Page 49
Division, 47th, 296, 303
Division, 48th, 58, 177, 178, 181–2
Division, 49th, 250, 254
Division, 50th, 297, 337
Division, 51st, 161–3, 187, 195, 341
Division, 55th, 213, 214
Division, 56th, 32, 33–6, 57, 58, 202, 261, 268, 303
Division, 61st, 167, 169, 170–72, 179
Division, 63rd, 334–5
Dixon, 233
Dragoon Guards, 7th, 141
Dukes, Sergeant, 329
Duncan, Reverend Mr, 42, 87, 179
Durham Light Infantry, 321, 323
Dwelly, Jim, 191, 192–3
East Surrey Regiment, 15
Easton, Joe, 116
Easton, Tom, 28, 29, 76–8, 89, 96–7, 105, 116
Eaton, Percy, 25, 131–2, 333
Eaucourt-L’Abbaye, 339
Eccles, Burton, 292–3, 297–8
Eden, Sir Anthony, 283
Elliott, Lieutenant-Colonel, 137–8
Elphinstone, Colonel, 76
England, George, 188
Esher, Lord, 135–6
Essex Regiment, 62, 78–9
Estrées, 3
Evans, Gomer, 117
Eversmann, Freiwilliger, 44–5, 51, 61, 74
Fairfax, Colonel, 63
Falfemont, Farm, 255, 258
Falkenhayn, General Von, 231
Fayolles, General, 214
Festubert, 4, 32
Feversham, Earl of, 283, 284, 298
Fitzgerald, Lieutenant, 259
Fitzgibbon, Lieutenant, 124, 130
Flers, 156, 293–4, 297
Flowers, O. W., 219–23
Foch, General, 228, 318–19
Fonquevillers, 34
Fowler, J. S., 175
Francis, Major, 313
Frankfurt Trench, 352, 355–7
Freyberg, Lieutenant-Commander, 341, 347, 351
Fricourt, 38, 39, 88, 140, 144, 161, 173, 270, 271, 273, 277
Fricourt Salient, 39, 62, 78, 88
Frise, 40
Fromelles, 167–72
Frost, Charles, 272–3
Gaffney, Maggie, 189, 190–91
Gale, Ted, 231–4, 280–81, 290–92
Gallipoli, 37, 164–5
Gap Trench, 291, 292, 297–8
Gee, Jack, 267, 271, 280
George V, King of Great Britain, 216–18, 227–9, 265
Gibbs, General, 201
Gibbs, Philip, 82
Ginchy, 213, 214, 255, 268, 269, 327
Glasgow Boys Brigade Battalion, 355–8
Glasgow Highlanders, 142, 150
Glasgow Tramways Battalion, 189
Glavieux, Rose, 9
Gloucestershire Regiment, 255–9
Goat Redoubt, 38
Gommecourt, 25, 33, 34–6, 37, 57, 58, 68, 73, 88, 186, 202
Gommecourt Park, 34
Gordon, Colonel Edward, 23, 25
Gordon, Major, 182
Gough, General, 88, 113, 115, 172, 183, 254, 320, 339–40, 351, 352, 355
Grandcourt, 7, 65, 339
Grenadier Guards, 15, 192–3, 274–5, 289
Grenfell, Lord, 157
Guards Division, 272–5, 277, 278, 288–9
Gueudecourt, 297, 319, 342
Guillemont, 173, 211, 213–17, 220, 235, 245–9, 258–61, 268, 335
Gwynne, Bishop, 87
Haig, Sir Douglas, 13, 18, 30, 36, 37, 40–42, 72–3, 81, 87–8, 115, 137, 139, 169, 172, 178–9, 183, 184–5, 206–8, 214, 216–18, 227–9, 235, 254, 283, 318–19, 332, 339–40, 351–2
Hales, Arthur, 329
Hall, 336
Hall, Jack, 233, 234
Hamel, 7
Hannay, Lieutenant, 260–61
Hannescamps, 93–5, 110
Hawthorn Ridge, 38, 60, 72, 266, 341, 347
Hay, Bill, 162
Hayward, Harry, 255, 257, 258–9
Hébuterne, 33, 57, 68
Heniker, Major, 77
Herbert, A. P., 336
Hessian Trench, 320
Hickmott, Rupert, 271, 298
Higginson, General, 79
High Wood, 138–43, 145, 148, 149–56, 157, 161–3, 173, 177, 209–11, 214, 230–31, 232, 234, 255, 283, 296–7, 303
Highland Light Infantry, 97
Highland Light Infantry, 4th, 187–8
Highland Light Infantry, 15th, 74, 189
Highland Light Infantry, 16th, 355–8
Highland Light Infantry, 17th, 61
Hogg, Quintin, 303
Holford, Sergeant, 126
Holmesdale, Viscount, 273
Hop Alley, 279, 284, 286–7
Hope, 343
Hopkins, George, 290
Hopkins, Lance-Corporal, 343
Hornshaw, Lieutenant, 65, 66–7
La Houssaye, 28
Howarth, Snowball, 328
Howell, Harold, 257, 259
Hoyles, Joe, 26–7, 93, 95–6, 112, 116–17, 121–2, 124, 127, 130, 333, 349
Hudson, Geordie, 267
