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The Conquest (Kelderan Runic Warriors Book 1)

Page 10

by Jessie Donovan

  Since Taryn didn’t so much as blink at the mention of the Barren, Kason had a feeling his sister had shared that, too. He would need to lay out a list of what Kalahn shouldn’t discuss with the humans.

  Taryn’s voice garnered his attention. “That is something we’re going to have to negotiate as part of the colonization agreement. Tradition or not, I won’t change my advisors just because they’re female. Kelderan colonists are going to have to adapt to the idea of females in nontraditional positions.”

  Taking in Taryn’s tall posture, stubbornly set jaw, and a dare to challenge in her eyes, Kason wanted to take the female to his room and claim her straight away. Waiting a few days was going to test his ability to concentrate.

  When Taryn raised her eyebrows, Kason finally replied, “Let’s see if we can reach an agreement first. If so, my word holds weight and I will speak on your behalf.”

  Instead of a dry reply, Taryn mere said, “Thank you.”

  After a few beats of silence, Kalahn spoke up. “The language lessons are progressing fine. I’ve done as you asked, Kason. Can’t you find a way to get us out of this room for at least a little while?”

  “First, tell me where you were hiding this whole time.”

  Kalahn grinned. “The forest.”

  Taryn frowned. “How can you have a forest on a spaceship?”

  Evaine chimed in. “Theoretically, it’s possible. Some of the records back on Jasvar speak of a ship with an entire floor devoted to plant life. Not only for food but also to help with oxygen supplies.”

  Taryn looked back to Kason. “Then take us there.”

  “Why? So Kalahn can hide again?”

  Kalahn shook her head. “I won’t hide, you have my word. Besides, I have too many questions to ask Taryn and Evaine about their world. That will keep me mostly out of trouble.”

  There were a million reasons why Kason should refuse. They could be discovered. A warrior might try to steal away one of the females for his own. Or, they could run into one of the Barren and Taryn would spend the next few days questioning her, no doubt, and find another cause to fight for.

  But at the curiosity in Taryn’s eyes, he decided that taking the human to the forest might help ease the anger about his dismissal from earlier.

  Not that he was going to do it for purely altruistic reasons. If he earned her good graces again, she might allow him to claim her sooner. He didn’t want to risk another male trying to take her. He was the only one who should be tasked with her protection. “We’ll go in a few hours. Kalahn, ensure they eat and then find them some clothing. I want the three of you to be as inconspicuous as possible.”

  “You do know we’re on a ship full of males, right, brother?” Kalahn asked.

  “Ask the computer to synthesize something in the correct size, preferably an outfit that isn’t revealing but also disguises the fact you’re female. I’ll erase the logs of this room once you’re done, and no one will be the wiser.”

  Taryn smiled. “I didn’t think being sneaky was part of your personality.”

  “There’s being sneaky and then there’s being cautious. I prefer the latter,” Kason said.

  The human snorted and Kason almost smiled. Her attitude was infectious.

  Of course, that made her dangerous.

  Kason moved toward the wardrobe. “I need to complete my evening meditation. I’ll be back to collect you in two hours. That should be plenty of time to eat and get dressed.”


  Taryn paced the length of the room as she waited. The bulky mechanic’s suit was scratchy and hot. The tight-fitting cap on her head with material hanging down the sides and back of her neck didn’t help matters, either. If it weren’t her only ticket to a brief respite from the confines of the room, she would’ve shucked it off straight away.

  A chime echoed inside the room, and Kalahn looked to Taryn and Evaine before saying, “Remember, keep quiet and follow my lead. Most lower-down mechanics don’t speak to warriors or high-ranking staff. If you use the same gestures and body language as me, we should make it to the forest undetected.”

  Before either Taryn or Evaine could answer, Kalahn opened the door. Kason stood in his tight-fitting pants and bare chest, which was his regular general attire. He spoke in Kelderan, which gave her time to merely watch his mouth form the syllables. What she’d first dismissed as choppy was actually fluid, and the patterns were at least somewhat familiar to her after Kalahn’s lesson.

