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Page 2

by Unknown

  Hughes smiled, the same kind of thin lipped curl that rose when his experiments were going smoothly.

  “I want to milk you properly, but we can only do that with the right equipment. Will you wait for me on your mattress?”

  She nodded and padded into the bedroom. “Wonderful,” he called after her. “And Mallory, don't forget

  – it's morning and time for your next dose.”

  Hughes disappeared from the room a second later, running down the hall to retrieve his gear. Sighing, she took two more pills. Her vivid imagination made it feel as though her breasts were swelling once again, relentlessly filling with more of the milk stirred by the magic tablets.

  She was toying with her nipples when he returned. Hughes came into the bedroom, a large leather

  harness swinging from his hands.

  “What's this?” She asked, her eyes sparkling with alarm.

  “Spread yourself out on all fours. This is the most efficient way to deal with you.” The light streaming from the room's lamp coated his glasses, making it impossible to see his eyes. He waited as she thought it over. “You want that aching sensation to go away, don't you?”

  “Yesss,” she hissed a second later. No, it wasn't just her imagination – her breasts were growing again.

  Just minutes after taking the pills, her breasts were swollen and swaying with new heaviness, spurting into her hands. The fullness was intolerable. She needed the relief only he could bring, not to mention the masculine energy that a life in shadow had robbed her of for so long.

  Her breasts bobbed uncomfortably, driving slight pain through her as she spread herself out. Hughes nodded, satisfied, and started to sling the cool leather around her. The straps wound around both

  shoulders. A matching collar clamped around her neck, loose enough to be comfortable, but tight

  enough to make its presence known.

  “There. Don't you feel at home? I hope I've brought a large enough container to collect everything.” He slid what looked like a wide metal bucket underneath her torso.

  A sound like “uhhhf!” curdled the air, popping from her mouth as he went to work, this time without restrictions. Hughes pinched her full breasts in his hands and started to milk her in long, firm, even strokes.

  Each time she moaned, he took it as a signal to tighten his grip, pushing the milk jets out with energetic jerks. The Doctor intended to bring her to the edge of pleasure and discomfort, where she might

  discover the energy he had studied for so long.

  Hughes had dedicated his life to extremes. The human body amazed him, and not just because of its

  otherworldly chemistry. He had pushed himself to the limits of physical endurance, sculpting his hard muscles and fasting, until he felt sparks of enlightenment streaming through his mind.

  Nothing was more satisfying than his erotic experiments, though. He had frightened away more than a few girlfriends, insisting that they bend to his will, a mad desire to find pleasure in forbidden zones.

  Once, he dated a woman who was still lactating after the birth of her child the previous year. The way she orgasmed as he forced milk from her breasts left him with his own personal Madonna. Not to

  mention a lingering addiction that could only be satisfied by uniting his personal and professional lusts.

  Now, he had finally brought all of the pieces together. He looked down at the tender, willing woman beneath him, helpless to do anything but listen to his words.

  His smile just wouldn't stop shining as he rolled her nipples in his hands, listening to the little sighs falling from her lowered head. The panties would have to come off soon. He noticed the darkening wet spot formed by over an hour of agonizing pleasure, a rising symphony of euphoria he would soon

  conduct to its glorious climax.

  Finally, the milk had slowed enough for him to draw his hands away, but he knew it would return in just an hour. “Are you ready to meet pleasure in its purest form?”

  She moaned in answer, closing her eyes and devouring his hot whisper. He planted a light kiss on her bare shoulder and moved behind her, pressing his sturdy hands to her ivory thighs. They instinctively moved away for him.

  His face tightened with concentration as he toyed with the hem of her dark purple panties. It only amused him for a moment before raw need took over. In one swift jerk, his powerful arm tore them

  down her legs.

  Not bothering to pull them all the way off her body, he yanked down his trousers and pushed forward, grabbing her swollen breasts for leverage as he mounted her. Mallory shuddered and sighed as he

  entered her from behind.

  “Shhhh. Moments like this call for quiet, Mallory. Try to enjoy the natural rhythm building inside of us, and keep it from spilling away,” he said softly, remembering a meditation trick he had learned from years of studying Tantric sex.

  She was only held aloft by her burning knees, elbows, and his merciless hands. The rest of her melted as he began to thrust, pushing waves of heat into her body from head to toe. Hughes took his hands off her breasts only long enough to reach down to her throbbing clitoris.

  Mallory did what she could to repress her rising screams, but not very successfully. Her noises only seemed to drive the Doctor on harder. His thrusts quickened with the urgency in her voice, leaving him to stab her with furious jerks, strokes that matched her pulse.

  “God, I can't take this!” She said, unable to repress her lightning strewn voice anymore. “I'm going to...”

  Just as her orgasm began, Hughes reached for the leather straps around her shoulders. He yanked her upward, until she fell straight down on his erection, engulfing him. The blinding movement was filled with so much heat that her eyes rolled.

  Something had changed inside her body, though she couldn't say what. More than just her breasts.

