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You and Only You

Page 2

by Young, Brooke

  Well, okay then, she thought.

  Suddenly, he was nowhere to be found. Berkleigh mingled for another ten minutes or so and then looked at her Cartier tank watch. She realized it was almost time for the next round of irritating behavior from the ‘getting drunker by the minute’ bankers at the event being held at the Bistro Molokini.

  Deciding to head over a few minutes early so she could control who she would sit by, avoiding the most obnoxious ones, she made her way toward the exit.

  The restaurant was situated outside and open on all sides, which was perfect since the weather was comfortable in the mid-seventies as the pinkish-orange sun prepared to set.

  White lights were strung around the palm tree trunks and candles illuminated the path way creating a soft ambiance. The sound of what seemed to be a mix between Hawaiian and classical music softly played from the overhead speakers as Berkleigh entered the restaurant.

  Patrons took notice as she entered the bar area. As she walked across the expensive, Italian marble floor, her heels clicked with every step.

  She spied Jack in the corner with three men that she didn’t recognize. They seemed to be deep in conversation and unaware of the other customers around them. As she was about to turn to order a drink from the bar, one of the guys sitting opposite of Jack was staring at her admiringly.

  Shit! His prospect just caught me looking their way! Should I go say hello? She mildly panicked as she did not want to interrupt their meeting or seem too eager to be around Jack. Turn away…ughhh…too late!

  Jack followed the man’s gaze and spotted Berkleigh standing in the middle of the bar alone. His smile beamed brightly, and he motioned her over to join them. She walked toward them clutching her evening purse, all eyes on her. They all stood as Jack made introductions, “Everyone, this is Berkleigh Woods, SVP with Titan Global Systems.”

  Berkleigh offered her most charming smile to the three men all the while suspicion overcame her, I never told him my last name, title or the company I work for, how can Jack possibly know that?

  “Berkleigh, this is Vladimir Chertikoff with Moscow International Bank, Fareed Aziz with the Bank of Abu Dhabi and Ian Cromwell with the UK Global Bank in London.”

  As Jack finished his introductions, he noticed a perplexed look on Berkleigh’s face.

  Vladimir stated, “Titan Global Systems? My bank is a client of yours, in fact we all are,” he gestured to the other men, “Would you like to join us for a drink, Ms. Woods?”

  “You’re all clients of ours? I work in our Domestic Division in sales. I appreciate the invitation for me to join you all, thank you but I’m actually meeting some clients here momentarily and I don’t want to interrupt your meeting,” she offered a grateful smile.

  “Actually…” Jack paused and cleared his throat, “I believe we are finished here gentlemen, I appreciate you all giving me a few minutes of your time. Perhaps I can take you to dinner sometime this week, maybe Wednesday?” They nodded, “Great, I will be in touch.” Jack said matter-of-factly. As if on cue, the three men took the hint and excused themselves leaving Berkleigh alone with Jack.

  He pulled out a chair for her but still sensed something caused her to feel uneasy, “Ready to take me up on the offer to buy your first drink?” he asked as he flashed his charming smile.

  She ignored his question and responded coolly with, “How did you know my last name and the company I work for? I never told you that,” she eyed him suspiciously as she waited for his answer.

  He laughed and pointed to the conference name tag hanging out of her evening clutch, “I thought something had rattled you. Now how about that drink, Ms. Woods? I think you could use one.” he teased playfully.

  He was waiting for her to take a seat, so he was standing dangerously close to her. In fact, as she approached the chair, he was so close that Berkleigh could feel his warm breath on the nape of her neck. Her heart raced excitedly.

  “Well, that explains it,” she laughed, shaking her head at her own guardedness and then continued, “Sorry. I guess I’m a little on edge tonight. I would absolutely love a drink, Mr. Ashford. Surprise me," she stated breathlessly.

  Feeling a sense of relief from his answer she let out a deep breath and smiled to herself. Geez, paranoid much?

