Book Read Free

The Bones of You

Page 27

by Laura Stone

  I remember when you didn’t even think you’d be accepted at Juilliard, and look at how that turned out. It never hurts to be prepared, of course, but I’ve read scores of reviews where they’ve said how much better suited to the role you are than David.

  Do you want to talk about it? I’m here for you.

  OXOXO (I feel like you could use a bunch of hugs right about now)


  P.S. You should have sat in her lap to deliver your lines. Maybe it would have saved time? ;) That actually sounds awful, though, I’m sorry.

  Jan 15, 9:32 AM EST

  To: Oliver Andrews

  From: Seth Larsen

  Subject: Well, that was dramatic of me.

  I’m sorry I was so negative. I shouldn’t just dump problems on you. It’s going to be fine, one way or the other. And he’s not going to take the part away from me without a fight. Also, he’s still in physical therapy. I need to stay focused.

  Anyway, thank you. It’s just gray and awful outside. There’s a stretch of weeks from January through February where it’s cold and bitter and everyone seems to be sick, and I cannot get sick.

  I’ll stop grumbling, and thank you again. :) And yes, I could definitely go for a hug. You’re very good at those, if I recall. It’s those broad shoulders and long, strong arms of yours. I never did send your mother a thank you note for putting you in swimming and diving when you were young.

  Enough about me, how are you doing? Everything on your—what do I call it? Schoolwork? Research? Anti-Bullying Experiment? Whatever it’s called, is it still progressing? Moira still trying to get her hands on your Lucky Charms?

  I’m going to be diving into more vocal work and such, so it might take me longer than I’d like to get back with you. So make sure I have a nice long email waiting for me, filled with what’s happening in Jolly Old. :)



  Jan 20, 9:37 PM GMT

  To: Seth Larsen

  From: Oliver Andrews

  Subject: I was buried under a mountain of research

  Seth, I’m so, so sorry that it took me such a long time to reply to you. Moira was sick for a few days, so I had to pick up her end of the project. That’s what you can call it. Or research. The Anti-Bullying Experiment makes me feel like Mengele.

  Long story short, Moira does a lot. And she whines by text a lot. And she requires hot soup a lot. Apparently Janos isn’t good at nurturing. I can’t say I’m surprised by that. There were no manual manipulations of Charms, I’m happy to report. ;)

  (The poor thing, she was really sick, too.)

  And you don’t need to apologize to me! I want you to talk to me and tell me what’s happening. That’s kind of the point. <3 I hope you’re not running yourself ragged, though. That’s a great way to get sick. And I’m not down the road, ready to bring you hot soup and warm blankets, so please take care of yourself, okay?

  You said that it’s gray and awful outside there? I took a picture of a foggy, tree-lined walk I take often just for you. Hope it cheers you up. I think it looks just like Narnia, personally, but it’s actually a real place! I have to be careful that I don’t keep myself from finding the real way in someday. That’s how it worked, right? If you stopped believing? I’m no Susan Pevensie!

  …I should have said Peter, huh?



  P.S. And let me know how the vocal training is going! I don’t think you need it, personally. :)

  Jan 28, 10:31 AM EST

  To: Oliver Andrews

  From: Seth Larsen

  Subject: my first day off in ages

  Oh, Oliver. That picture you sent was amazing! That’s a real place? And you get to see it? I half expected Mr. Tumnus to come dancing out. Siiiiigh. And I’m the Susan in this relationship, thank you. Wait—that means we’d be siblings. Awk-ward… scratch that.

  It’s an absolute pain in the neck to schlep to Central Park when it’s nasty out, so thank you for the trees. It looks amazingly peaceful there. I can see why you like it. :)

  And it’s no longer a rumor: David is actively pursuing getting his part back and has Brandt telling the producers how much better their chemistry is. Jonathan—he’s Shakespeare—did you ever meet him? I can’t remember. I was a little preoccupied by a gorgeous certain someone who came out of nowhere. Well, he’s on my side, so that’s something at least. I have a few weeks until I have to worry that I’m being demoted, so I’m going to just focus on doing my best. I don’t need any premature wrinkles.

