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Crown of Thornes : a modern day royal romance

Page 23

by Delaney Foster

  “I asked a girl named Madeline. She works in the kitchen. We get along great, and I think she’ll be a perfect fit,” I said, smiling as I remembered the way Madeline screamed so loud that Mrs. Fletcher dropped the pile of dishes she was carrying, sending a stack of porcelain plates crashing to the floor. Mrs. Fletcher just shook her head, ignoring the mess on the floor. She pulled us both into her arms and said, I knew you were meant for greater things… both of you. Then she looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said, I’m so happy he found you.

  I was happy we found each other.

  Mama dropped her gaze, and I could tell her heart was breaking. The Queen Mother hardly spoke to her anymore. In my mama’s eyes, she was never just a secretary. She was a friend. Apparently, the former queen had no use for friends.

  When she looked back at me, her eyes held so much pain that I wanted to march to the East Wing and slap the stupid right out of Sutton’s mother. “I’m glad you found someone you can trust. I know you’ll be good to her.”

  I squeezed Mama’s hand. “I was hoping you could train her.”

  She softly smiled and nodded her head. “I would love that. I still can’t believe in seven months my daughter will be the queen of Torryn.”

  “Do you think Dad would be happy for me?”

  Her smile grew. “I know he would be.” She cleared her throat and moved her hands to the square, black box she held in her lap. “Speaking of your father…” Her fingertips trailed across the bright red ribbon. “I believe you’ve been waiting for this.” My heart raced as she handed it to me.

  My inheritance.

  She stood and smoothed the front of her dark blue dress. Even though she no longer worked for the queen, Mama still managed to look the part every single day. “I’ll leave you to open it whenever you’re ready.” She leaned down and kissed my cheek. “Happy Birthday, Katarina. I love you.”

  I had let go of my anger towards Mama over losing the farm as soon as I’d found out the truth. I asked for her forgiveness, and she gave it without hesitation because that’s who Katherine Bellizzi was—a kind-hearted warrior with the grace and beauty of a thousand queens.

  “I love you too, Mama.”

  I stared at the box for what felt like an eternity before finally deciding to open it at the one place I’d always felt close to Dad.

  The sun warmed my skin, and the birds fluttered around the fountain, dipping in to steal a drink of water every now and again. More flowers had begun to bloom, making the South Garden look and smell like a tropical paradise. This was my home.

  “I miss you, Dad. I wish you were here. You’d like Sutton. He is an amazing king and I know he’ll be the perfect husband… and someday father to your grandchildren. The last few months have been a whirlwind… but in the most fantastic way. I have so many things I want to ask you, so much I don’t understand. I know I may never get the answers I need, but I also know that no matter what, you were a good man. I saw it in the way you treated everyone you met. I heard it in the way people spoke to you with such respect and admiration. I felt it in the way that you loved me and Mama. You were nothing like Jonathon or Keaton. You were a good man, and that’s exactly how I’ll always remember you.” I closed my eyes and blinked away my tears. “I love you.”

  I pulled the red ribbon loose and placed it on the bench where I sat. My heart pounded against my ribs as I pulled back the lid and looked inside. I knew that no matter what was in here, I was no longer leaving Torryn. My place was here, by Sutton’s side. I supposed it always had been. Maybe fate, maybe destiny, maybe God Himself, but something brought me here—brought me to him.

  I don’t know what I expected, an envelope full of cash, a check, a key to a safety deposit box… but the only thing inside was a letter. Who got letters for their inheritance?

  Apparently, I did.

  I unfolded the paper and heard Dad’s voice. The deep, hoarse timbre transported me back to late night bedtime stories as he tucked me in. I wished that was what this was—a simple bedtime story with no chance at being the truth. Because with every word I read, I felt my heart splinter into pieces and fall to the ground.


  Happy 25th birthday, sweet girl. I know you probably have so many questions—questions I pray this letter will answer for you.

  First of all, I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and everything I’ve done has been for you.

  Next, I want you to know that your mama knew nothing of any of this. I’ve kept this secret for you, only you. You choose what to do with it.

  Last, if this truth brings you pain or uncertainty, please forgive me. Know that I am only telling you these things because I love you and want to give you the world. I guess in a way, I am.

  Five years ago, I had to tear down the old barn. I’m sure you remember that day. It was the day everything changed.

