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Shining Armor

Page 16

by Halle Dean

  "What's happening with your magic's consciousness?" he inquired. "Warner speaks to his often, but you seem to act more like a sane person."

  "Hey!" Warner protested.

  "I am the magic's consciousness," she answered. "The real Melody died. I'm all that's left."

  "So, she did actually die," James said quietly.

  Melody nodded and Mason put his arm around her.

  "That is so interesting," a voice said, startling everyone. They all looked around to see Barry standing nearby. "So, I have you to blame for this pesky voice in my head?"

  The ground began to tremble and Sophie looked down. Warner and James glanced at each other before both leaping into action. James made a strange gesture and Barry recoiled. At once, Warner jumped and tackled Barry to the ground. James waved his arm and both sorcerers were surrounded by a strange darkness. Sophie tried to run forward, but James caught her arm before she could.

  "He'll be all right," James said, dragging Sophie toward the door. "I'd bet my life on it. I am betting my life on it. We must leave this place."

  "But, Warner—" Melody started.

  "I said he'll be all right!" James exclaimed. "But we will not be if we don't hurry. Everyone get outside."

  Sophie and Melody still tried to protest, but Mason picked Melody up and threw her over his shoulder. She yelped and he ran out of the room, nodding to James as if he understood. Layla and Petunia followed and James grabbed Sophie by the arm and dragged her along after them. Sophie did not want to leave Warner behind, but she would trust that he had a plan. She followed the others outside.

  "Everyone get out and get far away from here!" James was yelling to the people inside the bar. "Don't take your things! Don't finish your drinks! Get out!"

  Everyone hesitated until Layla poked her head in. "Do as he says or I'm calling in on all your tabs!"

  That got them moving. Everyone was out in a matter of moments. The ground shook again, more intensely than the previous time. Petunia had run to make sure no one was left in the inn. The entire building was quaking and beginning to fall apart.

  The slanted roof was caving in. Cracks were forming in the walls. There was still no sign of Warner. Sophie prepared to run back in, but James held onto her arm again, pulling her further away from the building.

  "What is happening?" Mason asked as they retreated from the inn and tavern. "The entire place looks like it's about to collapse."

  "Explode, more like," James said.

  "I repainted it this year," Layla said glumly as Petunia caught up to them.

  "I make sure everyone else is safe," Petunia said. "But Warner is inside. He fights the old man."

  "We must help him!" Sophie said, fighting against James' grip.

  "He's all right," James said, not letting go, but having a harder time running.

  "What if he's not?" Sophie asked. "We can't let him die!"

  James stopped trying to run and looked down at Sophie. "He is not going to die. He's Warner. He doesn't do that."

  She glared up at him. "That's not how that works!"

  Before anyone could say anything further, the building exploded. There was no fire, only bits and pieces of wood and stone flying everywhere. Soon, there was nothing left of Layla's Tavern or Petunia's Inn but sparse rubble and settling dust.

  Twenty Five

  Shining Armor

  Lane stared at the remains of the tavern in shock. It was exactly the same as the castle had been, five years previously. What had Warner called it? Devastation magic. But had Barry done it, or had Warner's sorcerer magic taken over again?

  Everything was such a mess. Melody wasn't Melody. There were two Warners. Sophie had a spell cast on her by her unborn daughter, who was also altered by the spell the original Melody had cast. Magic made Lane's head hurt.

  "Warner!" Sophie was yelling the name over and over, desperately trying to get away from James.

  Lane had to hold onto Melody to keep her from running back to the decimated tavern as well. He had to make himself look away from her. He could not stand to see the tears in her eyes. He had seen them too many times. Her entire life was so unfair.

  She turned around in his arms and buried her face in his chest, sobbing. He held her tighter, not sure if there was anything he could say that would console her. Sophie had slumped to the ground and Melody was crying harder. James had seemed so sure that Warner would survive, but no one could have lived through that blast. Lane made a mental note to break James' nose the next chance he got.

  "That… hurt..."

  Warner's voice came from behind Lane, who looked around in surprise.

