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Warrior (Twisted Sister #2)

Page 5

by Lacy LeRoch

  “Well, maybe I have. But come on, you and I both know that you love doing stupid shit. It’s like…” I lift my shoulder and smirk, “…in your bones or something.”

  Jordi rubs his chin deep in thought. “This is true, very true.” He rubs the stubble that lines his jaw. “Now, come on. Why don’t you tell me what it is that you want before someone walks in and busts us?”

  I start to pace the room, I’m unsure on how to tell him what it is I need from him. I don’t even know if it’s the right thing to be wanting from him.

  “That look on your face tells me that I might get into a lot of trouble for this. So, therefore, I like the idea already, and if it lets me piss in the council’s backyard, then I’m in on it.”

  I feel relieved in a way, he’s agreeing before he even knows what I’m asking of him. I run my hands down over my dark denim jeans, and tuck them into the pockets, not wanting Jordi to see them shaking. I’m nervous, actually scratch that, I’m actually scared to death of what I’m about to ask him to do. I’m the Prince of Dragons and an elder of the council. I never cross these lines of integrity and honor.

  And Mon Dieu, I’m just about to blow everything I’ve ever believed in, just to make this happen. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to protect the council and all those on this Island. That’s what I need to keep saying in my head, it’s what I need to remember when I look back over this later and wonder if I’m doing the right thing. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and call on a peaceful mind.

  “I want you to acquire me something.”

  “By acquire, you actually mean steal, right? I’m all ears.”

  “Of course, the deviate would like the idea of stealing. Just hurry up and tell the wolf what you want already. Than we can go and find some tail. I need a release,” Dragon groans.

  Dragon is really starting to get on my nerves.

  I look up at Jordi and continue to explain as clearly as I’m able, “I don’t think you’re going to be so excited, once you find out what it is that I want you to acquire.”

  His head perks up and his wolf pushes to the surface making his blue eyes shift into a gold as bright as the sun. His eyes sparkle with interest as he stares at me, and his head cocks to the side suddenly as he listens carefully to something.

  “Well, whatever it is, you need to start talking. The young ones are finished and are getting ready to leave the other examination room.”

  Shit, this doesn’t leave me much time.

  “I need you to go to the main realm and bring a woman back for me.”

  Jordi’s rough voice rumbles with amusement, “I’m sorry, Philli my man, but if it’s a woman you want, I can just give you one of the bitches.”

  “He cannot be serious to think that we would want a dog. Not to mention, the wolf has probably slept with the entire female pack. Yuck!” Dragon complains shivering in disgust.

  “Quiet,” I groan.

  “Wait, I thought you wanted my help? Fine, fuck you, too.”

  Jordi stands in anger, stomping his feet and making a beeline for the locked door.

  “Stop, Jordi! Dragon is giving me a really hard time, I was talking to him, not to you. I didn’t realize I was speaking aloud.”

  Jordi huffs heavy and continues to walk over to the door.

  “We don’t need him. We can go and get the human woman ourselves, and it would save us having to get this… whatever, to do anything for us.”

  Dragon has a point, we could do this ourselves. But I have a small problem, I don’t think I could handle myself around so many females right now. A dragon on his heat is not a very gentle creature, I would hate myself if I hurt anyone. I tell Dragon just that as I walk over to the door and grab hold of Jordi’s shoulders, effectively stopping him. I know what he’s trying to do, he wants me to grovel at his feet. What he doesn’t realize is that I will do exactly that, I can’t explain the need of urgency I have right now. It’s like the universe is pushing me to make it happen. My mind won’t stop thinking about it.

  “Please don’t do this. I know you want to get back at the council. So, now is your chance. I need you to kidnap a doctor.”

  “A doctor…” He spins around and glares at me, his wolf showing in his eyes. “Are you out of your ever-loving mind? Here I was thinking you just wanted some mortal tail. But why the hell does it have to be a doctor?” Jordi groans closes his eyes and growls softly. “Dude, you need to explain this to me very slowly. You need to tell me everything you know.” His head tilts to the side again and he raises a finger over his lips. “But right now, we need to leave this room, there are people coming.”

