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Welcome to the Family

Page 7

by Caroline F Levy

  I sit in stunned silence and finish the omelet. I find myself unable to rest though, so I decide to take a shower.

  As I slip back onto the bed, I feel exhausted, but sleep will not come to me. I have a burning sensation in my stomach, nothing like when I got my teeth. I still have not seen or felt them yet. The burning feeling is not like anything I have never had before, I would say it is more like a warmth than a burn and it is almost pleasant.

  I turn to call Jack, to tell him I am having a different sensation, but he has already entered the room. “I see you are feeling better, and you smell delicious.” My look of confusion must be all over my face. “I have been able to smell your arousal, for the last hour or so. I have been waiting for you to call me. You, my dear, have a wonderful smell.”

  I open-and-shut my mouth a couple of times. I try to think of a time when someone has said I smell wonderful. I am not used to having any form of compliment. I am lost for words.

  “Have you not noticed different scents on people?”

  I remember how Roger smells like cookie dough, and I realize what he means. “You, my dear have a most delicious smell. Vanilla.”

  I breathe in — and then, I smell it. Thoughts of cinnamon flood my brain. A dream comes to mind, I could smell cinnamon then as well. I will have to ask someone about that. However, not now, and not Jack. He was the person who I could smell in the dream.

  Jack stands in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe in a casual pose. Wearing nothing but a form-fitting pair of jeans. He is lean but muscular, and well proportioned. His hair is damp, as is his skin; he must have just had a shower. His eyes are black, like the midnight sky. He looks at me as if he wants to absorb my entire being.

  His eyes shine, as he mischievously grins at me. It is then I see his teeth. I gasp, as they grow right before my eyes.

  “Angela, do you believe that I am attracted to you?”

  I sit forward on the bed, realizing I can feel something alien in my mouth. I run my tongue across my teeth, it is then that I feel them for the first time — I have fangs.

  Jack is at my side in seconds. Pulling me up by my arms so I am standing on the bed in front of him. Putting one finger under my chin, I am looking directly into those pools of darkness. “Show me your teeth.”

  I hiss as I open my mouth and flash him my teeth.

  Slamming into the bed I am flat on my back with Jack pinning me down. I open my mouth to tell him to get off, but he places his finger across my lips to shush me. For a split second, I think of biting that finger. Carnivorous thoughts, running riot through my brain, of blood, and oh, sex.

  Jack chuckling distracts me from my thoughts, “Angela, my sweet, sweet girl. I need to slow you down. Your first time is special, we do not wish to rush. I wish to make this a wonderful experience for you. Besides, I wish to savor this too. The first blooding is a most wonderful experience; it should be memorable for you. This is not meant to be a; how do the humans say it? This is not a quickie.”

  My skin heats with what can only be a blush now covering my face.

  Jack’s finger glides back and forth over my lips. “Let me cherish you, Angela. I wish to show you the pleasure of taking blood and all that goes with it. Will you let me guide you, Angela? I need permission from you to start the final stage of blooding you. This means once your body accepts the blood, you will start the final stage of your change. You must have noticed the eyesight improvement. Your agility has improved. Once this happens you will have halted aging to a slow crawl, almost nonexistent. You will become more attuned to all your senses. You will be so much more, that is the only way to describe it. And last, you will become hard to kill.”

  Jacks’ voice calms me down. However, I can still feel my teeth and the yearning for something. A feeling of I am not complete. It is wonderful but devastating at the same time. My life is about to change and there is no going back, not that I think there ever was. This has always been my destiny.

  Looking up at Jack, I can see he is still waiting there for me to say it.


  A luscious grin spreads across his face. He moves forward, closing the small gap between us. He kneels on the floor, looking up at me with such want that I feel breathless. “Spread your legs a little, I need to get to you.”

  I feel like a virgin about to make love for the first time. I am so nervous I shake with fear, or maybe it is adrenaline.

  Jack slides himself up between my legs lifting me as he does and resting me against the wall.

