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Surviving Day By Day (Book 1): So it Begins

Page 37

by Allensworth, Audra

  Tabitha turned and unleashed the full clip on the group then turned and ran following Alden. The gun fire was continuing as the group was firing wildly into the woods. Suddenly Tabitha heard a scream and the gun fire stopped then started again only this time no bullets were coming towards them. Alden smiled at her as he led the way, “Deadheads.”

  Soon the two were back at the cabins. Charlie and Colt were standing watch. Charlie looked to Tabitha then Alden “Are they Coming?’ Tabitha smiled not tonight I don’t think.”

  They stood and listened to the gun fire in the distance gradually subside. Alden reached and took the M-16 from Tabitha and smiled at her, “Not bad…. Not bad at all…”

  Ceara was asleep by Maximus when Alden and Tabitha came back, as she woke, she quickly checked on him then went to the kitchen with everyone else, she listened as both Alden and Tabitha told what had happen. It sounded like the deadheads would take care of what was left of the group that had attacked the cabins. She knew it was wrong but she was glad they would suffer. Alden looked at her, “How’s Max?”

  She looked back into the living room, “Still sleeping, but Beth got the bullet and sewed him up pretty good. He should be up before long.”

  She suddenly realized and outcome of what Alden and Tabitha had done, “If the deadheads attacked those people, well that just means we will have more deadheads around here.”

  Colt smirked, “But if we go out there tomorrow and scout out that area we may be able to gain a few more guns.”

  Ceara looked at him unbelieving, “You want to go there, then you can do it without me, I don’t want no part of that!”

  Alden held up his hands, “Ok, enough of that, where’s dinner?”

  Beth and Ceara both looked at him. Alden shrugged, “What, we brought enough food back. Did you guys think we wouldn’t be hungry just because we’ve been out? Hell we didn’t go to dinner.”

  Tabitha laughed, “Yeah, I could use a little food.”

  Ceara gave a heavy sigh, “Well we did have a little bit going on here too, ya know?” She started pulling out a couple of pans, “Charlie will you get the fire going in the stove and I think the last of the steaks are in the cooler out back.”

  Charlie nodded and headed out the back door, Colt followed him, “I’ll get the wood, and you get the cooler.”

  Beth went to the living room looking around at all the supplies they had come back from town with, “This looks like a mini store.” She snagged two cans of corn and green beans, and then got the powdered milk, remembering that Alden had been excited to find it.”

  They all got back in the kitchen and Ceara started laughing, “Oh my god would it not be classic after we did all this and risked everything to find out we have no can opener!”

  Several eyes turned to Alden, he smirked, “What?”

  Charlie smiled, “You know you have one.”

  Alden walked to a drawer and pulled it open and didn’t find one, on the fourth drawer he pulled out a hand held can opener. Handing it to Ceara, “Well now we don’t need to worry about if I do or not.”

  Ceara shooed them all out of the kitchen, “You guys fix the steaks out there and I’ll handled the veggies in here.”

  Charlie followed Colt and Alden out of kitchen. As they got out side, he looked up at the moon, “Damn that’s pretty.”

  Alden looked up and smiled, “Yeah it is.”

  He turned and walked out front towards his truck. Retrieving his bottle of moonshine he walked back around the house and took the lid off. Taking a drink he handed it to Colt who simply took a swig then spit it out at the fire, “What the hell is that shit?!?”

  As the moonshine hit the flames they flared almost singeing Charlie’s eyes brows. “Damn it, Colt. Watch out!”

  Alden started to laugh as he took another drink, “This shit is smooth.”

  Colt trying to get a bottle of water out of a cooler, “Yeah, smooth as gasoline.”

  Charlie laughed and took the jar and a swig. His eyes squinted as he swallowed it and a raspy, “Whoaaaa, that stuff burns.”

  He took another swig and handed the jar back to Alden who had pulled up a wooden lawn chair and was now sitting in front of the fire. Looking to Charlie and Colt, “You guys are getting pretty good at this fire stuff.”

  Charlie went to his cabin and came back with two more plastic lawn chairs. “You know guys, if the world wasn’t in such a bad state, this would be a great night.”

