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The Conquest (Kelderan Runic Warriors Book 1)

Page 22

by Jessie Donovan

  She was close to coming.

  Then he removed his hand and stilled his movements. Taryn looked over her shoulder and growled, “Why did you stop?”

  “Because I wanted to see your beautiful face before you shatter.”

  Her anger faded. “Now you see me, so don’t keep me waiting, zylar.”

  Wrapping one arm around her waist, he lifted her up to lean against his chest. “Kiss me and I’ll do as you wish.”

  Kason took her lips, and she welcomed his tongue. She loved the spicy male taste that was Kason tro el Vallen.

  He broke the kiss but didn’t release her waist as he moved again. His free hand went between her thighs and lightly brushed her hard nub.

  She rested her head on his shoulder as her prince found the pace she liked. Each pass of his fingers brought her closer to the edge. Lights danced before her eyes before pleasure finally raced through her body as she came.

  Kason continued his thrusts until he stilled with a roar and spilled inside her.

  As Taryn came down from her high and her heart rate slowly returned to normal, Kason nuzzled her neck. His hot breath danced against her skin as he said, “I love you, Taryn.”

  She looked up to meet his gaze and placed a hand on his cheek. “I love you, too, Kason.” Amusement danced in his eyes and she frowned. “Why is that funny?”

  “It’s not. But I think you’re relaxed enough to face anything now.”

  “Yes, your magical penis eases all of my problems. Oh, baby,” she said in a flat voice.

  Lightly pinching her nipple, he answered, “Of course it does. Don’t forget it.”

  At his deadpanned tone, she laughed. “I think my lord has definitely loosened up since our first meeting.”

  “I’m glad to see you’re calling me ‘lord’ now.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m still thinking of an alternative. ‘Lovey poo’ doesn’t quite have the same ring.”

  “Isn’t poo another name for excrement? Why would you want to call me that? I assure you I don’t stink.”

  She grinned. “Only in a good way.” He opened his mouth, but she beat him to it. “I’ll explain it later. I need some time to prepare for your father. However, I do need to shower.” She caressed his jaw. “And I may need some help in there.”

  “Anything for my female.”

  “You need to stop saying that or I’m going to take it at face value.”

  He nibbled her earlobe. “There are limits, but the fun part is watching you discover them.”


  He bit her neck and licked the sting. “Come. I know how you like to shower.”

  Lifting her off him, he stood and hauled Taryn to her feet. She barely had a second to think before he pulled her into the bathroom and proceeded to slowly caress every inch of her body, including his tongue between her thighs.


  Two hours later, Kason stood with Taryn outside his father’s meeting room. While his bride was gaping at the high ceilings with their view screens displaying the stars, he breathed evenly to focus his mind.

  He had no idea whether his father would accept Taryn or not, let alone if Keltor would even agree to meet with them. Since Keltor was merely the heir, Taryn could negotiate her agreement with just the king and the major players of government.

  Then he remembered his promise to Kalahn during their brief exchange back on the ECA ship, to make sure Keltor was doing okay. For some reason, his sister was concerned about their brother. Something about him not wanting to be king, but grudgingly accepting the fact.

  The doors finally slid open. Inside was a large rectangular table surrounded by murals of Keldera’s history and past monarchs. At the far end of the table was an intricately carved chair on a raised dais. His white-haired father sat tall in his gray and black robes as he assessed first him and then Taryn. When his father waved them forward, Kason guided Taryn to the place a few seats down from the dais.

  As he drew closer, Kason noticed even more lines etched into the king’s face than he remembered from their conversation via the comm units. His father looked older than he should. Before he left Keldera, he needed to find out what was going on. Even if his father wouldn’t tell him, maybe his brother would.

  However, there was no sign of Keltor. Kason would have to track him down.

  His father finally spoke up in CEL. “Welcome home, my second son and his bride.”

  Taryn bowed her head. In her rough Kelderan accent, she said, “The honor is mine. Thank you for allowing me to set foot on your planet.”

  The king answered in CEL. “Your official greeting is appreciated. Please, sit down and let’s discuss the agreement.”

  As they took their places, Kason scrutinized his father. In his much younger days, King Kastor would’ve required more pomp and ceremony before they took their seats.

  For the first time in a long time, Kason was anxious to speak alone with his father to find out the truth.

  One of the males to the king’s right, the head of government named Hinvel Mayta, spoke next in thickly accented CEL. At one time, the male had been Kason’s tutor in the language. Hinvel said, “We have reviewed the basics of the colony agreement you sent late last night via secure communications. There are a few details that need to be ironed out, but we don’t foresee any problems in agreeing to most of them.”

  Taryn folded her hands in front of her. “Which aspects do you wish to change?”

  The king spoke up. “We will go into details after the evening meal. My council merely wanted to reassure you that we desire to reach an agreement with you. Now that’s done, they are dismissed.”

  Kason barely resisted his jaw dropping open as the council members filed out of the room. King Kastor was a fair king, but he had never worried about soothing the feelings of an alien before, not even those who occasionally traded with Keldera.

