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Ethera and the Island of Evisara: Book One of The Enrovia Series

Page 8

by Anna J Walner

  I stepped outside and turned to see the sheer red wall lit in a breathtaking color intensified by the setting sun. The animals moved around, taking care of what business they had, giving no more than a curious glance in my direction every once and again. I felt very much an outsider, even after I had passed their test.

  Raising my phone, I took several pictures of them and the town then tucked it back into my pack. Now that I had my few belongings settled and a place to call home, I decided I needed a project to keep busy until dark. Looking around my new home I did notice a few things lacking.

  A bed would be nice, the hard packed clay may not be very comfortable for the night, and a chair could be beneficial as well. I had seen some palms growing by the stream where I had napped earlier which might do the trick.

  I dug through my backpack finding the Swiss army knife and jammed it into my back pocket. It was only about a quarter of a mile hike from my bungalow to the clearing edge. But I needed to hurry, the setting sun was already low enough that the stars had begun peeking out of the fading blue and pink sky.

  I spotted the fronds of the shrub palm sticking up from the carpet of grass along the streams edge. I selected the small saw from the different options on the knife and began cutting the stalks one by one. After several minutes I had a respectable bundle, enough for a start at least.

  I could barely see as I carefully walked back to the center of town, my mountain of fronds was heavy, and almost too tall to see over. Finally I reached the door of my house and dropped them on the ground. I had seen a stump at the forest edge while I was gathering the palm leaves that would do very nicely as a stool.

  I set out again, hurrying to the forest edge just as the darkness grew around me. I bent down to tip the stump over on its side to roll it when a small tree beside me came crashing down, nearly falling on top of me. I jumped out of the way, seeing Tindo standing behind the roots sticking up from the ground, still covered in dirt.

  The roar from his maw nearly deafened me, as I squeezed my eyes shut against the colored fog of his voice. I turned and ran, as fast as I could, not even noticing Lars skittering between my legs running toward the bear.

  I decided to stay in my little house for the rest of the night, until Ethera returned. I don’t know what I did to piss off the bear so bad, but I did what he wanted, and I passed. So he just needed to get over it. Whatever “it” was.

  On the floor of my house I sat and thought on how to start making a sort of palm frond mat, as I heard a scraping outside, growing closer until four large brown paws came into view just beyond the door, followed by a familiar looking tree being drug across the ground. The tree stopped then dropped with heavy thud as the sound of Tindo’s paws moved further away.

  I walked to the door of the bungalow and looked down at my new oversized bench.

  A little green head popped up from behind the log, followed by the rest of Lars, his pink pouch under his throat ballooning out in pride. I giggled, my mood instantly lighter.

  “Did you do this?” I asked. He hopped on both front feet, whipping his tail back and forth, looking quite pleased with himself. “Well, thank you.” I said to Lars. “Both of you!” I yelled at the big brown butt ambling away from me.

  I ducked outside and sat with him as the night fell around us. Taking my time, I weaved the fronds of the palm shrubs together until I had a respectable mat. I guess that one year of girl scouts paid off after all.

  I wished I had gathered more, but I suppose it would have to do on short notice. I’d have more than enough time tomorrow anyway. Maybe I could try to add another two or three layers later. I leaned back against the wall of my home, feeling again the need for sleep.

  The floating bubbles of essence swayed above our heads, casting a spectral glow over the town as they drifted. Even with the faint illumination, I could still see the stars above us, more vivid and clearer than any I had ever seen from home.

  As I looked I realized that these were not the constellations I knew from heart. These stars were different. Still, as I looked I could draw in my mind new shapes, forming from the brilliant dots. The ones above me could be a lizard like Lars. The large cluster to my right resembled one of the monkey’s I had seen earlier.

  I lay down on the ground, using a pile of fronds as a pillow and watched the sky for a while. Fatigue drew my eyes closed after a while and I drifted to sleep. The excitement from earlier had worn off, and I was reminded of just how long this day had been.