  “The wolf is right, we need to leave. I can hear some of the Watchers coming from down the hallway. Not to mention, I can smell the scent of fresh sex just outside the room. That can only mean that the young ones are out there,” Dragon grumbles unimpressed.

  “Okay, Dragon is telling me the same thing. How about we meet up after the poker game tonight.”

  He nods an agreement and we both turn to make our way out of the medical room. My chest feels lighter than it has all day, I’m excited to start down this path.

  Jordi and I are knocked into each other as a sonic boom sounds and shakes the ground we stand on. Windows shake in their frames, the glass cracks, as decorative vases and pictures fall to the ground around us.

  “What the fuck?” Jordi yells out over the bellowing noise. “Move your feet, we need to get to the great hall to protect the council at all costs,” Jordi yells, running toward the great hall.

  Our heavy footfalls echo, as we move as fast as we can. We need to get to the Council Meeting Room. God only knows what members are in there as we speak. My heart sinks when we turn the corner to see the meeting room alight, flames licking up the walls. Half the room is destroyed, the main table is turned over and against the wall. The Knight’s Sword that represents our love and honor for each other is wedged hilt deep in the heavy oak set doors.

  “The blast was a strong one to move that, Philli,” Dragon says.

  My eyes frantically scan the room, I need to make sure that no one is hurt and in need of care. I’m able to breathe a little easier when I notice the council room is empty—thank the heavens for that. For the first time today, I’m thankful the ceremony is on today. It just saved hundreds of council members’ lives as they would have gone home to get ready for the event later today.

  Wait… the crowning ceremony. This was an attack on the new Lyian Leader.

  “Holy fuck! Jordi,” I call out running over toward the wolf, who’s standing on the other side of the room, looking out of the huge hole in the wall. “Jordi…” I call again and shake his arm to gain his attention, “…the ceremony, the council isn’t the main target.”

  Jordi spins around, and with one almighty howl, he sends out a call to his pack. Jordi is gearing up for war. We hear the howl of his beta and omega echo back in unison.

  “Lucy… you think the target is Lucy?” I watch as he works it all out even before it has left his mouth. “Fuck,” he growls.

  “We need to get to her and now, Jordi. We need to protect her and the babe.”

  Turning we run as fast as we can toward Rafe and Lucy’s chambers. Lucy would be the target, due to the fact that she was to be the newly inducted Leader for all the Lyians. She would soon be the voting voice for all the females on the Island. And now she’s with child, this makes matters even more delicate.

  I hit the main hallway at a dead run. I’m knocked to the side by a blast of heat, the debris knocking me off my feet. I’m blown into the stone wall with such a strong force, it makes me bounce into it hard and land back in the middle of the hallway, face down on the light blue runner rug. Mon Dieu that hurt. I groan in pain and lift my head, scanning around for Jordi.

  “Jordi… Jordi, are you all right?” I yell over the blaring sound of sirens and the heavy sound of footsteps running toward us. “Ahh,” I groan and roll over onto my back.

  My sight is
blurry, everything’s a mess of smoky shadows and dark figures. I reach up and scrub my hands over my eyes, I hate being without sight. My skin starts to bubble and stretch as Dragon tries to push forward and take over.

  “Let me out now, our people need our help,” Dragon yells, sending a heat wave of healing over my body. His anger bubbles in my veins like a furnace and I can’t blame him.

  I send the thought inward, “Let me make sure the wolf is okay, then you may come forward and take all the revenge you want, Dragon. You have my word.”

  We have never had anyone attack us on our own turf before. This is a worry in itself, my mind is already a whirl of questions and speculations. How did they get close enough to attack us? The Dragon Warriors protect the skies, and the Wolf Pack watches the forest for intruders. I don’t like where my line of thinking is going, but it’s the only thing that makes and sense at all.

  We must have a traitor on the Island.

  “Jordi…” I scream starting to panic.

