Book Read Free

Falling for the Bad Boy

Page 13

by Kennedy Fox

  When I think about her leaving, it just doesn’t feel right. Not at all.

  And that thought scares the ever living shit out of me.

  Grabbing her hand, I lead her down the hallway to my bedroom. “On the bed.”

  She tilts her head at me but doesn’t hesitate.

  “How do you want me?” she asks looking over her shoulder.

  “You’re the guest of the hour; how about you choose.” I drop the towel to the floor as she lies on her back. I walk to my bedside table and put on a condom. My dick throbs in my hand and I know this won’t take long, but I promise to take my time.

  “How’s this?” she asks lying on her back, the moonlight casting shadows across the room.

  I go to her and start at her feet, kissing her ankles, her legs, the inside of her thighs, until I reach my final destination. As I taste her arousal, she runs her fingers through my hair, letting out moans that sound like music.

  “Ethan,” she whispers, and my name has never sounded so good. Before she loses herself again, I move closer to her, hovering above her, my dick teasing the outside of her opening. I move slowly, taking my time as our ends meet. She gasps, her eyes closing tight.

  “Oh, Vada,” I whisper across her neck, and that’s the moment I realize we’re no longer fucking, but rather, making love. When her eyes open, I know she can feel it, too. The look on her face says it all. Her mouth falls open as I give her everything I have. Eventually, Vada crumbles beneath me, and I follow soon after.

  After we clean up, we lie together, both struggling for air, trying to understand what just happened. It wasn’t just sex; it was more intense, more emotional. It was like she had opened the Pandora's box that held my heart, pulled it from the shadows, and somehow, it’s still beating.

  Vada’s head falls on my chest, and she’s listening to the rapid thump of my heart. I hold her in my arms, trying to enjoy it as much as I can. I know this week is coming to an end, and the truth is, I’m going to miss this. Pulling the blankets over our bodies, I stare out at the moon that’s high in the sky from the windows in my bedroom.

  “I’d like you to come to the demo and showing at the studio tomorrow. It’s from eleven to five. Aunt Millie and Mama will be there, and I’d love for you to be there, too.”

  She sits up and looks into my eyes. “Really? Like a public thing?”

  I nod. “Of course.”

  “I don’t like crowds. They make me nervous as hell,” she admits.

  “Then hang around Aunt Millie. Crowds don’t like her because she’s loud and has no filter.” I laugh, but it’s the truth.

  She looks as if she’s thinking about it, then gives me a big smile. “You know what, I’d love to go and watch you. I mean, if you really want me there,” she says, brushing strands of hair out of her eyes.

  “It wouldn’t be the same without you. So be my guest of honor?”

  She nods. “Of course. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  We lie in silence, tangled together like lovers, and it feels right. My eyes are heavy, and I might fall asleep at any moment because I’m so relaxed and happy. Just as I’m drifting away, I hear Vada say something.

  “I’m going to miss this. Seriously,” she mumbles softly against my chest.

  “Then don’t leave,” I whisper, holding her just a little tighter. “Stay another week or month or I dunno, forever?”

  She sighs, and I know she’s halfway between sleep and being awake because the words that leave her lips are completely inaudible.



  Good morning,” Ethan says, handing me a cup of coffee while I’m still lying in his bed. Sitting up, I take it from his hands while trying to pat the hair down on my head because it’s all crazy and wild. My eyes are barely open, and I feel like I could sleep for days. After last night, I could probably sleep for weeks, but that wouldn’t work because I have a book to finish.

  “I’ve been thinking about something,” I admit, clearing my throat with a sip of steaming hot coffee.

  “Yeah?” He perks up. “You’ll walk around naked the rest of the time you’re here?”

  I playfully roll my eyes at him. “Not quite, but I was thinking about extending my stay.”

  Ethan takes the cup of coffee from my hand, sets it down on his nightstand, and within two seconds his lips are on mine. I’m moaning against his mouth before he releases me.

  “That makes me so damn happy, Vada. You have no idea.” He brushes the outside of his fingers against my cheek then stands and returns my coffee.

