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Taking Down Brooklyn

Page 5

by Kelly Moore

  “Are you sure about that?” she asks as she wraps her arms around my neck. Her scent is all around me, her heat sinks into me, and her weight feels so damn good sitting right on top of what is aching to be inside her.

  How long can I fight against this pull that she has over me? My hands find her hips, and they squeeze tightly. “Be careful what you wish for. You might get more than you bargained for.”

  She closes the distance between us. Her chest brushing mine as we’re nose to nose, and she runs her tongue across my bottom lip. “Is that right?” She sucks my lip into her mouth and grazes it with her teeth before releasing it. “I think I know exactly what I’m wishing for. Question is, will you give it to me?”

  I squeeze her hips even tighter, not caring if people are watching us. “Why don’t you tell me what it is you want?”

  “I want you to take me back to that bathroom and make me forget about the last few days. I don’t want to think about anything other than you and what that body can do.”

  I close the mere inches between us and softly move my lips to hers. I was right; they are sweet. My growing erection is now begging me to take her up on her offer. Why can’t I resist this woman?

  “I think I need a little incentive. What’s in it for me?”

  She flashes me a sexy grin. “Come back and find out.” She stands and takes my hand in hers, pulling me toward the back of the bar.

  Chapter Six


  All eyes are on her as she sways her ass, leading me to the bathroom. She pauses at the women’s door, she winks at me and licks her lips, and turns to the men’s restroom. It’s a single room, and as the door shuts behind me, she reaches around locking it, pressing her body firmly to mine.

  “Are you sure you want to do this in here?” I hold her ass with both hands, and she moans loudly.

  “I’m positive.” Her greedy hands are unzipping my pants already.

  “President’s daughter, to bathroom fuck. I think your crown is slipping, sweetheart.”

  “Well, let’s see if you’re man enough to knock it right off my head,” she says as she manages to get a firm grip on my cock, roughly stroking me.

  I grab her hands and push her backward at the same time. She hits the wall with a hard thud. I kneel down and untie her boots. Her hands grip in my hair pulling my head up and back to look at her.

  “Hurry up,” she says, biting her lip.

  I pull each boot off. She already has her pants shimmied down around her hips. I yank them the rest of the way down and bite the inside of her thigh. She lets out a hiss, pulling my hair harder. I stand and pin her against the wall, wrapping one of her legs around my hip.

  “Is this what you want?” I grind my hips harder into her.

  She throws her head back, hitting the wall. Her hair has fallen into her face. I pull her other leg up and thrust inside her. I reach up and brush the hair out of her dark eyes.

  “I want to see your face the moment your crown falls off,” I growl at her. I thrust into her again, banging her against the wall.

  “Harder,” she yells and bites my ear.

  I lift her by her ass roughly and pin her in a corner so that I can get deeper into her by shifting my hips. With each thrust deeper into her, she screams my name until she’s tightly gripping and pulsating around my hard as hell cock.

  Her eyes lock with mine when she starts to come down from her orgasm. “Finish it,” she says as her chest is still heaving.

  I thrust several more times, causing her to spiral again and it takes me with her.

  She slides down my body. She yanks up my pants, tucking me back inside and zipping me up. She reaches down like she’s picking something up off the floor. She places it on her head and adjusts it. “I need my crown back in place for when we make it into DC, but I rather enjoyed you knocking it off. Now, if you’d give me a minute, I need to clean up.”

  Fuck me. This woman is either going to kill me or get me killed. I unlock the door and step out. There are men lining the wall, waiting to use the restroom. I shut the door behind me and raise a finger in the air. “She needs a minute,” I say, standing in front of the door.

  A few of them laugh, another one claps.

  Moments later, I feel the door start to open behind me. I move away from the door, letting her out. She looks at the bikers and then at me. She lightly slaps me on the cheek. “Thanks, babe,” she says with a flirtatious smile and saunters past all the bikers whose eyes are firmly on her ass.

  I clear my throat, getting their attention. “It’s all yours now, gentlemen,” I say as I push the door open wider and walk by them. I find her already back at the bar guzzling down another beer. She smirks at me when I sit beside her.

  “Have you had your fun for the night? Are you ready to get out of here?” I ask.

  “Not until you’ve danced with me.” She giggles.

  “I don’t dance,” I say, taking the beer from her hand and swallowing down the last sip. “Besides, if you want to dance, I’m sure one of these burly men would accommodate you.” I sweep my hand in the direction of a table full of bikers gawking at her.

  She scrunches her cute nose up. “Not really my type,” she says.

  I scoot my barstool closer to her, pulling her legs between mine. “What exactly is your type, princess?”

  “Somewhere between high class and them.” She points in their direction, causing all of them to grin like Cheshire cats.

  “That’s a pretty big gap,” I say, twirling a red curl between my fingers.

  She places both her hands on either side of my legs and comes closer. “That leaves plenty of room for you.” She plants a kiss on my lips, giving them a show.

  “Well, maybe you’re not my type,” I whisper when she pulls back.