  Still, it was going to take her a hell of a lot longer than a day to learn an entire language. Evaine was close to mastering the writing system, which would help with the computer at least.

  Kason stopped talking and turned back down the hall. Kalahn followed him. Taryn and Evaine followed suit.

  While she had to keep her eyes cast downward so that the material hanging on the sides of her hat helped to hide her face, she did her best to study her surroundings as they walked. Unlike the large cargo bay, the corridors weren’t metal but something softer looking. While Jasvar couldn’t manufacture plastic or other composite materials, there were a few things still in existence from the original colonists. Maybe the corridor was made of something similar.

  The sight made her homesick. She had no doubt that Nova and Zorana had things in hand, but she couldn’t wait to step back on solid ground again.

  For many reasons, she hoped the Kelderans didn’t go to war with the Brevkan. It would delay her negotiations and her return indefinitely.

  However, at least she had Evaine and Kalahn or the journey would be much lonelier. The three of them seemed to get along so far, which was good since Taryn needed all the allies she could muster.

  Then she looked to Kason’s broad back and imagined the dark blue symbols underneath the material. As much as her head knew she needed to wait to have sex with him, each time she learned a little more and was faced with his tall, toned body, Taryn’s resolve softened.

  Maybe they would one day grow close and share more than attraction or battle strategies.

  She caught him nodding at another warrior and realized it would take more than fabulous sex for Kason to change his life and career. After all, she would require the same.

  If only there was a way he could still lead and try to get to know her. Secrecy was exciting in the beginning, but it would strain them eventually. Taryn had seen the same thing happen with a few couples back on Jasvar.

  Forget it, Taryn. You and Kason lead two very different lives. There’s nothing to be done. Make the most of what time you have. Bottling up her thoughts, Taryn went back to following Kalahn’s lead. If a Kelderan warrior caught her gawking at Kason’s back and discovered she was female, they might suspect she was his bride.

  They soon approached a giant door that had to be at least twelve feet high and ten feet across. Once Kason pressed his thumb against a panel, it slid open. Taryn blinked against the light and walked inside. Once the door slid closed, her eyes adjusted enough to see and she gasped.

  Trees towered twenty feet or more toward a ceiling fitted with lights. The leaves were a mixture of yellow and a pale green, different from the blues and purples of Jasvar. More than that, their trunks curved one way and then another, creating a wiggly effect, for the lack of a better term.

  Kalahn lightly patted her arm, and Taryn tore her gaze from the trees to follow her new friend. As they walked deeper into the forest, she admired the yellow grass and collection of flowers. They ranged in size and shape, in a variety of colors. Documenting them all would take years, if she tried to do it herself.

  Birds chirped overhead in tones and rhythms foreign to her. There was also the sound of running water in the distance.

  It was hard to believe Taryn was in the middle of space on a man-made ship. The place felt like a dream rather than reality. Maybe someday, her people could master technology to this degree.

  Once they were deep inside the forest, Kason put up a hand and motioned for them to stay there. He silently disappeared into the t
rees. A minute later, he reemerged and spoke quietly in CEL. “The only other people in the forest are at the far edge, testing the plant life for disease or signs of decay. We should be safe here.”

  He met her gaze, and she answered the question she saw there. “This is definitely an improvement over my room.”

  Kason raised his brows. “Only an improvement? This is the biggest space on the ship, apart from the cargo bay.”

  She smiled. “Is everything about size for you?”

  When Kason blinked, Kalahn snorted and said, “Forgive my brother. He’s not one for teasing.”

  Kason grunted. “You don’t need to speak for me, sister.” He met Taryn’s gaze, and she resisted a shiver at its intensity. “But if you don’t care about size, then you will be content with the creek and not care to see one of the largest waterfalls I’ve ever witnessed inside any spaceship.”

