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Surviving Day By Day (Book 1): So it Begins

Page 41

by Allensworth, Audra

  Ceara looked around nervous, “You think that was it? Should we get back to warn everyone?”

  Charlie climbed back out of the creek picking up the fish, “I say we head back.” he handed the fish to Ceara, “Tabitha you take point. I’ll bring up the rear.”

  Tabitha giggled, “Yeah, Charlie I bet you will.” Then she winked at Ceara.

  The group made the short trip to the cabins. As they came into the area they saw Beth and Colt sitting by the campfire. As Ceara set the fish on the table she heard Beth’s back door open. Out came Tonto and Alden with Max wrapped in a blanket in Alden’s arms. “OH NO NO NO!” she screamed.

  Alden looked at her and smiled, “Relax honey he’s just fine. I thought he might enjoy some from fresh air and I didn’t want him to tear his stitches.” Alden laid Max down on the ground. Max whimpered a bit but then licked Alden’s hand. His tail began to thump as Ceara knelt down with him.

  She softly stroked his fur, “Hi boy, how you doing?” Ceara crawled over to the bag of jerky still lying on the ground and pulled out a couple of pieces, tearing the package open with her teeth. “Beth, will he be okay eating a couple of these?”

  Beth was sitting relaxed by the fire and looked over to Ceara, “I think he is doing good enough to try some food.” Ceara held out a large piece and Maximus made short work of it and looked at her for more. That made Ceara laugh as she pulled a couple more out for him.

  Charlie sat by the fire with the others, “Guys we may have an issue, there were a couple wanderers down by the creek.” Everyone sat up straight, “Don’t worry we took care of them but there could be more. We got back here so we could make sure you guys had a heads up.”

  Alden walked over to the table and looked at the fish. “Damn that’s a nice bass. I’d sure hate to let it go to waste but I ain’t eating it raw.”

  Charlie’s eyes went wide, “RAW!”

  “Yeah… do you want the smell of cooking fish floating through the air?”

  They all looked at one another, Beth spoke up first. “You really think that would be an issue?”

  Alden frowned and countered her statement, “You really want to take that chance.” He looked at her and then began to smile. “I have an idea.”

  He walked to where Charlie had dug up the worms and picked up the shovel. “Why don’t we try to just bake them? Someone see if you can find a pan.”

  He looked at Tabitha, “In our kitchen under the sink there’s a roll of aluminum foil. We can clean them and then place them in the pan, cover it with the foil then build a fire in this hole. Using rocks to collect the heat we can make a ground cover and give it a shot.”

  Everyone was up and moving then; Charlie and Colt headed to the table to begin to clean the fish as Tabitha and Beth went to their cabins to see what they could find. Tabitha returned first with the foil. Handing it to Charlie she looked at Alden, “How’d you know that was there?”

  Alden was digging the hole a little deeper and looked up. “Well I tend to check things out a little more than most do. Did you notice the bottle of dawn dish soap too?”

  Tabitha looked surprised, “no” she said meekly.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  Beth came back with a bluish broiler pan, “Will this work?”

  Charlie smiled, “Yeah that will be fine.” Alden soon had another fire going in the hole and was laying rocks down next to it.

  He looked at Colt and Charlie, “You boys need to take the fish guts to the stream. Toss them in it so the blood doesn’t attract any wanderers and be sure to wash your hands down there. We don’t need them following you back.”

  Ceara got up and helped Beth put the fish in the pan. “Wait a second, I got something for these.” She ran into her cabin and came back with a plastic bag filled with spices. Setting them up she went through and found what she wanted. “A pinch of salt, a little pepper and to top it off, some thyme and lemon extract.”

  Tabitha looked at her, “Don’t tell me you found that in your cupboard?” “Nope I got these when we went shopping.” Ceara said as the word shopping came out in a high pitched tone.

  Alden smiled and walked into the shed, he came back with a heavy cardboard box. Taking his knife he cut a piece to fit the top of the pan then wrapped the pan with foil, then the cardboard.