Humbercourt, 90–92
Hunter, Captain, 74
Hunter-Weston, Sir Aylmer, 72
Hutchinson, Geoff, 298
Illife, George, 151
Indian Cavalry, 139
Indian Labour Corps, 196
Ingouville-Williams, General, 112, 115–16, 160–61
Iredale, Sergeant-Major, 253
Jackman, William, 274–5
Jackson, Arnold Strode, 24
Jackson, Harry, 271, 298
Jennings, Lieutenant, 100, 101, 102–3, 103–4
Joffre, Marshal, 214, 227–8, 340
Johnson, Sergeant, 350
Jolly, Tom, 125
Jones, Duggie, 24
Kain, James, 200–201
Karino Point, 62
Keene, Sergeant Major, 131
Kennedy, Lord Hugh, 273
Kiggell, General, 20, 39, 301, 339
King, Herbert, 155
King’s Liverpool Regiment, 63, 216
King’s Own Scottish Borderers, 258
King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infanty, 61, 64, 277–9, 286–7, 289–90, 321, 323
King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 143–8, 150–55, 157, 160, 209–11, 241–4, 247, 283, 292, 294–5
Kippenberger, Howard, 267, 271, 280
Kitchener, Lord, 15, 16, 17, 18
Knotman, Jack, 24
Knowles, Charles, 273
Kyle, Colonel, 355
Lacey, Lieutenant, 321–2
la Chaussée, 267
Laney, 123, 127
Lansdowne, Lord, 352
Laviéville, 266, 270
Lawson, Nelson, 298
Leaken, Jimmy, 320
Lee, A. E., 285–6
Lee, George, 357
Lefroy, Captain, 99, 100
Leicester Regiment, 272–3, 287–8
Leipzig Redoubt, 61, 74, 86, 114, 213, 230, 235, 249
Leipzig Salient, 114
Le Petit, Commandant, 63
le Sars, 325, 331, 338–9
Lesboeufs, 288, 293, 297, 316, 319, 342
Leuze (Lousy) Wood, 268, 269, 297, 303, 304
Lincolnshire Regiment, 17
Lissenburg, Dudley, 60
Lloyd, Reg, 330
Lloyd George, David, 318–19, 352
Loch, General, 57–8, 61, 70–71
London Regiment, 32, 57
Long Valley, 96
Longueval, 137, 138, 139, 142, 143
Loos, 4, 1, 32
Love, Corporal, 181
Lovell, Len, 64, 272, 277–9, 284, 286–7, 289–90, 309–10
Lowe, Ernie, 24
Lucas, Corporal, 22–3
Lucas, Private, 98, 99
Lyle, Lieutenant-Colonel, 76
Lyon, Fred, 26, 130, 349
McCarthy, George, 310
McCracken, Dr, 345, 346
McFarlane, Major, 75
McGrath, Ed, 122–3, 124, 129
Mackintosh, E. A., 1, 133, 262
/> McNeill Smith, Lieutenant, 77
Mailly Maillet, 355
Malcolm, Neill, 183
Malins, Geoffrey, 265
Mametz, 38, 88, 220
Mametz Wood, 118, 120, 121, 137, 160, 213, 271, 272, 280, 296
Manson, Dick, 357
Maricourt, 8
Marlow, William, 336, 345–6
Marshall, Captain, 96
Marshall-Cornwall, General Sir James, 48–50
Martinpuich, 150, 156, 177, 230, 231, 283, 296–7, 321
Mash Valley, 177, 181
Maurepas Ravine, 258
Mayhew, Frank 311–12
Mellor, Norman, 198
Mesnil Ridge, 7, 63, 249, 335
Middle, George, 173–7, 181, 182
Middlesex Labour Company, 196
Milburn, Molly, 345–6
Millencourt, 105, 106, 115
Minnitt, Bernard, 321–4
Monckton, Walter, 94, 116, 129
Monro, General, 167, 169–70
Mons, 231
Montauban, 38, 39, 62, 79, 88, 120
Montgomery, Major-General, 136
Montreuil, 40–42, 196, 199, 216
Morel, Miss, 302
Morlancourt, 139, 265–6
Morrison, Captain, 274
Morval, 288, 316, 319
Mouquet Farm, 230, 235, 249, 255, 319
Moxham brothers, 99
Muir, William J., 346–7
Munich Trench, 352, 355
Murray, Joe, 306–7, 310, 340
Murrell, George, 25, 123, 124, 128, 129
Murrell, Ted, 129
Myers, Jimmy, 58, 85
Nab Valley, 61, 74
Neame, Philip, 57–8, 69, 70
Neuve Chapelle, 10, 32, 57
Neven, Major, 77
New Zealand Divisions 266–7, 270–72, 279–80, 295–6, 298
New Zealands Division, 4th, 177
Nicholson, Archie, 26
Norfolk Regiment, 287
Northcliffe, Lord, 178–9
Nothard, Bill, 24, 25
Oakham, 26–7
Oliver, ‘Rainbow’, 351
Ollersch, Drummer, 44