  "W-Warner?" Sophie gasped, shoving James out of the way. She threw her arms around Warner, who groaned in pain.

  "You're alive!" Melody exclaimed, pulling away from Lane to approach her brother as well. "How?"

  "The Void," Warner said, patting Sophie on the head and gently pushing her away. "Ow."

  "Sorry!" She drew back and looked him up and down. "How can I help? What hurts?"

  "What happened in there?" Melody asked. "Are you all right?"

  Lane wondered if Melody ever worried about him like that. He brushed the thought aside. It was not the time for such thoughts. Sophie started her healing magic and all Warner's cuts and bruises faded away. Once he was healed, James started in with the questions.

  "What happened?" he asked. "Did you win? Is Barry dead?"

  Warner shrugged. "He can go into The Void as well," he said. "He's badly hurt, but he wasn't in the explosion."

  "He doesn't have healing magic without George," James said. "So, perhaps he'll go off and die on his own."

  "Don't count on it," Warner said. "He's not easy to kill. Besides, in that case, his sorcerer magic would take over and we'd have him to fight."

  "Perhaps his magic's consciousness is good," Melody suggested. "He mentioned that the voice in his head was pesky, so, they may not get along because his magic is nice."

  "That would be odd," James said. "Nice Barry."

  "That would be extremely convenient," Warner said. "So I'm not expecting that that's the case."

  "What do we do now?" Lane asked. "What do you think he is planning?"

  "I don't know," Warner shrugged. "He didn't divulge any plans other than swearing to make my life miserable and kill me."

  "You say that so indifferently," Layla mumbled.

  "What plan is ours?" Petunia asked. "Old man hears about daughter, yes?"

  Warner's face paled.

  "Ella," he breathed. He looked to Melody. "Come with me."

  He grabbed Melody's hand and they both shimmered and vanished.

  "Uh," Layla said. "What happened? Why did they disappear?"

  "Warner is vanish as before!" Petunia exclaimed.

  "They went to The Void," Sophie said. "To make sure Ella is safe."

  "Do they need both of them to protect one little girl?" Layla asked.

  "I think they're bringing her back," Lane said. "Melody can take others with her through The Void."

  "What if it rejects her the same way it did with me?" Sophie asked, looking worried.

  "It shouldn't," said James. "She's a sorceress."

  "But there's something wrong with her magic, isn't there?"

  James shrugged. "I won't pretend to know what will happen," he said. "I only know that, if they don't retrieve her before Barry finds her, she will certainly be killed."

  "Don't say that!" Layla reprimanded, putting a comforting arm around Sophie. "Can't you see she's worried enough?"

  "Why is it taking so long for them to come back?" Sophie asked. "It should only take a moment, should it not?"

  Suddenly, seven people materialized in front of them, all holding hands. Lane was confused. Warner and Melody were there, along with a little girl that was, without a doubt, Warner's daughter. Then there was an entire family along with them, consisting of a graying couple with a teenage boy and a young girl.

  "Wow!" Warner's daughter said, thro
wing her hands in the air and smiling. "Wow!"

  "That was all kinds of unpleasant," the man said. Lane vaguely recognized him and his wife, though he couldn't think of where he had seen them before.

  "Momma!" Ella exclaimed, releasing Warner and Melody's hands and running to Sophie.

  "Are you all right, sweetheart?" Sophie asked, kneeling down and hugging her daughter close.

  "Yes," Ella said. "Daddy came to see me! He took me to a big, dark place with many things. But we couldn't stay there because there wasn't breathing. So we came here instead!"

  "Where is here?" the teenage boy asked. "We're not in Hestia, and this doesn't look like the kingdom either."

  "Milvona," Warner said. "You'll to need to stay here for a while. Until everything is sorted out."

  "Why did you bring the Smiths with you?" Sophie asked.

  Oh, the Smiths, Lane thought, vaguely remembering them from many years before.

  "If Barry learned where Ella was staying, he could kill them," Warner said. "So, it's safer for them to stay away for a while."

