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Never Look Back - a Gripping Bad Boy Mafia Romance

Page 101

by Gabi Moore

  Finn stopped her sobbing and looked up at Monique. “I don’t know whether to slap you or kiss you,” she said. At least her tears were over. “What the hell do I do about the girly-love issue? I’m not so sure I can give it up.”

  “Talk about it with you husband-to-be and see if you can work something out,” Monique recommended. “This shouldn’t be a deal-breaker when you’re off planet. You were married to a man before, weren’t you?”

  “Let’s not go there….”

  “I don’t think your sexuality is carved in stone. You’d be surprised how fluid it can be with most women.”

  “Is that an offer?”

  “Anywhere but here it might be. I don’t need to further complicate things by bringing another person in to our bed. I haven’t talked it over with either of my Daddies, but I’m sure it will come up the longer they are on Earth. Off-world, the sexual balance is so out of whack they don’t have much opportunity to experiment.”

  “I’m ready to go back inside,” Finn told her. “Just work with me these next few days. It’s a lot to deal with.”

  “I will do what I can.”

  Monique took her by the hand and walked her out of the hedge maze and back to the patio at the rear of the mansion. A groundskeeper was busy with his lawn mower but didn’t look up at the two naked women who strolled past him. He knew the rules, liked his job and planned to be paid as long as he could.

  Monique sat up with Finn that night and answered most of the questions she had. By the time she wanted to turn in, she seemed to be in better sprits. Monique tucked her into bed and left her room as she went directly to her own. She opened the door to find Eglise in bed watching TV. He turned to her as she entered the room.

  “Things going better for the new woman?” he asked. “I hope so because her perspective husband will be here tomorrow and she needs to be in a good mood if she wants to make the right impression.”

  “I’ve talked with her,” Monique said to her lover as she turned back the sheets and slipped into bed with him. “I think she will be fine. There is one thing I did want to ask, Daddy.” She rolled over on top of him and looked at Eglise directly in the face.

  “What, Little One?” he replied. Monique could feel him stiffen beneath her. Nossa wasn’t supposed to be here tonight, so she could give Eglise her full attention.

  “We have these rules which forbid sex with guests for a reason,” she said to him. “I think she might need me in the room with her the first night with potential husband. Not for long, just enough to help her relax. Would this be a problem?”

  “I don’t understand,” he said to her. “Does she have some issues with men in general? Nothing showed up in the tests.”

  “She’s just been with women over the past few years. I think she might need some encouragement with a man, as it will be the first time in years for her. Do Torzinite men find women with other women exciting? It happens to be a big fetish for Earth men.”

  “Seriously?” he said, pulling her close. “We’ve never had the opportunity to indulge it, the ratios being what they are. I really need to examine human erotic videos with some eye to picking out the stimulations. I’ve spent most of my time researching the female sexual arousal mechanisms. I’m beginning to understand the male ones are somewhat different.”

  “You could say that,” Monique told him as she began to kiss the head of his tool. She was so impressed by the physiology of the Torzinites and how long they could maintain an erection. Eglise leaned back his head and moaned as she went to work. In some ways, the men of both species were very similar.

  “How do I look?” Finn asked her the next day. They spent the entire morning with her, working on her hair, painting her nails, and applying just enough makeup to give the right appearance. Monique had just finished adding some rouge to her nipples and rubbing lotion all over her. A servant would let them know when her Torzinite husband-to-be was in the mansion and relaxed. Monique heard a car pull up at the front hours ago and suspected it might be him.

  “Radiant,” Monique told her as she stood back and looked at the nude form of Finn. “He’ll want you on the spot.” The plan was for Monique to put on her robe and lead Finn naked into the reception area, which was off to the side of the front room. Her Torzinite match would be seated on a vinyl couch and Monique would lead her into the room and present Finn to him. He would stand up, take her by the hand and greet her. They would be seated on the same couch. Eglise would be by the man’s side in a chair and Monique on the other side in her chair. They would wait for at least five minutes to answer any questions the two might have toward each other. Then Monique and Eglise would retreat to the office and wait for fifteen minutes. At the end of that time, Eglise would check in on them. Monique would take the next “check” and they would alternate for two hours as the couple got to know each other. Servants would take them drinks and report on how the conversation progressed. At the end of two hours it would be dinner time and all of them would sit down behind a large table in the dining room for an evening meal which would further allow them become acquainted.

  After dinner, Monique would take them out to a tour of the garden, maze, and let them be further accustomed to each other.

  At least this was the plan. How it would work out in reality was yet to be seen.

  There was a knock on the door and Monique walked over to open it. It was one of the servers.

  “Mr. Eglise wanted me to come and get you, ma’am. He said the new man is ready to meet her.” He shut the door and Monique heard him walk away. She turned back to Finn.

  “Are you ready?” Monique asked her. “He’s here to meet you.”

  “I guess I’m ready as ever,” she told her.

