Dallas 1963
Page 36
4. Ibid.
5. Juanita Craft Papers.
6. Gray, Ed. Henry Wade’s Tough Justice: How Dallas County Prosecutors Led the Nation in Convicting the Innocent (Dog Ear Publishing, 2010), 109.
7. Letter from Joe Louis Atkins to Juanita Craft, Juanita Craft Papers.
8. Daniel, Carey. God the Original Segregationist, based on a sermon delivered by Daniel at First Baptist of West Dallas, May 23, 1954, the week following the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education.
April 1960
1. Dallas Morning News, April 8, 1960.
2. Caro, Robert. The Years of Lyndon Johnson: The Passage of Power (Knopf, 2012), 71.
3. Dallas Morning News, April 8, 1960.
July 1960
1. Criswell, W. A., and Duke McCall. Passport to the World (Broadman Press, 1951), 11–34.
2. Sermon by W. A. Criswell, July 3, 1960. This sermon is not available in the online W. A. Criswell Sermon Library. But it is reprinted in: Towns, James Edward. “The Rhetoric and Leadership of W. A. Criswell as President of the Southern Baptist Convention” (PhD dissertation, Southern Illinois University, 1970).
3. Washington Post, July 9, 1960.
4. “The 1960 Democratic Party Platform.” Congressional Digest, October 1, 1960.
5. Pett, Saul. “Convention Comments.” Associated Press syndicated column published July 11, 1960.
6. Memorandum on Texas Political Situation (as of July 21, 1960). John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, 1960 Campaign Files, Post Convention to Election Files. Box 987, Texas Organizational 6/21/60–9/26/60.
September 1960
1. Dallas Morning News, September 13, 1960.
2. New York Times, December 26, 1993.
3. Kennedy’s speech is available on YouTube. The original draft also included the names Fuentes and Badillo, but Kennedy, looking out at his audience, realized that it wouldn’t do him any good to mention Mexicanos.
4. Dallas Morning News, September 14, 1960; “Criswell’s Adamant Stand,” Texas Observer, October 1960; Dallas Morning News, October 2, 1960.
5. Dallas Morning News, September 14, 1960.
October 1960
1. Dallas Morning News, October 23, 1960.
2. Ibid.
3. Dallas Morning News, October 30, 1960.
November 1960
1. Pietrusza, David. 1960: LBJ vs. JFK vs. Nixon: The Epic Campaign That Forged Three Presidencies (Union Square Press, 2008), 267.
2. Ibid, 266–67.
3. “Alger’s Wife Tells About Wild Party.” Fort Worth Press, December 21, 1960. Clipping in Bruce Alger Papers, Box 8, folder 30.
4. Ibid.
5. Payne, Darwin. Big D: Triumphs and Troubles of an American Supercity in the 20th Century (Three Forks Press, 1994), 306.
6. Miller, Merle. Lyndon: An Oral Biography (Ballantine Books, 1981), 330.
7. Descriptions of these scenes have been pieced together from many sources: Contemporary news reports, November 5, 1960; clippings found in Bruce Alger Papers in Dallas; interviews at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library with several eyewitnesses, including Lady Bird Johnson; articles by Lawrence Wright published in D Magazine and Texas Monthly; several books quoting eyewitness accounts, including those by Robert Dallek, Robert Caro, and other Johnson biographers.
8. Miller, 271.
9. New York Times, November 6, 1960.
10. Oval Office recording by Richard Nixon, speaking to Pat Buchanan on November 1, 1972. Richard M. Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, Tape 379, Conversation 379-10.
January 1961
1. Dallas Morning News, November 5, 1960.
2. Youngblood, Rufus W. 20 Years in the Secret Service: My Life with Five Presidents (Simon & Schuster, 1973), 61.
3. “The Kennedy Assassin Who Failed.” Smithsonian.com, December 6, 2012; “Man Accused of Plotting to Assassinate Kennedy.” Spartanburg (SC) Herald-Journal, December 17, 1960.
4. Ted Dealey to Richard Nixon, January 23, 1961. Pre-Presidential Papers of Richard M. Nixon, Richard M. Nixon Presidential Library and Museum. General Correspondence, 1946–1962. Series 320, Box 206.
