Forward With The 5th, A. W. Keown (The Speciality Press Pty. Ltd., Melbourne, 1921)
The History of the 15th Battalion, The Highland Light Infantry (15th Highland Light Infantry Association, John M’Callum & Co., 1924)
The History of the 16th Battalion, The Highland Light Infantry, edited by Thomas Chalmers (John M’Callum & Co., 1930)
The 17th Highland Light Infantry, John W. Arthur & Ion S. Munro (David J. Clarke, 1920)
History of the 11th Battalion, The Queen’s, Captain E. W. J. Neave, MC (The Brixton ‘Free Press’, 1931)
With the Tenth Essex in France, Lieutenant-Colonel T. M. Banks, DSO, MC, and Captain R. A. Chell, DSO, MC (Burt & Sons, 1921)
The 11th Royal Warwicks in France 1915–1916, Brevet Colonel C. S. Collison, DSO (Cornish Brothers Ltd., 1928)
The 15th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment in the Great War, Major C. A. Bill (Cornish Brothers Ltd., 1932)
For the Duration, The Story of the 13th Battalion, The Rifle Brigade, D. H. Rowlands (Simpkin Marshall Ltd., 1932)
The 4th Battalion, The King’s Own and The Great War, Lieutenant-Colonel W. F. A. Wadham and Captain J. Crossley (privately published, 1920)
History of the 6th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment, Vol. 1 (1st/6th Battalion), Captain E. V. Tempest, DSO, MC (Percy Lund, Humphries & Co. Ltd., 1921)
The Sherwood Foresters in the Great War 1914–1918 (the 2nd/8th Battalion) Lieutenant-Colonel W. C. Oates, DSO (J. & H. Bell Ltd., 1920)
History and Memoir of The 33rd Battalion Machine-gun Corps, by members of the Battalion (privately published, 1919)
A Record of D.245 Battery 1914–1919, Sergeant A. E. Gee, MM, and Corporal A. E. Shaw (privately published, 1932)
British Regiments 1914–‘18, Brigadier E. A. James, OBE, TD (Samson Books)
History of the First World War, B. H. Liddell Hart (Cassell Ltd., 1970)
My War Memories 1914–1918, General Ludendorff, Vol. 1 (Hutchinson & Co. Ltd., 1936)
Sir Douglas Haig’s Despatches, edited by Lieutenant-Colonel J. H. Boraston, CB, OBE (J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1919)
The Private Papers of Douglas Haig 1914–1919, edited by Robert Blake (Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1952)
Sir Douglas Haig’s Command 1915–1918, G. A. B. Dewar (Constable, 1922)
The Man I Knew, The Countess Haig (The Moray Press, 1936)
Twenty-Five Years with Earl Haig, Sergeant T. Secrett, MM (Jarrolds, 1929)
Haig, Duff Cooper (Faber & Faber Ltd., 1935)
Field-Marshal Earl Haig, Brigadier-General John Charteris, CMG, DSO, MP (Cassell Ltd., 1929)
Le Maréchal Haig à Montreuil-Sur-Mer, Raymond Wable (privately published by the author, 1968)
Goughie, Anthony Farrar-Hockley (Hart-Davis, MacGibbon Ltd., 1975)
The War Memoirs of David Lloyd George (Odham’s Press Ltd., 1934)
Tempestuous Journey: Lloyd George, His Life and Times, Frank Owen (Hutchinson & Co. Ltd., 1954)
The Press and the General Staff, Neville Lytton (W. Collins, Sons & Co. Ltd., 1920)
Now It Can Be Told, Philip Gibbs (Harper and Brothers, Publishers, 1920)
The Pageant of the Years, Philip Gibbs (William Heinemann Ltd., 1946)
World War 1914–1918, edited by Sir John Hammerton (The Amalgamated Press Ltd., 1924)
Twenty Years After, Vols. 1–3, edited by Major-General Sir Ernest Swin-ton, KBE, CB (George Newnes Ltd., 1938)
The Rifle Brigade Chronicle for 1918, compiled and edited by Colonel Willoughby Verner (John Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 1919)
Unwilling Passenger, Arthur Osburn (Faber & Faber Ltd., 1932)
Twelve Days, Sidney Rogerson (Arthur Barker Ltd.)