  “You have a waterfall in here?”

  He smiled slowly. “So size is important to you, too.”

  Taryn walked up to him and slapped his arm. “Let’s put aside the size comment. Waterfalls are few and far between on Jasvar. Will you show it to me?”

  He placed a hand on her lower back and the heat of his fingers seeped through her bulky work suit. “Come. I might actually be able to make you speechless.”

  They started walking again. “I was quiet on the way here, I might point out.”

  “Only because you had no choice. Here, with us and no known dangers, you are free to speak or remain silent. Let’s see how I do.”

  “You’re quiet most of the time, so my challenge is to make you laugh,” Taryn stated.

  He raised his eyebrows. “You can try.”

  She frowned. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re cocky?”

  Kalahn chuckled, but Kason replied before his sister could jump in. “You say cocky and I say confident.”

  Taryn opened her mouth, but they exited the forest to face a twenty-foot waterfall that cascaded into a large, blue-green pool and she forgot what she was going to say. Even though the rocks that created the waterfall had to be man-made since the real thing would probably be too heavy, they looked authentic to her.

  Just as she was about to walk closer, Kason’s voice filled her ear. “I think I succeeded.” She barely had time to frown before he added, “Come. There’s more to the waterfall than meets the eye.”

  She noticed Evaine and Kalahn were already standing next to the waterfall. Evaine touched the rock surface and looked to be asking Kalahn questions. Taryn was starting to think her friend may never want to go back to Jasvar.

  Kason steered her toward the falling water, and she focused back on him. “What are you doing? If I get wet, this outfit will cling to my body and ruin the disguise.”

  “Trust me,” he murmured.

  Even though Taryn shouldn’t, her curiosity won out. “Let’s see how you do with your first test.”

  “This is a game now?”

  “Of course. It’s more fun that way.”

  Kason merely grunted and took her hand. Tugging her between a small crevice to the side of the waterfall, all she could see were small, glowing lights on the ceiling and the faint outline of the rocks and Kason. With another turn, they were inside a small cave with the water pouring in front of them. She looked at him. “How do you know about this spot? Have you kissed a few other warriors back here?”

  “There are those who do.” He tugged her up against his warm body. “But I am more interested in the female with me now.”

  He cupped her cheek, and Taryn’s heart skipped a beat. “I didn’t think you were romantic.”

  Leaning his head down, he laid his cheek against hers. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Taryn Demara. But for now, all you need to know is I’ve been thinking of this ever since we were interrupted.”

  Moving his head, Kason kissed her.


  Kason’s original plan had been to take the three females out for a brief walk, march them back to their room, and retreat to his quarters to think of ways to handle the Brevkan.

  But no matter how important the meeting the following day might be, ever since he’d spotted Taryn in the ridiculous mechanic’s outfit, he wanted to rip it off and expose her feminine curves again. Her gasping at the sight of the trees had zeroed in his attention to her mouth. Right then and there he’d decided he wanted to take her to the lovers’ cave.

  While Kason had never visited the cave since he had no interest in males and had avoided the attention of any of the Barren aboard the ship, everyone knew the location.

  And now he had his bride up against his body and the sweet taste of her mouth in his.

  She clutched his shoulders, and he took the kiss deeper as he backed her against the wall. It wouldn’t take much to open her disguise, unzip his fly, and take her in the cave.

  The instant the thought crossed his mind, he broke the kiss. Taryn’s hot breath against his face almost made him rethink his decision, but he managed to hold firm. “I will kiss you, Taryn, but I won’t dishonor you by claiming you inside a cave.”

  It was difficult to read her expression in the near darkness, but her voice was steely. “Stop treating me like a delicate flower. I’m a grown woman and I have nothing against sex in a cave. In a way, it’s exciting.”

  “But it is your first time. It should be perfect.”