5. Ibid.
6. Dallas Morning News, November–December 1960.
7. Dallas Morning News, November 12, 1960.
8. Dallas Morning News, January 3, 1961.
9. Dallas Morning News, January 20, 1961.
10. Dallas Express, January 14, 1961.
11. James, Rhett. “Dateline Dallas.” Dallas Express, January 28, 1961.
February 1961
1. New York Times, March 31, 1961.
2. Bruce Alger Papers, Box 10, folder 1.
3. John Birch Society. The Blue Book, 1961 edition, 59.
4. New York Times, March 9, 1961.
5. New York Times, December 10, 1961; clipping, Edwin Walker Papers, Accession 93-402, Box 5.
6. New York Times, April 7, 1961.
7. Bruce Alger Papers, Box 10, folder 1.
8. Dallas Express, February 11, 1961.
9. Dallas Express, February 4, 1961.
10. Dallas Express, February 18, 1961.
11. Stanley Marcus Papers, DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University. Box 275, folder 26.
March 1961
1. Texas Observer, November 10, 1961.
2. Dallas Morning News, April 18, 1961.
3. Robert Welch on NBC’s Meet the Press, May 21, 1961.
4. Dallas Morning News, April 17, 1961.
5. Dallas Morning News, July 7, 1961.
6. Time, December 8, 1961.
April 1961
1. New York Times, April 18 and 23, 1961.
2. Overseas Weekly, April 16, 1961.
3. Los Angeles Times, April 15, 1961.
4. Lauris Norstad Papers, Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library. Box 55/Overseas Weekly.
5. Chicago Daily Tribune, April 15, 1961.
6. New York Times, April 15, 1961.
7. Letter dated September 23, 1961. Edwin A. Walker FBI Papers. Sender’s name is deleted.
8. Walker Papers, Accession 96-030, Box 4.
9. Walker Papers, Accession 96-030, Box 15.
10. Dallas Morning News, May 7, 1961.
11. Dallas Morning News, June 14, 1961.
12. Life Line transcript, program 298-61, October 25, 1961. Melvin Munn Papers.
13. Chicago Tribune, September 5, 1961.
14. Chicago Tribune, August 31, 1961.
15. Dallas Morning News, October 1, 1961.
June 1961
1. Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. Robert Kennedy and His Times (Houghton Mifflin, 1978), 450.
2. Dallek, Robert. An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917–1963 (Little, Brown, 2003), 41.
3. Washington Post, July 19, 1961.
July 1961
1. Dallek, 346; Talbot, David. Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years (Free Press, 2008), 68.
2. Talbot, 51.
3. Dallas Morning News, August 13, 1961.
4. Dallas Morning News, September 22, 1961.
September 1961
1. “All Is Quiet During Dallas Integration.” Florence (AL) Times, September 6, 1961.
2. “Books Scorched by Haley’s Critics.” Texas Observer, September 22, 1961.
3. H. Rhett James Papers, Dallas Public Library oral history project, December 21, 2002.
October 1961
1. Knickerbocker to John Tower, September 27, 1961. Bruce Alger Papers.
2. Dallas Morning News, October 13, 1961.
3. Dallas Morning News, October 14, 1961.
4. Ibid.
5. Texas Observer, November 10, 1961.
6. These reports on the National Indignation Convention come from contemporaneous articles published in the Dallas Morning News.
7. Dallas Morning News, June 8, 1962.
8. Green, George Norris. “The Far Right Wing in Texas Politics, 1930’s–1960’s” (PhD dissertation, Florida State University, 1966), 238.
Dealey/Belo Papers, DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University. Box 3, folder 2.
10. Ibid.
11. Elkind, Peter. “The Legacy of Citizen Robert.” Texas Monthly, July 1985.
12. Dallas Morning News, November 12, 1959.
13. Bishop, Jim. The Day Kennedy Was Shot (Funk & Wagnalls, 1968), 149.
14. Dallas Morning News, August 3, 1961.
15. Marcus, Stanley. Minding the Store: A Memoir (Little, Brown, 1974), 249.
16. “Success Story.” Time, April 7, 1961.
17. Dealey/Belo Papers, Box 3, folder 2.
18. Ibid.
19. Ibid.
20. Ibid.
21. Ibid.
22. Ibid.
23. Ibid.
24. Ibid.; Bartlett, Charles, Chattanooga Times, November 6, 1961.
25. Dallas Morning News, October 28, 1961.
26. Dealey/Belo Papers, Box 3, folder 2; Los Angeles Times, November 17, 1961.
27. Dallas Morning News, October 29, 1961.
28. Dealey/Belo Papers, Box 3, folder 4.
29. Ibid.
November 1961
1. Dallas Morning News, November 3, 1961.
2. Edwin A. Walker Papers, Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin.
3. Dallas Morning News, November 16, 1961.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Dallas Morning News, July 2, 1958.
