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WindSwept Narrows: #2 Cassidy, Abby & Mia

Page 11

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  She blinked in surprise when his hands moved to her shoulders, pulling her to her feet and pushing her toward the bed. A tiny whimper left her lips when his mouth captured one nipple, her hands pushed through his hair and her hips arching. She lifted one leg, opening herself to the palm that pressed heavily along her thigh.

  Cade felt himself harden, the hot, moisture searing his fingers when he drew one through the damp thicket. Down between the swollen petals to tease the soft opening. So small and hot, he slid one finger slowly inside her.

  Abby shivered, her palm gliding between them, touching the hard male and surrounding him with her fingers, stroking slowly down.

  “Christ…Abby…I don’t have any control…”

  “Whatever you’re doing…oh god, Cade…please don’t stop…”

  Cade straightened and lifted a packet from the nightstand, quickly sheathing himself and taking her palms in his. He pressed them above her head and moved between her thighs. His mouth teased and toyed with one nipple.

  Their groans mingled when Abby took him in her palm, easing him toward the slick, hot opening at the same time his thumb stroked over the swollen nub. Her legs spread and one rose and curled around his hip. She could feel him moving. She felt her body slowly, very slowly invite him inside. Then suddenly all the wild sensations swirling around from his kiss and his touch met at the same time, in the same place.

  She knows she called his name. She heard her voice echo in the bedroom at the same time her body convulsed around him. Drowning him and pulling him deeper.

  Cade surrendered to the need, thrusting hard and deep. Taut squeezing muscles captured him, stroked him, commanded his release. His control was gone. With palms flat on the bed beside her shoulders and her long legs wrapped possessively around his hips, Cade was swept into the maelstrom like none he’d known before.

  He was filled with the savage release and bliss all at the same time, the clenching muscles surrounding him draining him and teasing more out of him. He felt the length of muscle in his arms begin to quiver and slid to the side to avoid crushing her. He didn’t open his eyes for a long moment. He could hear her breathing as ragged as his own at his side, felt her fingers reach for his and listened to a soft sigh break from her lips.

  Boy and girl stuff just kind of happen, her mother had told her simply. But she knew inside that Cade was more than just a moment in her life.

  “Oh my…” Abby knew she was purring, the wild sensations he created within her still pulsing. Dark lashes were closed, the heat of their passion mixing with the mild summer evening.

  “That doesn’t even begin to cover it,” Cade returned to the bed, lying on his side and staring like a kid examining his first nudie magazine. He drew a slow finger between her breasts, tracing a line around the soft fullness and over the reawakening nipple.

  “Careful…a girl could get used to this stuff,” Abby murmured, rolling to her side and winding her arms around his neck.

  “Then I’d better make damn sure she’s addicted to me,” Cade returned, his mouth moving with renewed hunger over her lips. There was an intoxicating mixture of their lovemaking and her perfume spearing into his senses, searing itself to him like a branding iron.

  This time was slow and seductive. Arousing and exploring. Cade ignored the mild protest when he kissed his way over her stomach. He felt it tighten when his mouth touched that pulsing nub, her hands clenching his shoulders with those biting little nails. He felt her body begin to shudder at the same time he buried himself deeply inside her, the erotic sound of his name echoed around them. The hoarse groan when his body erupted dragging his senses around the whirlpool and sending him crashing with her.

  Her eyes were closed when he came out of the bathroom and stretched out at her side. It had been a long time since he felt this good and this tired all at the same time. One arm stretched over his head, the other he discovered was just long enough to land on the upturned behind.

  Abby lay on her stomach, savoring the aftermath with a long, contented sigh. She felt the large male palm on her behind, a low purr leaving her lips.

  “Careful there…you know what happens when you do that,” she commented when his fingers squeezed.

  “My sweet innocent Abigal…” Cade sighed happily. “I’m not eighteen anymore…and as delectable as your behind is…it would definitely take a miracle at this point.”

