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The Fadeaway: A Smart Jocks Novel

Page 13

by Jenshak, Rebecca

  I turn and open my locker to pull out the gift I got her. Two front row tickets for Katy Perry this Saturday. Even got backstage passes because I know it’s my girl’s favorite singer.

  Polly slides in front of me, blocking my access. “Come on, if you really loved me, you’d do this for me.”

  She looks up at me with big eyes. The tickets are worth way more, plus I thought it was something cool we could do together. I don’t really like Katy Perry but figured her excitement would make it worth it.

  I nod and close my locker shut behind her. “I’ll get it for you after school.”

  She places a kiss on my cheek and rushes off. The bell rings and I let out a sigh as I re-open my locker and grab my biology book.

  “Yo, Timmie.”

  The guy two lockers down looks up at me like he’s surprised I know his name. “Got a girlfriend or boyfriend? Significant other?”

  He’s still staring at me confused. “Yeah, I’m dating Cheri.”

  “Really?” I can’t hide my surprise. Cheri’s head cheerleader and this guy… well, he doesn’t look like he could keep up with Cheri but guess I’ve misjudged him.

  I pull out the tickets and toss them at him. He fumbles them, dropping his books in the process and making me embarrassed for him and also hopeful that maybe he can score some cool points with Cheri. Shit, maybe he doesn’t need them, he somehow already got her. Doesn’t matter, I don’t need them.

  “Woah, thanks man,” he says as he looks them over and then tucks them into his pocket.

  “No problem.”



  He’s quiet through two episodes. Other than holding my feet in his lap, he’s made no move to touch me since he tucked my hair behind my ear. I know he’s got practice in the morning so I thought he’d be anxious to get in and get out… so to speak. In and out of me.

  “You want to watch another?” I ask, looking down at the remote and not meeting his eyes.

  “I should probably go.”

  I’m surprised by his answer, although I’m not sure why. It’s late. I guess I figured sex was higher on the priority list than sleep. Did I lose him with the leggings? Crap, I knew I should have kept the sexy dress on.

  “Right. You’ve got early practice tomorrow.”

  His thumb caresses my foot. “Yeah. We’ve got a big game on Saturday. Speaking of, how would you and Christian like to come to the game? I can leave tickets for you at will call.”

  “Oh wow. That’s really nice of you, but you don’t need to do that. We usually watch the games here.”

  “So, you really do watch? You weren’t just putting me on?”

  I laugh. Of all the things to lie about that one never entered my mind. “Yes, we really watch.”

  “Come to the game. There’s nothing like being at Ray Fieldhouse on game day and it’s the last home game of the season.”


  He grins, looking more relaxed and like himself, and sits forward. “I should go so you can get some sleep before the little man wakes up.”

  Is that why he’s leaving or is it just an excuse? I can’t get a read on him. If he’s suddenly not into me then why would he invite me to the game? Good God, this can’t be him trying to be a decent guy and going slow for my benefit. Can it?

  I move my feet so he can stand and then follow him to the front door weighing my options and trying to decide what it is I really want from him. I’ve been so caught up in what he wants or doesn’t want that, I’ve barely entertained my own wants.

  He turns at the door and reaches out for my hand. I let him weave our fingers together and I peer up at him trying to read every thought or emotion that might be there. He’s given me no real reason to hesitate or second guess and that’s the most surprising thing of all. Joel Moreno has a heart. Or at least a conscience.

  In for a penny, in for a pound.

  “You could stay,” I offer and then wince at the totally forward words. “I mean, tomorrow is Friday and I don’t work or have any classes so being tired isn’t the end of the world.”

  He smirks but doesn’t say anything arrogant to make me instantly regret my decision. Instead, he threads a hand through my hair and brings his lips to mine.

  “Do you want me to stay?” His question vibrates against my lips. He sounds earnest and hopeful as if my answer changes his.

  “Yes, but—”

  My answer is cut short as he slams his lips to mine in a kiss that takes my breath and makes my head swim. I pull back. I need to tell him my conditions before I’m swept away by his touch.


  He captures my face with both of his massive hands and stares down at me. “Does the but change anything that could possibly happen in the next two hours?”

  “No, but—”

  “Tell me later then.”

  His hands go to my hips and he leans down and scoops me up. His intent is clear, and I jump into his arms all too happily.

  “Which way?” he asks, breaking the kiss only long enough to get out the words.

  I respond by motioning with my head and Joel moves in the direction of my bedroom. I’ve never been more thankful that Christian’s room is on the opposite side of our apartment. It provides a buffer to noise, which has never been an issue before, but I’m thinking might be tonight.

  No sweet nothings. No cocky jabs about how I’m finally giving in to him. None of what I expected as he lays me down on the bed. He’s heavy as he settles on top of me. A reassuring weight that this is real. He’s here and this is happening.

  Kisses that turn my body to flames and light my soul on fire, touches and caresses that are hard and rough yet soft and caring. The dizzying emotions that spiral through me make me break the kiss and bury my face in his neck.

  “Are you okay?”