  “I have to call my neighbor about feeding my cat and get in touch with the airline. Lots of stuff to do in so little time,” I tell him, finally feeling awake and taking another sip of coffee. I’m going to need all the caffeine today.

  “And you have to come to the studio today to watch the live show.” He winks.

  “I already told you I wouldn’t miss that for the world. Plus, I need to stock up on mugs. I seriously need a hundred of them,” I say holding a blue and purple handmade mug in my hand. “I love them so much.”

  Ethan grins at me proudly, then begins pulling clothes from a drawer and getting dressed. I watch his muscles flex as he puts on a shirt, and all I want to do is tear it off him. The man should walk around shirtless with a body like that, but then again, I’m good with keeping him all to myself.

  “You said it starts at eleven, right?” I ask again, confirming.

  “Yes, and lasts until five. So anytime today. I just want you to see everything. Maybe you can write it into one of your books one day,” he suggests with a wink. I can tell he’s in a good mood, and him being so damn happy is contagious.

  “Okay, great. I’m going to try to get some words in and then I’ll Uber down there.” There’s so much inspiration in me from last night that I have to get some writing in today, or I’ll internally combust.

  “I can ask Aunt Millie to pick you up,” Ethan insists.

  “That’s sweet of you. But I have a feeling she’d ask me five thousand questions, and I don’t know when I’ll be finished with this chapter I’m working on.”

  He lets out a laugh then walks toward me. Leaning down, he places his hand around the back of my neck and kisses me. “I’ll see you there, babe.”

  “Save me a seat,” I tell him, not really sure how this demo thing works.

  “I’ve always got a seat saved for you on my face.” He kisses me again, before saying goodbye. Once I’ve finished my coffee, I slip on my dress and head downstairs. I refill my cup before heading to the cottage to get some words down after I take a shower.

  Once I’m dried off, I put on one of my favorite A-line skirts and a tank top, then sit down at my computer and the paragraphs pour from me. The words won’t stop coming. It’s a high like no other.

  I feel like I’ve ripped my soul open, and though I don’t want to jinx myself, this might be the easiest book I’ve ever written. I’ve never been this inspired, and I’m pretty sure Ethan is to blame. Actually, I know he is.

  Hours pass, and I know I’ve lost track of time again and my coffee has turned cold.

  Looking at the time, I realize it’s just past one. “Shit,” I say aloud, grabbing my phone and scheduling an Uber. As I wait around, I call Nora.

  “Oh, so you’re alive,” she says with a hint of accusation in her tone.

  “Wow, no hello or anything? I see how it is.” I laugh, used to her attitude. If she didn’t act like that, I might actually think there’s something wrong.

  “Glad to know you weren’t chopped up into a million pieces,” she says.

  “You’re so dark and need to lay off those CSI shows. Geez. I’m alive, so there’s that. Okay, nice chatting with you!” I kid.

  “Not so fast young lady. You left me on a cliffhanger yesterday, so I’m going to need you to go ahead and let me know how the date of the century went.”

  “Well…” I begin, replaying last night in my head and grinning like an idiot. />
  Nora clears her throat.

  “He was married,” I explain.

  “Is he still?” Her inflection raises.

  “No, no. It’s nothing like that. He’s a widower, and seriously Nora, I was bawling like a baby. Just think of the saddest movie you’ve ever seen times a million then put it on crack. Ethan’s wife was pregnant and had complications during the birth. The baby was premature and got really sick and didn’t make it. They both passed away within two weeks of each other.” My voice cracks and I realize I’m choking up.

  “I don’t know what to say,” she mumbles. “That’s much heavier than I was expecting.”

  “Believe me, I know.” I suck in a deep breath. “Still, the date was perfect though. The best date I’ve ever had.”

  “Well, I’m happy for you.” Her tone is raw.

