You and I have a long road ahead of us. Besides, your dad sort of already gave me the go-ahead. I’ve got it in writing.”

“Well then it sounds perfect.”

  He pulled my hand up to his lips. “It will be. I promise.”


  4 months later


  I hated waking her up, but after reading the text message I knew she’d want to know about this. It wasn’t every day that the person who attacked someone finally gets caught.

  “Chris, wake up.” She stirred and rolled over to my side, never opening her eyes. I walked over to that side, sitting down on the mattress beside her. After removing the hair away from her face, I leaned forward and kissed her. “Darlin’, wake up. I’ve got somethin’ to tell you.”

  “Five more minutes, Ethan. I was up late studyin’.” Since she’d enrolled in online classes Chris had spent quite a few evenings buried in books.

  “It’s important. You can go back to sleep as soon as I’m done.”

  She sat up and cracked open both eyes. “This better be good. I was dreamin’ of us bein’ at the beach already.”

  “It’s only a few weeks away, babe.” I waited for her to smile before continuing. “So I woke up and had a text message from a number I didn’t recognize.”

  “Is it from an old girlfriend?” She asked as she stretched out her arms. Since moving back into my parent’s house, Chris had been staying with me. She hadn’t technically moved in, but it was only a matter of time before we made it official. I think I was more concerned about what her parents would say about it, but so far they’d been pretty cool.

  “No! It’s not from an old girlfriend. It’s actually from that girl Amber. Do you remember her?”

  Her eyes shot open. “Of course I do. What about her? Why is she sendin’ you messages?”

  “Seth got arrested over the weekend. Accordin’ to Amber’s text he got trashed and attacked Mila at the frat house when he found out she was seeing someone new. Apparently he thought his friend was asleep in the room they were in. Halfway through the guy got up and started beatin’ the shit out of him until the police came. I don’t know the details other than what I’ve told you, but I’m pretty sure he’s not gettin’ out of this one. Amber said she wanted me to let you know the detective might be contactin’ you about your statement.” I waited for it all to sink in. While Chris remained silent I crouched down in front of her and took her hands. “I’m tellin’ you this because I know you’re strong now. If you want to pursue this we’ll do it together. If you don’t then we’ll go about our lives as if this conversation never happened.”

  I could tell she was thinking about it. “Is Mila okay? She was a bitch to me, but nobody deserves what happened.”

  “I guess. Amber didn’t go into details. She just basically said Seth was arrested and why.”

  “I’ll testify.” Her answer was short and to the point.

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded. “If the detective gets in touch with me I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure this never happens again.”

  I pulled my girlfriend into a big hug, noticing right away that she wasn’t freaking out. She’d been going to therapy for months, and our relationship was also going strong. Chris was happy, and we both promised to never look back at what we could have done differently. “I’m so proud of you.”

  She pulled away and looked right into my eyes. “I couldn’t have done this without you, Ethan. The other girls aren’t as lucky as me. They’ll need to find something to help them heal. It’s somethin’ they’ll never forget, but will be able to let go if they learn how.”

  “You’re so beautiful when you’re strong and determined.”

  The smile that followed let me know she felt as beautiful as I saw her. Out of something horrible my girlfriend had learned to love herself. I didn’t want to feel thankful for what happened to her, because it was awful, but I was glad that through it all we were able to come together and I was finally the person she needed me to be.

  No matter where life took us we’d be together. From the very moment she stepped inside of that bus I knew she was my future. I’d spend the rest of my life making sure she knew it too.

  The End

  Look for Noah’s Wedding in All I Want (A Christmas Anthology) December 13th 2014,

  and Jake’s Book Coming January 2015.




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