  Ethera and the Council

  She stood alone in the cave, waiting. The icy walls bowed over her, brilliant in a sparkling blue, like tanzanite that was lit from behind. Ethera stared into the names of the former leaders on the wall. Over a thousand names shimmered against the icy walls.

  The leaders of millennia past were honored here, and one day her name would join theirs when the time came, but that would be a while. Her rule over Evisara was still young, only thirty thousand years or so. The longest rule of any governor had been one hundred and forty three thousand years. She still had plenty of time.

  In the absence of company she remembered the long and painful years she had already endured, fraught with heartache and loss. She knew tonight would be another moment in time she would remember someday.

  She waited for the other leaders of her fellow islands. There would be Metis, the thylacine who ruled Envalisa, the island of extinct animals; Nuneuka, the fur seal, who ruled the undersea realm of Ealnusa and all those who reside in it; Sengei, the cheetah ruler of Entepidus the largest of the animals; Corrigan, the mastiff dog from the island of Eaforasa, which hosted those whose essence was infused by the love of a human; and Valcone, the peregrine falcon, a fearless warrior who presided over Ephalyra, the island of birds.

  Before Drugan usurped the throne, Darsythus would also attend, grudgingly, but he understood the system of power and how it must be preserved. He respected the system which had served them so well through time, although he resented it.

  Those days were gone until balance could be restored, and a new ruler chosen for the island of darkness. But Drugan was merciless, any who dared oppose him was stripped of their essence and turned to sand on the beach. Something that was expressly forbidden in Enrovia. Only the most egregious crime was considered as cause for this fate, and even then the council must unanimously approve it.

  Drugan’s actions merited this very fate, however despite the unified vote, the sentence was yet to be carried out. Being human, and from another realm, this proved more difficult than thought. With each essence he stole, his power grew.

  Ethera was the first one who received the news of that terrible night. Mephisteph the snake stole away from Ealdume to warn her, sharing with her the details of Drugan’s betrayal.

  The night Drugan discovered and stole the stone, Darsythus confronted the boy, realizing he had been betrayed. He fought back as Drugan began to reap his essence. But Darsythus had lost his stone and in his true form, unable to transform, he could not overpower the boy.

  Drugan unfortunately succeeded, despite the gruesome fight. He also reaped the essence from several others who were still loyal to Darsythus and Enrovia. Mephisteph narrowly escaped through a crack along the mountainside castle to warn her, and later paid dearly for it.

  Drugan not only refused to join the council but drew together an army against it, thirsting to control all of Enrovia. A fiery ambition which still burned.

  This was the battle they fought each day since. Her mistake had followed her, nipping at her heals.

  She had sought him out, once, and against the council’s knowledge to offer her life as penance in exchange for peace, but he laughed at her selfless gesture. Against her nature, and against her will she was forced to fight. Each day her heart broke as more of her faithful were taken from Enrovia forever.

  Before Drugan took control of the throne, the dark lights from the island of Ealdume were not allowed to cross back over. They were condemned to exist on Ealdume for eternity. T
his was their punishment.

  At the center of Enrovia is the smallest island, but one of the most important. Evisara hold the well of rebirth, where pure essence can re-enter the world and start again, if that was their choice. Dark essence has never been allowed to enter the well, until, with a great loss of life, Drugan’s army overtook the island and the well, preventing pure lights from entering and allowing only dark lights their chance to cross back into the world once more.

  There was one mission for their return, to corrupt as many animals as possible. Dark lights was ashore on the island of Ealdume while Ethera guides the pure lights to Evisara. Once the essence reached land they became their former selves, retaining all memory and form of their previous life. The more dark lights that came to Ealdume the greater Drugan’s army became.

  Now with each trip to gather lights, Ethera had brought back more and more dark essence, an unprecedented amount in her time. Drugan’s plan was working, his army growing with each day.

