Royal Flying Corps.
Captain F. E. Dunsmuir, MC,
17th (S) Battalion, Highland
Light Infantry.
Private J. C. Dwelly, 4th
Battalion, Grenadier Guards.
Sergeant H. J. Dykes, Tank
Private Tom Easton, 21st
Battalion, Northumberland
Fusiliers (2nd Tyneside
Rifleman B. F. Eccles, 7th (S)
Battalion, The Rifle Brigade.
Sergeant S. E. Elford, New
Zealand Rifle Brigade.
Gunner A. E. Ellingford, MM,
28th Brigade, Royal Field
Private C. H. U. Embery, 1st/
16th (County of London)
Battalion, London Regiment
(Queen’s Westminster Rifles)
Lance-Corporal G. England, 3rd
Battalion, Grenadier Guards.
Acting Lieutenant-Colonel R. E.
England, Croix de Guerre,
13th (S) Battalion (Miners and
Pioneers), The King’s Own
(Yorkshire Light Infantry).
Driver W. Everett, Army Service
Private V. E. Fagence, 11th (S)
Battalion, Queen’s (Royal
West Surrey Regiment).
Private B. Farrer, Royal Army
Medical Corps.
Corporal Signaller H. E. W.
Fayerbrother, DCM, 291st
Brigade, Royal Field Artillery,
58th Division.
Private B. Felstead, 15th (S)
Battalion (1st London Welsh),
Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
Private A. W. Fenn, 2nd
Battalion, The Suffolk
Private W. S. Fisher, 1st
Hertfordshire Yeomanry.
Lance-Corporal W. G. Fleet, 7th
(S) Battalion, Bedfordshire
Corporal O. S. Flowers, Motor
Transport Section, Army
Service Corps.
Corporal R. A. Ford, 35th
Divisional Ammunition
Column, 157 Brigade, Royal
Field Artillery.
Lance-Corporal H. Forrest, 9th
(Dunbartonshire) Battalion,
Princess Louise’s (Argyll and
Sutherland Highlanders)
Lieutenant-Commander J. C.
Forster, Hood Battalion, Royal
Naval Division.
Private A. B. Foster, Queen’s
Own Oxfordshire Hussars.
Private E. Foster, 3rd Battalion,
Durham Light Infantry.
Gunner F. Foster, Royal Field
Corporal J. Francis, 1st Battalion,
Duke of Cambridge’s Own
(Middlesex) Regiment.
Sapper G. A. Franklin, No. 2
Section, 57th Division,
Royal Engineers Signal
Lance-Corporal C. Frost, MM,
1st Battalion, Leicestershire
Brigadier R. E. Fryer, OBE, 62
Field Company, Royal
Acting-Corporal E. Gale, 1st
Battalion and 7th (S) Battalion,
The Rifle Brigade.
2nd Lieutenant G. Garnett—
Clarke, MC, Royal Field
Driver C. Garrard, D. Battery,
87th Brigade, Royal Field
Lieutenant P. H. Gates, 2nd
Battalion, Lincolnshire
Private J. R. Glenn, 12th (S)
Battalion, York and Lancaster
Regiment (Sheffield Pals).
Captain A. L. Goring, MC, 6th
(S) Battalion, Alexandra,
Princess of Wales’ Own
(Yorkshire Regiment).
Private J. Hain, 9th (S) Battalion,
Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Private A. Hales, 2/2nd London
Field Ambulance, Royal Army
Medical Corps (TF).
Private H. Hall, 12th (S)
Battalion, York and Lancaster
Regiment (Sheffield Pals).
Corporal P. A. Hall, 2nd/4th
Battalion, Gloucestershire
Regiment (TF).
Corporal W. B. Hand, 1st/7th
Battalion (Worcestershire
Lieutenant-Colonel P. W.
Hargreaves, MC, 3rd
Battalion, Worcestershire
Corporal H. J. Hart, 9th (S)
Battalion, Royal Fusiliers.
Petty Officer H. Hart, Royal
Naval Air Service.
Acting Lance-Corporal A. V.