  “Just need one thing,” Monique told her. She walked over to the dresser and picked up a small bottle of perfume. In one quick movement, she sprayed a little scent between Finn’s breasts. They were perky and not very large. Somehow, she’d avoided the surgery so many of her contemporaries had done.

  Monique returned the bottle to the dresser and kissed Finn on the cheek. She took her hand. “Let’s go,” she said while tying her robe on. The match didn’t need any distractions. “Time to meet him.”

  Eglise and the new man, who was known as Crison, were in the reception area drinking some fermented beverage made on the home worlds. Neither had their shades on, so the feline nature of their eyes was on display. Just as Eglise wanted his new client to see his potential wife in the best light, he wanted Finn to see the man she might spend the rest of her life as he truly was.

  “Did you have any problems during the transfer?” he asked about the space folding method they used to bring him through to the Earth gate.

  “No,” Crison told him. “Everything was smooth.” He appeared to be about twenty-five, although it was difficult to tell the level of maturity on a Torzinite. He wore a suite fitted to him for the occasion. Eglise knew the young man was from a prominent family, which shelled out a lot of money to match him with an Earth woman. He hoped everything would go right.

  Crison knew he would be matched to a woman older than most of the women who came through the mansion, but he looked forward to the meeting. He was intrigued by her former career, as there was no equivalent on the home worlds due to the sex imbalance.

  “Ah here she is!” Eglise said as Monique walked into the entrance of the room. Behind her came Finn’s nude body on display. The older woman looked down and placed one foot behind her to allow her prospective mate to take in her form. Monique released her hand and walked back to look at her. The effect was astounding. The light hit her alabaster body just the right way and she was illuminated as if by a divine light.

  “I would like to introduce you to Anita Finn,” Monique said to Corsin.

  Both of them stood up. Monique could see the look of ecstasy in the new man’s face. She’d seen it with several of the other matches, but not on this level. The man was truly speechless.

  “And I would like
to you to meet Corsin,” Eglise said to Finn.

  As both Eglise and Monique took their chairs, Corsin walked to Finn and offered his hand. She looked up, smiled and took it. He walked her over the couch where she sat down and assumed a pose which the Torzinite men found pleasing. It was taught to her by Monique. The pose consisted of Finn putting her legs together and folding her hands in her lap.

  “You are,” Corsin tried to say, “So beautiful. I don’t think I have ever seen anything so gorgeous in my life.”

  Finn looked up at him and tried to prevent the tears. “Thank you,” she said to him. “That is the nicest thing anyone ever said to me.” She meant every word.

  They talked for the allotted fifteen minutes, but neither Eglise nor Monique had to say much. The communication was natural and neither one of them had any trouble in conversation with the other. They avoided any talk about the past and focused on the present. Finn asked Corsin how he liked Earth and he asked her what her favorite color was. Monique saw a private gesture from Eglise and left the room so the couple could speak in private.

  “I decided we should leave early,” Eglise said to Monique as they sat down in the office. “None of the negative signs were there. I think we have a case of love at first sight. I want to commend you on the fine job you did with her. Finn is a natural beauty, but tonight she was phenomenal.”

  “I want this to all work out for her,” Monique explained. “She’s been through a lot and needs a fresh start. If Corsin is the man for her, I want to make sure it happens.”

  “Still talking,” Eglise said to her after he’d returned from checking on them. Monique found a reason to go out and ask if they needed anything afterwards, but they hardly noticed her, so closely were the two focused on each other. The same thing happened every time the servants came in to report. By the time it was ready for dinner, they went to fetch them from the reception room and found them entwined on the coach watching the sun outside the window.

  Dinner was slow, but they managed to hold hands through the meal. At one point Corsin cut her food for her and fed his potential wife. Monique knew this was a custom off-world, but had never seen it before with a new match. She even allowed him to wipe her mouth with a napkin.

  Monique took them for a stroll in the garden and showed Corsin the back section of the estate. He seemed impressed, but most of his attention focused on Finn. He couldn’t stare at her long enough. She thrived on the attention and returned his stares with her own.

  Monique took the couple back to the mansion and gave Eglise a nod of approval as she walked past the office. She explained that Corsin would be with Finn tonight as it was the first evening of his arrival on Earth. She took them to their room and opened the door to let Corsin go inside it.

  “I need to speak with you,” she told Finn and then turned to Corsin. “Go ahead and make yourself ready. There is a shower in the room and plenty of things you might need. She’ll be with you in a moment.” Monique shut the door and took Finn to her own room.

  “How is everything?” she asked Finn. “You seem to have taken a liking to each other, but I need to hear the words from your mouth.”

  Finn gave her a big hug. “I can’t believe how perfect he is for me!” she exclaimed. “This is the man I’ve waited for all my life.”

  “Listen,” Monique said to her. “I’ve talked to Eglise and he’s all right with me being in the room with you if it would help. I can do this for you if you want me to. We’ll have to clear it with Corsin, but I think it will be fine.”

  “You would do that for me?” Finn said, unable to believe what she heard. “I don’t know how to thank you!”