  "Who is Barry?" Mr. Smith asked. "What is going on here?"

  "He's a sorcerer, Mr. Smith," Sophie said. "He's very dangerous."

  Mrs. Smith sighed. "I guess we don't have much of a choice now that we're here," she said. "Where can we stay?"

  "Well, I'd recommend the inn, but…" James said.

  "Don't speak of it," Layla said. "I may cry."

  "You stay at Lawson home," Petunia said. "Big house. Safe for you."

  "And who are you?" Mrs. Smith asked.

  "I suppose introductions are in order," Sophie said, getting to her feet. She gestured to the Smiths. "These are the Smiths. Carl, Shelby, Darrell, and Mary." Sophie pointed to individuals as she introduced them. She turned to the Smiths. "You know Warner and Ella, obviously," she told them. "This is Mason, the Knight Captain of Coriander. I'm sure you know of him. This is Melody, Warner's sister. This is James, uh, a magician. And this is Petunia and Layla. They used to own an inn and tavern, but it… exploded a few moments ago."

  "Why did it do that?" Carl asked.

  "Barry," Warner said. "He is skilled in devastation magic, though I assume he has the same restrictions as me. He can't use all of his magic energy without his sorcerer magic's consent. So we should be safe from true devastation magic."

  "What if his magic part goes along with it?" Lane asked. "We're simply doomed?"

  Warner smiled weakly and glanced at Sophie. "Not exactly. I have a plan of sorts. Half of one, at least." Sophie looked up at him.

  "No," she said icily.

  "I would die either way," he argued. "At least there would be a chance for the rest of you to survive."

  "That's incredibly foolish," she countered. "Other Warner would take control and—"

  "And will be much easier to defeat with no magic energy left," he interrupted.

  "What are you talking about?" Melody asked.

  "True protection magic," Warner said. "The only thing that can counteract true devastation magic."

  James narrowed his eyes. "Are you referring to the Shining Armor spell?" he asked. "Even I would try to dissuade you from attempting that."

  "Is that what it's called?" Warner asked. "How did you learn that?"

  James frowned. "There was a time that it was free knowledge for the Magics Society," he explained. "Because no one would ever be foolish enough to try it. They removed that knowledge a few years ago."

  "Why?" Sophie asked.

  He shrugged. "I'm not—oh..." His expression shifted to worry. "Because Barry can use devastation magic. He didn't want someone—" He looked pointedly at Warner. "—to be able to counter him."

  "But you know how it's done?" Warner inquired with interest. "You can tell me?"

  "There is no way in hell that I would tell you," James said, crossing his arms. "Besides, I don't know. The only knowledge that existed was the name of the spell. They erased it and simply called it 'true protection magic' so no one would even be able to attempt it."

  "So," Warner said thoughtfully, "It must work the same as true devastation magic. If I try to do protection magic, perhaps with a hand sign rather than Magic Speak, and say 'Shining Armor'—"

  A strange ripple passed through the air and Warner faltered slightly.

  "Wow!" Ella said excitedly.

  "What was that?" Melody asked.

  "Protection magic," James said, glaring at Warner. "It's not wise for someone like you to say those words with such determination."

  "S-sorry," Warner said. "I'm not used to having control of all of my magic at once."

  "Oh!" Sophie said, looking to her daughter. "Because of Ella!"

  James looked confused.

  "She seems to somehow block other Warner out," Warner shrugged.

  "How strange," James said, looking at Ella curiously. She hid shyly behind Sophie's legs.

  "We should get moving," Warner said. "Everyone can stay at Petunia's. I'll need to find Barry, so—"

  "You won't be going alone," Sophie interrupted, crossing her arms.

  "If you had let me finish my sentence," he said calmly, "you'd have heard me ask James and Mason to go with me."

  "And what of me?" Sophie asked.

  "You'll stay where it's safe," he said.

  "I'm safest with you," she argued.

  He frowned. "You know that's not true. Besides that, you and Melody must stay to protect Ella."