  Tell Moira that I hope she’s all better! We don’t need you getting off-track, now do we?

  Speaking of off-track, are there any breaks or the like coming up for you? Do they even have Spring Break in England? What about Girls Gone Wild? Except I bet it would be called Ladies Who Have Gone A Bit Mad, Egads. Or maybe Knickers Down, Pinkies Up: Good Heavens, Girls!

  I definitely could go for a hug from you today. :(



  Jan 28, 6:20 PM GMT

  To: Seth Larsen

  From: Oliver Andrews

  Subject: re: my first day off in ages

  I’ll make a habit of sending you pictures/things to cheer you up, then!

  Well… shit. Sorry, that’s just aggravating, the thing with this David guy. That really pisses me off. Okay, so I’m starting to see what you mean about the distance being a pain. I really wish I could take you for a drink, or a walk even.

  Seth, you’re amazing. You’re not going to lose your job. It’s just not going to happen. I refuse to be anything but positive about this. And hey, who’s going to go against Shakespeare? Fools, that’s who. Or maybe Christopher Marlowe.

  (And yes, I met him, er, Shakespeare from your play—Christopher Marlowe has been dead for centuries—but it was just briefly at that cast party you had. He wasn’t the focus of the evening for me.)

  You’d never wrinkle prematurely. You’re as gorgeous as when we were teens, Seth. It’s unfair how much you look like a model.

  Our winter term ends the last week of March and I have most of the month of April off. Did you have some sort of idea for me? Or any general curiosity? :)

  I laughed so hard at “Ladies-Egads” that Janos banged on the wall between our rooms and told me to shut up.

  I definitely wish I could give you a hug.


  ~Oliver (and I emailed you a picture of a pretty apple tree covered in snow outside my library. The grounds here at Cambridge are so beautiful and well-tended. Hope I get to show you in person someday!)

  Feb 13, 11:22 PM EST

  To: Oliver Andrews

  From: Seth Larsen

  Subject: trip?

  So here’s the thing, Oliver. This is what I hate: by the time I get home after a show, I’m exhausted and rarely check email. For now it seems they’re keeping David as my understudy—oh, the bitter irony—so I’ve had nonstop rehearsals to get him up to speed on the off-chance he poisons me and takes the role, something I wouldn’t put past him, and I rarely get to check in with my computer these days.

  What I do like to do is have coffee with my friends. Or dinner. Somewhere I can talk to them face to face. And that’s what I want at the end of the day: someone’s face. I want those walks you mentioned. I want conversation. I want conversation with you. :(

  I’m sorry, I’m just feeling isolated because I obviously can’t talk about this with anyone in the cast. You did say that you wanted me to talk to you. Any regrets?

  I know that you just came back to the States, but I wonder if you’d consider a return trip during your break? Might be fun to have a friend to go to museums with, one who actually understands the difference between a Manet and a Monet. Unless he has me killed, I should have David up to speed and have more free time than I do now.



  p.s. Thank you for the tree; it’s very pretty. Architecturally interesting against the old stone building. That’s a library?
I thought it was a castle! I’d send you a picture of something outside my apartment but it would just be a pile of garbage bags with gray ice frozen on top. Yes, the garbage men are on strike again. No one told me there were less glamorous times in this city. =P

  Feb 14, 11:18 AM EST

  To: Oliver Andrews

  From: Seth Larsen

  Subject: You shouldn’t have!!!

  Ha, you know I don’t mean that at all, and oh, Oliver! Thank you so much! They’re so beautiful. And that they are a mix of flowers makes the bouquet all the more special. The delivery man said he got many jealous stares from women as he walked to my door. Yes, I’m preening quite a lot, but it looks good on me. :)

  Really, Oliver. Thank you. They’re beautiful. And don’t forget to let me know what you think about my proposal? I want to see you more than ever.