  “We killed it?” Abby lifted her head in time to see the scowl on his face. She turned to her side, dislodging his palm and leaning up to gaze over at him. He pulled the blanket over his lower body.

  “It…is resting…blissfully,” Cade told her defensively.

  “I don’t think we have to be eighteen,” Abby said thoughtfully, drawing one finger along his chest. “You have beautiful muscles…all of them…I guess girls aren’t the same as boys…”

  Cade opened one eye and peered at her. “I thought we pretty much established that…”

  “I mean as far as orgasms are concerned. I think girls are infused with some kind of energy shot,” Abby rested her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. She lifted the blanket and peeked.

  “It is not dead,” Cade said through his laughter.

  “How can you be sure?”

  “How…it’s been a part of me a long time, Abby. We try and have a mutually satisfactory relationship…I don’t kill it and it tries its damnedest not to get me in trouble,” he smiled at the cute little giggle.

  Abby sat up, cross legged. Elbows resting on her knees and chin in her palms. “So there are actually three of us in this relationship.”

  “I prefer to think of it as a just the two of us…”

  “Who’s in control? You or it?”

  “I don’t have a safe answer for that one at the moment,” Cade murmured.

  Abby reached behind her and pulled a long chiffon scarf from the brass knob of the bed. “I appreciate your assistance in my learning curve.”

  “About that…” He opened one eye again, looking at the scarf she was pulling softly over his chest. “I’m the only one on your list in this category.”

  “Hmm…if you have a prize, it should only go to the very best,” Abby tilted her head, lifting the blanket out of the way.

  Cade decided there wasn’t anything to say to her comment.

  “I read a lot, though,” Abby told him. “One of the courses I took was on erotic literature. It was extremely enlightening. One of the assignments was to make a list of exotic places to have sex.” Abby twined the scarf around his hand above his head. “I thought a beach would be nice…lots of steamy sun…a nice big blanket…and tons of coconut scented oil.”

  Cade sighed. Listening and feeling twinges of the impossible. The low husky sound of her voice weaving its way into more than his mind.

  “I thought another place would be a hot tub…or a pool…I thought the back of a limo would be really nice, but then I’m not sure I could be uninhibited knowing someone knew what we were doing in the back seat. Have you ever been in a limo? Is the glass soundproof?”

  Cade swallowed hard and shook his head. “I don’t have an answer for you on that one.”

  “Ever tumble a girl in the hay in Wyoming?”

  “Girls in Wyoming carry guns,” he answered with a crooked grin. “Smart guys never tumble without permission.”

  “Then we moved into the writing portion of the class,” Abby stretched out beside him, dangling the end of the scarf over his lower body. “I wrote about a couple who went to a very nice ball…fancy dress clothes…and just as they entered the dancing area, she leaned over and whispered in his ear,” Abby put her lips right next to his ear. “Oh, dear…I seem to have forgotten my panties,” she whispered hotly against his ear, taking a tiny nip before backing up a few inches. The feminine part of her thrilled at the reaction.

  “But he wasn’t giving in. He told her they would not be leaving the party early, and they danced for a while…socialized and even had dinner. When they got int
o the car to go home, she shifted in the seat and waited until they were on the road home. Then she put her hand on his thigh,” Abby mimicked her words. “She started at his knee and ran her fingernails along the seam of his trousers…stopping just short…of touching him. He was grinding his teeth but being a safe driver, couldn’t take his hands off the wheel. And he didn’t want to admit that her actions were bothering him.”

  Cade knew he was lost.

  “She very slowly opened the buckle of his pants…then came the button…and she drew the zipper down very, very carefully…her fingernails grazed the fabric covering him, but he didn’t offer a complaint,” Abby caressed over the flat of his stomach, her nails just barely grazing the awakened erection. “Then she slid her palm inside his boxers and let him slide inside her palm,” she watched his body react, felt him harden a little more as she surrounded him with her palm, her thumb nail drawn over the soft mushroom.

  Cade groaned thickly. It wasn’t possible, he kept telling himself.