Hartland, 2nd/5th Battalion,
South Staffordshire Regiment.
Lieutenant R. M. Hawkins,
MC, 11th (S) Battalion,
Royal Fusiliers.
Private W. Hay, 9th Battalion
(Highlanders), Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment).
Private H. J. Haynes, 2nd/6th
Battalion, Royal
Warwickshire Regiment
A/B. J. Haynes, Anson Battalion,
Royal Naval Division.
Captain E. W. Hayward, DCM,
MM, D Battalion (Heavy
Branch Machine Gun Corps)
Lieutenant H.J. Hayward, MC,
12th Battalion, Gloucestershire
Regiment (Bristol’s Own).
Private F. Haywood, 15th
(County of London) Battalion
(Prince of Wales’ Own) Civil
Service Rifles (TF).
Brigadier T. E. H. Helby, 59th
Siege Battery, Royal Garrison
A/B. E. Henderson, Drake
Battalion, Royal Naval
Brigade Trumpeter J.
Henderson, 1st
Northumberland Brigade,
Royal Field Artillery.
2nd Lieutenant G. C. Henry, 2nd
Battalion, King’s Own
Yorkshire Light Infantry.
Lance-Corporal A. C. Hill,
Army Service Corps.
Private A. J. Hill, 15th Battalion,
Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
Rifleman A. Hill, 2nd/9th
Battalion, Queen Victoria’s
Rifles (London Regiment).
Signaller L. Hill, 16th Battalion,
Cheshire Regiment.
Fitter R. Hill, Croix de Guerre,
Royal Horse and Royal Field
Sergeant T. S. Hogg, 12th (S)
Battalion, York and Lancaster
Regiment (Sheffield Pals).
Sergeant H. A. Horne,
Lincolnshire Regiment.
Corporal J. Hoyles, MM, 13th
(S) Battalion, The Rifle
Corporal R. Hudson, MC,
London Regiment (Queen’s
Westminster Rifles) (TF);
(later Lieutenant).
Lance-Corporal W. R. Hudson,
13th (S) Battalion, The Rifle
Private G. H. Huggins, Queen’s
Own Oxfordshire Hussars.
Colonel N. H. Huttenbach,
DSO, OBE, MC, Royal
Private F. Ibbotson, 14th
Battalion (ist Birmingham
City), Royal Warwickshire
Private H. H. Innis, 7th
Battalion, Northumberland
Private R. Ison, 9th (S) Battalion,
The Rifle Brigade.
rivate W. Jackman, 4th
Battalion, Grenadier Guards.
Rifleman H. A. Jago, 13th (S)
Battalion, The Rifle Brigade.
Private J. H. James, 2nd/7th
Battalion, Manchester
Regiment (TF).
Private A. J. Jamieson, 11th
Battalion, Royal Scots.
Private H. N. Jeary, 1st Battalion,
Queen’s (Royal West Surrey
2nd Lieutenant A. B. Jeffries, 2nd
Battalion, Royal Berkshire
Corporal F. F. Johnson, A/70
Brigade, 15th (Scottish)
Division, Royal Field
Lance-Corporal R. G. Johnson,
58th London Signal
Company, Royal Engineers.
Private I. A. T. Jones, 2nd
Battalion, Royal Welsh
Lieutenant F. Jones, MC, Tank
Private S. H. E. Kemp, 14th
(County of London)
Battalion, London Regiment
(London Scottish) (TF).
Private E. C. Kimber, 2nd, 3rd
and 4th Battalions, Grenadier
Sergeant G. W. Kimble, Queen’s
Own Oxfordshire Hussars.
Lieutenant P. T. King, 2nd/5th
Battalion, East Lancashire
Lance-Corporal G. Labdon,
Machine Gun Corps.
Rifleman H. R. Langley, 16th
(S) Battalion, King’s Royal
Rifle Corps.
Rifleman S. E. Lawrence, 13th
(S) Battalion, The Rifle
Sub-Lieutenant T. M. Lawrie,
CBE, TD, 63rd Royal Naval
Lieutenant-Colonel W. F. Lean,
DSO, Croix de Guerre, 3rd
Battalion, West Yorkshire
Corporal C. A. Lee, 3rd
Battalion, The Rifle Brigade.