  She watched Jack attentively as he walked toward the bar. He is a tall drink of water, isn’t he? I’d like to get me a sip of that! Berkleigh! She mentally chastised herself for allowing this stranger to have such a powerful effect over her. The irony occurred to her that she was acting exactly like the bankers but silently.

  Jack returned from the bar carrying two dirty martinis, each containing Tito’s vodka and three olives, he set one in front of Berkleigh. He smoothly slid in his chair across from her, lifted his glass, with his ever-so-charming smile and toasted, “Here’s to making your acquaintance. I’m hoping it might actually make this conference tolerable for the both of us,” he stated, trusting she would concur with the sentiment.

  Berkleigh lifted her glass, not breaking eye contact with Jack and said, “I second that.”

  As they toasted their glasses together, Jack’s knee brushed Berkleigh’s bare leg. The heat inside her intensified as she was suddenly aware of just how close the two of them were seated. Her body filled with a warming sensation that made her feel lightheaded, desire throbbed between her legs. She hoped the impact he had on her wasn’t obvious to him. All the while Jack struggled with his own body’s response to her closeness. Under other circumstances, his impulse would’ve dared him to touch her under the table and slowly run his hand up her leg.

  Fortunately, he was able to exhibit a tremendous amount of self-control, except for his growing length.

  Just as he was about to ask Berkleigh about herself, a surge of loud and drunken bankers made their presence known as they entered Bistro Molokini interrupting the opportunity for them to have a private conversation. Berkleigh rolled her eyes and took another drink of her martini, “It was fun while it lasted, Jack.” She frustration about the disruption was obvious.

  Jack moved his chair back, rose and held his hand out to help her up, and winked. “C’mon. I know how these men can be and quite frankly, it irritates me beyond belief. Don’t worry, I will come to your rescue if any of them get out of control, just give me the signal.”

  Berkleigh rose from her chair and gave him an inquisitive look, laughing flirtatiously, “The signal?”

  “Put your hands on your throat, you know the international sign of choking?” he smirked and continued, “I’m kidding, if anyone gets out of hand, just give me a look and I’ll be there.”

  They made their way into the crowd of banking executives and one of Berkleigh’s clients immediately separated her from Jack, much to her reluctance.

  Berkleigh made small talk with some clients. A few intruded too closely into her private space. One was severely overweight so the walk to the bar caused him to perspire and breathe heavier than normal. She turned to put some distance between them and spied Jack watching the interaction from the other side of the bar. A look spread across his face that Berkleigh could not quite decipher. She rolled her eyes at him and he laughed. She turned her attention back to her client and spoke to him briefly. Fortunately, the client saw an old friend and excused himself. One down, thirty to go.

  She couldn’t help but glance back at Jack. This time, his back was turned, and he was talking to an older, somewhat attractive female. Berkleigh noticed the woman kept touching his arm as they conversed. Jack seemed oblivious to her casual flirtation and did not respond in kind. Okay, I’m not seriously jealous about that woman touching Jack, am I?! The cold exterior, that she typically presented until she really got to know a man, seemed to melt in his presence.

  Her hard and fast rule to never hook up with a man at a conference was quickly becoming a thing of the past as Jack had her contemplating changing it with his charming demeanor and gorgeous looks. I really, really need to get laid. She fantasized about Jack’s sl
ight stubble caressing her neck when her thoughts were interrupted by a client, “You’re even better looking in paradise, Berkleigh, if that was possible!” Stan Wilkinson, EVP of one of her largest bank clients came up from behind and wrapped his arms around her, slurring his words.

  Stan was in his fifties, always had the pungent smell of stale cigarette smoke and made it clear he was unhappily married. Berkleigh could feel that he was turned on against her buttocks. Beyond repulsed, she attempted to break free from his arms without success. Feeling trapped, she became visibly upset.

  Stan’s behavior took her back to her childhood, instant terror developed as she felt out of control. Inside, she transformed into a frightened seven-year-old girl amid adult associates. Jack must’ve seen the repulsive scene as it unfolded because no sooner did she look his direction, he was upon them. He aggressively removed Stan’s arms from around her and pushed him away.