  I found a journal buried deep beneath the ground in a steel box. Hundreds of years ago, there was a devastating war in Torryn. You learned about this war in history class—we all did—but the truth is so very different from the story we were told. A group of men came from England and surrounded the island with ships, making it impossible for anyone to leave. There was a different king at that time, a king who wasn’t a Thorne.

  These English soldiers and their leader killed most of the population and made servants of the rest. They put the king’s head on a block and used him as an example to exert their new authority. This is the part of Torryn’s history they didn’t teach you in school, mostly because no one really knows what truly went on during that battle. The Thorne king was never defending this land. He was stealing it.

  They killed the original king, but the queen escaped, not knowing until months later that she was pregnant. She fled to Italy and lived in poverty and hid in fear. She never told anyone who she was in order to protect her child, the true heir to the Torryn throne.

  Many years later, after she died, her grandchildren came to this country to start a new life. By then, the Thorne family had turned Torryn into a growing and prosperous nation. When her grandchildren approached the king of Torryn with their grandmother’s journal and the truth, he offered them more land and wealth than they’d ever known. Coming from a life of poverty, they took the deal, buried the journal, and lived as though nothing ever happened. They never told a soul.

  Until now.

  I found the journal, Katie. I know the truth.

  The queen who escaped the massacre—her name was Katarina Bellizzi, and you are her heir.

  There’s an army of people willing to go to war for you, even though they don’t know the full reason why yet. I only told them the truth about the battle. I never told anyone about the queen or her journal. I’ve given a man by the name of Jonathon Cirillo enough money to buy the farm so that you and your mother will have a safe place to stay until you receive this letter.

  Whatever you do, stay away from Thornebridge Castle until you make your choice. Queen Amelia knows the truth. She has the journal. I brought it to the castle on an impulse the day I found it, thinking—well, I honestly don’t know what I was thinking. She promised to show it to the king, promised they would make amends, but I know she never did. I’m so sorry. It was our only proof, and I no longer know where it is.

  If you’re wondering why I waited, why I didn’t take the throne for myself, it’s because I’m not a king. I’m just a humble farmer willing to do anything for his family. It is my heart to serve Torryn, not for Torryn to serve me. You… you were born with the heart of a queen. You are strong and loving and loyal to a fault. You will do great things.

  Take the throne, Katie. It belongs to you.

  I love you. Always.


  I read the letter four times to be sure I hadn’t misunderstood. I stared at it until the ink blotted and blurred. I could hardly feel my breath leaving my lungs. My mouth went dry, and my stomach turned. I thought back to the wooden ship in the Collection Room and the story Sutton
told about his ancestors. So much history, and none of it was real.

  Take the throne, Katie. It belongs to you.

  Sutton had been through so much, and I wasn’t going to be the one to tell him that his entire life was a lie. I refused to punish the man I loved for the sins of his ancestors—sins he knew nothing about. I folded the letter and crammed it in my pocket. Sutton made me a queen long before this letter ever did. I didn’t need to steal his crown. He handed it to me… right along with his heart.

  Thirty minutes later, I stood in the East Wing with my palm against the section of wall where the library door used to be. An electric pulse vibrated against my skin. I almost heard the secrets calling out from behind the smooth sheetrock.

  Sutton’s mother walked up behind me. “Are you lost?” she asked in the condescending tone I hope never to perfect as queen.

  I angled my body and looked her in the eye. “I know the truth. I know what’s behind this wall. I know the secret, and I know why you kept it locked away.”


  I cut her off, holding up my hand. “Stop. I’m not going to tell anyone. I get it—the chip on your shoulder, the way you treat my mother and me. You wanted to protect your king.” I narrowed my eyes at her. “And I’m going to protect mine. Sutton will never know. No one will.” Then I turned and walked away, leaving her mouth gaping.


  Sutton nipped my bottom lip as I pulled my mouth from his, ending the kiss. The reflection of the fire danced in his eyes as he stared at me.

  “What are you looking at?” I questioned.

  He smiled, and that smile put all my broken pieces back together. “My queen.”

  The ashes from Dad’s note floated through the air and out into the sea. I smiled back at Sutton with my heart full.

  I was a queen, and the queen always protected her king.



  One day a boy named Jacob found a map hidden in his grandfather’s office.

  “A treasure map!” His face lit up as he grabbed his backpack and favorite stuffed dinosaur. “Come on, Rex. We’re going on an adventure!”

  Jacob walked past all the houses in his neighborhood, past the post office and the park. He walked and walked until he finally reached the forest. Guarding the edge of the forest, there was a lion.