  Mallory's inner muscles spasmed, harder than ever before. She was growling and gnashing her teeth as she came, feeling her quivering flesh wrapping around his hardness. The pressure seemed to surprise Hughes – so much hotter, harder, and wetter than anything he had taken.

  A side effect of the drug?

  His mind barely had time to consider it. Her movements scalded him until he lost control, smacking up and down into her, his hardening balls shaking with desperation.

  Hughes' fingernails dug into the cushions surrounding her squirting nipples as he came. The seed

  pumped through him in scorching jets, blasting into her depths, a void he wanted to seal forever with his molten semen.

  They were no longer man and woman as they rocked and sweated on the little mattress. Rather, they

  coupled as wild beasts, surrendering civility to the irresistible prison bars of pleasure. Orgasm

  manipulated their rustling muscles like puppet parts, demanding rough jerks and grimaces for its own amusement.

  When it was over, Hughes collapsed along her back, enough to send her spiraling toward the bucket.

  He barely reached out in time to pull it out from under her. Milk sloshed in the large container.

  Mallory knew her nipples were still leaking, soaking into her bed. She didn't care. With her heartbeat slowly winding down, back to reasonable levels, she turned her head and kissed the Doctor's waiting lips.

  He devoured her lips for a moment, then placed his outstretched hand on her forehead. He patted her with his wide palm, as if she had performed some great service.

  “I have to go,” he said, beginning to dress. “Make sure you get plenty of rest and I'll check on you tomorrow. Above all else, take your pills at the scheduled times.”

  She crouched in a Lotus position, her engorged breasts folded and leaking. “Uhh, Doctor? What about this?”

  “I'm sure you can take care of that on your own. Not enough to remove all of it, of course, but enough to give you a pleasant distraction from the boredom around here. I hope I've given you a small

  diversion too.” He smiled and disappeared from the bedroom.
br />   Mallory heard the door slam shut a second later. The metal container he had left waited at her side. She clenched her jaw and brought her fingers to her nipples, watching as two new jets sprayed from her hard pink tips.

  “This is disgusting...or that's the way it should be,” she whispered, uncertain of everything. Her words were lies, and she knew it. Far from being disgusted, Mallory was fascinated. For the first time in her life, it felt as though she had found her calling.

  I never imagined it would be something like this. I want him to milk me and hold me, and never, ever let up. Is that really so sickeningly wrong?

  His to Shape

  Hughes kept his word, faithfully returning every day to check on her. Naturally, half the time his hands landed on her breasts and helped her pump the whitish cream out, it led to ventures that went far

  beyond the study's original intention.

  Mallory had gotten more sex in just three weeks than she had in six years. The Doctor's motions grew more jagged, rougher and harder each time he took her. Most days, it was hard to tell where his dictates for the experiment stopped and where his orders in the bedroom began.

  “Just trust me on this. You'll adjust to the gravity fast. If you lean forward, it'll take the pressure off your back, and give you a more natural angle to handle the milk,” he said, hooking her shoulder straps into the network of hooks he had installed on the wall.

  She shuddered with unease, but dared not oppose him. Just the thought of upsetting him, her only man, terrified her.

  Mallory hung along the wall, her body gently tipped forward at an angle. He pulled the broad metal trough closer, a container that had gone up several sizes since the experiment began. Hughes struggled to wrap his strong hands around her bloated cushions, which had gotten so big that they resembled

  small pumpkins.

  Lately, her milk never stopped between doses. Dragging it from her warm flesh took hours. Even when they managed to force her down several sizes, the flow continued, streaming in steady trickles. She didn't bother wearing a top anymore because of the changes.

  “'s getting very difficult to extract it all. My hands are getting sore, girl.” He chuckled and smacked her right breast, watching it dribble more milk as he backed away.

  Mallory moaned. Jesus, he's right. If I don't stop taking this drug, there's going to come a time when my breasts are too full to get it all out, she thought. Surely, it isn't going to make me explode?

  “Are you sure this isn't hazardous?” She asked, wincing at the darkness in Hughes' eyes.

  “Of course not,” he snapped. “Do you really think I would place you in any grave danger? The only

  thing you have to worry about is a little extra discomfort. I was going to wait until later in the week to do this, but you've tipped my hand.”

  He stepped away from the room and disappeared out the door. Mallory groaned, fearing she had

  offended him. She shook her arms, letting her great mammaries swing and drip, her heart racing as she noticed just how tightly the straps clung to the hooks.

  What if he leaves me like this? He could disappear for days and leave me stuck, hanging with tits the size of airbags...

  She shook her head, trying to mine back the trust. It bothered her that she didn't trust him fully. Hadn't he done enough for her, showing more interest in her miserable existence than any man before?

  She wanted to kick herself, but felt relief warm her when the door opened again. A clatter of wheels rolled across the floor as he moved back into the bedroom, pushing a large black box on a cart.

  “This is going to make the process a lot more efficient...and more fun, too.” He started to uncoil what looked like two thick gray tentacles.

  The machine's arms ended in massive glassy suction cups that curved over her breasts. Goosebumps

  dotted her flesh as he attached them to each udder. Just imagining the suction power in the device caused her to shudder with anticipation. She expected it to be the greatest joy – or the greatest torture since the experiment started.