Courage Past, Alex Aiken (privately published by the author)
War Letters to a Wife, France and Flanders 1915–1919, Rowland Feilding (The Medici Society Ltd., 1929)
Transport and Sport in the Great War Period, Captain A. O. Temple Clarke (privately published by the author, 1938)
Machine-gunner 1914–1918, compiled and edited by C. E. Crutchley (Bailey Brothers & Swinfen Ltd., 1975)
A Padre in France, George A. Birmingham (Hodder & Stoughton Ltd.)
Frank Maxwell, VC, by his wife (John Murray, 1921)
By-Ways on Service, Notes from an Australian Journal, Hector Dinning (Constable & Co. Ltd., 1918)
Behind the Lines, Colonel W. N. Nicholson, CMG, DSO (Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1939)
Extracts from an Officer’s Diary 1914–1918, Lieutenant-Colonel Harrison Jodston, DSO (Geo. Falkner & Sons, 1919)
Happy Odyssey, Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart, VC (Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1950)
A Private In the Guards, Stephen Graham (William Heinemann Ltd., 1928)
Our War, James Milroy McQueen (privately published by the author, 1921)
Treasure Trove of Memories, Hector Macdonald (privately published by the author)
German Spies at Bay, Sidney Theodore Felstead (Hutchinson & Co. Ltd., 1920)
Open House in Flanders, Baroness Ernest de la Grange (John Murray Ltd., 1929)
Quand Montreuil Était sur Mer, Jean Leroy (Quentovic)
GHQ, Montreuil-Sur-Mer, GSO (Philip Allen & Co., 1920)
A PILGRIM IN PICARDY, B. S. Townrowe (Chapman & Hall Ltd., 1927)
With the British on the Somme, W. Beach Thomas (Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1917)
England in France, Sidney R. Jones (Constable & Co. Ltd., 1919)
Le Temps des Guerres 1914–1939, Gerard Boutet (Editions De Noel, 1981)
L’Hécatombe Sacrée de la Flandre Française 1914–1918, (Imprimerie Desclée, Lille, 1921)
An Der Somme. Erinnerungen der 12 Infanterie-Division an die Stellungskampfe und Schlacht an der Somme Oktober bis November 1916, Verlagsbuchhand-lung (Berlin, Ferd. Dümmlers, 1918)
Author’s Note
I wish to acknowledge my debt to all of the following, without whose valuable assistance this book could never have been written.
Captain A. J. J. P. Agius, MC,
1st/3rd (City of London)
Battalion, London Regiment
(Royal Fusiliers) (TF).
Acting Corporal E. J. Albrow,
7th (S) Battalion, Norfolk
Private J. W. Alderson, 4th
Battalion, Grenadier Guards.
Private F. J. Alhquist, 2nd/20th
(County of London) Battalion,
London Regiment
(Blackheath and Woolwich).
Gunner H. J. Allen, Royal Siege
Lance-Corporal J. F. E. Alpe,
13th (S) Battalion, The Rifle
Corporal F. Arnold, 21st (S)
Battalion (Yeoman Rifles),
King’s Royal Rifle Corps.
Private C. D. Ashby, 4th
Battalion, Duke of
Cambridge’s Own (Middlesex
Captain A. L. Ashwell, DSO,
8th Battalion (Nottinghamshire
and Derbyshire Regiment)
Sherwood Foresters (TF).
Lieutenant F. Bailey, 3rd
Battalion, Royal Scots.
Lance-Corporal S. F. Bailey, 1st
Life Guards.
Staff Sergeant W. W. Bain, 15th
(S) Battalion, (1st London
Welsh), Royal Welsh
Sergeant F. Baker, TD, 1st/5th
Battalion, Lincolnshire
Regiment (TF).
Rifleman J. Baker, 13th (S)
Battalion, The Rifle Brigade.
Private L. M. Baldwin, MM, 8th
(S) Battalion, East Surrey
Signaller H. J. Bale, 308 Brigade,
Royal Field Artillery; 242
Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Gunner W. Ballard, D Battery,
290 Brigade, Royal Field
Corporal W. Banks, 21st (S)
Battalion (Yeoman
King’s Royal Rifle Corps.
Sergeant F. J. Bantock, Royal
Regiment of Artillery.
Private W. J. Barfoot, 11th (S)
Battalion, Queen’s (Royal
West Surrey) Regiment.
Rifleman G. W. Barker, 21st (S)
Battalion (Yeoman Rifles),
King’s Royal Rifle Corps.