  Alden stared into the fire, “ Well for what it’s worth, this is how the world is outside the U.S. We’ve been spoiled inside our borders.”

  Colt looked to Alden, “Man, I bet you have seen more in a month than I’ve seen my whole life. The only place I’ve ever been is Branson, Missouri and that was just for mine and Jessica’s honeymoon.”

  “Yeah I know, not too damn romantic but it was all we could afford. We planned on going to Hawaii in the next couple of years but guess that won’t happen now.” He looked around at the woods, “This is the furthest I’ve been from Memphis since I moved there ten years ago and before that I was in this little shit hole town you wouldn’t know the name if I told you. Shit, I had a boring life but I’ll be damned if I don’t want it back.”

  Charlie tossed the steak on the grill as the flames had died down to coals. “I don’t know if I want my old life back or not. I mean it wasn’t really that great. You see I got more now than I ever had. I have the one thing I always wanted; too bad it took this for me to get it.”

  Alden looked at Charlie and handed him the jar. Charlie took another drink longer this time then looked to Colt who was looking at him confused. Charlie handed Colt the jar, “You see Colt I finally got me a family.”

  Charlie looked at Alden then turned back to the steaks. Alden looked at Colt and smiled, “Yeah Charlie I guess you’re right. I finally got one too. I just never thought I’d be a Dad to a bunch of cupcakes.”

  Colt had taken a swig just as Alden spoke and choked not only on the taste but the cupcake statement. Moonshine was coming out his nose as he coughed, “Damn it Alden!”

  Alden reached up and took the jar chuckling, “You’re getting the hang of this.” Putting the lid back on, “But that’s enough for now boys, I can’t have you all drunk and puking at dinner. It would ruin my appetite.”

  Ceara, Beth and Tabitha heard the men laughing and glanced at the back door. Ceara looked to Beth, “Can you go get some water and we can make the milk for Alden?”

  “No problem”, Beth said as she dried her hands off with a dish towel. “Ladies, I will be right back, I got to go get something out in the truck.”

  Making her way out of the kitchen Beth went outside and opened up the door to the truck. She remembered the fine china she had put underneath the seat and thought that this night would be a perfect night to use it. With all of the worrying that Ceara had been doing over Maximus, Beth thought this would be a very nice surprise. After picking them up and holding them tightly so that she would not drop them Beth bumped the door shut with her hip then made her way back inside where she stacked the china on the table hoping that one of the girls would see what she did. Continuing on Beth made her way over to the cabinets to find six glasses and purposely did not look at Ceara or Tabitha while doing any of the work. Beth wanted the plates to be a surprise for her and she thought that this would be a good way.

  When Beth found the glasses she lined them up and then grabbed the box of powdered milk. Reading the directions were easy enough and she realized that since she didn’t have a pitcher to put it in that she would use one of the quart jars that the green beans had been stored in. Beth washed the jar really thorough then followed the directions on the side of the box.

  Tabitha walked over to the table and noticed the dishes stacked up. She had never seen anything as pretty as them. “Ceara, would you check these out here! We will be eating like kings and queens tonight. I mean I have only seen stuff like this at department stores where all I could ever do was just look a
nd not touch.” Tabitha gently picked one up and looked at the little blue roses that were etched beautifully on the plate. “Beth, where on earth did you find these at?”

  Beth was finished with making the milk and set it beside the glasses. Turning around with a smile Beth looked at Tabitha and then went over to Ceara, “I just had a feeling that we needed something new for a change. You know, instead of paper plates and paper towels to eat off of.”

  Ceara looked from the plates to Beth, “When did you grab those?”

  Beth just winked at her, “I have my ways.”

  Ceara went to the plates and picked one up, “They really are so pretty!”

  Tabitha picked up the glasses, three in each hand, “Yeah, well you wanted them so you are now the official dishwasher.” Turning Tabitha went out of the dining room and out the back door.

  Ceara smiled at Beth, “I don’t care, I’ll wash them and I love them, thank you!” She picked the stack up.

