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Surviving Day By Day (Book 1): So it Begins

Page 7

by Allensworth, Audra

  The man spoke again only quieter, “Hey, no need for that friend, we’re all healthy except for Warren and he just got a broken ankle.”

  “That’s fine,” Alden replied, “But I’ll decide when I put this weapon away.”

  He stopped in front of them about 20 feet away. There were seven total, the bigmouth in front, a middle aged woman with torn blue jeans her belly hanging over them showing that she was two sizes too big for the jeans. Her shirt was a grey, sweaty, dirty mess with holes and tears around the sleeves and neck. Her hair was matted and knotted and she had bruises on her face. She kept looking to the ground. Two more men were behind her, both wore gold crosses around their necks that hung down on their semi clean white shirts. One held a bible the other a small brown box type case. The man’s fingers kept nervously flipping at the latch on the case. Two little kids, one boy and one girl both no more than 10 or 12 years old, were pulling the cart that the man was laying in.

  Alden smiled at the lady, “Ma’am why don’t you just take a seat on that there rock, you look like you could use a break. You two kids I want you to go join her.”

  The bigmouth’s expression changed as did the man’s in the cart. The two white shirts started heading over to the where the woman was, “Naw” Alden said, “this here is my little tea party, you two need to just stay right where you are and sit down there in the middle of the road,”

  Winking at the little girl. He walked to the cart, “Okay mister how about you pull your hands out from under that blanket real, real slow.”

  The man’s eyes widened as he shook his head, “really mister I ain’t got nuthin under here and my arms are.. err.. are broke.”

  Alden’s nice demeanor changed immediately his voice went to almost a whisper, “Then you should have no fucking problem when my dog comes over here and pulls that blanket off with his teeth.”

  All four men looked to the truck where Tonto had gotten out and moved silently toward the group. He started growling and the hairs were up on his entire back. Alden grabbed the blanket and snatched it off the man’s legs. The bigmouth reached for his belt as Tonto lunged and took him down quickly. The man with the case flipped the latch but that’s as far as he got the 45 roared as Alden pulled the trigger. The second man tried to get up but to no avail he was shot in the knee as Alden yelled, “NOW YOU ALL JUST STAY FUCKING PUT! THIS GAME IS OVER!”

  Turning to the man in the wagon he saw that indeed his ankle was broken. What was more, his hands weren’t broken but had been tied.

  Tonto had bigmouth by the throat the man just laid there whimpering, the second man was rolling back and forth screaming in pain. The children huddled up against the woman the little boy crying, “Why is this happening again.”

  Alden looked at the man, “You wanna tell me what I walked into?”

  The man hung his head, I am, or was the pastor of little Baptist church down the road a ways. These men came by asking for food and water. Being true Christians we couldn’t refuse, they seemed nice enough, even kept praising Jesus name. I never even saw them hit me with a hammer on my leg. Then they, they….. THE SONS OF BITCHES TOOK MY WIFE.”

  With those words he tried to get up. Alden placed his hand on the man’s shoulder; he turned and pulled the trigger once more the man by the case fell over. Alden looked to Tonto and nodded. It was over in second as he snapped the man’s neck with his jaws. Alden looked to the kids as he put his weapon away and cut the ropes off the man’s hands. Walking over he put his hand out to the woman. “Ma’am, my apologies for all this bloodshed, I never wished for the kids to see it but I didn’t see I had any other choice.”

  Tears fell from her eyes as she held her children, “Mister, you are an Angel sent from heaven by God’s own hand to save us from the philistines.”

  Alden smiled a little, “Ma’am I’m more like the Maytag repairman, I simply fix shit that ain’t right.”

  He turned and looked to the Preacher, “You stay there, I’ll get my truck and be right back. Tonto, you stay right there and guard them kids.”

  In minutes he was back taking some things out of the back he walked around and found some wood to make a splint. “Ma’am, in the back there you’ll find some water and some snacks help yourself.”

  The kids looked at their Mom then to him, “Thank you, mister” they spoke quietly.