  “Yes I would do it for you,” Monique said and planted a kiss on her lips. “Now let’s go, we don’t want to keep the man you will spend the rest of your life with waiting.” She walked Finn back across the hall and opened the door, closing it behind them as they entered the room.

  “Anita has something to tell you,” Monique announced.

  “I want Monique to join us tonight,” she explained to Corsin, “If it’s all right with you? Things have been rough for me and it would mean a lot.”

  Corsin, who was in the bed, couldn’t believe what Finn had said to him. “I have never heard of such a thing. Is it something you do on the first night on Earth? I have no issue with it.”

  “Thank you,” she said as she went to the bed and slid under the covers with him. Monique removed her robe and put it in the closet. In seconds, she was in the bed too, on the other side of Finn.

  It was Monique’s plan to assist her and not get in the way of things. She wanted Finn to feel relaxed and not have worry about performance anxiety. By the time she was in bed with the two lovers, Finn was on her side kissing her new lover. All Monique had to do was massage her back and help the tension move out of her body. Finn let out a low moan as she felt the long hands of Monique glide down her back.

  Monique stayed at the side, holding Finn’s hand as she laid back and allowed her love to mount her from the top. “It’s a bit hot,” she whispered into Finn’s ear as Corsin entered her. “Don’t worry, you’ll like it.”

  “Oh, God, I already do!” Finn cried out as she took him inside her.

  Monique was able to stoke her head as Corsin planted kissed all over her face. She could tell by the way her eyes rolled that Finn enjoyed every moment of what he was doing to her. She yelled as the first climax rolled through her. When Corsin climaxed, Monique could see the shock of the heat in her eyes. She arched her back up and gripped on Monique’s hand as she felt it fill her up inside.

  The two of them made love for the next three hours with Monique doing what she could to help. She really didn’t need to do much but lay there and encourage them. Monique felt her role was one of a cheerleader more than anything else. She left them sleeping in each other’s arms hours later.

  When Monique returned to her room, she found both Eglise and Noosa in bed waiting for her.

  “You’ve been busy,” Noosa said to her. “Do you have any love left for us?”

  “I always have plenty of love for my Daddies,” Monique said as she rolled between them. “So who gets which end?’

  The next day, Corsin and Finn went to the local justice of the peace and had the legal ceremony done. Normally, they liked the couples to wait a few days, but their attraction to each other was so intense there was no question. The piercer, always on short notice, arrived with the diamond labia ring and put it in Finn while Monique stood by and watched. Corsin held Finn’s hand when the piercer put it in.

  “Wow,” said the piercer as she watched the two of them embrace for a long time. “I don’t usually see this reaction.”

  “First one,” read the picture when Eglise showed it to Monique. He wanted her to see it before putting it in his album.

  The picture showed a very happy Anita Finn wearing a loose robe and holding her newborn daughter. She’d shaved her head, something that didn’t surprise Monique given the intensity of the love she had for her new husband of nine months.

  Monique put it in the album and returned to her desk. It was July and she would go out on the porch tonight, look at the stars and think about the women she’d helped find off-world husbands. Finn was special to her and made Monique sure of herself when she sent the “I Quit!” message into the agency drop box. She could almost see Mrs. Carpenter tossing her file across the room when receiving the news, wondering if she had to go in there herself to find out what made these women quit the agency?

  Monique still didn’t know who the agency plant was inside the mansion, but someday she would learn.

  In the meantime, she had two men who satisfied her, and she loved her job. She hoped it would last forever, although nothing ever did.

  - THE END -



  A Standalone Bad Boy Romance Novel


  Just as I leaned in to kiss her again, I heard her sc
reen door bang open behind me.

  A strange voice.

  “Maddy? Maddy are you home?”

  Her muscles tightened so quickly in my hands I thought they’d snap. Her eyes went wide and wild, and she froze. I was about to ask her if she was expecting someone when the voice came again, and her eyes shot to a point right behind me. I spun around to see a man standing in the living room.

  My mind raced.

  “Baby…?” his voice trailed off as we both took one another in.

  I had been trained for this. For these high-cortisol moments where one strange moment seems to stretch out forever. I thought of the blue and yellow mark on Maddy’s face. In that split second, I twisted my body round to position myself between him and her, throwing my weight into my thigh muscles so I could spring up quickly.

  There was the entrance I had come through, behind him, likely one in the kitchen and if this was the kind of built-in-the-80s house I thought it could be, there’d be a cheap frosted glass fitting in the bathroom that could be kicked clean out in an emergency. There was a glass ornament to her left that I could wield if necessary, but I had a better chance of taking him directly, since he wasn’t armed and a good few inches shorter than me. Low-ish muscle tone, no tats, civilian dress and no defensive posturing. I could have him pinned to the floor in less than six seconds.

  “Who the fuck…?” he started saying, and I realized she was cowering a little behind me.

  It was him. No question. The guy that had hit her. I stood up and puffed my chest a little. I didn’t want to let her know it, but I would relish giving this guy an ass-kicking, if he asked for it.


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