  I forget my own pain and jump to my feet, searching frantically in the debris for the wolf.

  “Over here,” an agony filled groan comes from the left of me.

  “Keep calling out, Jordi, I can’t see you.”

  I pull at the wooden beams and shattered glass covering my surroundings, and move it all around searching for any sign of Jordi. He doesn’t answer me when I call out again, so I do the only thing I can think of, I close my eyes and try to connect with his mind. If I can just hear his wolf or even just get a glimpse of his thoughts, I might be able to find him. Our minds never completely switch off, so even if he was unconscious, I should still be able to hear him. Owen and Jay start calling out in the distance, but I need to focus all my energy into Jordi.


  “Ignore Jay, Philli. You need to concentrate,” Dragon whispers faintly.

  Mon Dieu, my panic starts to skyrocket. Dragon sounds weak and distant. Right, I need to get this done, then I can focus on Dragon. I slow down my breathing and allow the trance to take me away.

  “Hmm, that’s it, yeah. Lick right there. Good girl.”

  Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me. Trust the wolf to be thinking of sex, even when he’s in pain.

  “Well, if you even remembered what it felt like, you’d be thinking about it as well.” Dragon laughs into my mind.

  Weak, but there. Good, hold on Dragon.

  “Smart ass,” I groan at him. I know he can feel my panic for him, but I won’t start to make a big deal about it… just yet anyway.

  I pull my thoughts back to Jordi, allowing only the memories of the wolf into my mind. I get the low echo of his voice and start to single down his location. I run over to the stack of wood and beams that line the wall and start to dig. He’s here, I know he is. I just have to get to him and fast. His memory echo is drifting away from me at an alarming rate.

  “Fuck! Philli, nooo. Stop… fuck,” Owen’s voice screams out from behind me.

  A loud roar fills my ears, a searing pain like nothing I’ve ever experienced before pulls at my chest. I scream out in agony and place my hand over the pain. I can feel myself becoming weak and disorientated. I lose all feeling in my hand and it flops uselessly to my side. I’m confused, as I glance down and see a piece of wood lodged dangerously close to my heart.

  “Oh, fuck,” I groan and fall backward, lost in a curtain of darkness.

  Chapter Four

  “Is he awake yet?” a disembodied voice comes from above my head.

  “He took a nasty hit. He will need time to heal.

  I know that voice, that’s Sophie. Who are they talking about? I try to open my eyes, but they just won’t move. I’m groggy and can’t think straight.

  “Where was he, when the blast hit?”

  Why can’t I make out that voice? It sounds like I’m standing in an empty cave and the sounds are bouncing off the stones in the walls and I can’t make heads or tails of what is being said.

  Mon Dieu, I have the worst pain in my chest. I raise my hand to bring it up to where the pain is, but nothing will work the way I want it too. My arm won’t lift, and my eyes won’t open.

  “He was coming out of medical with Jordi. Umm… McKinley?” Sophie asks.

  The other voice is McKinley. How could I not know that? God, I’m so confused.

  “What is it that you want to tell me, Sophie?”

  “He was rushed over to the Seer’s quarters earlier today.” Her voice is timid and meek.

  I wish I could open my eyes to see what’s going on? My hearing seems to be the only thing working at the minute, and even that isn’t one hundred percent. I’m glad for that small miracle, but it’s my eyesight I want back.

  “You don’t need your eyes you fool, or have you forgotten what you are?” Dragon hisses.

  “While I am glad you are still with me, Dragon, I don’t think I can put up with your snickering or bitching right now. I have not forgotten who or what I am. But I haven’t got the strength or energy to travel out of my body right now,” I tell him exasperated.

  I don’t even know why I have to explain this to him, he is me and I am him. He can feel my energy is lacking and the pain I’m in is intense.

  “Pft, I’m stronger than you. I feel no pain,” Dragon huffs out with disdain.

  I know he’s hurting just as much as I am, but I won’t pull him up on that right now. If he wants to believe he’s stronger than I am, and not feeling any pain, I will allow it.