  “He could feel her hair against his stomach as he drove, his knuckles turned white. He was gripping the steering wheel that tightly. Then she took him into her mouth,” Abby tasted him, drawing her tongue over the surface and tickling the thick ridge.

  “Christ, Abby…” Cade reached for the night stand, only to have the packet taken from him. She pressed her palm against his chest, her head shaking slightly.

  “No…this is my fantasy…” She opened the packet and took her time sheathing him.

  Cade was positive he had ground a level off his teeth by the time she had finished. His eyes shot wide when he felt her move astride him. She held herself in place with her thighs, sliding along the hard length of him, her hips rotating and stroking until he was positive he was being driven slowly insane.

  He could feel the hot moisture forming as she moved, their juncture becoming slick with her juices. His palm pressed heavily along her side, closing over one breast, tweaking the sensitive nipple gently. The sweetly sexy groan came out with her breath, her body trapping him and slowly completing the capture.

  She controlled the free fall, guiding him inside with muscles clenching and squeezing him invitingly. Abby felt his hand glide over her stomach. His very talented fingers stroked that part of her that sent fire coursing through her veins.

  Cade groaned aloud when she shoved her hips down hard on him. She squeezed, rotated and repeated the motions until his name was pulled from her lips. Her palms spread on his chest and her head back, thick drafts of air pulled into her lungs when his hands took a firm hold on her hips. He sent his body surging upward, plunging deep inside her with a shout that filled the room. The image of a very sexy Abby riding him just as he rode his motorcycle was etched in his mind. Fast and hard.

  Abby collapsed on top of him, pulling her hair to one side and lazily running her tongue along is throat.

  “Never say never,” she whispered hotly.

  “I’m a believer,” Cade answered breathlessly, groaning when she moved. He had no idea moving involved the abdominal and lower muscles until today. “Abby…honey…seriously…moving like that right now…”


  Cade’s eyes flew wide. Abby suddenly bolted upright and to the side, grabbing up the pillow.

  “That’s my mother’s car!”

  Chapter Thirteen


  “She’s home early from class?” She wailed in disbelief.


  “It’s hers, I tell you! It makes this horrid little squeak on the driver’s door.” Abby pulled the pillow to her face, round dark eyes gaping at Cade, who hadn’t moved.

  “Good evening, Mrs. Spense. Your roses are looking really lovely this year,” Janet remarked cheerfully.

  “Hello, Janet…Just getting home?”

  “First class of the semester,” she said easily.

  “Oh…I see…I noticed the motorcycle in front of the house,” she said stiffly, curiously.

  “That’s Abigal’s new friend…they were having dinner tonight. Quite a nice young man,” Janet commented honestly.

  “Oh, I see,” was the repeat phrase. “I was a little concerned. I heard a shout.”

  “A shout? I don’t believe they would be arguing…” Came the concerned comment.

  “It wasn’t exactly an arguing shout,” she said carefully. “If you get my meaning.”

  Abby squealed and held the pillow closer.

  “Abby…honey, you gotta breathe,” Cade was fighting the laughter.

  “It was a name,” Mrs. Spense continued. “Sounded like ‘CADE’.”

  “Well, that is his name,” Janet worked to keep herself from smiling. “Cade Rollins, I think.”


  “Abby is thirty-four years old, Mrs. Spense…and she’s a normal, healthy young woman.”

  Abby whimpered loudly into the pillow.

  “Abby, we need…”

  Abby scrambled off the bed, throwing the pillow back and not looking that it landed squarely in Cade’s face.

  “Abby,” he tried again, a little more firmly.

  “We need to get dressed,” She hissed furiously, looking under the clothes on the floor for her panties before looking at him, still lying there with the left over evidence of their lovemaking. “You…you need to…the bathroom…”


  “I’ll go talk to her…tell her we went for a long ride…yes, that’s it…that’s why we didn’t get to the dinner. And…” Abby pulled a shirt over her head, tossing the hair out of the way and pulling her shorts up her legs as Cade carefully left the bed. “And I was showing you where the bathroom was…okay…I can handle this…”

  Abby put her arms straight down, drew in a long slow breath and opened the door to her bedroom, striding out with a long practiced professional smile.