  “Trust me.” I nod, as he pulls my top over my head. “So exquisite, what a beautiful body you have, Angela.” I try to cross my arms over my chest, but Jack leans in and flicks my nipple with his tongue. “You taste as you smell – mmm.”

  I giggle like a teenager at that. My nervousness is easing, and I return the favor, flicking my tongue across Jack’s chest. “Oh my, you taste of cinnamon, how can that be?”

  “We are unique creatures, my Angel. Now stop stalling and let me rid you of those ridiculous pajama bottoms.”

  I slide away from him and lay down on the bed, and in one swift movement, they are gone. I am now naked and feeling a little on display.

  “As you are in a state of undress, I think it only fair that I do the same, my Angel.” Jack slowly undoes the buttons on his jeans, all the time never losing eye contact. He is caressing his body as he does, a show of what is to come.

  When the last button is undone, the jeans stay on his hips. Caught on what must be a large erection. I shuffle forward and gently tug the jeans over-the-top of Jack’s cock. It is the biggest I have ever seen; long and standing proud. A feeling of, I just must taste races through my mind. I flick my tongue over the crown.

  Jack hisses sharply and pulls me up by my shoulders, “All in good time, Angel.”

  I hadn’t noticed, in my haste, I have almost pinned Jack to the wall.

  Sweeping me up, Jack carries me back over to the bed and places me down softly on my back. He swiftly places his body between my legs, bringing us face-to-face. “Beautiful and forceful, how much fun you are going to be, my Angel. Please, let me make love to you. This is a special a time. Let me show you how wonderful you are.”

  Jack does not wait for my response, he kisses my neck. This man is just like the man from my dreams and then some. I want to dig my nails into Jack’s back, but before I do so, he slips his hands into mine and pins them over my head. We are nose-to-nose, so close. I sigh and close my eyes. Soft lips come to mine, so warm and tender.

  I open my eyes to see Jack’s beautiful eyes staring into mine; it is as if he can see into my soul. Another kiss, but this time more urgent. Kissing Jack back with just as much urgency, we become a mass of tongues and teeth. Tasting and testing each other out. I push my lips to him forcefully and our tongues lash at each other. I feel so free, my body reacting to Jack as if I have known him forever. Kisses raining down my throat with little nips between. Not too hard, but enough to send shocks rushing, scorching my clit already throbbing with need. I want more. Pushing at Jack flipping him onto his back. I straddle him and gnash my teeth at him. I need this, I want it right now. Jack pushes me on my back. Pinned down this time, I struggle, I want him.

  Jack grins sinfully, “I was right about you, my little spitfire. Patience little one I do not do wham bam. And if you keep going the way you are, I will not be the lover you deserve.”

  Jack flips me onto my front, restraining me, almost lying on top of me. I can feel his erection pulsating on my back. I try to move but he catches me, pushing me back down. The pressure of his warm firm lips sliding across my skin to where the neck and spine meet is driving me mad. He scrapes his teeth down towards my jugular and latches onto me. Feeling a sharp scratch, a rush of heat slams through my body. I am not sure if I want to scream or moan.

  I find myself moaning and push myself up into a sitting position. With his teeth deeply embedded in my neck, Jack greedily drinks. I can hear him. It is the most erotic sound
I have ever heard. Pushing my arms up behind Jack’s shoulders, he automatically wraps his arms around my chest, fondling my nipples as they pebble they become as hard as marbles. Gently, he rolls them in his fingers, making me cry out. Pressure building within my body works its way down towards my clitoris. The need for release is urgent. Slipping my hand between my legs, I need to relieve myself.

  Jack catches my hand in his teeth withdrawing from my neck as he turns me around with ease. Straddled on his lap, so close to his throbbing cock. One push is all it would take. I slide forward and lift myself upwards, with Jack’s hands on my hips. For a panicked moment, I think he is going to push me away. Just one thrust and he fills’ me. Pleasure floods my body as he holds me still. Expertly entering and withdrawing with slow deep rhythmic thrusts.