  I dip my head, not trusting my voice. I’m nervous. So nervous. I want this, but I don’t want it to be the end either. If I sleep with him, that will be it. I know this. Have known it. And I want it more than my next breath, but I’m so not ready to give him up.

  He rolls to the side and pulls me next to him so that my back is at his chest. He presses kisses to my neck and brushes my hair behind my ear.

  “Estás asustada,” he whispers.

  My body molds to his and I can feel every hard inch of him. I can’t help it, nerves or not, I wriggle my butt against his crotch. He groans and that makes me feel braver. I reach around and cup him through his jeans and he groans so desperately right before he takes my hand and wraps it, with his, on my stomach. I move our connected hands down and the heat of his palm and the contact, so close to where I want it, makes me squirm.

  “You’re killing me, Kitty,” he practically growls as he moves his hand higher and wraps it protectively around my waist.

  “But I thought—”

  “You’re not ready and as much as I want this, I want there to be no doubts when I ravage your pretty little body.”

  He’s right and I hate that I can’t shrug my inhibitions to be the girl that Joel has hot, dirty sex with, without having to stop before he’s even copped a feel.

  Oh, and I can feel how very much he wants to do just that.

  “Hey, Joel?”


  “Christian wakes up at five. If he sees you here, he’ll ask questions and…” My voice trails off because, ugh, this is hard.

  “I’ll be gone before he wakes up.”


  He sighs. “Yeah?”

  “Thank you.”

  I know he’s smiling as his hold tightens around me. “You’re welcome, Kitty.”



  My phone vibrates in my pocket and I turn on my back and pull it out only opening my eyes enough to see the screen. My daily wake up text from Nathan. Shit, that means I missed the first wake up alarm. How the hell did I sleep through Z pounding on doors?

  Opening my eyes fully, my attention falls on my surroundings and I
remember where I am. Shit, it’s after five which means I failed to get out of Dodge before Christian woke up. I sit up in the bed and run a hand through my hair. As I’m trying to decide whether to risk a getaway, Katrina opens the door and slips inside.

  “Hey,” she whispers, and my eyes travel down her body and back up to the plate she carries. “I brought you breakfast.”

  “Sorry I overslept. I meant to get out of here before Christian woke up.”

  “It’s fine. You were sleeping so soundly I couldn’t bring myself to wake you. Besides Christian is eating cereal and watching cartoons, so you’re as good as hidden back here.”

  “I gotta get to practice.”

  “I’ll create a diversion.” She sets the plate down on the nightstand and I reach out for her hand and tug her down. She giggles as she falls on top of me. The guarded expression she wore last night is gone.

  Rolling with her, I mumble against her skin, “Can’t remember the last time someone offered me breakfast in bed.” Letting my hands roam to her hips and under her shirt, I’m exploring her smooth skin like I wanted to last night. Bonus, I can see now that it’s light outside. Stopping at the bottom of her bra, I wait for any sign that points to no, but she nuzzles against me and I move higher to the promised land.

  Cupping her over her bra, my fingers catch on something and I pull her shirt up to better investigate.

  “Kitty, did you wear this for me?”

  She looks a little embarrassed as I stare down at her lacy white bra that has a tiny pink bow attached to each strap. She looks like a present waiting to be unwrapped.

  “I love it,” I say as I run my thumbs over her nipples through the bra. She shivers into my touch and I bring my mouth to one peak and bite.

  I have every intention of taking my time until my phone pings with a text. Know that’s Wes without even looking. She squirms underneath me, wriggling her hips until I move beside her and trail a hand down to her pussy, cupping her through her leggings. God bless the thin material that does nothing to buffer the heat pulsing from her. Her sweet sex sounds fill the air and I can’t wait to properly adore every inch of her.

  I’m seriously regretting being a good guy last night because there isn’t enough time to do the things I want to do to her before I gotta get to practice or before Christian comes looking for his mom.

  Finding the waistband of her leggings, I slide my hand underneath and down. Christ, she’s not wearing underwear. Which means she wasn’t last night either.

  “What no matching panties?” I joke.

  She catches her bottom lip between her teeth and now I’m fucking curious.

  “They have a bow on the back, but it looked like I had a bubble butt, so I took them off.”

  Chuckling at the image of her checking out her ass before I got here, I show her my approval by removing my hand and placing two fingers to her lips. “Suck,” I urge.

  She hesitates but opens slowly for me. Once I’m inside, her tongue caresses my fingers and her cheeks hollow.

  “Good girl,” I say, pulling them free and then guiding my hand back down, finding her clit and rubbing slowly.

  Her hips rise to give me better access and I waste no time giving her what she wants. I continue in lazy strokes that become faster as she grinds into me. She fucks my hand with such abandon, I’m wondering where my tentative Kitty went. Maybe I read her all wrong.

  I pull away just enough to fully appreciate the view of Katrina sprawled out under me looking like she’ll die if I don’t make her come. I’m a generous guy, happy to be the one doling out orgasms as well as receiving them, but never have I so enjoyed watching someone get theirs knowing I’m gonna be going home with blue balls.