  She lightly tugged his hair. “What could be more perfect than losing my virginity inside a cave with a waterfall in front of me?” She rubbed against him, and he groaned. “Make our deal official, Kason.”

  Something about her calling it a deal irked him, but he pushed the feeling aside. He leaned back an inch and fondled one of her breasts. “Only if you promise me there will be another time in a bed, where I can see your body.”

  Sex was only required once to cement his protection, but Kason didn’t like the idea of only claiming the human once.

  Placing a hand on his chest, she nodded. “Once more, albeit protected, and that’s it.”

  Kason had other ideas, but he bobbed his head for the moment. He stepped away from the wall and put her back on the ground. “Undo your fastenings.” She looked to the water and he added, “Kalahn will ensure no one disturbs us.”

  As Taryn’s fingers flew to undo the static restraints, Kason undid his fly and freed his long, hard cock. He was done first, so he watched as Taryn’s skin was exposed bit by bit.

  She wore nothing but the coverall and he could see the sides of her breasts as the front parted. Clenching his fingers to keep from distracting the female, he watched as the shadows danced across her abdomen and then the patch of hair between her thighs. Kelderans and Earth humans weren’t that different in overall form, except for the fact Taryn’s body was toned rather than soft; the better for him to claim her and not worry about hurting her.

  The instant she stepped out of her coveralls and her legs were exposed, he pulled her against him and kissed her. Her warm skin against his cock sent a rush of desire through his body and he bit her bottom lip. Taryn took a second but bit him back. With a roar, he cupped her ass and lifted. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her hot, wet center against him nearly made him come right then and there.

  But Kason was no schoolboy fooling around with a Barren for his first sexual experience. He needed to ensure she was ready.

  He moved his fingers between her thighs and groaned at how wet she was. Taryn may see the act as a deal, but she was attracted to him.

  Breaking the kiss, he murmured, “Are you ready, human?”

  She raked her nails down his back. “Hurry up already.”

  The sting on his back made his cock pulse. “Then let me oblige my bride.”

  Supporting her weight with one arm under her rear, he used his other hand to position his cock at her hot entrance. Taryn bit the side of his neck, and he thrust inside her. He swallowed her cry with a kiss and then asked, “Are you ready for more or are you too sore?”

fine. Move already.”

  It seemed that with human females, the first time wasn’t as painful as with Kelderan women.

  Then Taryn wiggled her lower body, and he forgot about everything but the female in front of him. Pulling her head to his, he devoured her mouth as he moved his hips. Her tight, wet heat gripped him perfectly, as if she didn’t want to let go.

  At Taryn’s moan, he increased his pace. Every instinct screamed to spill inside her, but he held back. If he wanted to claim his bride properly, she needed to find her release before him.

  Since he’d studied what human female records he could find earlier, he knew he could bring Taryn pleasure by rubbing the little nub between her thighs. Since the same was done with a Kelderan female’s nipples, Kason would have a challenge.

  Running his hand from her head, down the side of her breast, her ribcage, and finally between their bodies, he found the secret spot between her thighs. When he pressed gently, Taryn arched into his touch. He increased the pressure and speed against her, never ceasing his hips. After a few more seconds, Taryn screamed into his mouth as her center gripped and released his cock. The action drove Kason over the edge, and he roared into his female’s mouth as he spilled inside her.

  Once she wrung every last drop of his seed, he broke the kiss and laid his forehead against hers. “Was that satisfactory?”

  Taryn smiled. “I would say more than satisfactory, but I’d rather not add to your cockiness.” He frowned and she laughed. “Let’s just say I look forward to what you consider a ‘proper’ claiming later on.”

  He wanted to say he would have her many more times, but he didn’t want to scare her. Instead, he replied, “I might render you speechless for a second time.”

  “I would tease about your confidence, but after today, I think it’s more than just boasting.” She lowered her voice. “And I would like to see you try and make me speechless again.”


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