  "I want to go with Daddy," Ella remarked, playing with Sophie's hair.

  "We can't protect anyone from Barry," Melody said. "We brought Ella here because you can protect her."

  "But I must go put a stop to him," he protested. "That's the only way to protect all of you."

  "So, you would leave us alone?" Sophie asked. "What if he's simply waiting for you to leave so he can attack?"

  "That… is a good point," Warner sighed. "It might be best to find a safe place and wait for Barry to show himself."

  "I don't wish to meet this Barry," Darrell said.

  "I wish to be not present with the Barry," Petunia agreed. "Smiths be stay safe at Lawson home and I also will."

  "Is there some sort of translation for her?" Carl asked.

  "You'll get used to it," James said.

  Layla nodded. "And she's much better than she once was. She hardly ever says horribly embarrassing things anymore." James smiled widely and Layla elbowed him in the ribs. "Keep your mouth shut."

  "I didn't say a thing," he said. "And be gentle. I can't be injured if we're trying to take down an evil, powerful sorcerer today."

  "We'll part ways then," Warner said. "Those that wish to stay shall go with Petunia. And the rest of us shall… form a plan."

  "Are we seriously going to bring a five-year-old with us?" Lane asked.

  "I'm four," Ella corrected.

  "I'm five," Mary said, holding onto Ella's arm. "I want to stay with Ella."

  "No, you stay with us, dear," Shelby said. "Ella has to go somewhere with her Momma."

  Mary pouted, but didn't argue. Lane wondered briefly what having a child must feel like. What if his children didn't listen to him? How could he keep them safe? He quickly pushed the thoughts away.

  Don't get ahead of things, he mentally scolded himself. Wait and see if we even survive this situation.

  Lane found himself relieved to be the only one in his own head. He wondered how Warner could stand having someone listening to his thoughts. Along with that, he wondered how Warner could stand to be away from the one he loved for so many years. Lane could hardly stand to be away from Melody for a few weeks. For once, he was glad to not be Warner.

  Twenty Six


  James was in no hurry to rush into danger, but he knew it would only get worse the longer they waited. He decided to go along with whatever plan Warner had.

  "James and I will both create barriers so the area is doubly protected," Warner explained. "Then Mason will join us in keeping watch over Sophie, El
la, and Melody."

  "And what of me?" Layla asked.

  "What of you?" Warner looked confused. "You're going with Petunia."

  "No," she said. "I'm going with you."

  James crossed his arms. "You most certainly are not."

  "Why?" she asked. "Perhaps I can be of help—"

  "You are not coming," he said firmly. "I won't allow it."

  She crossed her arms as well. James couldn't help but think she was charming, even while glaring daggers at him. But, no matter what, he would not let Layla follow them into danger. He wasn't sure how many of them would live through everything, but he would make sure that she did.

  "You don't have a say, James."

  "You can't do any magic," he pointed out. "How can you help in this fight?"

  "He can't do magic," she said, gesturing to Mason.

  "He is a trained knight," Warner said. "The last time I checked, you were not."


  "You are not coming," James said again. "You would be one more person to protect and one more thing to distract me from what we're trying to accomplish."

  "I can't let you go off without me," she said. "What if you die?"

  "That would make your life much better," he said. "Isn't that what you told me earlier?"

  "You are an idiot." With that, she turned and ran off.

  "Layla says the correct," Petunia said.

  "No, she doesn't!" James said. "I mean, she isn't. I mean, she's not correct! Stop taking her side and learn how to speak properly."

  "Hmph. Yes." Petunia frowned and turned away.

  James immediately regretted his words. "Wait, Tunia. I'm sorry—"

  "Smiths will come now," she said. "We go to home. James will have good time die and make Layla sad."

  James watched Petunia and the Smiths follow Layla back towards the town. He was at a loss for words. After a moment, he sighed and turned back to the others.

  "Layla does care for you," Melody said.

  "You think I don't know that?" James snapped.

  "Then why would you—"

  "I needed her to stay behind," James grumbled. "She wouldn't be safe."


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