  Beth looked at him, “What’s the cardboard for?”

  He picked up the pan, “Well, when we place this in the hole with fire and rocks were going to cover the hole with this large piece of cardboard then throw dirt on it. I just don’t want dirt in my food.” Placing the pan on the rocks he covered it with the cardboard and then began to push dirt on the top, filling in the edges first, with a light layer across the top. He took a stick and poked two small holes, one on opposite ends to allow a small wisp of smoke out. “There that should do it.”

  He looked at his watch and went to sit in one of the lawn chairs. Pushing some buttons on his watch, he laid his feet out and crossed his arms. “Now, I’m taking a nap, kiddies. Please don’t let me get bit.” His eyes closed and within minutes he was fast asleep.

  Tabitha looked over at Alden and for the first time she really started to feel like she was part of a family. Then she looked over and looked at the others. Everyone was working together and it was not like it was a chore or anything like that. It was like a family; the family that she always wanted but never had. She was watching Ceara and Charlie work together and Tabitha knew that Red had something for him. However, there was something about Charlie that she found interesting and she just wondered more and more what kind of past that he had. Tabitha noticed that everything that he had learned was either from Alden or from him watching tv shows as he put it. Tabitha thought the kid was learning or acting it out many things for the very first time. Maybe he too, had a sheltered life like she had.

  So from that Moment on Tabitha made herself a promise that she would try to look at things through his eyes and enjoy the small things instead of trying to push her ways onto him. But there was one thing that she would never stop and that was teasing him and Ceara. There was just too much fun to be had there.

  Ceara leaned over to Charlie whispering, “He just totally ignored what we said about the wanderers.”

  Charlie looked to Alden then back to Ceara, “No, not really, he told us not to let him get bit.”

  Ceara’s lip twisted in the smirk, “Does that mean he trusts us?”

  Charlie stood up and pulled her to her feet, “Not so sure about that, but I think it’s getting there. Come on, let’s go check the clothes. Plus we have maid service for our cabin; we wouldn’t want Tabitha to forget that.”

  Ceara smiled and lit up her eyes, “Yeah, I know but hang on a second.” She started to call over to Beth but thought twice when Alden started snoring. She moved beside Beth, “I was thinking that we could have some of those fresh canned potatoes and maybe some green beans with the fish. If you will get Colt to get the fire going in your cabin, I’ll come over and help you once our chores are done.”

  She glanced to the fire pit, “How long do you think it takes to cook the fish like that?”

  Speaking very low Beth answered, “Probably about an hour or so to do all those fish. So I guess that some potatoes and green beans would be a nice addition.” A low rumble came from inside of her stomach. Giggling Beth said, “Just talking about food must have woke up my belly.”

  Beth knew that Ceara still wasn’t up to making chit chat with Colt so Beth smiled and waved Colt over, “Hey Colt, do you think that we have enough wood to start a smaller fire so that we could cook up some side dishes? Ceara suggested some potatoes and green beans.”

  Colt looked over to Ceara and received a rolled eye look from her as she turned to go do something else. Not wanting to show his ass Colt nodded his head, “I could do that for ya’ll.” Without another word he head to his cabin.

  Standing there alone, now Beth kinda felt like the odd man out and all she could do was smile and shake her head.
Tabitha noticed everything that was going on which caused her to stand up. “Beth, Ceara will come around in her own time. You and I know this, just so happens she doesn’t know it, but she will.”

  Tabitha jumped up dusting off her jeans, “I will help you get the pots.” As Tabitha and Beth went inside, Colt began getting kindling together to start the fire.

  “Let’s just use one pot and put the potatoes and beans together. That way we don’t have to dirty more dishes, plus when I was a kid Mom would always cook them together, she always said they would have more flavor when cooked like that,” said Beth.

  Tabitha looked over to Beth and smiled, “Must have been nice having a family that cared about what you do and who you hang with huh?”

  While holding the pot in her hand Beth looked down and felt bad for saying anything, she didn’t want to hurt Tabitha. So instead of pushing her question aside, Beth chose to answer it head on, but in her own honest way.