  She throws her head back, laughing. “You weren’t complaining a few minutes ago, and I don’t recall any protests the first time either.”

  Pushing her barstool back, I slide off my seat and take her hand. “Come on. It’s time to turn in. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.”

  “I haven’t had that dance yet,” she says seductively and tugs me onto the dance floor. “All you have to do is wrap your arms around me and sway those hips. I know from experience you’re good at that.”

  I give in and let her win. Besides, she’ll be rubbing her sexy body all over me.

  Between thoughts of me inside her and the bike vibrating between my legs on the ride back to the motel, I’m horny as hell again. She takes off her helmet and runs her hands through her locks. She looks at my crotch as I dismount my bike. She knows what the hell she’s doing when she licks her lips.

  “Do you need a hand with that?”

  “I will never turn down a hand,” I say, “especially yours.” She follows me up the stairs to our room. I have her stay outside while I inspect our room. “The coast is clear. You can come in. I think I’ll take a rain check on the handjob. We need to cover a plan for tomorrow. Tell me the layout of your apartment and the outside area,” I say, sitting on the bed.

  She plops down beside me. “There are always armed guards outside the building, checking Id’s. A lot of high-ranking officials in Congress live there. The back entrance is locked and can only be opened from the inside.”

  “How many stories does it have?”

  “Five floors. Mine’s on the top in the corner.”

  “And, you gave me shit about my penthouse.” I scoff. “No wonder you weren’t impressed.”

  “Not much impresses me anymore…except maybe you.”

  “Me or you mean my skills in the bedroom?” I tease her.

  “It has nothing to do with your ‘bedroom skills.’” She makes quotation marks with her fingers. “It has to do with the man inside of you. I think you’re a good man, regardless of your profession. I see a strong, protective man with a good head on his shoulders, who loves his brother. And now, a man who is about to help save millions of lives while risking his own to help a damsel in dis

  “You are no damsel in distress, but you do need my protection from the big boys that are after you. Back to your apartment. I assume you will be able to get me past the guards. We will need to get in and out as quickly as possible. I think once you get what you have stashed, we should pay a visit to your father. I’m sure he has people that can help protect you.”

  “I like you protecting me. I don’t want to be surrounded by agents again.”

  “I’m afraid that life is over for you. After all this comes out, there is no place you can hide that you won’t be recognized. You said the major oncologists in the United States are already receiving their vaccines. When do they start giving them to the patients?”

  “They won’t. The CDC has sent out medical teams to the ten oncologists’ offices that were chosen. They will be reviewing the medical records and then giving the vaccines themselves. That process has already started, and the first vaccine should be given any day now. It will be all over the news, with my face plastered everywhere.” She falls back onto the bed. “Why couldn’t I have just gone to law school like my father wanted me to?”

  “Then the world would have no one to cure them of the number one killer. I’m getting in the shower. Care to join me?”

  “I’m too exhausted.” She curls into a ball in the middle of the bed.

  I strip out of my clothes, stepping into the hot shower. The room steams up immediately. My thoughts can’t help but be on Brooklyn. I could fall for her so easily. Who am I kidding? I’ve already fallen for her. I’m deep in my own head when I feel arms wrap around my waist from behind.

  “I thought you were tired?”

  “I am, but could you just hold me.”

  This is the first sign of any vulnerability I’ve seen in her eyes. I do more than hold her. I wash her hair, working my way down every inch of her body. I’m hard as a rock but suppress the urge to be inside her. This is what this woman needs from me right now, and for some noble reason, I want to be the only man she needs ever again.

  I’m woken to a noise. I look over at the clock, and it’s three in the morning. Brooklyn is sound asleep next to me with her legs draped over mine. I slowly move to sit on the side of the bed, careful not to wake her. There is just enough light peering in off the street that I see movement between the slats in the blinds.

  I dig my Glock out of my bag and make my way to the motel door. I look out the peephole but see nothing. As I’m standing there, the knob moves only a fraction of an inch. If the person is out of my view, he has to be standing to the right of the door. I get to my knees and crawl to the window, so he doesn’t see my shadow. Bending a slate slightly up, the body of a man is pressed against the glass, blocking my view. I can’t make out anything but that he is wearing black.

  I hear him toying with the lock, trying to pick it. I glance over at Brooklyn who is dead to the world. I don’t have time to wake her up and warn her this time. He’ll be through the door within seconds. I get back and take my hiding place behind the door. The knob moves again, and this time the door cracks open. I see an outstretched gun come through the door first. He steps in and clears the door. Flipping my gun around, I hit him in the head with the butt of the gun. He goes crashing down, slamming his head on the dresser, and blood splatters on his way to the floor.

  In one move, Brooklyn is standing in the middle of the bed, holding the gun she has stashed under her pillow. I flip on a light, holding my hands in the air. “Don’t shoot,” I say, and she points the gun at the intruder on the floor.

  “How do they keep finding us?” she asks.

  “I don’t know, but I’m about to find out.” I yank the cord of the floor lamp, tying the man’s hands behind his back.