  Our bodies, connected with the most beautiful of dances. Jack fills and stretches me to my limit, the pressure of feeling his cock buried deep within is almost painful. Looping my arms around his neck, I pull myself to him. We are chest to chest, grinding to a slow primal dance. I feel a tightening building within me. I am so near.

  My eyes locked with Jack’s. He tilts his head to one side, “Feed, Angel.”

  One more deep thrust and I orgasm. My body feels like I have taken flight. I am weightless, soaring through the sky like a bird of prey, latching my teeth onto Jack’s neck as I do. Feeling that first gush of warm blood flowing down my throat. Never have I tasted anything so wonderful. It is like a fine brandy, sweet and warming. Why did I dread this? It is the sweetest, most wonderful taste. I feel a connection forming Jack climaxes just as I have another orgasm. We are as one. It feels as if our souls have intertwined.

  I am done in. The experience of blood and sex is an experience like no other. Feeling Jack lift me from his lap he lays me on the bed, and slides in behind me, spooning our bodies. I fall into the sweet oblivion of post-coitus sleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Rising from my slumber I feel as if I have had a few drinks. I snuggle back into a cuddle. Eyes wide, my body stiff, I remember last night.

  Jack wraps his arms around me. “Morning Angela, how are you feeling? Are you ok?”

  Rolling over so I face Jack, I ask. “Did I bite you last night?” I search Jack’s neck for any telltale marks. I reach up and feel my neck, but it does not hurt at all.

  “Yes, you did bite me, and yes, I fed on you as well. Your change is well underway, Angela. It looks like it comes naturally to you, which is great. I would have enjoyed having a reason to keep you here for another week, it would seem, within a few days you will be fine to venture out of this room.”

  I regard Jack quizzically. Why would he want to keep me in here any longer than he needs to? The pieces fall into place and I blush. “A few more days, Oh, you mean I have to practice?”

  Jack grins showing me his fangs. “You need to be able to bring on your teeth without sex being your incentive, for emergencies. We can use blood to speed along healing. If you are in danger, you will need another trigger.

  We do feed on others, we do not know, but only in an emergency. You need to be able to control how much you take, especially as humans are weaker than we are. You could easily kill them if you take too much.”

  I panic at the thought of losing control and start to hyperventilate.

  Jack grabs my hands. “After last night, I feel that you will pick up control easily. For now, you need to practice bringing on your teeth. We need a trigger that you can go to in your mind when you need to bring on your teeth. So, it is time to practice.

  We will do this today, as well as learning to bring them forth, you also need to stop them.” Chuckling, he can see I am trying to cover up my fangs that have come through without any effort.

  “Whatever you just thought of is a good start. You do not need to tell me, just remember those feelings you had just now.”

  I grin, which he is good enough to ignore. I sit up a little straighter in the bed. I need to be serious about this.

  “We have a trigger. Now we need a thought you can use to control those beautiful fangs of yours with, as you need to keep them hidden away in front of humans. We have different ways of doing this. There is no wrong way of doing it. Some use a sight they find unattractive, others maybe a sad thought. The control of putting those beauties away is always harder than letting them out.”

  We spend the day practicing controlling my teeth. Until I can keep them hidden, I cannot go anywhere, especially in public. This means I cannot go and see Annie or Father Gerald. It has been weeks since I came here. I haven't even phoned them. I have been so preoccupied with all that is happening to me. I feel guilty, so I ask Jack about contacting them.

  “Archie has already let them know where you are, and that you have been away on business. So, try not to worry.”

  The lie did not sit well with me. I believe a lie will always come back to bite you eventually, but at least they are not worrying.

  I also ask if Shaun has been trying to find me. Jack looks angry at the mention of Shaun's name, but I need to know. He came to the towers a few times in the first week but has been told I am away traveling with the company and will be gone for some time. Jack said he wanted to deal with him, but Archie insisted I must deal with Shaun, and it is nobody else's business. I will have to remember to thank Archie for that, Jack looks ready to kill at the mere mention of his name.