Orchard, Trench, 231, 280
Otley, Roland, 283
Ovillers, 38, 61, 75, 76, 86, 88, 113, 114–15, 121, 176
Page, Kenneth, 50–51
Paisley Dump, 66
Pals, 36–7, 58–9, 60, 71–2, 165
Paris, General, 335
Parker, Reg, 59, 71–2
Parker, Willie, 58–9, 71–2
Parratt, Bill, 99–100
Paterson, Alex, 236–9, 246–7, 247–8, 259–60, 335
Pearce, Bobby, 277–9, 309–10
Pearce, Sergeant, 260–61
Pendant Copse, 73
Phipps, Rifleman, 24
Pincombe, J., 326–7
Pint Trench, 288, 291
Poincaré, President, 136, 228
Poly Boys, 302–3
Potter, General, 137–8
Pozières, 7, 88, 115, 121, 125, 128, 163, 172, 173, 177–83, 213, 249, 320, 330
Pretor-Pinney, Colonel, 22, 107, 112, 116, 122, 124–5, 125–6, 129, 130–31
Prideaux-Brune, Colonel, 131, 333
Puchevillers, 42, 333
Puisieux, 34
Pulteney, Sir William, 115, 283
Quadrilateral, 268–9, 277, 287, 319
Queen Victoria’s Rifles, 186–7
Queen’s Regiment, 142
Queen’s Westminster Rifles, 187, 202
Querrieu, 267, 283
Rawlinson, Sir Henry, 88, 115, 137, 139, 267
Redan Ridge, 38, 59, 60, 72, 348
Redman, Johnny, 152–3
Reevie, Ernest, 346
Régiment d’Infanterie, 153rd, 63
Reid, Captain, 98
Reilly, Major, 215
Repington, Tim, 179
Reviere, Captain, 127, 129
Ricardo, Colonel, 60
Ricketts, 271
Rifle Brigade, 22–8, 90–96, 106–7, 109–12, 114, 116–18, 121–32, 143, 157, 171, 177, 232–9, 246–7, 247–8, 259–60, 291–3, 333–4, 349–51
Robertson, Lance-Corporal, 343
Robertson, Sir William, 183, 184, 217–18
Robinson, 83, 179
Robinson, Leefe, 302
Rogers, Charlie, 146–7, 148
Rory, Major, 195
Rossiter, Eric, 320–21
Rouen, 158, 159
Rowlands, Howard, 23, 108, 130–31
Royal Field Artillery, 160–61
Royal Flying Corps, 11, 29, 30, 48, 113, 223–4
Royal Fusiliers, 124, 126, 296
Royal Naval Division, 335–7, 340–41, 344–7
Royal Scots Fusiliers, 17, 161–3
Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 28, 182
Russell, Fred, 180
Rycroft, Major-General, 52
Sailly au Bois, 69, 70–71
St Pierre Divion, 250, 339, 348, 351
Salvage Corps, 201
Sassoon, Siegfried, 55
Sausage Valley, 173, 177, 180, 181
Scarlett, Florence E., 304–5
Scarlett, Harold, 270, 304–5
Schwaben Redoubt, 38, 60, 74, 250, 251, 319
Scott, Colonel, 79
Scott, Major, 65
Seaforth Highlanders, 344
Secrett, 227–8
Serre, 37, 38, 58, 60, 71, 84, 215, 339, 340, 341, 342, 348
Sewrey, 123
Seymour, Lord Henry, 274
Shaddock, 227
Sharples, Fred, 224
Shaw, Harry, 85, 212–13
Shoolbred, Colonel, 202
Shute, Genera.l, 238–9, 240, 335–7
Siegfried Line, 332
Sillery, Lieutenant-Colonel, 76
Slack, Cecil, 337–8
Smith, Captain, 122, 226–7
Smith, Horace, 111, 117, 129
Snow, General, 36
South African Brigade, 156
Spears, Captain, 136
Spencer, Frank, 45, 78, 160–61
Stevens, Freddie, 240–43
Stevenson, William, 342–3
Stone, Sergeant, 99
Stuff Redoubt, 319, 320
Suffolk Regiment, 17
Sugar Loaf Salient, 171
Sutcliffe, R. D., 203
Switch Line, 155, 177, 231, 280, 291, 296, 297
Tara Hill, 177, 181, 182
Tara-Usna Ridge, 61, 76, 105, 114, 116, 130
Tempest, E. V., 251–2
Temple, Captain, 254
Ternan, Trevor, 16, 17, 61–2, 76, 89, 106, 115, 116, 187
Thiepval, 7, 9, 38, 39, 43, 60, 61, 63, 65, 74, 88, 114, 121, 230, 249, 255, 314, 317
Thiepval Château, 7–8, 9, 10
Thiepval Ridge, 6–8, 9, 51, 52, 63, 73, 88, 249, 317, 319, 331
Thiepval Wood, 60, 65, 66, 74, 230, 250–53
Thompson, Billy, 144
Thompson, Bob, 110, 123, 126, 129
Thompson, Charlie, 144
Thompson, Major, 229
Thomson, Sergeant, 161
Toutencourt, 254, 339
Transloy ridges, 299
Triangle, 288–9
Trones Wood, 120, 137, 213, 214