  As long as Drugan controlled Empira, no pure essence could return to the world. The millions of floating orbs of essence that Hailey had seen earlier were waiting for their chance to be reborn, but with no way to do that, the delicate balance of good and evil within the animal kingdom in Hailey’s world was changing.

  The poor girls timing could not have been worse, with the war still raging on, the council would no doubt see the girl as another threat, or a potential ally to Drugan. Although Ethera believed the girl to be a friend, and certainly not a threat, she had been wrong before. And the council would not be shy about pointing out that fact. She was sure of that.

  That is why when Hailey asked about the stone, Ethera had been careful with her answer. The power the stones held was truly great and that kind of power could be tempting. The ability to transform, the ability to heal, and the ability to reap essence, were only available to those in possession of one. The less she knew of this the better, Ethera thought.

  No doubt the council would want to question the girl before making their decision. And If the council decided she were a threat, they would need to determine what to do with the girl. The options had been discussed once, when Drugan first came to the land, but the council voted to banish him instead of something more severe. Knowing now how regrettable that course of action had been, Ethera dreaded they may be more heavy handed in their decision this time.

  This was why she had asked Lars to accompany Hailey from the shore to the city, to stay with her as much as he could. It would be his opinion on Hailey that she would present to the council this time. Lars now waited by Ethera’s feet as the others began to arrive.

  One by one the other members entered the cave. Ethera and Lars greeted each member of their group as old friends, having known them all for countless centuries. They eagerly awaited Seraphina, who had not yet arrived. This would be the third time in as many months that the council had convened. Most times they only met but once a year. However, these were not typical times.

  Sengei stood and stretched his legs, pacing in circles to pass the time. The orange and black spotted cheetah was already restless. They all were. Tension hung on them all these past several hundred years, causing even the strongest essence to show the signs of anxiety from the constant warring that plagued them all.

  It was a show of respect and honesty that each ruler shifted into their true and native form as they entered and joined each other.

  Hushed conversations between them slowly quieted as the sound of beating wings broke through the night air. Seraphina circled gracefully, pumping her plumage a final time as she landed on the large boulder at the center of the group.

  There was a democracy within the council, no one leader holding a higher rank then their peers. They were equals here. Nevertheless, Seraphina was given the highest order of honor, being the original ruler of all Enrovia before power was distributed among the other islands and their leaders.

  “Welcome, everyone. Let’s not waste time shall we?” She addressed them all in unison. “I understand we have made progress today against the dark ones. I was very pleased to hear it.”

  Ethera stepped forward to give her report. “Yes, Adapa and his unit have secured the west lagoon earlier today, but I am afraid that Drugan’s forces have only moved further south. I will need to scout the area to be sure. At the very least we may have kept them from gaining any more ground. But we still need more help. We’ve lost so many . . .” Seraphina listened patiently then nodded.

  “Metis, have you given any more thought to joining our efforts. We could certainly use your support.” Ethera looked to the ancient beast for his reply.

  “Our answer is still no. We understand the need you have for us, but because our numbers are small, and we have no way of replenishing them, as the other islands do, we cannot fight with you. We are sorry, and our hearts go out to you, but I’m afraid we can’t help.” The thylacine bowed his head, excusing himself from the conversation and backing away.

  The council of course understood. The island of Envalisa was home to the oldest essence in the kingdom, besides Seraphina herself. Dinosaurs and dodo birds, wooly mammoths and saber-toothed tigers still roamed the sweeping landscape there, content with staying here forever. Most had regenerated long ago, abandoning their original form and choosing a new one. But a few thousand remained, not wanting to shed their true and ancient forms so willingly.

  To have lived peacefully for so many millions of years, taking a risk like this was understandably not an easy decision. Still, their allegiance could prove invaluable to the cause.

  “And when Drugan’s army comes to the shore of Envalisa will you fight then?” Ethera questioned him. “Or will you lay down and accept his rule? Your island may be furthest from Ealdume, but it is no so far for you to be safe forever.”

  “One foot on my island and we would tear him apart, no one, human or beast would be so ill advised.” He snapped.