  As the woman and kids were at the back and Alden was performing first aide he looked the man in the eyes. “I ain’t taking you with me. I’ll get you back down off this mountain some place safe but that’s it. I can’t take responsibility for you or your kids. I won’t do it.”

  The man smiled weakly, “I understand, sir. If you could just get us back to our church we’ll be fine it’s only about ten miles after we hit the base.”

  Alden tied off the splint then shook the man’s hand. Helping him back to the truck he got him in the back with the supplies and made him comfortable.

  “Ma’am, you and the kids can ride up front with me if you like, if not I understand.”

  The woman smiled, “If it’s all the same to you I’ll ride with my husband but I want the kids up front with seat belts on you never know even in these days.”

  Alden shook his head and grinned. Snapping his fingers as he came around the truck Tonto jumped into the back and sat down. The boy climbed in the back with Tonto and the girl up front, both put on their seat belts.

  It took less than an hour to get down to the little church. Alden got the man out as the doors of the church opened. Several men with shotguns came out screaming at Alden. Tonto jumped out and squared off as Alden’s 45 appeared out nowhere.


  The pastor raised his hands and his wife stepped in between them all.

  “You put that damn thing down Harold, this man saved our lives.”

  Harold dropped his gun down along with the rest of the men. Two went to the pastor and helped him to the stairs. He turned back to Alden, “Sir your welcome to come and pray and eat with us. It’s the least we can do.”

  Alden waved his hand and snapped his fingers. Tonto took his seat and Alden climbed in. Looking out the window, “Pastor… it wouldn’t be right, you see I don’t believe in your Jesus, I have my own religion and it’s a little older than yours. You go and thank Your God and his son. I’ll lay my head down and give thanks to the moon and the stars.”

  As Alden drove away he watched the people standing on the steps of the church. “Poor bastards they’ll be dead within a month.”

  Alden drove for hours, taking all the back roads he had found, to get up to Leonard Wood. He’d made the trip several times before everything went to bad. As he passed through the first part of the Mark Twain National Forest the idea came to him that this would be a great place to hold up. He remembered a state park that had been in another section of the National forest and decided to head there. He could set up his base camp. Then take a run up to Leonard Wood in a couple of days. It took two more hours of driving before he arrived at Elephant rock state park.

  “Tonto you stay put, this will only take a second.”

  Alden got out and walked to the tool box on the back of the truck. Opening it he grabbed a large set of bolt cutters and headed for the gate. Lifting the chain he saw the lock had already been cut. Acting as if nothing was wrong he pushed the gate open and walked back to the truck. Placing the bolt cutters back in the tool box he fiddled around as his eyes slowly scanned the area. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary but he cut lock had put him on high alert. Opening the door he reached behind the seat and pulled out an HK MP5 he pulled the bolt back and chambered a round then set it in the seat. He made sure his 45 was also ready. Putting the truck in gear he pulled through the gate then got out and did the same dummy lock procedure he had found it in. Alden climbed back in, looking to Tonto, “Okay boy, keep your eyes and ears open I have no idea what to expect.”

  Alden pushed
the button and let Tonto’s window down. The dog put his head out and sniffed the air then looked back at his master. “Alright buddy let’s roll if you think it’s safe.” Tonto simply turned and put his head back out.

  Alden drove slow watching the sides of the road and the trees for anything unusual. Everything seemed to be perfect, hell even the trash cans looked like they had new liners. Tonto’s low growl was the first sign. Alden slowed to a crawl as the hairs stood up on Tonto’s neck. Suddenly Tonto stood and bared his teeth. His growl was gone, Alden put the truck in park and looked to where Tonto was facing. He didn’t see it at first but then something caught his eye. The branches on a tree had been cut; Alden got out and walked a few feet up the road trying to peer through the bushes and undergrowth. He saw the restroom and the parking lot, everything looked normal except for the large brush pile, an exceedingly large brush pile.