  “Let’s not do that, partner,” Jack’s posture challenged him to say anything. Instead, he shrugged and stumbled back to the bar. Protectively, Jack enveloped Berkleigh in his embrace and led her away from the bar altogether down the candle-lit path. His invasion of her personal space did not make her uncomfortable. On the contrary, she really liked the solace she felt with his arm wrapped around her.

  When they were out of ear shot of the party, he gently asked, “Are you okay? Are you up for something more private? Nobody should have to put up with an obnoxious asshole like that. No wonder you dreaded this!” he said sympathetically.

  Berkleigh’s head whirled, disturbed about what had just happened with Stan, a lump in her throat formed. “That’s by far the worse it’s ever been. Oh my God, these guys think they get to act that way just because they are my clients. Thank you, Jack. Seriously-that was beyond offensive. I appreciate it, really.” She took a deep breath. She tried to settle the scared seven-year-old inside of her. She engaged the breathing exercises her counselor taught her. He offered her a concerned smile and gently said “Let’s get out of here, I know just the place.”

  Getting away from that environment appealed to her equally as much as the thought of spending private time with Jack. She appreciated the common respect he clearly accorded women. Unbeknownst to Berkleigh getting her alone was part of his plan, given that he had only four days to obtain the critical information he sought. Unfortunately for Jack, his professional/personal boundary was instantly blurred as that scene played out. Though his raw masculine side craved to pleasure her in a way he was confident a man never had, he wouldn’t.

  As her tears threatened to surface, he looked beyond her outward beauty and saw something deep inside of her heart, a place where the innocent little girl resided in a black shadow that made the Berkleigh of the present seem to snap shut, like a trap door. Jack saw an extremely broken woman behind those beautiful but frightened eyes. Barely knowing her, he now wanted to save Berkleigh as much as he needed to save his country. He just wasn’t sure how he would accomplish the former without compromising the latter.


  The short drive in Jack’s Jeep rental down the street to the Four Seasons Hotel allowed Berkleigh’s heartbeat to finally slow and the chance to collect herself. They were escorted to their table which happened to be in the VIP room at Duo Steakhouse and Seafood. The tables were secluded from one another that offered a higher amount of privacy than the regular section of the restaurant. Candle-lit sconces on the cherry wood walls offered warmth and a sense of security which also undoubtedly helped accentuate the romantic mood.

  No disgusting bank executives can find me here! Nicely done, Jack, she smiled having recovered from the heinous incident with Stan.

  Jack looked through Duos vast wine list. The waiter, dressed in an expensive gray-colored suit with a black, white and gray checkered tie, greeted the both of them but addressed Jack by name, “Mr. Ashford, nice to see you again.”

  Berkleigh looked at Jack with a raised eyebrow; she was amused and curious. He just shrugged and smiled at her boyishly.

  “Nice to see you, as well, Bill. Please bring us a bottle of your 2004 Opus One California,” Jack ordered.

  The waiter, Bill, nodded, “Yes, sir. I will be back shortly.”

  The VIP area was empty except for Berkleigh and Jack.

  “Come here often?” she asked curiously with one of her eyebrows arched.

  “A couple of times,” he offered nonchalantly.

  “Only a couple?” she asked in disbelief, “You must leave quite the lasting impression in that case,” she teased.

  “That’s the word on the street,” he toyed back and gave her a look as if saying you will see for yourself.

  Jack’s seductiveness, though unintentional, was driving Berkleigh crazy.

  Bill returned to pour the wine and recited the evening dinner specials. He offered Jack a sample, Jack swirled the wine to aerate it, then politely handed the glass to Berkleigh and said, “Ladies first.”

  Berkleigh accepted, sampled the expensive wine and quietly moaned with approval, “Mmmm, excellent choice.” Jack didn’t take his eyes off her as he thoroughly enjoyed watching her mouth as she sampled the wine, I can only imagine what her kiss would taste like and what her lips would feel like against mine, he thought.

  Bill poured more into Berkleigh’s glass and after Jack’s was filled they smiled at one another, both raised their glasses in a symbolic toast.