  Beth grabbed the milk and as they walked through the kitchen Beth got the pan of green beans, “We will send one of the boys in for the corn.” They joined everyone outside and Ceara started to set out the plates, Charlie picked his up “Wow, what’s the occasion?”

  Ceara smiled, “Beth got them when we were at the farm, aren’t they pretty?” Ceara looked to everyone, “You guys better be careful! Don’t break them!”

  Charlie set his gently down, “Now I’m a little scared to eat off them.”

  Ceara smirked, “Don’t be silly, oh and will you go get the corn off the stove?”

  Charlie headed inside as Alden set the plate of steaks in the middle of the picnic table. “This all looks pretty good girls.”

  Charlie rejoined them and set the corn beside the green beans. Alden picked up one of the plastic lawn chairs and took it to the head of the picnic table, “I’m the oldest so I guess I get this spot.” He said with a big grin. It was then he noticed the quart jars of milk, “Oh bless the ancients. I’ve been dying for a glass of milk.”

  Charlie took a sip and made a face of disgust. “Really, Alden? You call this milk?”

  Alden smiled back as he took a big drink, “Damn straight, it beats the hell out of just water, besides I got used to the taste overseas where milk was gold if you could get it. We mostly had to use this.”

  Charlie looked at him, “Ugh if you say so. I still think it tastes like duck food.”

  Ceara looked at Charlie, “and you would know what duck food tastes like… why?”

  They all laughed as they sat down to eat. Charlie pulled the steaks off and placed them on the plates then took his seat, “If it’s okay with you all I’d like to say grace.”

  He watched their eyes as he waited. He knew that these folks probably didn’t have much to be grateful for, hell even Alden’s life had been turned inside out. It seemed to Charlie he was the only one who kind of benefited from the mess. Alden looked to the group as they all seemed to be looking at each other.

  He finally spoke up, “Sure kid. We may not all believe in the same religion but I’m sure we all have a belief in a higher power.”

  Tabitha cleared her throat and softly added, “Well I for one can’t say much about the religion aspect on the whole matter but I must say one thing. I didn’t have nobody when I came into this whole damn mess but I have a whole hell of a lot now with you all here and I am grateful for that…. so it’s fine by me Charlie. You go right ahead, little skipper.”

  Beth looked over to Tabitha and then the rest. She had lost so many that she loved and right now all she really had was sitting at the picnic table with her. Nodding her head when Tabitha had spoken was all that Beth had been able to do because she; herself, did not know about religion. She had always believed in God and was brought up in a Christian home but even now her faith was being tested with everything that had taken place.

  Charlie reached his hands out and they all followed each one taking the others hand. Charlie thought for a moment then spoke, “We thank you for this food we are about to eat. We thank you for the friends who are now my family. Keep us safe and sound. Amen.” He raised his head and looked at Alden.

  He smiled, “Amen... Charlie that was good. Kinda wished you’d thrown in a request for more ammo and some intel, but I’ll live it.” He winked and began to cut his steak.

  Ceara reached out and snagged one of the smaller steaks then scooped out two big spoons of green beans, then just a little corn. For the last few weeks she hadn’t had veggies and her mouth had been watering for them. The only thing missing was bread and butter but she was very thankful for what they were sitting in front of. She poured a little milk in her glass and sniffed it, after what Charlie had said she was a little worried about how it might taste.

  Alden lifted his glass and toasted Ceara, “Give it a try.”

  Ceara took a little drink then took a longer one. “Oh Charlie this isn’t that bad! It doesn’t taste just like milk but I’m with Alden, beats water.” Her face lit up, “Alden, when we took Maximus down for his bath the river was cold, do you think if we made a few jars and put it in the river it would get cold?”

  Alden tilted his glass looking at it, “Not a bad plan Ceara, I think we may just try that. I have to admit, it is better cold.”

  Ceara was excited that she had thought of it, the smile on her face showed it as she scooped up her first fork full of green beans. The groan on pleasure that came from her made everyone look at her, she blushed “Sorry, this is just good.”