  “Hi, mom, class end early tonight?” Abby really hoped she wasn’t blushing and that her voice sounded more normal to her mother than it did to her at the moment.

  “Oh, you know…pretty normal first class of the semester,” Janet looked around casually. “I forgot my book…I forgot the tools…oh, this isn’t the class I signed up for…”

  Abby laughed nervously. “Kids…”

  “You didn’t have dinner?”

  “Oh…well…we went for a ride…” Abby worked to apply a serious expression. She’d never been good at lying to people. To be honest, she sucked at it. “Yes…a long ride…I think I’m getting used to it…the bike thing…”

  “And these?” Janet bent limberly, lifting a tee shirt in one hand and a bra and tank top in another. She laughed softly at the closed eyes and low groan. She walked to her daughter, laying the clothing on her arm. “I’m going to bed, dear…try not to scream too loud…it’s disturbing the neighbors.”

  “Oh my god,” Abby felt the kitchen stool behind her legs and melted against it. She was positive her face was glowing in the dark. She looked up at the sound of the bedroom door opening, Cade striding forward, looking around the room with a hopeful grin.

  “Well? How’d it go? Are we in the clear?” He looked down at the shirt in her hand.

  “Oh yeah…we’re in the clear,” she shoved it into his hand.


  “This one is yours,” Abby tossed hers on the sofa, her head shaking. “I’m too old for this…”

  “For what it’s worth,” Cade pulled the shirt over his head. “I think you’re the perfect age. Did your mom have anything to say?”

  Abby met his eyes without faltering. “She said don’t scream too loud, we’re disturbing the neighbors.”

  Abby only sighed and moved into the kitchen, setting the salads on the counter and putting the very dark roast chicken on a platter with a large knife and fork. She added a couple forks for their salads and peered into the fridge.


  “Choices?” Cade took charge and began dismantling the chicken, sampling as he went. �
�This is good.”


  “Lemon,” Cade replied, holding a piece of chicken up to her lips when she took the seat across from him. “You know…we really need a place of our own,” he decided in the middle of chewing and swallowing probably wasn’t his best timing ever. Palms waved him away as she worked to clear the chicken and water.

  “Are you trying to kill me?” Abby demanded in a low hiss.

  “Abby, I’m serious. We’re both new to the area. Obviously we don’t want an apartment…” Cade lifted a browned chicken leg and took a healthy bite. Making love to your woman three times will give you a hefty appetite, he realized contentedly.

  “You want to live together? Just…just like that…”

  “Abby, we just spent the last four hours in bed…I think living together is an easy step to take now,” Cade watched her pick up a tomato and pop it into her mouth. “And steal your mother’s chicken recipe.”

  “It’s mine, actually…brine the chicken all day in cider vinegar, brown sugar and lime juice…bake at three fifty for ninety minutes. Poof,” she stabbed some lettuce and took another bite.

  Cade ate quietly. If she was silent, it meant she was thinking. Sometimes that was good, sometimes, as he was learning, not so good. She reached over and lifted a slice of chicken, nibbling thoughtfully. He was only slightly aware of the half smile tilting his lips as he ate and watched her. He could easily envision her in an evening gown, greeting guests; at a company picnic playing with kids or in the middle of tense negotiations, holding her own. And still looking classy.

  “I think finding a place to live beats a bike ride around the Sound this weekend,” Cade suggested in the silence.

  “Cade…” Abby held up one finger when his mouth opened. “Do you honestly believe we would get along well enough to…to live together? That’s a very big step to take…mixing lives…”

  “It’s the season of risk taking, Abby…and I’m willing to bet on us. We aren’t a couple teenagers,” Cade answered carefully, meeting the dark eyes that rose from the empty salad plate. “We can cruise around on the bike in the neighborhoods around the resort…lots of places up for sale…”


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