  Returning a few minutes later to take their order. Jack, who was clearly familiar with their food selection, spoke up, “Bill, I hope this beautiful lady doesn’t mind me taking the liberty for ordering for the both of us. We will have the Chateau Briand, grilled asparagus and potatoes au gratin, please.”

  Bill nodded, “Excellent choice, Sir,” and left to input the order.

  Berkleigh looked into the soft greenish-brown eyes of the handsome man who saved her from disgusting Stan, anxious to learn more about him, “So how long have you been in banking?”

  “A little over a year,” he replied, “what about you?”

  “Going on 10 years, I’ve worked for TGS since I graduated college. I guess with my degree and hard work, I was able to climb the ‘corporate ladder’ to the position I am in now. It’s

  a long time to be with a company and the number of years attending this conference probably explains why I hate coming to these things despite the tropical location,” she said.

  “No, Stan’s behavior explains why you hate coming to these things,” he stated pointedly. She nodded in agreement. Jack continued, “So tell me a little about yourself, where are you from, your favorite kind of music, where did you go to college?”

  “I am originally from Colorado but moved to Huntington Beach when I was 12, I like all sorts of music- country and contemporary mostly- and I graduated from Pepperdine in 2003 with a business degree and a minor in IT/Special programming. What about you, where are you from?”

  “Born and raised in Austin, attended the University of Texas, graduated in ’97. I majored in political science and international studies, now I live in Virginia. Oh, and I like classic rock and some country,” he smiled.

  “Texas man only likes some country, eh?” she teased.

  “Yes...the whole southern-like twang accent, cowboy boots, tight jeans, big belt buckles…are not my thing. So, 2003 would make you,” he paused to do the math, “about 33 years old?”

  “Yes.” She said confidently, “and that would make you,” she paused as she did quick math, “39?"

  “Yeah, I will be 39 in July.”

  “So exactly what kind of consulting does your company provide?” she inquired, she took another sip of her wine.

  He poured them each more wine, “We help banks improve their bottom line which in turn helps them offer more competitive rates to their customers.”

  Over dinner, her emotional wall that Stan built was slowly being broken down by his kind, respectful attitude and small talk.

  Jack not only wanted to spend more time with her while in Hawai
i, he needed to, “Obviously we are in the conference all day tomorrow, but for the ‘free time’ they have allowed us the two days after that, do you have anything planned? Are you ‘wining and dining’ any clients?”

  She cleared her throat, “No, I am using that as an opportunity to relax. Thank goodness, too, after what happened tonight. I’m going to explore the beaches, maybe tour the island, go find some hole in the wall restaurant, and was thinking about golfing. What are your plans? Do you golf?”

  “I do,” he replied with a smile.

  “I hear the Emerald Course is beautiful with ocean views from every hole, if you are interested I can schedule us a tee time, I mean…,” she tapered off feeling embarrassed about being presumptuous about his availability and interest to golf with her.

  “All day golfing with a beautiful woman in Hawaii? Sounds like an offer I can’t refuse,” he smiled charmingly and then continued, “I didn’t make any plans with any of my clients during the ‘off-time’. Except to maybe take the guys you met earlier out to dinner one of the nights.”

  “Well, I think golf would be fun. I’ll call first thing in the morning to see if they have any available tee times.”

  “Sounds great, my schedule is open so whenever is fine. Maybe we can find that ‘hole in the wall’ afterwards for lunch if you’d like,” please that his plan to spend more time with her may work out.

  When dinner arrived; Jack topped off Berkleigh’s wine and then his own.

  “This food smells and looks delicious,” Berkleigh purred, feeling the warm effects of the wine. Jack waited until she took a first bite of the steak. She closed her eyes, moaned quietly and chewed slowly to savor the flavor.

  This afforded Jack the opportunity to really take in Berkleigh’s remarkably exquisite features. Her lips look so soft and inviting, and if those eyelashes weren’t enough but then to have sparkling eyes the light blue color of the Caribbean behind them looking at me like that.


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