  “Thanks, Nora,” I say with a smile. “Oh! So that brings me to the point of this call.” I look at my phone and realize the Uber is outside, so I rush across the yard and continue the conversation when I get in the car. “I’m going to call the airline and try to reschedule my flight. I’m staying another week. I’m getting ahead with this impending deadline, and I think it would be good for me to utilize the inspiration that’s coming to me now while I can.” I bite down on my lower lip, thinking of all the ways Ethan can inspire me for the next week. “So I hope you won’t mind taking care of Oliver for me for just a little bit longer?” I ask as sweetly as possible.

  She sucks in a breath. “I guess.” Her tone is unamused, but I know she’s just giving me a hard time. She’s probably thinking the same thing I am. Inspiration equals Ethan’s cock.

  “Thank you. I owe you. I’m on my way to watch Ethan do a live pottery demo at his studio, so I have to get going. I’ll snap some photos though and text them to you.”

  “Good, because I need to see what this Prince Charming looks like.” Her tone perks up, and I know she’s not annoyed with watching Oliver another week like she pretends to be.

  The Uber slows in front of Paris Pottery & Studio, and I hang up with Nora before thanking the driver. I stand outside and look up at the sign with a whole new perspective, and my heart lurches forward. It’s so beautiful that he named the studio after his daughter, knowing it would’ve made his wife happy. I take in a slow breath as I see all the people packed into the building and try to push my anxiety to the side as I enter.

  I move through hordes of women who are all looking in the same direction. From the back of the room, I see Ethan at the wheel, with his hands on the clay, and I can’t help but admire him. Honestly, though, I think every woman in here is. He’s smiling and explaining his methods as all eyes stay glued to him. He looks so good wearing black dress slacks and a solid, dark gray button-up shirt. His sleeves are rolled up his arms, and his top buttons are undone. He looks business-professional, but I know what’s under all of that—eight-pack abs and a pierced cock that knows how to melt off panties.

  Weaving my way through, I see Aunt Millie laughing and speaking loudly in the middle of the room while she brags about her nephew. As soon as she makes eye contact with me, she waves me over, and I feel slightly embarrassed, but I walk toward her anyway.

  Ethan’s head lifts, and his entire face brightens when he sees me.

  “Hi,” I mouth, and he winks at me. Women start searching around the room, trying to figure out who he’s openly flirting with, and that’s when heat hits my cheeks.

  “There you are, Vada. Ethan told me you’d be showing up, and I’ve been waitin’ for you. Want you to meet someone,” Millie says, grabbing my hand and forcing her way past people.

  “Vada, this is my sister, Mollie. Ethan’s mama.”

  My mouth drops open when I see a spitting image of Millie standing in front of me. “I had no idea you were a twin; what a surprise!”

  “Mollie, this is Vada, the girl I was telling you about who’s staying with Ethan.” Millie gives me a wink, and I instantly blush.

  “It’s so nice to meet you,” I tell her, and she gives me a hug, a customary southern greeting I’ve come to expect.

  “You too, honey. I’ve heard so much about you,” she says, and I glance over her shoulder at Millie with a smile and can only imagine what she’s said about me.

  “Really?” I try not to be too embarrassed.

  “Yeah, Millie told me about your books, and I downloaded a few onto my Kindle.”

  I instantly start stuttering. “I hope you enjoy them.” All I can think about are these sweet older ladies reading those raunchy sex scenes.

  “I’m sure I will, sweetie,” she says, having no idea what she’s about to read.

  Ethan grabs the bat out of the wheel with a brand-new mug he’s just made and hands it to one of the workers who sets it down on one of the shelves.

  At that moment, I take a quick photo and send it to Nora. When I look back up, it’s like we’re the only two people in the crowded room. I can’t stop staring at him. It’s almost as if he can read my thoughts as his eyes meet mine. Swallowing hard, I snap out of it and feel like a room full of eyes are on me. I can almost feel the jealousy streaming off all the women who came here just to admire Ethan—and not necessarily his work. But it doesn’t hurt he’s sexy as sin, so I’m sure that’s good for business. Although he doesn’t need it. His work speaks for itself all on its own.