  “What was he called over there for? And do not think you can lie to me young one. You know I can tell such things,” McKinley demands.

  This makes me want to laugh. He might have everyone else fooled, but not me. I know he’s not able to tell the difference between a lie and the truth. That’s a very rare gift. As old as I am, I’ve known only two Truth Tellers, but even they weren’t able to use the gift to its full extent.

  “McKinley, take it easy on her. Now, is not the time to discuss such things. If it’s something we need to know, he will tell us when he’s ready,” someone else comments from close by.

  “Jay, I didn’t hear you enter the room. I’m guessing all is well? What news do you have for me?” McKinley asks.

  I should have known that Jay would be at my side. But from the tone of his voice, he’s worried. I don’t want to hear that in his voice. Come on, wake up. Just wake up. No matter how much I try to open my eyes, they just won’t move. I don’t want my Brother to hurt.

  “Only you would think about work. Half of the Warriors are injured and the other half are looking for clues as to who and what did this,” Jay grumbles out in frustration.

  The room falls silent, not a sound can be heard. Someone huffs as another grunts. And someone starts to walk around the room, the sound of shit-kicker boots hitting the ground is the only sound I can hear. I feel the static energy of the room change, as someone starts to lose rein on their temper.

  “What are you trying to say, Jay? Just spit it out already.”

  Come on Philli, now is the time to wake up. Those two are always going at each other’s throats. The warm comfort of Dragon’s relaxation waves is usually the only thing that will calm either one down.

  “I believe what I’m telling you is, that only you would be so fucking self-centered and naïve to be thinking of all the wrong things right now. First, you take my brother’s position, then you start spouting off bullshit. Now you insult my other brother when he’s lying in a medical room on his death bed. Oh, and here’s the fun one… are you ready? Now, you ignore all the warning signs, and because of your lack of leadership, half the Island is fucking hurt.”

  Something bangs hard, and grunts and curses fill the room. The scent of violence is thick through the air. I try and will my body to open my eyes, but nothing happens. The smell in the air grows stronger with every second. I feel like a failure, as I lie on the bed unable to move. I’m the one who they all come to when things need to be calmed down, or when they need someone to defuse a
situation. Why can’t I just open my eyes?

  “Get your fucking hands off me, McKinley. That’s the only warning you will get from me,” Jay pants.

  “You need to try harder to wake up, Philli. You need to calm this down before they both start fighting over stuff that has no real value,” Dragon groans.

  “Dragon, I need you to try and send out a calming scent, until I am able to speak to them,”

  Dragon grunts his approval as I try to open my eyes. Dragon’s right, I need to try to wake up and talk some sense into these two. I can feel the tension building in the room, the scent is making me feel ill to my stomach.

  “Are you both completely out of your mind?” Sophie screeches from the other side of the room.

  “I have twelve rooms full of injured, and you two are both in here acting like someone pissed in your cereal. Grow up! You both have very important seats on the council. So goddamn… act like it.”

  Stomping feet echoing around the room tells me she’s left in a huff.

  “Why can’t we mate with that one? She has a strong will and an even stronger spirit,” Dragon croons in thought.

  “Dragon, that girl is a child that we have helped raise. It would be wrong on so many levels. Now, help me wake up.”

  Dragon blasts a heat wave through my body, sending with it healing waves, one after the other. I feel my body mending and fusing back together. Dragon is the only one I know who can heal someone as fast as he does. I won’t normally ask him to help heal me, as the healing always hurts more than the accident itself, and it drains Dragon’s energy. A Dragon without high energy is something you don’t want. If anything were to happen, I wouldn’t have the power to shift. But with the situation right now in the room, I have no choice.

  “I’m sorry Jay, I don’t know what overcame me,” McKinley says.

  “You know exactly what it was, but we will not speak of this again. We need to find out everything Philli knows and fast. I have a feeling this is only the beginning, and what makes this even worse, is I haven’t been able to get into contact with Kelan,” Jay grumbles.


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