Corporal A. E. Lee, MM, ‘A’
Battalion, Heavy Branch,
Machine Gun Corps (Tanks).
Lance-Corporal T. C. Levell,
MM, 9th (S) Battalion,
Norfolk Regiment.
Sergeant W. E. H. Levy, MM,
‘D’ Battalion, Heavy Branch,
Machine Gun Corps (Tanks).
Sergeant E. Lincoln, 13th
(County of London)
Battalion, London Regiment.
Rifleman H. E. Lister, MM,
12th (S) Battalion, The Rifle
Corporal C. W. Lloyd, 13th (S)
Battalion, The Rifle Brigade.
Lieutenant R. Lloyd, Royal
Horse Artillery.
Corporal L. Longhurst, 16th
(County of London), London
Regiment (TF).
Private L. Lovell, 6th (S)
Battalion, King’s Own
(Yorkshire Light Infantry).
Corporal J. V. Lowe, 10th (S)
Battalion, Cameronians
(Scottish Rifles).
Private C. H. Luffman, 7th (S)
Battalion, King’s (Shropshire
Light Infantry).
Gunner W. Lugg, MM, 83rd
Brigade, Royal Field
Private C. Lunn, 2nd/3rd
HCFA, Royal Army Medical
Warrant Officer W. J. Lush,
Royal Garrison Artillery.
Colonel R. Macleod, DSO,
MC, Royal Field Artillery
(then Captain attached Royal
Flying Corps).
Private J. Makin, Medical Unit,
Royal Marine Light Infantry.
Gunner Maltby, MM, 29th
Brigade, Royal Field
Lieutenant F. Mansfield, 8th
Siege Battery, Royal Garrison
Artillery. H
Lance-Corporal H. E. Marden,
13 th (S) Battalion, Royal
Sussex Regiment.
Sub-Lieutenant W. Marlow,
MC, Howe Battalion, 63rd
Royal Naval Division.
Private H. Marshall, 9th (S)
Battalion, Royal Fusiliers (City
of London Regiment).
General Sir James
Marshall-Cornwall, KCB,
CBE, DSO, MC, Royal
Artillery (attached GHQ)
(then Captain).
Private M. A. Martino, 149th
Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Corporal P. Mason, 9th (S)
Battalion, Prince of Wales’
Own (West Yorkshire
Private A. W. Maycock, 13th (S)
Battalion (4th Hull), East
Yorkshire Regiment.
Corporal F. L. Mayhew, Royal
Engineers (London Electrical
Private N. Mellor, 4th Battalion,
Bedfordshire Regiment.
Gunner D. N. Meneaud—
Lissenburg, Royal Horse
Lieutenant G. F. Middle, Royal
Engineers Wireless Section.
Trooper F. W. Miller, 1st
Battalion, Hertfordshire
Private H. R. Milson, 2nd
Battalion, Royal Welsh
Corporal B. A. Minnitt, MM,
MC, 11th Battalion, Sherwood
Foresters (Nottinghamshire
and Derbyshire Regiment)
(later Lieutenant).
Sergeant J. H. Mitchell, A.
Battery, 1st Canadian Motor
Machine Gun Brigade.
Rifleman E. G. Morgan, 13th (S)
Battalion, The Rifle Brigade.
Lieutenant S. G. Morgan, 2nd
Battalion, South Staffordshire
Private W. Morgan, 10th/11th
(S) Battalion, Highland Light
Sergeant L. Morris, Royal Army
Medical Corps.
Private W. M. Morriss, 12th
Battalion, Canterbury
Regiment, New Zealand
Expeditionary Force.
Bombardier W. J. Muir, D 317
Battery, Royal Field Artillery,
63rd Royal Naval Division.
Private H. Munday, 5th
Battalion, Oxfordshire and
Buckinghamshire Light
Able Bodied Seaman Joseph
Murray, Hood Battalion,
Royal Naval Division.
Captain J. Y. Murray, 1st
Battalion, Essex Regiment.