  “Yes, my family was a nice one, but we too had our battles like all families do in their own ways. Ours just were never shown because of the health problems that my sister Mary had. All of my parent’s attention was mainly on her and as I got older so was mine.”

  The look on Tabitha’s face was of true concerned and she wanted to ask several questions but Tabitha decided to take what Beth had to offer. “I had to grow up quick and there was no option given to me. Sure it was a little easier than for others because I did have the idea of a family.” Tabitha shrugged, “but sometimes it’s harder to be in a family that doesn’t really want you. You have to grow up because there is no other choice.”

  Then Beth really started to think about something and spoke while she thought, “Sometimes you don’t get the chance to choose your family, sometimes you have to make a good situation out of a bad one. Then there are times when a situation just drops itself right in your damn lap and you have to pick up the broken pieces so that you can try to make something out of it. I guess, Tabitha; that is what we have here. Not one of us wanted this to happen and each one of us in one way or another lost everything. That is the common denominator that lies between us all.”

  Beth smiled just a little, “However, each one of us brought what we have to our proverbial table here and this family is the one that we must form now. Because what else is there Tabitha?”

  Both girls just stood there in silence looking at one another until the noises of the fire crackling in the stove intruded on the silence. Tabitha smiled and continued, “Ya know Beth, you got a point there and it looks like Colt got the fire going so we best get these veggies going.”

  Beth shook her head and made her way around Tabitha to get set the pot on the top of the stove. Colt stepped back letting the girls do their thing, “Do you guys need me for anything else?”

  Tabitha shook her head, “Nah, we got it from here, you could take the dishes out and set the table if you want.”

  Colt looked at the stack of dishes then to the door, “Is Ceara going to have a fit if I take these out there?”

  Beth laughed, “Not is you don’t drop them.”

  Colt picked up the silverware and stacked on the top of the plates, he carried them through the kitchen, “You guys know if I do drop these I am blaming you!” With that he headed out the door.

  Ceara saw him with the plates and ran over, “You want me to set the table?” Colt shook his head, “I got it, Ceara. I promise I won’t drop them.” Ceara walked right beside him till he got to the table and set them down. “See, safe and sound.”

  Ceara started helping set the table, “It’s just that there are so few nice things that I don’t want lose the few we have.”

  Colt was surprised she even spoke but he didn’t let the chance go, “I get that, and I made sure to take care with these. I know you really like them.”

  Thirty minutes later Charlie came out and joined everyone at the table, “You guys think we should wake Alden, he’s been out about an hour and I bet the fish are done.”

  As if on cue, Alden’s alarm went off on his wrist and he stretched and yawned. Sitting up he looked around. Tonto’s head popped up from behind the chair. Rising he walked to the fish oven and began to pull the dirt back with his feet. Then reached down and dragged the cardboard off. The smell of the baked fish filled the air. He turned and smiled, “Yeah it’s done.”

  He looked around and saw a pair of oven mitts sitting on the table. Alden looked to Tabitha, “So you decided to look around the kitchen.”

  She smiled, “Damn straight,” she said with a laugh. Alden put the mittens on and soon the pan was on the table. He looked at the good plates and then saw the potatoes and the beans. “Damn I haven’t seen a spread like this forever. You cupcakes did real good, makes an old man proud.” He took his seat and watched as the rest sat down.

  Tonto jumped up and went to the trees. His ear perked and tail straight. Alden had taken one bit and saw what was happening. “Damn it to hell.” He got up, “What is it boy?” Tonto turned and looked at him then back to the woods.

  Charlie looked at Ceara, “It ain’t wanderers, Tonto would be growling.”

  Alden spoke without turning around, “No it’s not a wanderer.” Tonto moved a few steps into the woods and Alden followed and motioned to Colt. They disappeared behind the trees. The rest of the group sat looking at each other when they heard footsteps, heavy plodding ones. Colt came into view first smiling nervously. “Look what we found.”