  “I'm forgetting one last addition,” he muttered, stepping from the room again. Hughes returned with several of the empty glass containers in the refrigerator.

  He handily screwed them into the back of the machine. She was beginning to understand just how

  orchestrated the entire course had been. On one level, Mallory expected it to bother her, but the burning ache in her overripe breasts could only make her think of relief.

  “Expect to feel very strong sensations once I flick the switch. We'll start out slow, and then go faster.

  Are you ready, Mallory?” He raised his hand to the small control panel on top of the device.

  Shaking, she nodded her head. Her eyes were closed as his fingers pushed the buttons. It started with a low hum, sending bass tremors into her chest through the suction cups. The whirr quickly became a

  subdued roar.

  Her breasts lurched further, shoving her nipples deep into the sockets. She moaned with delight and opened her eyes. The milk was coming in one long, unbroken rivulet from each breast.

  The machine sucked steadily, with no need to rest, unlike their human hands. Its steady hum overtook the room's quiet with its soft greed, slowly draining her. It would have awhile to go.

  Hughes looked on, his bright pupils flickering beneath his glasses. To his eyes, she rolled her head like a modern day Aphrodite, chained to his specially designed pleasure. Her lips drew apart wider as the device sucked, building its potent wind as he tapped the control panel again.

  The pressure built, so sharp and unrelenting that her breasts shook, all the way to their base. The rest of her body began to tremble as the milk spurted faster, streaming from her nipples like delicate ivory ribbons. She sucked in her breaths sharply, drunk on pleasure.

  This milking wasn't like a manual one. The sheer steadiness caused the pleasurable burn of his hands or her own fingers to multiply by several orders of magnitude. Where human heat could only tease, the machine's consumed, sending it shooting through her breasts, deep into her body, down to her

  smoldering sex which pulsed with hunger.

  “Ohhh! It burns! Please don't turn it up again,” Mallory whispered, her voice cracking in the vortex of pleasure whipping through her. The burn was steaming onward, lighting up her nerves.

  Hughes just smiled, his eyes sparking. He flicked it up again, just one notch below its highest setting, one that even he didn't dare use.

  Mallory's mouth became an oval that poured thick screams. At last, her breasts were running dry, but the suction was powerful enough to draw out everything from her deepest pockets.

  Her tissue quaked around her nipples. She fought to move away from it, but the harness held her locked in place, a prisoner to her keeper's invention. The flames pouring into her through its suction only grew more intense, until she snapped her head back, sweating and warbling.

  Hughes watched her come, his erection pressing hard against his pants. Milk sprayed erratically into the glass containers. They were nearly filled. Each held roughly two pints, and it looked like they would finish off near full as her spasms forced out the last of her milk.

  The Doctor had to restrain himself from taking her then. His throbbing stiffness called to him, but he was a master of discipline. He had waited his entire professional life for moments like these, and stretching them out over months – or years – was well worth it.

  He thrived on moderation when it came to his own pleasures. For Mallory, however...

  Reluctantly, he switched the machine off as her pleasure died. Her breasts hung low as the suckers were detached, leaving red breasts and leaking nipples.

  “There. Doesn't that feel much better, my beautiful cow?” Hughes leaned down and kissed the top of her head, running his fingers through her soft, flowery hair.

  Cow? Did he really just say that?

  Her face bristled as the insult sunk in, but then she looked down at her helples
s body. Her breasts were drained, but remained twice their original size. They hung low, stretching down toward her stomach, transformed into udders in every sense of the word.

  Suddenly, her pet title wasn't so insulting. Mallory decided that being a cow might not be so bad, as long as she was his, the one and only human cow in his life.

  “One of these days we're going to grab dinner together,” he said, lightly stroking her arm. Hughes unlatched her from the wall and helped support her weight. Her knees were still weak from the intense milking, and it took real effort to drag her back to the living room, where the soft sofa waited for her.

  She kissed him goodbye, praying that their relationship had turned a corner. Is it truly possible that I could get more out of this than the money I need?

  That night, she took her pill, gratefully receiving the miracle drug that had brought so much change to her life. She never expected it to bring more transformations than she could imagine.

  A violent irritation in her stomach woke her the next morning. Nauseous and exhausted, Mallory spat out the contents of her dinner, so sick she couldn't take the morning dose. A quick phone call to Hughes brought him to her in short order.

  Concern crossed his face, and not just because she had missed her morning pill. “We need to run some tests. If I could get a blood and urine sample...”

  He collected what he needed and sent them off to the university's lab. His mouth dropped when the

  results came back. It took several hours just to calibrate his psyche with the fortitude needed to rely the message to Mallory.

  “Well? What's happening?” She asked, staring pitifully up at the ceiling. Her nerves were shot, and the slow self-milking she did earlier was more of a nuisance than a delight. All she wanted to do was sleep.

  “Believe me, the results are as much a surprise to me as they will be to you. There must have been an unforeseen reaction between your birth control and the Pi Lactate. Mallory, you're about a month

  pregnant.” The words passed through his tightened lips. He felt as if he had opened a door between worlds.


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