Private W. Myatt, 8th Battalion,
Tank Corps.
Sergeant J. A. Myers, DCM,
16th (S) Battalion, West
Yorkshire Regiment
(Bradford Pals).
Gunner J. W. Naylor, Royal
Rifleman J. J. Newman, 13th (S)
Battalion, The Rifle Brigade.
Private C. J. Nicholls, C
Company, Heavy Branch,
Machine Gun Corps (Tanks).
Rifleman E. C. Nicholson, MC
21st (S) Battalion (Yeoman
Rifles), King’s Royal Rifle
Corps (later 2nd Lieutenant).
Private O. Nielsen, 25th
Battalion, Australian Imperial
Private W. H. Nixon, DCM,
2nd Battalion, Cheshire
Sergeant M. J. O’Connor, MM
(and Bar), 13th (S) Battalion,
The Rifle Brigade.
Act. RSM L. M. Odell, MM,
1st Canterbury Battalion, New
Zealand Expeditionary Force.
Lance-Corporal E. R. Organ,
Queen’s Own Oxfordshire
Corporal R. W. Otley, 21st (S)
Battalion (Yeoman Rifles),
King’s Royal Rifle Corps.
Corporal H. Oxley, 23rd
Battalion, Middlesex
Brigadier E. K. Page, MC, 130
Battery, Royal Field Artillery
(then Lieutenant).
Corporal A. D. Pankhurst, 56th
Division, Royal Field Artillery.
Lance-Corporal G. W. Parker,
MM, 2nd (City of London)
London Regiment (Royal
Fusiliers) (TF).
Private R. Parker, 12th (S)
Battalion, York and Lancaster
Regiment (Sheffield Pals).
Sergeant A. K. Paterson, DCM,
MM, 11th (S) Battalion, The
Rifle Brigade.
Private A. Paterson, 7th
Battalion, Argyll and
Sutherland Highlanders (TF).
Lieutenant J. R. Patten, 20th
(Light) Division, Royal Field
Private W. Pattenden, 2/6th
Battalion, Prince of Wales
(North Staffordshire
Regiment) (TF).
Rifleman F. Pearce, 16th (S)
Battalion, King’s Royal Rifle
Corps (Church Lads Brigade).
The Reverend L. T. Pearson,
Corporal J. Pickard, MM, 78th
Winnipeg Grenadiers,
Canadian Expeditionary
Rifleman J. A. Pincombe, 16th
(County of London)
Battalion, London Regiment
(Queen’s Westminster Rifles)
Sergeant G. E. Pople, MM and
Bar, 8th (S) Battalion, King’s
(Shropshire Light Infantry).
Rifleman W. T. Poucher, 21st
(S) Battalion (Yeoman Rifles)
King’s Royal Rifle Corps.
Rifleman E. T. Pretty, 9th (S)
Battalion, The Rifle Brigade.
Lieutenant B. B. Rackham, MC
and Bar, Hawke Battalion,
Royal Naval Division.
Corporal A. C. Razzell, 8th (S)
Battalion, Royal Fusiliers
(City of London Regiment).
Private J. A. Reed, New Zealand
Light Railway Engineers.
Private W. G. Reynolds, 4th
Battalion, Duke of
Cambridge’s Own (Middlesex
Corporal W. Richards, 1st/8th
Battalion, Royal
Warwickshire Regiment.
Captain N. Ries, 13th (S)
Battalion, The Rifle Brigade.
Acting Corporal J. W. H.
Rippin, 7th Battalion, Essex
Sergeant F. H. Robbins, 13th (S)
Battalion, The Rifle Brigade.
Lance-Corporal F. Robinson,
DCM, 8th (S) Battalion,
York and Lancaster Regiment.
Rifleman B. Robson, 21st (S)
Battalion (Yeoman Rifles),
King’s Royal Rifle Corps.
Private G. Roden, 22nd (County
of London) Battalion, London
Regiment (The Queen’s)
Regimental Sergeant-Major A.
Roffey, DCM and Bar, 7th (S)
Battalion, Queen’s Own
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