  Feb. 14, 8:23 PM GMT

  To: Seth Larsen

  From: Oliver Andrews

  Subject: re: You shouldn’t have!

  I’m so glad you got them and that you like them. I meant what I said on the card: you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. However you want to interpret that is fine, but just know that you matter to me.

  Seth, I hate that I can’t just reach over and hold you. Or take you out to get your mind off work. Or… just be with you. But it’s not for always, please don’t forget that? I’m focusing on my project not just to get everything done, but to make time seem like it’s not dragging so much until I can see you again.

  Speaking of, I would absolutely love to come back to NYC. Is there a time that you were thinking of? Even though it’s a break, I would still be working, here, so I would love a hint in order to structure things. And I don’t want you to think I’m being presumptuous; I would get a hotel nearby so as not to overburden you.

  Seth, I would love that. Tell David that if he lays a finger on you he’ll have to contend with me—and an irate Irish elf, for that matter. She seems to think you’re best friends now; I guess I talk about you a lot. :)

  And I don’t have any regrets, either. Well, no regrets since I saw you again.



  Feb 24, 5:22 PM EST

  To: Oliver Andrews

  From: Seth Larsen


  They’re doing it. They’re giving it back to him. I feel positively sick. I fucking hate that you are thousands of miles away and I need you and I have to wait to know if you are even going to get this.

  I just

  I worked so hard.

  Feb 24, 10:53 PM GMT

  To: Seth Larsen

  From: Oliver Andrews

  Subject: re:

  Oh, Seth!

  I’ll have you know that I have notifications sent to my phone for emails from you, and ran back home (out with Moira) to reply.

  I hate being here while you’re there and need someone to just tell you that it’s going to be okay. God, I don’t understand this. Seth, I’ve seen you. You’re amazing. Breathtaking! They’re being idiots; that has to be what’s happening here.

  Please tell me what’s going on—tell me everything.

  We’ll figure something out, okay?

  Love you.


  Feb 24, 6:10 PM EST

  To: Oliver Andrews

  From: Seth Larsen

  Subject: re: re:

  Can we pretend I’m leaning against you? Because this is another one of those times when I could really use a hug from you.

  So here’s what they said—before today’s show, I might add. And don’t think for one minute that I let it affect my performance—I’ve had a rat thrown at me when performing, for hell’s sake. I’m going to turn the performance up to eleven just to spite them.

  They were so sorry, blah blah, but they felt they owed it to David to give him a chance yadda yadda originator of the role.

  So they’re giving him a full week’s run of shows to “test the audience” in April. A week during which I will hide in my apartment with the blinds drawn and no computer or television or newspapers, because I can’t bear to see any praise thrown his way. Now I know how Captain Bligh felt.

  God, you should have seen Brandt. Such an ass. I’m so tempted to start calling him Dough-Face in public, I really am.

  I bit his lip during the kiss scene today. He’s lucky I didn’t bite his head off.

  I miss you.


  Feb 25, 12:29 AM GMT

  To: Seth Larsen

  From: Oliver Andrews

  Subject: <3

  Seth!! They’re just giving him a week! It’s not as bad as you think. Look at it this way: they might be trying to shut him up once and for all. I’ve been looking up things, and ticket sales went through the roof after your first week. David’s shows never came close. He wasn’t invited to be on Today, was he?

  What if this is a way to make it clear to everyone that you’re the right person? And April isn’t really a hot time for ticket sales, anyway, so they’re not losing money like they would over the holidays or summer.

  Here’s my proposal: for that week, you come here. You get out of the city, you refrain from torturing yourself with newspapers and all of that. I’ll even take you to Buckingham Palace on a day trip, if you’d like. We can go punting! A punt is like a flat-bottomed canoe. It’s really nice to do and is really popular.

  I can take care of you. Make you feel better. It hurts me to hear how down on yourself you are!

  What do you say? You and me and Moira makes three? We’ll have to go out with her once, or I’ll never hear the end of it.

  I’d really love to see you. I can take you to my tree. :)

  So? Will you?