Rifleman G. Barnes, MM, 13th
Battalion, The Rifle Brigade.
Corporal G. Barnes, 8th
Battalion, Oxford &
Buckinghamshire Light
Private W. S. Barnett, 8th
Battalion (City of London),
London Regiment. Post
Office Rifles (TF).
Sergeant A. A. Barron, 16th (S)
Battalion, King’s Royal Rifle
Trooper G. O. Barson,
Household Battalion, 2nd
Life Guards.
Private P. J. Batchelor, D.
Squadron, Queen’s Own
Oxfordshire Hussars.
Sergeant H. Bartlett, 115th
Brigade, Royal Field
Private F. H. Bastable, 7th (S)
Battalion, Queen’s Own
(Royal West Kent Regiment).
Private H. S. Baverstock, 12th
Battalion, 1st Canterbury
Regiment, New Zealand
Lieutenant F. W. Beadle, 156
Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Lance-Corporal G. R. Bealing,
MM, Duke of Edinburgh’s
2nd Battalion (Wiltshire
Corporal J. Beament, MM, 16th
(S) Battalion, King’s Royal
Rifle Corps.
Sergeant S. V. Bearup, 21st (S)
Battalion (Yeoman Rifles),
King’s Royal Rifle Corps.
Rifleman S. Bell, 21st (S)
Battalion (Yeoman Rifles),
King’s Royal Rifle Corps.
Private W. G. Bell, MM, Army
Cyclist Corps.
Private J. R. Bennett, 22nd
Battalion, Australian Imperial
Private J. Bennett, 15th (County
of London) Battalion, London
Regiment (Prince of Wales’
Own, Civil Service Rifles)
Lance-Corporal T. A. Bennett,
7th (S) Battalion, The Rifle
Sub-Lieutenant J. H. Bentham,
Hood Battalion, Royal Naval
Private H. W. Bickerstaff, MM,
19th Battalion, Canadian
Expeditionary Force.
Private W. A. Billingham, 25th
Battalion, Machine Gun
Private F. W. Bindley, 2nd
Battalion, Honourable Artillery
Private T. Bingham, 12th (S)
Battalion, York and Lancaster
Rifleman H. Blackburn Croix
de Guerre, 21st (S) Battalion
(Yeoman Rifles), King’s
Royal Rifle Corps.
Sergeant-Major J. F.
Blackemore, MM, 2nd
Canterbury Infantry Battalion,
New Zealand Division.
Private H. Blankley, 5th
Battalion, Northumberland
Fusiliers (TF).
Gunner R. Bletcher, 280 Siege
Battery, Royal Garrison
Rifleman T. S. Bond, 11th
(S) Battalion, The Rifle
Private G. Boss, 1st/8th (City of
London Battalion), London
Regiment (Post Office
Lance-Sergeant J. L. Bouch, 1st
Battalion, Coldstream
Rifleman W. Bowhill, 13th (S)
Battalion, The Rifle Brigade.
Rifleman A. E. Boyland, 13th (S)
Battalion, The Rifle Brigade.
Corporal T. Bracey, MM, 9th
(S) Battalion, Royal Fusiliers
(City of London Regiment).
Major W. J. Brockman, DSO,
15th (S) Battalion, Lancashire
Fusiliers (1st Salford).
2nd Lieutenant H. Brooks, 6th
Battalion, Tank Corps.
Lance-Bombardier J. H.
Bromwich, 138th Heavy
Battery, Royal Garrison
Private A. B. Brown, 21st
(County of London), London
Regiment (1st Surrey Rifles)
Private H. R. Brown, 2nd
Battalion, Royal Marine Light
Sergeant J. Brown, MM, 16th (S)
Battalion, King’s Royal Rifle
Corporal A. T. A. Browne, MM
(TD), 20th (S) Battalion,
Royal Fusiliers (City of
London Regiment).
Sergeant J. Bryant, MM, 8th
Battalion, Australian Imperial
Corporal A. W. Buckingham,
70th Company Motor
Transport, Army Service
Rifleman A. E. Burroughs, 7th
(S) Battalion, King’s Royal
Rifle Corps.
Gunner Charles E. Burrows, 104
Battery, 22nd Brigade, Royal
Field Artillery.
Sergeant G. Butler, 12th
Machine Gun Company, 4th
Lieutenant S. A. V. Butler, 3rd
Battalion, King’s Own
(Yorkshire Light Infantry).