  Once he finishes molding a few more mugs, he goes to the sink and rinses off his hands and arms, then makes a beeline toward me as interns clean up the area and restock his clay. My mouth goes dry when he dips down and gives me a kiss in front of everyone. I feel like I’m falling as he completely steals my breath away. Ethan brushes his fingers against my cheek, and before he pulls away, he whispers in my ear. “Hopefully all these thirsty women will get the hint.”

  I burst out laughing, especially when I get eyerolls from a few ladies staring at us together. “Doubt it. Some look like they’re trying real hard and now want to murder me.”

  He nods. “You have no idea. Oh, did you meet my mama?” Ethan asks, searching around for her. She and Millie are the life of the party on the opposite side of the room. It also helps the interns are serving wine, so many people are giggly and buying mugs like they’re shopping with a no limit credit card.

  “I have to say I was shocked when I saw two Millie’s staring at me.”

  Ethan chuckles. “I guess I forgot to warn you about that. But trust me when I say Mom is the good cop and Millie is the bad one.”

  The smile on my face may be permanent. “I’m so proud of you, babe. You’ve got a full house, and it’s all just perfect,” I say, sincerely.

  “Thanks, sweetheart. That means a lot to me. Really.” He places his hand on my cheek and smirks. “Have time to go to the back real quick?” His voice drops low.

  “Uhh,” I say, as he grabs my hand and leads me away from everyone. We walk down a long hall, and Ethan opens a storage closet full of supplies. He pulls me inside with him, and once he locks the door, we’re standing inches apart.

  “Fuck, I need you right now,” he growls against my lips before he kisses me.

  I don’t even wait before I’m grabbing at his pants. Ethan takes a step forward until my back is against the only bare wall in the closet. Roughly, he lifts my leg in the air and pushes my skirt up, then tears my panties from my body. The way he’s handling me, so desperate with want and need, turns me on even more.

  “Shit,” he says.

  I search his face. “What?”

  “No condom,” he admits.

  “I’m on the pill, Ethan.”

  At first, he hesitates. So I readjust my skirt back down over my bare ass, and he shakes his head.

  “Don’t think so, babe.” Ethan grabs my ass and lifts me in the air. My legs wrap around his hips as he fucks me against the wall. Small moans escape from my mouth as our tongues swirl together, and I feel so naughty knowing there’s a room full of people who suspect something is going on or even hear us.

��Vada,” Ethan groans against my mouth. “You feel so good. You always feel so fucking good.”

  “I want more of you, Ethan. All of you.”

  He continues to give me everything he can. “When I saw you walk in, all I could think about was this.”

  “Yes, yes, yes,” I whisper, holding on to him for dear life, digging my nails into him harder.

  Before I come, Ethan sets me down on the floor and drops to his knees, then pulls my leg over his shoulder. His mouth is in between my legs in seconds. As he devours me, it takes everything I have to hold back all the moans I want to release. He doesn’t stop, even when he knows I’m close. I hold onto his arm that’s wrapped around my thigh because I feel weak in the knees as I lose myself on his mouth.

  “I need more of you,” he says, dipping his tongue inside, tasting my orgasm.

  “So good,” I say between breaths, as he stands, kissing me, allowing me to taste myself on him. He gives me a smirk, then turns me around, and bends me over. I place my hands on the wall, giving me the much-needed support, and arch my ass toward him.

  Taking his time, he rubs his rough palms on my ass before he grabs my hips and slowly slides into me. I gasp as the top of his piercing rubs against me, feeling his length in places he’s already been and claimed as his own.

  “I’m so fucking happy you’re staying,” he says as I feel him tense and his warmth fills me. After a moment, I turn around and search his face with a smile, and he kisses me, soft and sweet, pouring himself into me.

  “Do you think anyone heard us?” I ask, grabbing a few towels on a shelf to clean us up.

  “I hope they all did.” He smirks, zipping up his pants, and I roll my eyes.

  “Thank you for coming, Vada,” he says. “On my mouth.”

  “So dirty,” I say, adjusting my clothes. “Don’t you think you should get back? Everyone is probably looking for you.”

  He tries to straighten his messy hair, and I laugh.

  “How do I look?” he asks.


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