  Brooklyn climbs off the bed and snatches the man’s head up. “From the looks of him, I don’t think he’s going to be telling us anything anytime soon.” She lets go, and his head smacks the floor again.

  “Get dressed and get your things. We need to get the hell out of here now.”

  I slip on jeans and a T-shirt while she dresses. She tosses me my bags, one at a time. We both put on our leather jackets on the way down the stairs. She starts strapping her bags to the bike.

  “Wait, don’t move?” I tell her.

  “What is it,” she asks, scowling at me.

  I walk around her bike, running my hands all over it. I repeat the process with mine, and my hand stops on a small square box under my tailpipe. “Shit! They must have put a locator on my bike when we were at the hangar.”

  I get up and start strapping my bags to her bike. “What are you doing?”

  “We’re leaving my bike here.”

  “Why? Why don’t you remove it?”

  I straddle her bike. “Because now I want you glued to me at all times, and that can’t happen with us on two bikes. Let them keep locating me right here. It will buy us some time.”

  “Why do you get to drive my bike?”

  “We don’t have time to sit here and argue. Now get your sweet ass on the back of the bike.” I crank it up.

  She squints her eyes at me, letting me know she’s pissed before she throws her helmet on. She jerks the bike straight upright when she plants her ass on the seat, shifting my balance. I slide back on the seat, pinning her to the back.

  We make it into DC, and I stop at a twenty-four-hour diner a few blocks from her apartment. The sun isn’t even up yet. I’m going to need an entire pot of coffee to get through this day. The diner is completely empty other than one waitress and a cook in the kitchen.

  We sit in a booth, and I start pulling out napkins. “What are you doing?” Brooklyn asks.

  “Old habit. I need to draw your apartment and the surrounding buildings.”

  The waitress comes up to our table. “Pot of coffee and a pen,” I say before she asks.

  “I’ll have two eggs over medium, a ton of bacon, and a large stack of pancakes,” Brooklyn tells her.

  “Are you hungry?” I ask, laughing.

  “No, I always eat that much food. My dad always said that I eat more than an entire hockey team.”

  “Looking at that sexy body of yours, you’d never know it.”

  “I’m just lucky I guess.”

  The waitress, who never speaks, throws a pen on the table, and I immediately start drawing everything Brooklyn describes. “Like this?” I turn the napkin toward her.

  “No, more like this.” She takes a fresh napkin and the pen out of my hand and starts drawing. I watch her as she bites down on her lip, concentrating on her drawing. She slides it across the table when she’s done.

  “Wow. Let me guess, art classes too.”

  “I have many hidden talents that you don’t know about,” she says with a flirtatious smile.

  I stare at her mouth. “I wish I had time to learn all your many talents,” I whisper.

  She leans back in the booth, and her foot runs up my leg. “I wish you did too, John.”

  I close my eyes to refocus on the drawings. “Draw me the buildings that surround your apartment. I’ve changed my mind about going in with you. I’m going to watch from a rooftop. You will go in your apartment armed and ready for anything. I want to be in the best vantage point to see you at all times. When you first get in the door, you turn on all the lights and open the blinds. Draw them all the way up to the top. If you have curtains, make sure they are wide open.”

  “I’ll know if someone has been in there. The alarm would have been tripped and the guards outside notified along with the police.”

  “You aren’t dealing with your average burglar. These men know how to take out a system without tripping it. I’ve done it a million times.”

  “One of these days you’re going to have to tell me how you got dragged into this business. You’re a smart man. You could have chosen another career,” she says.

  “I’m hoping one day I’ll have time to sit and tell you. For now, keeping drawing, princess.”

  Chapter Seven

p; John

  I study over the drawings and drink my coffee while she polishes off enough food for an entire country.

  When she finishes her breakfast, we hop on the bike and drive it a little closer to her building. I park around the corner, and we both start in the direction of her apartment.

  There is an alley between her apartment and the next building, and we stop in the middle.

  “Grab what you need and get back out as quickly as possible. I’ll be on this roof.” I point to the building next to hers.

  “Okay,” she says before taking a step to walk away from me. I catch her hand and pull her back against me. “Be careful,” I tell her then press my lips to hers.

  When I pull away, her cheeks are flushed, and her dark eyes gleam with excitement. “I will,” she whispers before walking away.

  I want to stand here and watch her walk away, watch as she sways from side to side, but I have to get to my location.

  I turn and walk down the alley, around to the back of the building, and look up. There is a fire escape, but the only problem is, the fire escape only goes to the top floor, not the roof. I keep walking and come upon a back exit. I try the handle, but it’s locked, and I need a security code to get inside.

  I kneel and place my bag on the ground. I unzip the bag and pull out my digital code reader. I use a small pocket knife to remove the cover of the number pad and plug the code reader in. When I turn on the device, it flashes with red bars while it figures out the numbers.

  Slowly, one by one, each number is revealed to me. I punch in the numbers it gives me and the door beeps, allowing me to twist the knob and open the door. I pull the reader from the number pad and stuff it into my bag, not bothering to fix the lock on the door.

  I look around and find myself in a small room. By the smell, it’s where the cleaning supplies are held.


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