  Thankfully, Taryn didn’t miss a beat as she scrutinized the king. “I know our two worlds are different, but I wish to reach an agreement as soon as possible so that I can return to my people. Surely you can understand how I don’t like to leave them alone longer than I have to.”

  The king laid his hands on the arms of his chair. “Spending one evening and night on my planet seems a fair enough request. After all, my son has proclaimed you his bride. For your future children’s sakes, you need to understand our ways and traditions.”

  Kason finally spoke up. “So you accept my choice?”

  “Of course. The human has proven herself worthy. It’s nice to see one of my children find their partner.”

  While I’m still alive was left unsaid.

  Not wanting to address his father’s mortality just yet, he asked, “Where is Keltor?”

  “He is visiting some of our loyal communities, as any future king should do in these troubling times.”

  While Kason had intended to talk with his father alone, Taryn’s hand on his knee reminded him that he could share anything with his bride.

  Kason cleared his throat. “I sense you are skirting the true issue. Father, are you ill?”

  For a few seconds, Kastor remained silent. Then he sighed. “I tried to hide it as long as I can, but I’m dying, Kason. There is no medicine that can save me.”

  Taryn squeezed his knee, and he placed his hand over hers. Kason and his father may not have been close in years, but Kastor was still his father. With his mother gone, Kastor was the only tie remaining between him and his two siblings.

  His female spoke up in a soft voice. “How long do you have, your majesty?”

  Kastor smiled. “You may call me Kastor. And half a year at most. I’m grateful for the time as it allows me to prepare both the planet and Keltor for the transition, especially after the recent scare. The ECA’s sudden appearance reminded me that we need to prepare better in case the Brevkan attacks our planet again.” The king leaned forward. “But rest assured the agreement will be reached, and you can return to your planet soon enough. I just wanted one l
ast evening with my son.”

  All the years of pain and disagreements faded away. Kason wasn’t about to tarnish his father’s remaining weeks with hatred or past petty disagreements.

  Taryn smiled at his father. “I hope I’m invited, too. I’d like to spend some time with you. That way I can see for myself who you are rather than relying on what Kason tells me.”

  His father smiled back. “A straightforward female. I can see why my son chose you. After all, he never likes to do things the easy way.”

  Kason frowned. “I did not pick her solely because of the challenge.”

  Taryn raised an eyebrow. “I hope not.”

  He leaned toward his female. “But it does make things interesting, zyla.”

  Not caring his father was in the room, he kissed Taryn gently.

  Once he finished, his father chimed in again. “I will give you two a little time for yourselves. There will be a dinner in your honor in the main hall this evening.”

  Taryn looked to Kastor. “Are you sure? We can stay with you if you like.”

  Kastor waved a hand in dismissal. “I need to rest or I won’t last the evening.” He looked to Kason. “It will also give you time to find Keltor.”

  To help protect his sister’s true location, Kason added, “And Kalahn.”

  The corners of his father’s mouth turned upward. “I know she’s not on the planet, Kason, so you don’t have to lie to me.”


  “I have eyes and ears everywhere. Kalahn always wanted to do more than wear pretty dresses and attend dinners. In my old age, I finally realized that, but not before she took matters into her own hands. She reminds me of your mother before she became my queen.”

  “Mother was rebellious?” Kason asked.

  “To a point,” Kastor answered. “Although she eventually accepted her place and forgot about her scandalous dreams once she had Keltor. The children meant everything to her.”

  As Kason digested the new information about his mother, his father rubbed his forehead and added, “I must retire. I look forward to this evening.”

  Kastor pushed a button, and two Barren nurses came into the room. Kason took his cue and stood. “Until tonight, Father.”

  Taryn was at his side. “Nice to meet you, Kastor.”

  The king nodded. Kason guided Taryn out of the meeting room, and she whispered, “I’m so sorry, Kason.”

  “He has lived a long life and kept his planet together, with many years of peace after the war with the Brevkan ended. That is enough for any Kelderan monarch.”

  Taryn threaded her arm through his. “Still, it’s okay to show your emotions to me at any time. I hope you know that.”

  “Of course, zyla. But for the moment, let’s find our quarters and prepare for tonight.”

  She stopped in her tracks. “Not until we find Keltor.”

  “Taryn, my brother is busy. We can talk with him later at the dinner.”

  She scrutinized him before replying, “That may actually be better. With a crowd watching, you two will have to act civilly.”

  “My brother and I may not get along well, but we’re no longer children. I have no desire to hit him.”

  “I’m going to believe you. However, you must promise me you’ll resolve some of your issues before we leave.”

  He glanced at her. “Why are you so determined to repair relations with my brother?”

  “The truth? Well, I’m an only child. I always wished for siblings, but my mother miscarried too many times after me and never had another. Probably because they were all male embryos attacked by the doom virus. So, whenever someone dear to me has siblings and arguments, I want to repair them and remind them that siblings are a blessing some of us were denied. Provided they didn’t do something awful such as steal or kill, or something like that. But in most cases, it’s just a petty reason for the fighting. I have a feeling the feud between you and Keltor is of the petty variety.”

  “I suppose so.” He cupped her cheek. “I will try my best for you. However, I can’t guarantee Keltor will welcome the reconciliation.”