  As he crouched down he moved to his left the sunrays caught the hub cap of the van. “Son of a bitch, boy who ever did that had a good idea of what to do, but not quite good enough.” Alden backed away to the truck and rolled up the windows and motioned for Tonto to come out his door. Grabbing the keys he pushed the power lock button on the door and moved back to the edge of the woods.

  Crouching and moving slowly he sat just off the edge of the restroom parking lot behind a large blackberry bush. Listening he heard the water running in the shower and then moved carefully across the lot. If there were any scouts Tonto would have picked up on them by now and he seemed to be interested only in what was in the restroom. Alden got to the building and tried the door carefully, it was locked. He looked around both sides and saw the windows were shut and figured they were locked too.

  “Well boy, who ever or whatever is in there has only one way out and that’s through this door. We’ll just pull up a chair and wait.”

  He picked up a pine bench that sat against the wall and positioned it a few feet from the door then sat down.

  The two didn’t have to wait long for the shower to stop and the door to open. Tonto jumped up and moved a few feet to the side as the door opened, he was hidden from the view of whoever was coming out. Alden leveled the MP5 as the young man walked out naked to the world. A small grin came on his face as he spoke, “Well Hello cupcake.”

  The man stopped as he dropped his clothes in front of his private parts the crossbow hit the ground as the door slammed shut behind him and Tonto growled.

  The young man jumped at the size of Tonto’s teeth, “Oh Holy Mother Mary of God. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT WOLF DOING HERE.”

  Alden’s voice was low and stern, “First off, cupcake he ain’t no wolf. He is however; a highly trained military dog who will chew your balls off before you can blink. Second, I want you to very slowly, slowly mind you, raise your arms out to you side so I can make sure you’re not hiding anything else dangerous.”

  The young man looked to the dog, then to the crossbow, and then to the man with the machine gun. He raised his arms slowly letting the clothes fall to the ground.

  Alden laughed a little, “Well that thing damn sure ain’t going to hurt no one. Pick up your clothes, now what’s your name?”

  The young man picked his dirty clothes up and placed them in front of him once more, “I’m-m-m I’m Charlie,” he said still watching the dog.

  “Okay I’m I’m Charlie, you alone?”

  Charlie nodded.

  “You got no one in the van or sneaking around right.”

  Charlie shook his head, “no, no sir.”

  “Alright Charlie, let’s move over to your van so we can see what’s what.”

  Alden retrieved the crossbow then followed Charlie over to the van, Charlie in front, Alden behind, and Tonto to Alden’s side. “Okay push the brush and let’s take a look see.”

  Charlie pushed the branches back and opened the door. Alden motioned for him to step away the looked inside. The van was filled with supplies and a small mattress. He noticed the some of the weapons in the back. Turning back to the kid he motioned to the van, “Go on, get dressed and we’ll talk in a minute.”

  Alden waited as the young man got dressed then took him down the road to get his truck. Still wary but not quite as much, the kid seemed innocent enough. Tonto walked beside Alden he too seemed less interested in the kid now. Getting to the truck, Alden unlocked it and let Tonto jump in the back then motioned for the kid to get in. They drove back to the lot in silence. Alden pulled up behind the van and the two got out. Alden let his gun down, “Names Alden, my Dog here is Tonto.”

  Charlie snickered sort like the “Lone Ranger huh.”

  Alden chuckled, “Close, except they had morals, we don’t. You see we will kill anything that fucks with us.”

  Charlie’s eyes went down as if he shamed himself. “It’s alright kid, you seem like a good enough sort, and in times like these one needs to lighten up the reins a little. Here help me out and I’ll show you how to properly camouflage your van. Deadheads can’t tell the difference but there might be some humans that are err not so nice as me.”

  Alden pulled some netting out of an ammo box and handed Charlie one end of it pointing to his van, you start by stretching across the top. I’ll get mine.”

  It took about a half hour and the net was strung over both vehicles and down to the ground. The Alden showed the boy how to mix and match his trees and brush to make it more natural. After another hour it was done, it made for a nice cover.

  Alden pulled out a Coleman stove and within another thirty minutes coffee was served and big pot of stew was simmering. “Let’s sit eat and then talk and you can tell me who you are and how you got here….”