7. New York Times, January 14, 1960.
8. Testimony of Lewis McWillie to House Select Committee on Assassinations, September 27, 1978.
9. New York Times, November 19, 1961.
10. Dallas Morning News, November 24, 1961.
11. Marcus, Stanley. Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library. Oral History, 21.
December 1961
1. Dallas Morning News, October 20, 1961.
2. Dallas Morning News, December 3, 1961.
3. Dallas Morning News, September 23, 1961.
4. “Opinion: Misfit in Mufti.” Time, December 22, 1961.
5. Dallas Morning News, December 13, 1961.
6. “Walker Deplores Civilian Policies.” Texas Observer, December 13, 1961.
7. Ibid.
January 1962
1. Life magazine, September 1961.
2. Ted Dealey Papers, DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University.
3. Drew Pearson syndicated column, November 21, 1961.
4. Talbot, 75.
5. Letter from Dealey to Bill Steven, November 17, 1961. Ted Dealey Papers.
6. Ibid.
7. Dallas Morning News, January 16, 1962.
8. “All Started Firing at Once.” Texas Observer, July 7, 1962.
9. Dallas Morning News, January 21, 1962.
10. Ibid.
11. Cravens, Chris. “Edwin A. Walker and the Right Wing in Dallas, 1960–1966” (master’s thesis, Texas State University–San Marcos, 1991), 86.
12. “Mixed Emotions on Walker Talk.” Texas Observer, January 26, 1962.
February 1962
1. Dallas Morning News, February 3, 1962.
2. Dallas Morning News, February 10, 1962.
3. H. Rhett James Papers.
4. Dallas Morning News, February 16, 1962.
March 1962
1. Texas Observer, March 9, 1962.
2. Ibid.
3. McGehee to Kennedy, February 7, 1962. Bruce Alger Papers, Box 14, folder 25.
4. Bruce Alger Papers, Box 14, folder 25.
5. “Optimistic Footnote.” Texas Observer, June 8, 1962.
6. Cravens, 93.
7. Dallas Morning News, September 19, 1961.
8. Memo to Mr. DeLoach from M. A. Jones, January 31, 1962. Edwin A. Walker FBI Papers.
9. Memo to Mr. DeLoach from M. A. Jones, December 4, 1961. Edwin A. Walker FBI Papers.
10. Walker Papers, Accession 96-030, Box 17.
11. Walker Papers, Accession 96-030, Box 15.
12. Ibid.
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid.
15. Dallas Morning News, October 1, 1961.
16. Walker Papers, Accession 96-030, Box 11.
17. Prayer for divine guidance: advertisement in Dallas Morning News, March 25, 1962; “My platform…” : Bruce Alger Papers, Box 10, folder 23.
18. “Optimistic Footnote.” Texas Observer, June 8, 1962.
April 1962
1. Janson, Donald, and Bernard Eisemann. The Far Right (McGraw-Hill, 1963), 141.
2. Walker Papers, Accession 96-030, Box 2.
3. Cravens, 96.
4. Walker Papers, Accession 96-030, Box 15.
5. Later, as controversy mounted over Walker’s actions, he claimed that the reporter had elbowed him three times and attempted to block his exit from the room.
6. Dallas Morning News, April 21, 1962.
7. “Notes on Congress Races.” Texas Observer, April 21, 1962.
8. Dallas Morning News, January 20, 1962.
9. “Downtown Dallas Intrigue: Syndicate Went to Work.” Texas Observer, May 19, 1962.
10. Dallas Morning News, January 13, 1962.
11. Dallas Morning News, March 4, 1962.
12. Dallas Morning News, February 3, 1962.
May 1962
1. Cravens, 98.
2. Dallas Morning News, April 5, 1962.
3. Radio speech by John C. Williams. Edwin A. Walker FBI files.
4. Dallas Morning News, May 3, 1962.
July 1962
1. Washington Post, June 16, 1962.
2. Dallas Morning News, June 18, 1962.
3. Dallas Morning News, July 19, 1962.
4. Life Line transcript, program 113, September 9, 1963. Melvin Munn Papers.
5. Dallas Morning News, July 18, 1962.
6. Cravens, 100.
7. Dallas Morning News, July 10, 1962.
8. Leslie, Warren. Dallas: Public and Private: Aspects of an American City (Grossman Publishers, 1964), 112–13.
September 1962
1. Dallas Morning News, September 28, 1962.
2. Dallas Morning News, October 2, 1962.
3. Cravens, 108.
4. Eagles, Charles W. The Price of Defiance: James Meredith and the Integration of Ole Miss (University of North Carolina Press, 2009), 362.