  In his hand he held the reins to two horses. Behind him came Alden with two more. “Now this is a good thing, if only we can rustle up some saddles.” Ceara ran over startling one of the horses that Colt had, she slid to a stop, “Sorry!”

  Colt wasn’t use to horses and wasn’t sure how to calm him, all he kept saying was “Shhhhhh”

  Ceara quickly grabbed the reins, stroking the horse’s nose and neck, “You’re a pretty….” She did a quick look under the horse, “…boy, aren’t you. You even look healthy. Where did you come from and how did you avoid all the wanderers?”

  Looking back to everyone, “I know horses and these look like they have been taken care of.” She looked over the horse’s back to Alden, “What are you thinking?”

  Alden smiled, “Well contrary to popular belief they don’t taste all that good. So I would suggest we try and keep them healthy. It will save on gas.”

  He tied up the two horses to a tree by the shed and went back to the table. Sitting down he began to finish his dinner.

  Tabitha walked up to the one horse that was with Ceara. With her eyes as big as saucers she was in total amazement at his beauty. “I have never seen or touched a horse in all of my life!”

  Slowly she reached her hand over to his main and gently began to run her hand across it. Never had she felt that kind of hair and the horse whinnied which caused Tabitha to jerk her hand back.

  Beth then walked over to Colt, “Well, I have seen plenty of them back home in Kentucky. My Grandparents owned a couple and they are very majestic. Something else about horses which will be an advantage to us, is they too are like Tonto and Maximus. More like Tonto for now though.”

  Colt looked at Beth with a confused look, Beth smiled and continued, “You see Colt, Tonto there is a very sharp watchdog and that is why Alden has him stay out at night to keep guard. Horses are much the same way if not better. Horses, much like all animals, have an extremely good sense of knowing when something is not right and they are not at all ashamed to let you know about it.”

  Beth stopped and immediately thought about what she just said and spoke up quickly, “And if you guys found them moving together in a herd formation in a certain direction then that tells me they are going away from danger. Animals travel in herds, just like birds, schools of fish and anything else that you can think of.”

  Pausing for a brief Moment Beth chuckled then continued, “Kind of like us if you will. Together we are six and we are traveling together. There are strength in numbers and what is good enough for them is good
enough for me.”

  Colt looked from his horses to the others and led them to another tree and stood there not sure how Alden tied them up. If he wrapped the reins around the tree the horses couldn’t move, he was saved when Beth took the reins and showed him how to tie them off. “Thanks, Beth”

  They all sat at the table eating, Colt swallowed a bite, “Do any of you think they may be from the other’s camp? I mean, what Ceara and Beth said made me think.” He took another bite and took a minute to savor the fish then swallowed. “Ceara said they look really healthy, and Beth said they stay in packs, so that would mean that wherever they came from took care of all of them in the same location. It just seems strange that after we have the run in with those guys that there is suddenly horses around.”

  Alden looked up as he finished his meal. “The fact that the horses were simply walking and not running tells me there is no immediate danger. We will continue to keep watch though. Tonight’s rotation will be Tabitha and I will get first watch, Then Ceara and Charlie finishing up with Colt and Beth.” he stood and took his plate into the cabin. Coming back he saw Charlie pouring coffee for everyone. Charlie looked up and looked at Ceara.

  Ceara spoke up, “Charlie and I were talking the other day and we think we have figured out your rotation for watch the way you have it set up we get two nights of uninterrupted sleep with one split shift sleep.

  Alden smiled, “seems fair,, don’t it? Besides you little cupcakes need your sleep time otherwise I noticed you all tend to get a little whiny.”

  A few days past and all of the six were slowly finding their spots, each doing what they could to make the small site their home. Day by day each found their niche to ensure their survival. Although none wanted to talk about it, they all knew the quiet couldn’t last. Maximus was well on his way to a full recovery and few wanderers had found their way to the cabins. Each time the wanderers were put down without much commotion. But supplies were again running low and finding another farm or town would have to be done soon.


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