by Adam Frank
Townes, Charles, 207
trade winds, 87–88
transit method, 139–43, 145–47
Trantor, 212
Trinity atomic bomb test, 23
Turco, Richard P., 93–94
Type 1 civilizations, 209, 211
Type 2 civilizations, 209–11
Type 3 civilizations, 210
UFOs, 23
ultraviolet radiation, 73, 117
United States
atomic weapons of, 34–35
in space race, 35–36, 61
universe, beliefs about other worlds in, 28–34
University of Chicago, 67
University of Maryland, 142, 143
University of Washington, 152
Unparalleled Discoveries of T.J.J. See, The (Webb), 137
Uranus, 30
V-2 missiles, 35
Valles Marineris, 83
Venus, 61–76
beliefs about climate of, 63–67
climate of, 11, 86, 89
energy transformations on, 217
formation of, 109
greenhouse effect on, 67–71, 184, 198
Mariner 1 mission to, 61–63
Mariner 2 mission to, 71–76
proximity of Earth to, 148
speculation about life on, 32
Verhulst, Pierre, 177
Vernadsky, Vladimir Ivanovich, 118–22, 119, 129, 221, 224
Viking landers, 83
visible light, 36, 41, 69
volatility, 250n.15
volcanic eruptions, 72–73
Volterra, Luisa, 176, 176
Volterra, Vito, 176, 176–79, 182, 183, 185
von Däniken, Erich, 181
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 33, 34
War of the Worlds (Wells), 80
WASP-12b (exoplanet), 149
waste products, of civilization building, 187–88
on Mars, 82–84, 87, 90–91
and runaway greenhouse effect, 73–74
Watson, James, 129
weather, 83, 84, 89
weathering, 73, 74, 216
weather satellites, 57, 57
Wells, H.G., 80
Wentao Ma, 164
Whewell, William, 32–33, 158
wind power, 189, 191
Wonderful World of Oz, The (Baum), 38
World War I, 122, 175, 179
World War II, 35, 36, 104, 122
Wright, Jason, 210, 233n.6
Yerkes Observatory, 67, 70
“Yes, There Have Been Aliens” (Frank), 156, 157
Yockey, Hubert, 163–64
York, Herbert, 22, 23
Younger Dryas period, 106
young technological civilizations, 188–90
Zell-Ravenheart, Oberon (Timothy Zell), 127
Copyright © 2018 by Adam Frank
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First Edition
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
Names: Frank, Adam, 1962– author.
Title: Light of the stars : alien worlds and the fate of the Earth / Adam Frank.
Other titles: Alien worlds and the fate of the Earth
Description: New York : W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., [2018] | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017061640 | ISBN 9780393609011 (hardcover)
Subjects: LCSH: Cosmology—Popular works. | Earth (Planet)—Popular works. | Human ecology—Popular works. | Exobiology—Popular works.
Classification: LCC QB982 .F73 2018 | DDC 523.1—dc23
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ISBN 978-0-393-60902-8 (e-book)
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