  Jacob walked right up to the lion. “Hello, I’m Jacob. I’m on an adventure to find the greatest treasure. You’re brave and strong. Will you come with me?”

  The lion nodded and followed Jacob through the woods. The deeper into the woods they went, the more noises Jacob heard. Animals moved high in the trees and howled beyond the hills, and Jacob started to get scared. Then he remembered the lion was with him, and he found his strength to keep going.

  On the other side of the forest, they came upon a small mountain where they met an eagle.

  “Hello, I’m Jacob. This is Lion. We’re on an adventure to find the greatest treasure. You can see far and wide and can let us know if there’s danger ahead. Will you come with us?”

  The eagle nodded and followed Jacob and Lion past the mountain. The mountains were tall, so Eagle flew high in the sky to watch over their path.

  When they made it through the valley to the open pasture, they met a sheep.

  “Hello, I’m Jacob. This is Lion and that’s Eagle. We’re on an adventure to find the greatest treasure. You might not be brave like Lion, and you certainly can’t fly like Eagle, but will you come with us?”

  The sheep nodded and followed Jacob, Lion, and Eagle over the pasture. The sun began to set, and it started to get dark and cold. They all shivered when the night wind blew through the air.

  Jacob looked at Sheep and smiled. “May we use your wool to keep us warm?”

  Sheep nodded, and Jacob, Lion, and Eagle cuddled against her. They all stayed warm through the night thanks to Sheep.

  The next morning, Jacob checked his map. He pointed to a tiny cottage across the pasture. “We’re here. The treasure is right over there!”

  When they reached the cottage, they found an old woman sitting in her rocking chair on the front porch. “I see you found the greatest treasure,” she said.

  “Is it here? Can you show us?” Jacob exclaimed.

  The woman laughed then pointed to the four friends. “You made it through the scary forest with the help of the brave lion. You made it through the valley while the eagle watched over you. You stayed warm through the night because of the sheep. Each of you helped each other. That’s called friendship, and that is the greatest treasure of all.”


  Omg. I have no idea where to begin. This story was never planned. It came to me in the middle of a royal binge marathon of The White Queen. Sutton and Katie started talking and never shut up lol. I could tell their story forever. I have a serious writing hangover thanks to these two. Someone needs to tell them they owe me wine. Lots of wine.

  I had the most amazing betas in the world. Sarah Nicole Phillips, Bailey Boughton, Kelli Harper, Nicole Woodford, Jenny Lesko, and Serena Worker- you hookers are the real queens of this story. Thank you so much! One day, we’ll all sit on the beach and sip wine and talk about how we hate to love Sutton Thorne.

  Speaking of Serena Worker, you are the best PA a girl could ask for. You go above and beyond every single day. You put up with my forgetfulness and completely nurture my weird OCD. You are awesome and I love you.

  Erin Toland you make sure I cross all my t’s and dot all my I’s and I am so grateful to have you in my life. Susie Poole Anderson, you are my lady crush and one day we will be married lol (As soon as it’s legal to have both a husband AND a wife). Thank you for making me look like I know what I’m doing. I would be lost without you. Seriously, you’re amazing. Like that time I found out they make blue wine amazing.

  Thank you to all the blogs who took the time to read, review, and share the news about my book baby. You guys are the backbone of this industry and I couldn’t do it without you.

  Thank you to my hookahs, Roux Cantrell and Lee Ann Bigaj. You keep me sane and listen to my ramblings. You’re my very best friends in the world and I love you both.

  And there’s no way I could ever do any of this without the support of my boys and my baby daddy. You guys are my biggest cheerleaders, even though you’re the ones who suffer through the mood swings- You know, when authors go from loving their craft to wanting to throw the laptop in the garbage because they truly believe they suck- and the cereal for dinner nights because I’m too deep in a chapter to quit writing now. You are my heart and soul. I love you.

  Thank you to all the readers- yep that’s YOU. Without you, my life would just be empty pages. Thank you for reading, and supporting, and loving, and following my words. I love you guys. Hard. I hope you enjoy reading Sutton and Katie as much as I enjoyed writing them.

  About the Author

  Delaney Foster is a native of the deep bayous of sweet Louisiana, not far from New Orleans- where eating, drinking, and dancing are pretty much a requirement for citizenship. She loves all things romance, a good glass of wine, and Saturdays at the baseball park. She does believe leggings are pants and is a bit of a book whore. In her heart Mr. Darcy will always be the ultimate book boyfriend. And in her books, you will find sexy alpha males and the strong women who love them.

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