  Chapter 7 - Ceara:

  Ceara was suddenly looking at her dad, but it wasn’t how she had wanted. Her mother was totally devoured and she now knew that is was her father who had done it. She was already on her knees so she flipped over kicking the man she adored away from her. He kept coming and Ceara was forced to move further in the bedroom, the smell was overpowering. Her mother’s decomposing body and her father’s body was filthy. He was covered in dirt and what she thought was piss and shit. Ceara made it to the master bathroom slamming the door, soon her dad was pounding on it. She pulled open drawers shoving things around to find something to use, she shoved the top drawer closed and yanked the second one open hard enough to pull it off its rails and the drawer hit the floor scattering the contents on the floor. She didn’t see anything to use there either. She dropped to her knees jerking open the cabinet under the sink, there she saw it!

  Her dad must have worked on the pipes recently, there was a screwdriver laying across a package of Depends. She had a split second to wonder which of her parents had started needing those, they weren’t that old. Ceara stood with her back to the sink as she clutched the screwdriver to her chest. She knew that he wouldn’t leave so she had to choose to open the door or wait for him to break the door in. Ceara reached for the door knob, “I’m sorry Daddy”

  She swung open the door, jumping back to the shower bringing up the screwdriver ready to attack. Her dad walked in, actually reaching for the image in the mirror first, and then he saw his daughter.

  Ceara tears were blurring her vision, her dad grabbed her and as he went to bite her, she forced the screwdriver through his eye burying it in his brain. She cried harder as she twisted the screwdriver till he dropped to the floor and stopped moving, “I love you Daddy, please forgive me!”

  She climbed out of the shower stepping over her father and left the bathroom, and bedroom shutting the door as she left.

  Ceara walked through the house opening windows, then went to the front porch; she watched all the surrounding land for any movement. She didn’t see anything so she stepped off the porch and walked around the house to scan the rest of the land. Ceara stepped into the backyard and saw Maximus laying in the back of the yard. He raised his head looking at her then laid his head back down. Ceara walked toward him, “What are you doing over there?”

sp; When she got closer Maximus raised his head and but this time whined. “What’s wrong?”

  That was answered when she saw the carcass of an animal not two feet from Maximus, “Oh shit, I forgot about Princess!”

  Her parents golden lab was almost too decomposed to know but there was still a bit of blond fur. She didn’t want to think of her parents eating the dog so she would just believe the dog starved to death, not much better but it still helped her cope.

  She went to the shed and just as she reached for the door she realized she was still holding the screwdriver, she brought it up just in case something was in there. Ceara pulled the door open but nothing and no one jumped out. She pulled out a shovel and went back out. Two hours later Princess was buried but she found out she would not be able to dig holes big enough for her parents. She pulled out the gas cans out of the shed and a pair of gardening shears, not the best weapon but it was better than the screwdriver.

  Ceara went back to the house pushing a wheel barrel and wrapped her dad in a blanket. It took all her energy to pull him through the house. Maximus growled as she pulled him out the door, “Hush, he ain’t getting back up.”

  Her dad weighed a good 200lbs so she moved the wheel barrel to the side of the porch and rolled her dad into it. As soon as she saw him hit she knew it was tipping over, “Well Mother Fucker… sorry Dad.”

  She jumped off the porch, setting the wheel barrel right. Ceara spent the next thirty or forty-five minutes trying to get him back in it. Finally giving up she just began dragging him toward the shed. It was awhile before she got him back there, she went back to take care of her mother.

  This was harder; she was able to pick her up in pieces. Her mother had been chewed up and rotted so much that her hair was falling out. Ceara tried to pick up her torso and head to at least keep that in tack. As soon as she lifted it he mother’s head fell off and rolled to the floor. Ceara dropped her mother and ran to the bathroom violently throwing up. The next time she went to the room she simply pulled the covers off the bed and wrapped her mother up, gently picking up her head and adding to the package. This time the walk to the shed was easy, the blanked weighed more than her mother did.


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