  Tabitha giggled as she took another bit of her steak. The food was amazing and even though the milk was disgusting she drank it anyway because the company made everything a thousand times better. “Don’t apologize girl!! Food like this is the bomb and what makes it better it that we all worked together to make the meal.”

  Beth smiled widely and looked over at Colt then to the rest, “Not to mention the fact that the dining ware is the creme de la creme. I mean we are right deep in the middle of the muck and the mud with all of the mess going on out there and yet here we eat on fine china. It’s like we could be on the cover of Life Styles of the Rich and Famous, but instead of rich and famous I would have to say the Living and Breathing.”

  Tabitha about spit her milk clear across the room laughing so hard. “Well when you put it like that Beth I guess you’re right.”

  Colt smiled actually picturing the cover, “Yeah Beth that would be something to see.”

  Beth while shaking her head and continued eating, “Ya and the six of us would…. along with Maximus and Tonto of course would have to be on the cover. I could see it now, “Fine arts of cuisine… how to make a meal out of damn near anything….”

  Then Tabitha interrupted, “I GOT IT!!! You all know that cooking Chef Emeril?!!!? You know the guy who says BAM!! Well, all we need to do is get Alden over there a big chef’s hat and his machete…..”

  Alden grinned, “I ain’t wearing one of those. Looking like the Pillsbury dough boy just ain’t my style.” Finishing his plate he took it into the house and scraped the meat into a large bowl for the dogs. He then dumped rest into the plastic trash bag, carrying it back out he tied it on to the wooden chair, “When you’re finished, scrape your scraps here and I’ll take them out and bury them. We can’t let our guard down. I’m hoping if any of those others got away, they ran back to their own camp which would lead the deadheads away from us.”

  He walked over and poured a cup of coffee. The pot was always full anymore it seemed everyone knew it was his life staple food source and Alden always seemed more happy when he could just get a cup of coffee. Sitting back down in the wooden chair he smiled as he watched the young people finish their meal. Years in the service he had lost the ability to actually eat slow and enjoy. It was always hurry up and eat, or hurry up and wait.

  Colt was the next to finish, but he just pushed his plate back and leaned on the table, “I know Alden usually calls the meeting but I would like to discuss something. With the appearance of more survivors, ev
en those kind of rednecks, and you guys running into some decent ones in town makes me wonder if staying here is the best plan. Part of me says yes, because we now know the surroundings and we are close enough to cities to get supplies when we need them.”

  Looking around to see if everyone thought he was an idiot he plunged on, “But let’s say there is a community forming, or even maybe a safe haven that is military guarded. Well, we are here, just the six of us and we have no clue about the outside world. So my question is…. Will we continue to be content here and will we be able to stay safe?”

  Ceara was still a bit pissed at Colt over Maximus, “Well I would bet you are safer with Maximus than he is with you, so you feel the need to leave I would say do it now.”

  Colt flushed from embarrassment, “Ceara I said I was sorry and I feel horrible, but I wasn’t talking about me leaving, I was talking as a group and asking what our plan is.”

  Alden sat back and took a sip of coffee. This was going to be interesting he thought, the group is now beginning to act like a unit. He knew some of them were waiting for him to speak but he held his tongue. He wanted to see how this would play without his input.

  Beth listened very closely to all of the points that Colt had made and she definitely could understand how upset Ceara was. When she had finished her plate she put her silverware on top and looked at everyone and began, “Right now, I think we all need to look at everything that we have in front of us. I will tell you this; Maximus will not be up moving around for at least a week. In the meantime, I think Colt has a very interesting point. From the contacts that left messages on my cell I am almost certain that east of us has been infected and the west probably just as bad. As for the north and south, well we are towards the south and by what you all ran into earlier shows us something….”

  Beth leaned on the table looking at each one, “There are survivors out there, along with the rogue military platoons like that we ran into back in town, you have your run of the mill thugs.; but then you have people like us that just want to live. Now that we have no government, all that we do have is a few military out there. I would say that right now our odds are not too good in finding anything.” Beth finally looked over to Alden and started addressing him, “Alden has a ham radio and if we have some antenna or could get our hands on some antenna from somewhere then we can lock in on the Emergency Channel and see if we can find anything from there.”


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