  “That’s it, Kitty. Come for me.”

  I circle her clit faster and slide a finger inside her as she cries out. Her eyes open and lock on mine. My heart hammers in my chest as I feel her completely let go and ride the pleasure.

  When she goes limp, I move my hand and roll on top of her letting her feel how turned on I am. My dick twitches and fucking begs me not to move.

  “That was fucking hot, Kitty. You feel so good,” I tell her and mean every word. “Gonna have to request a viewing of those pretty panties you discarded when I’ve got more time. Call you later, Bubble Butt.”

  I place a kiss on her mouth and jump up, grab a piece of bacon from the plate of breakfast she brought me. As I bring it to my mouth, I breathe in the smell of her on my fingertips, pop the bacon in and then lick my fingertips. “Thanks for breakfast.”

  Pussy coated bacon… my new favorite.

  She rights her clothes and sits up looking adorably rumpled and shy. “Give me two minutes to distract Christian and then you’re clear to make a run for it.”

  * * *

  “Moreno,” Coach calls out from the sideline and motions me over.

  Practice is basically over and all that is standing between me and a hot shower is ten more free-throws.

  “What’s up?” I ask, wiping my face with my practice jersey.

  “Tough game this weekend. How are you feeling?”

  “Good. I’m ready. Team is looking good too.”

  He nods. “Got a couple more calls from Sara Icoa. She’s going to be here Saturday and she’s got a good relationship with the Lakers.”

  Lakers are my top choice. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve bled purple and gold. There are lots of good teams in the league, but anything other than LA is going to feel like the second choice. Sara Icoa is Z’s agent but has been pursuing me hard this year too. I want to finish college – even if this year is my best shot at displaying my talents. With Z and Malone graduating, next year is looking like a rebuilding year for Valley. Not the best year to try and get a spot on my dream team.

  I’m silent as I consider my future against another year at Valley.

  “With the new NCAA rules, you can talk with an agent without declaring for the draft. If you want me to set anything up, just let me know. I know I’m not telling you anything you don’t know, but as much as I’d like to keep you here next year, it might be good to keep your options open.”

  I glance around my favorite spot on campus, maybe in all of Valley, and try and picture tomorrow being my last time playing in Ray Fieldhouse. “Thanks, Coach.”

  “Also.” He clears his throat. “I wanted to apologize for last night. I didn’t mean to steal your reservation.”

  I smirk. “Araceli’s is the best, right?”

  He chuckles. “It was perfect.”

  “And the woman?”

  “Well, I’m not sure there’s going to be another date, but she was less awful than the last one. Do yourself a favor and when you find a good woman in your twenties, marry her. Dating after thirty is awful.”

  “Well, I’m in no rush for marriage, but the advice is noted.”

  “And the young woman you were with last night? She aware of that? She looked pretty smitten.”

  “She’s aware.”

  Maybe too aware of my past. She seems to be constantly waiting for me to move along and maybe I should before things get too messy.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  He nods, eyebrows raised. “Sure.”

  “Ever date a single mom?”

  Understanding dawns on his face and he eyes me with something like pity as he puts the pieces together.

  “Yeah, I have. Nothing serious, though. My experience with dating women with kids is there’s no half ass. It’s either serious or it’s not and they usually go into the relationship already expecting one or the other. If your girl really is aware that you’re not looking for anything serious right now, then I’d say she’s already made her peace with that.”

  I consider that. Has Kitty put me in the nothing serious column? She should. Isn’t that what I’ve done to her and every other girl since Polly?

  But fuck, why does that annoy me so much?



  I’m all smiles as I brin
g the box from the door to the living room. “Christian, you got mail.”

  His eyes light up at the box with his name written in large black letters.

  “Who’s it from?”

  I already know, but I’m not sure exactly how to explain, so I ignore his question by distracting him. “Let’s see what’s inside!”

  As he tries to tear into the box, failing to rip past the heavy mailing tape, I grab scissors from the kitchen and then re-join him on the floor. “Here let me help.”

  A few quick cuts and Joel’s scent permeates the air.

  Christian dives for the open box, pulling out a mini basketball and a foam finger with the Valley U branding. I can’t help but laugh.

  While he’s busy pulling out enough Valley basketball merchandise to outfit an entire cheering crowd, I text Joel.

  Me: Thank you. Christian is so excited.

  Joel: There’s something in there for you too.

  I look over the pile Christian has amassed, spotting one t-shirt that’s clearly too large for my son.

  “I think this one is for me,” I tell him as I hold it up in front of me. The t-shirt is like many others I’ve seen, Valley U Basketball screen-printed on the front with our roadrunner mascot, but the back has Moreno and number thirty-three proudly displayed.

  Me: I was really hoping for a Zeke Sweets jersey. Where can I get one of those?

  Joel: If you show up today in a Sweets jersey, I’m going to spank you later. Fair warning.

  My body tingles. At Joel’s hand, I think I might just be okay with a little spanking.


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