  “Precisely why we need your help! With your allegiance Drugan would surrender at the very rumor of your support!” she fought to win her argument. For many decades she had made the same plea to him, and still he chose to remain neutral.

  “Ethera, enough . . .” Seraphina twisted her head to lock eyes with the big cat. “And what of you Sengei, will your warrior spirit come to our aid?”

  “We will do what we can, of course. I have sent out the call for volunteers this afternoon, I do expect an answer by morning. Those who step forward will be readied, and will travel tomorrow night at the low tide to join Ethera.” He nodded in the lamb’s direction, and then rested on his haunches.

  “We will help,” Corrigan stepped from the group towards the hawk. “I have two thousand who are willing to fight.” A hushed gasp escaped from the others. This was unexpected, the island of Eaforasa was one who routinely regenerated or transcended, to take a chance like this was not expected.

  “Are you quite certain?” Seraphina asked. The animals in Corrigan’s realm were those who had been touched by a human heart. Companions of those who still lived in the outside world. When the time came for their human to pass into their eternity Corrigan had the joy of bringing them the news that they would soon be reunited.

  He personally travelled with them to Evisara, through the city, and to the waterfall that flowed from the heavens. Where they went once they passed through the falls even Seraphina did not know. But this was the greatest joy of any animal, to see their loved ones again after so long.

  Some routinely regenerated through the well in search of the mark that only a human essence can leave on their hearts. Many came and went time and time again in search of this ultimate destination, the true and unconditional love of a human soul. This is why Corrigan’s offer came as such a surprise tonight.

  If any of Ethera’s army were to meet the cruelest fate at the hands of Drugan’s men, their essence would be taken, their bodies turned to sand, and the chance to find the human mark would forever be lost. Those who had chosen the stay in Enrovia forev
er might take the risk, and many had, but this was the first time that Corrigan had offered his assistance in the fight. She was more deeply touched than she could ever show.

  Corrigan nodded his head, “We accept the risk, and most who have volunteered are permanents. Their hearts go out to those who are still waiting to regenerate.

  “I will be accompanying them across the bridge tonight as soon as I return. We will meet you on the east beach before dawn,” he addressed Ethera.

  “My greatest thanks for your sacrifice Corrigan, you and your volunteers are as brave as any, maybe more so.” Ethera commended the mastiff, glancing sidelong at Metis who pretended to ignore the pointed comment.

  “Nuneuka, it what state do you find your realm?” Seraphina addressed the seal.

  “Most of us have chosen to move further from Ealdume, the majority remaining loyal, however preferring to stay out of the fight. But if it comes looking we will not back down. I have several bull sharks who have asked to join you at the gates, to ferry you through. When will you pass through again?”

  “I would like to try tomorrow, however I will have to see what the day brings. I have a very long night ahead. But I thank you for the offer and your support.”

  Seraphina drew everyone’s attentions as she spoke next. “Now, if it’s possible, I have a more pressing piece of business to discuss, which might cause some concern. We have a stranger in our land. Yesterday, when Ethera was gathering in the open world, a young girl happened through the gates by mistake.” She began explaining before being cut short with shouts of anger and disapproval from the representatives.

  Metis paced continuously with an angry growl.

  Valcone squawked, highly agitated as he hopped across the ground.

  Ashamed, Ethera hung her head, taking the verbal assault before Seraphina finally called the excited group to order. “Enough!,” she spat at them.

  “I sympathize with and understand the concerns you must have. But what is done is done, the girl is here. There is no way to undo that now. Our land has been secured for over a thousand years, the gates closed to the outside world. Ethera explained to me the circumstances and I believe that this was simply an unfortunate turn of events, nothing more. It’s my understanding that the girl only wants to go home. However, at this time, it is not safe for her to do so. What happens to the girl is to be decided among us all. But that decision will not be made tonight. We need more information. Rash actions based on fear or anger are never the right ones.” She turned to face Ethera.


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