  Love you—it’s going to be okay.


  Feb 24, 6:40 PM EST

  To: Oliver Andrews

  From: Seth Larsen

  Subject: <3 to you too

  Really? REALLY? I could go there? I’m already envisioning where I might wear the cutaway coat I’ve been looking for an occasion to wear. And of course it would be wonderful to see you, too. :)

  Yes, I will. I think I sagged with relief in my chair when I read your offer. And you’re sure it won’t be an imposition? Oh God, unless you mean for me to get a hotel, in which case, yes, I will, and I’m sorry that I assumed anything. And of course I’d love to meet Moira!

  I’m so grateful for your level head. I’ve just been so angry about all of this that I couldn’t think straight. Yes. One week. A week for him to prove why he’s not right. Okay. I’m going to have to really shine for these next few weeks to make a point, then.

  Thank you. Just, thank you. I feel so much better now, honestly. I just noticed your time stamp. I’m so sorry to keep you up late, and on a school night!

  Let me get dates and things organized, and I’ll email you so we can plan an itinerary? Is that okay?

  You always did know just how to calm me down and make me feel better, didn’t you?



  Feb 25, 12:51 AM GMT

  To: Seth Larsen

  From: Oliver Andrews

  Subject: re: <3 to you too

  Have you ever had a Hungarian yell in your face? I don’t recommend it. I guess I was a little exuberant in my excitement for you to come out here. You’re going to love all of the little shops in town!

  Yes! Yes, come here for that week, just say when and it should be fine. It should be more than fine. Of course I meant for you to stay here! Unless that’s weird? If it’s weird, then we’ll figure something out. I don’t want it to be weird. Am I being weird?

  No, it’s going to be great, promise! We are going to have a great time, and oh, I can take you to Wren Library! (You thought it was a castle.) Seth, they have the original manuscript of Winnie the Pooh there! Okay, that may not be exciting for you, but I loved that as a kid, and I was excited by it, and I promise that I’ll think of more Seth-cent
ric activities for you.

  Um, just forget the Pooh Bear. We’ll go punting! Have Merchant and Ivory-style walks in gardens! You’re going to love it, I promise!

  Well, you always did know the way to get me excited. ;)

  Cannot WAIT.

  Love you,


  Mar 3, 2019 5:03 PM EST

  To: Oliver Andrews

  From: Seth Larsen

  Subject: aaaaaaaand we have a schedule

  They made an announcement after the show today that David would be given a “trial run” for the first week of April. I was more than a little pleased when there was only the tiniest of cheers for him, even though from his expression you would have thought he’d been thrown a ticker tape parade.

  But I do not care (of course I do) because now I can plan my trip to see you! I’m looking at flights, and I could leave after my Sunday show, but that means I would get to Heathrow at just after 6 AM on Monday.

  I’m all ears, if you have any suggestions for how to make this simple. Oh, but I don’t have to leave until lunchtime the next-next Tuesday, because of the time difference. :) A week! More! I can’t do calendar math right now because I’m so excited to go on a trip! Of course you know this means I get to buy a whole new travel wardrobe. I’m excited about more than just that, I promise.

  And don’t think that you’ll have to babysit me the whole time. You mentioned earlier that you’ll still be working over the break. I can keep myself busy; I’m good like that.

  Jonathan told me as I was leaving today that he might undersell his performance while I’m off to make sure I come back. Isn’t that just the sweetest thing? I never thought I’d actually inspire sabotage… dreamed I would, of course. But.

  OMG I JUST REALIZED. Oliver!!! Please tell me I can have coffee while I’m there. I know they’re a little fanatical about their tea, but if I don’t get my Little Helper in the morning, you know just how ornery I can be. Should I pack a French press? Mon dieu! Suddenly four weeks doesn’t seem like enough time to prepare!

  Okay, let me know if those dates work and I’ll book them ASAP. Yay!



  Mar 3, 11:11 PM GMT

  To: Seth Larsen


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