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Midnight Sun's Magic

Page 16

by Betty Neels

  She put a hand on his knee. ‘I promise, Jake.’

  He smiled briefly and started the engine and they hardly spoke again until he drew up outside the house in Goes. Cor must have been lying in wait for them; the door was thrown open with a great flourish and such a broad smile that Annis cried: ‘Oh, Cor, how nice to see you waiting!’

  Jake spoke quietly to him and he nodded and took her coat as Jake took her arm. ‘The little sitting room,’ he murmured. ‘There’s a fire there and Cor will bring us some coffee presently.’

  He shut the door behind them and stood leaning against it, watching her. Annis turned round and ran back across the room. ‘Jake, oh Jake, I do love you so. I think it’s always been you—when you rescued Harald and broke your leg—I didn’t know then, only I was so miserable about it. How could I have been so blind and silly?’

  He opened his arms and caught her fast. ‘My darling girl, I believe we’re going to be very happy, we’ve done so much together, haven’t we? Although there’s a lot we have to catch up on. This, for instance!’

  He kissed her long and hard and she sighed and wormed her way a little closer.

  ‘I expect we’ll have to practise quite often,’ she said, and kissed him back.

  ‘Oh, undoubtedly,’ said Jake, ‘and there’s no time like the present, don’t you agree, sweetheart?’

  And Annis agreed.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-0518-5


  Copyright © 1979 by Betty Neels.

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