  I need to distract Jack, take his mind off the subject of Shaun. Letting my teeth come through I smile at him. Fluttering my eyelashes, hoping I am getting my intention across. I slowly sweep my tongue over my lips as the nerves set in. I should not be playing this game; I am so out of my league. Nevertheless, he did say if I have the need. My need is to have all thoughts of the outside world, and what my future holds removed from my thoughts.

  What better way to distract me than with a hot vampire? Deciding to try something I never have before. I have always wondered what it would be like. So, I go for it. "I’m going for a shower, care to join me?"

  Shock is what I see. He schools his face within a nanosecond, but it is too late. My ego officially boosted. He turns it on me, looking at me from my toes all the way up to my eyes, the intensity of his scan making me weak at the knees. Who am I trying to kid? I am trying to look sexy and confident, but the man stood in front of me is so out of my league it is unbelievable. I go to shuffle into the bathroom. I know Jack will think I was joking. I do not want to face rejection.

  Grabbing me by the waist, he swirls me around in front of him. “Where do you think you’re sneaking off to after making an offer like that?”

  “I was only joking. You do not have to humor me.”

  He looks me in the eye, “You must be mad if you think I would not wish to accept such a tantalizing offer.”

  Within seconds, my clothes are in shreds. I stand in front of Jack stark naked, but not for long, as he scoops me into his arms and carries me into the bathroom. He places me on the marble side. Breath hitching with shock as the cold marble contacts my heated skin. Nestling himself between my legs his touch has a rash of Goosebumps breaking out across my body. My control is slipping, my fangs are ready to punch their way out.

  The sultry chuckle surrounds me like a drug, sharp nails scrape down my back leaving a tingling sensation in their wake, slowly they edge towards my bum. I slide forward his bulge beneath his jeans rubbing against my bare skin is surprisingly pleasant. Pushing myself forward, I want more contact, I need to feel skin. The growl rumbles up Jack’s chest. Shredding his clothes. He stands in front of me gloriously naked, looking as if he is going to devour me. Strong arms surround me, lifting me as if I weigh nothing. Within moments we are under a cascade of water, my sensitive skin tingles at the sudden rush of contact.

  I smell cinnamon and vanilla. I did not know I would be able to smell myself.

  Pinning me to the wall. “Are you okay?”

  I look up into his face. “I can smell you, but I can also smell vanilla. How is that possible?”r />
  His grin that could melt the polar ice caps, languid is what I am feeling. “If we become highly aroused we can smell ourselves. Thank you for the compliment.” Jack pushes me back against the wall. “Now, where were we? Oh yes, my Angel. Keep those glorious fangs of yours under control while we are in the shower. It will be good to see if you can keep yourself under control. That means my lovely one, no biting me”

  I swear he is enjoying this a little too much. Making a show of lathering up the soap, his firm but gentle hands work their way over my skin. Slowly working the lather from the tips of my toes to the tops of my thigh. Watching me through those gorgeous eyelashes and stops and grins. Maneuvering himself behind the heat radiates as he washes my hair. My first ever head massage is mind-blowing. I am battling to keep myself under control. Knees shaking with the effort of staying upright, and my mouth waters. My teeth want to erupt. He works the soap into my shoulders, and runs his hands over my breasts, squeezing just a little harder than I normally would when washing. This is torture, I must keep my teeth under control. This goddamn sexy man running his hands all over my body is beyond frustrating. My need throbbing between my legs and through my gums.

  The warm water and the smell of how aroused I am, feeling his skin sliding against mine is overwhelming. His cock sliding against my bottom. The sexy moans whispering into my ear. Firm hands sliding down from my breasts, over my stomach, working towards my vagina.

  One finger gently slides between my folds. It is all I can do to stay under control. I arch my back in response. I can feel myself losing control of the craving. I am lost, a jolt rips up my spine as my hypersensitive clit is pinched. I writhe not sure if it is pleasure or pain I feel.

  “Remember, my Angel, control.”

  One swift move and he enters me, ripping a scream from deep within. The pressure is overwhelming. Feet sliding on the slippery tiles, I try to brace myself against the wall.


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