Private F. Burbeck, 2nd
Battalion, Oxfordshire and
Buckinghamshire Light
Private W. H. Callow, 15th (S)
Battalion, Royal Welsh
Fusiliers (1st London
Rifleman T. E. Cantlon, 18th
and 21st Battalions (Yeoman
Rifles), King’s Royal Rifle
Corporal C. G. Capel, 1st
Battalion, Oxfordshire and
Buckinghamshire Light
Rifleman N. Carmichael, 21st (S)
Battalion (Yeoman Rifles),
King’s Royal Rifle Corps.
Rifleman C. Carter, 5th (City of
London) Battalion, London
Regiment, (London Rifle
Brigade) (TF).
Private W. F. R. Carter, 7th (S)
and 9th (S) Battalions,
Leicestershire Regiment.
Private E. S. Cecil, 2nd Battalion,
Hampshire Regiment.
Captain Leonard Chamberlen,
MC, 13th (S) Battalion, The
Rifle Brigade.
Private W. Chambers, 1st
Battalion, (Nottinghamshire
and Derbyshire Regiment),
Sherwood Foresters.
Rifleman A. L. Chapman, 21st
(S) Battalion ( Yeomans Rifles),
King’s Royal Rifle Corps.
Rifleman S. F. Charrington, 13th
(S) Battalion, The Rifle
Private H. M. Chaundy, MC,
Motor Transport, Army
Service Corps (later
Pioneer G. T. H. Cheeseman,
7th Signal Troop, 3rd Cavalry
Division, Royal Engineers
(Signal Service).
Colonel R. A. Chell, DSO,
MC, 10th (S) Battalion, Essex
Corporal R. T. Chiffey, 33rd
Division, Royal Engineers
(Signal Service).
/> Private J. J. Christie, 8th (S)
Battalion, Gordon
Private Percy Clark, 5th
Battalion, Cheshire Regiment
Acting Lance-Corporal F. B. J.
Cleary, 1st/5th (City of
London) Battalion, London
Regiment (London Rifle
Brigade) (TF).
Private J. Clements, Royal
Marine Light Infantry.
Sergeant H. B. Coates, 14th
(County of London)
Battalion, London Regiment,
(London Scottish) (TF).
Sergeant F. H. Cobb, 18th (S)
Battalion, King’s Royal Rifle
Company Sergeant-Major W. J.
Coggins, D C M, 1st/4th
Battalion, Oxfordshire and
Buckinghamshire Light
Infantry (TF).
Rifleman W. F. Coldrick, 13th
(S) Battalion, The Rifle
Corporal C. F. Cole, 2nd/21st
(County of London)
Battalion, London Regiment
(1st Surrey Rifles) (TF).
Sapper A. E. Comer, 1st Field
Company, Royal Engineers.
Corporal W. E. Cook, Royal
Corporal F. H. Corduker, 21st
(S) Battalion (Yeoman
Rifles), King’s Royal Rifle
Rifleman A. W. C. Corkett,
11th (S) Battalion, The Rifle
Trooper J. Cowling, 18th
Lieutenant T. C. Cresswell, MC,
Hood Battalion, Royal Naval
Gunner A. E. Crook, J. Battery,
Royal Horse Artillery.
Sergeant J. T. Cross, 13th (S)
Battalion, The Rifle Brigade.
Private R. T. Crowe, 2nd
Battalion, The Highland Light
Private Frederick Darby, DCM,
10th (S) Battalion,
Worcestershire Regiment.
Sergeant William Darlington,
18th (S) Battalion, Manchester
Corporal L. A. Darnell, 11th
Battalion, Sussex Regiment.
Sergeant E. J. Davidson, MM,
Royal Engineers.
Corporal W.J. Davies, 18th Field
Ambulance, Royal Army
Medical Corps.
Private J. Dearman, 266th Field
Company, Royal Engineers.
Private E. Deighton, 8th (S)
Battalion, King’s Own
Yorkshire Light Infantry.
Private J. W. Dicker, 13th (S)
Battalion, The Rifle Brigade.
Sergeant R. Dickson, MM,
3rd Battalion, Grenadier
Corporal H. Diffey, 15th (S)
Battalion (1st London Welsh),
Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
Corporal A. W. Dunbar, 236
Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Sergeant-Pilot G. F. Duncan,
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