  “Then I’ll just have to display a lot of charm. Maybe then he’ll love me as a sister and realize he needs to fix things with you in order to see me again.”

  He growled. “I don’t like the thought of you charming my brother.”

  She turned and laid a hand on his chest. “I love you, Kason, so stop with the jealousy crap. It’s going to get old fast.”

  He blinked. “What?”

  “I don’t want to have the same conversation a million times. Next time, I’ll aim my dagger at your balls.”

  He smiled slowly. “I’d like to see you try.”

  She sighed. “Everything is a turn on for you.” She tugged his arm and started walking. “Let’s get ready and prepare for tonight. Maybe I can relax you a little beforehand, provided you promise not to act jealous around your brother.”

  “Will it involve your tight leather outfit from your first interrogation?”

  She flashed a mischievous smile. “It can.”

  “Then let’s hurry up. I need a lot of calming before I face my brother.”

  As Kason guided Taryn through the maze of corridors to his old room, he tried his best not to think of the evening ahead. He wanted to focus solely on his bride for the next few hours. Maybe then he could survive the evening without punching his brother in the nose.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Taryn had done a good job of ignoring the stares in the corridors, but as she and Kason approached the towering double doors to the main hall, her heart beat double-time. Being on the arm of one prince and trying to charm another was going to put her in the center of attention. And not all of it was going to be good, especially as Evaine had remained on the Kelderan ship and Taryn would be the only Jasvarian at the event.

  You can do this, Taryn. Remember, you’re representing your planet.

  Taking a deep breath, she gripped Kason’s arm a little tighter. He glanced down at her. “What’s wrong? With the interpreting device in your ear that you received from the ECA, you’ll at least be able to understand what’s going on. And I will translate when needed.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not too worried about that. Me not being able to speak Kelderan means I won’t have to suffer too much small talk.” Kason raised his brows and Taryn continued, “I can handle people staring at me, that’s not the issue. The problem is many are going to hate me for forcing you to retire your commission. From what I’ve gathered, you’re quite notorious as a warrior here.”

  He took her free hand. “I doubt they will hate you, zyla. Your planet is going to ease the overpopulation of mine.”

  “Rationally, I’m sure they realize that. But an alien stealing one of their princes? I’m sure some will see that as a traitorous act. I’m also worried about the antimonarchy groups using us as a means to promote their own causes.”

  “They may try. But that is for my father, brother, and the council to handle. Tonight, you represent Jasvar. You need to show the people of Keldera what I already know—that you are a strong, intelligent, and caring leader.”

  She smiled at her prince. “I’ll try, although I did leave all but one of my daggers back in the room so I can’t impress them with my dagger-flinging skills.”

  He snorted. “That might be for the best. Otherwise, you might give the females some bad ideas.”

  “I’ll let that slide for now. But eventually, they should learn how to defend themselves. It’ll come in handy if and when your enemies attack.”

  “I’ll make sure to mention it to Keltor. But first, we need to find him.” Kason motioned toward the doors. “Are you ready?”

  She nodded and the two males at either side of the hall opened the doors.

  The room was nearly as big as the cargo bay back on the Kelderan ship, but there was one major difference—the walls and ceilings were made entirely out of view screens. Currently, they displayed dancing lights and pa
tterns. The Kelderans in the room paid them little attention since most of the eyes were on her and Kason.

  Keeping her head high, she allowed Kason to guide her through the throng of people up toward the front of the room. King Kastor sat in a huge, intricately carved chair and to his right was a male who looked a lot like Kason with golden skin and dark blue hair, although he was leaner and not quite as muscled.

  Kason whispered, “That’s Keltor next to my father.”

  Keltor met Taryn’s gaze. The man’s face was expressionless. He and Kason had that ability in common.

  But the closer they drew to him, the more differences she noticed. Yes, they both had the same golden skin and dark blue hair, but Keltor’s nose was more like Kalahn’s and his eyes were like Kastor’s. Kason must have inherited his from their mother.

  And even though Keltor was handsome in his own right with his square jaw and broad shoulders, he didn’t quite live up to her own prince. Of course, Taryn was a bit biased. Nova would no doubt find Keltor sexy.

  They finally ascended the dais and stood next to Keltor and Kastor. Both remained seated, but it didn’t bother Taryn. She bowed her head and said in Kelderan, “Nice to meet you.”

  Keltor’s deep voice answered in CEL, “So this is the human leader of our future colony planet.”

  Kason wrapped an arm around her waist. “She is also your sister now, too.”

  As the brothers stared at one another, Kastor spoke up. “Once I announce Taryn as Kason’s bride, you three may go to the room behind us to talk.”

  “There’s nothing to discuss, Father,” Keltor stated.

  “There is. And you will talk.”

  Even Taryn could hear the steel in Kastor’s voice.

  Both Kason and Keltor mumbled their assent and the king nodded. “Good.” He motioned to his left side. “Then take your places next to me. I’m going to announce Kason’s proclamation.”

  Taryn asked, “What about the future colony?”

  “I will do that once you are on your way to Jasvar. I don’t want to risk any sort of sabotage beforehand.”


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