Turner, Bill, 187–91
Turrall, Tom, 100–103, 103–4
Tylee, Bill, 90, 92
Tyneside Irish Brigade, 17, 62, 106
Tyneside Scottish Brigade, 16–17, 62, 76–8, 106, 115–16, 187
Ulster Regiment, 43
Vaquette, Boromée, 8–9, 317
Vaquette, Madame, 8–9
Verdun, 12, 135, 184, 231, 340
Viney, Sergeant, 98
Vivian, Dorothy, 217
Wable, Raymond, 41
Wade, Colonel, 42, 43
Ward, John, 197
Warloy, 158, 160
Waterfield, Scotchie, 27
Waterlot Farm, 215
Watson, David, 161–2
Watts, Major-Gene
ral, 138
Waugh, 346–7
Wear, Bob, 77–8
Webber, Tom, 257, 259
Weeber, Rupert, 117–18, 129
Welch, 129
West Yorkshire Regiment, 42, 250–54
White, Fred, 240–44, 247, 248–9, 260–61
White, General, 183
White City, 59, 60
Whiting, Sid, 110–11
Williams, Charles, 312–14
Williams, C. M., 350–51
Wilson, Arthur, 253, 314–16
Wiltshire Regiment, 98–100, 103
Winchester, 23, 25, 156–7
Worcestershire Regiment, 15, 100–104, 113–14
Worsley, George, 214–15, 224–7, 330–31
Wright, Arthur, 24, 111–12, 130
Wunderwerk, 38, 44, 61
Wyld, Colonel, 146, 147, 153–4
York and Lancaster Regiment, 36, 187
Yorkshire Regiment, 65–6
Ypres, 10, 15
Yvrench, 285
Zeppelins, 302–3, 310–16
Zollern Redoubt, 319
1. Boromée Vaquette, the first man of thousands to die on the Thiepval Ridge, is buried in the family plot (now with a modern headstone) to the right of the gate in the small communal cemetery of Authuille.
1. The original intention had been for the Allies to attack over a forty-five-mile front, the French with sixty Divisions, across thirty miles. Now the French could spare only eleven Divisions and their frontage was reduced to six miles, mostly south of the Somme.
2. It was a three-stage plan involving firstly blowing up and capturing the Wytschaete Messines Ridge, then breaking out of the Ypres Salient and swinging round to capture the ports of Ostende and Zeebrugge in conjunction with an amphibious attack from the sea. It was eventually put into execution a year later and was to be known as the Third Battle of Ypres. It was doomed to failure, partly because of an unusually wet summer and autumn, but largely because of the magnitude of the German defences, which they had hardly begun building by the summer of 1916. Had ‘Third Ypres’ been launched that summer, instead of the Battle of the Somme, it would have had an excellent chance of succeeding; thus two disasters of almost equal magnitude might conceivably have been avoided.
1. It was a catchy Nonconformist hymn tune sung usually to the words, ‘There is a Happy Land, Far, Far Away…’
1. Army Order SS 109. Issued by General Kiggell, 8 May 1915.
1. In the first moments of the attack, one German officer, astounded by the sight of the long lines of heavily encumbered Tommies approaching at a slow walk and looking, to his astonished eyes, as if they were setting out on a day’s outing, later wrote that, ‘… some were even carrying picnic baskets and others Kodaks as if to take photographs as a souvenir of their outing’. The ‘picnic baskets’ contained pigeons, the ‘Kodaks’ were power buzzers.
1. The instructions to the 56th and 46th Divisions were explicitly: to assist in the operations of the Fourth Army by diverting against itself the fire of artillery and infantry, which might otherwise be directed against the left flank of the main attack near Serre.
1. ‘Freiwilliger’ was a rank equivalent to private (gemeiner) but meaning, literally, ‘volunteer’.