5. Walker Papers, Accession 96-030, Box 6.
6. Cravens, 110.
7. Ibid.
8. Cravens, 109–10.
9. Cravens, 111.
10. Dallas Morning News, September 30, 1962.
11. Eagles, 360.
12. Radio and Television Report to the Nation on the Situation at the University of Mississippi, September 30, 1962. www.presidence.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid-8915.
13. Cravens, 112–13.
14. Walker Papers, Accession 96-030, Box 30.
15. Cravens, 113.
16. Dallas Morning News, October 2, 1962.
17. Eagles, 360.
18. Eagles, 361.
19. FBI memorandum, June 23, 1964. Edwin A. Walker FBI Papers.
20. Rosenberg, Jonathan, and Zachary Karabell. Kennedy, Johnson, and the Quest for Justice (W. W. Norton, 2003), 63–64.
21. Giglio, James N. The Presidency of John F. Kennedy (University Press of Kansas, 2006), 189.
22. Giglio, 190.
October 1962
1. Rosenberg, 83.
2. New York Times, January 2, 1997.
3. Dallas Morning News, October 4, 1962.
4. Dallas Morning News, October 3, 1962.
5. Walker Papers, Accession 96-030, Box 20.
6. Dallas Morning News, October 8, 1962.
7. Davison, Jean. Oswald’s Game (W. W. Norton, 1983), 115.
8. Talbot, 163.
9. Talbot, 164.
10. Talbot, 165.
11. Talbot, 172.
November 1962
1. Davison, 113.
2. Davison, 119.
3. Davison, 127.
4. Walker Papers, Accession 96-030, Box 33.
5. Da
llas Morning News, November 25, 1962.
December 1962
1. Washington Post, December 20, 1962.
2. Davison, 122.
January 1963
1. Juanita Craft Papers, oral history conducted by the Civil Rights Project, 1968, 30.
2. Dallas Times Herald, January 4–5, 1963.
3. Dallas Express, January 5, 1963.
4. Ibid.
5. Dallas Express, January 12, 1963.
February 1963
1. Letter from Larrie Schmidt to Bernard Weissman, June 13, 1963. Warren Commission exhibit 1040.
2. Swank, Patricia. “A Plot That Flopped.” Look, January 26, 1965.
3. Letter from Larrie Schmidt to Larry Jones, undated. Warren Commission exhibit 1047.
4. Letter from Larrie Schmidt to Larry Jones, November 2, 1962. Warren Commission exhibit 1036.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Dallas Morning News, July 14, 1962.
8. Memorandum addressed to members of Conservatism USA, February 2, 1963. Warren Commission exhibit 1049.
9. O’Brien, Michael. John F. Kennedy: A Biography (Thomas Dunne, 2005), 833.
10. Dallas Express, February 9, 1963.
11. “Ruby Red Suit: Jacket and Skirt.” John F. Kennedy Museum Collection, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.
12. Dallas Express, February 9, 1963.
13. Dallas Express, February 23, 1963.
14. Posner, Gerald. Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK (Random House, 1993), 100.
15. Walker Papers, Accession 96-030, Box 7.
16. Walker Papers, Accession 93-402, Box 5.
17. Walker Papers, Accession 93-402, Box 15.
March 1963
1. Dallas Morning News, March 28, 1963.
2. Clipping from Montgomery Advertiser-Journal, Edwin A. Walker FBI Papers, March 10, 1963.
3. Clipping from Nashville Tennessean, Edwin A. Walker FBI Papers, March 14, 1963.
4. Clipping dated March 11, 1963, Edwin A. Walker FBI Papers.
5. Posner, 107–08.
6. Davison, 87.
7. Davison, 128.
April 1963
1. Davison, 129; Posner, 110.
2. President’s Commission on the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. The Warren Commission Report: Report of the President’s Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, 183–87.
3. Cravens, 134.
4. This account comes from: the Dallas Police Department files on the shooting at Walker’s residence; Edwin A. Walker FBI Papers; news clippings in Edwin Walker Papers.