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Bend To His Will

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by Sam Crescent

  Bend to His Will 103


  Sam Crescent

  Erotic Romance

  Secret Cravings Publishing

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  A Secret Cravings Publishing Book

  Erotic Romance

  Bend to His Will

  Copyright © 2012 Sam Crescent

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-61885-382-0

  First E-book Publication: October 2012

  Cover design by Dawne Dominique

  Edited by Stephanie Balestreri

  Proofread by Rene Flowers

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Secret Cravings Publishing

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Secret Cravings Publishing


  I would like to say a big thank you to Secret Cravings Publishing for all your support and bringing, Bend To His Will, to life. I hope you adore Neal and Sandy as much as I did writing them.

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  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Neal Haney threw back another beer, glaring at the people on the dance floor. Well, not the all people. Only one person in particular kept pissing him off. Sandy Breeden. Didn’t the woman know any ounce of respect or common decency? She wore a mini-skirt that only covered her panties, the brightest pink he’d ever seen. Her tits were practically falling out the tight little shirt she wore.

  Four men currently surrounded the woman in question, their hands groping her. He tipped the bottle to his lips, watching as she spun around giving each man her undivided attention. Anger boiled in his gut as he clinched the bottle in his fist.

  Why had he let his brother talk him into going to town for a few drinks?

  “Another,” he shouted to the bartender, slamming the empty bottle on the bar.

  “She’d be more than happy for you to join her,” Luke said.

  Glancing back at the dance floor, Neal grimaced. No matter how much he wanted her, he knew he could never have her. She’d dated Luke, his younger brother, in high school. There was no way Sandy had what it took to settle down with him.

  At twenty-five years old, Sandy still loved to party. The rumors around Fort Valley about her were rife. He didn’t like them one bit. Fort Valley was a small town but most of people banded together to help everyone out.

  “I don’t want a woman like that.”

  Luke gave him a funny look before he left.

  Neal took his new beer and handed over the bill. He watched as his brother went to where Sandy had stopped dancing.

  She laughed at something he said, taking his hand in hers. The song changed to something slow. Every muscle in his body tensed as his brother moved his body against her.

  He gulped down half of his beer trying to loosen up. Returning his gaze to the floor, he gritted his teeth as Luke grabbed her ass. The scene before him was like a sucker punch to the gut. He left without looking back.

  The hot summer night air hit him the moment he walked outside. Couples wrapped up in each other occupied secluded spots around the building and throughout the parking area.

  He didn’t want to see this. A year had passed since he’d been with a woman. He was starting to go stir crazy for not having the release he craved.

  Taking a walk around to the back of the building, he ended up on the bridge staring at the river below. The flow of the water along w
ith the sounds coming from the night helped to calm him down.

  “I thought I’d find you here.” He tensed as he felt her brush by his side. The heat of her body scolded his arm.

  Turning his head, he saw Sandy standing next to him. Her arms rested on the rail as she looked down at the water.

  “I came here to be alone,” he said.

  “Now you’ve got company so stop being an ass and accept it.”

  She punched his arm, then chuckled at the action. Why did she always have to get under his skin?

  “You don’t know when to stop, do you?”

  “What can I say, I’m a woman who knows what she wants.” Sandy shot him a smile.

  His anger returned in full force as he started to storm off. “Yes, I’ve heard about you going after what you want.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” she asked, following him.

  Neal faced her head on. His cock twitched just from looking at her. Her arms were folded, pushing her breasts up. He imagined her on her knees as he fucked her tits. The ample cleavage would take his cock.

  Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he saw the anger on her face.

  “Exactly what I said, baby. You get around.” Saying the words was harsh but Sandy got under his skin. He couldn’t control himself.

  “So men are allowed to play the field, screwing whatever they like while women have to wait around for one of you to take us?” she snarled.

  “No, but at least we know how to keep our life private,” he yelled.

  “Private? You couldn’t keep anything private if your life depended on it.” She took a step closer, poking a finger to his chest. That one action sent a shot of lust straight to his cock.

  “Be careful, honey. I’m not one of the boys you like to tease. I’m a man.”

  “A man? Please, I’ve met teenagers who are more manly than you. Neal Haney, you’re just a grumpy man who needs to get laid.”

  Her hand moved down his body to grip his shaft.

  “And you think you’re woman enough for me?” He grabbed her ass and brought her flush against his body.

  “What can I say? I know things that will make your little head explode.” Moving her hand away from his crotch, she wrapped her arms around his neck to sink her fingers into the hair at the base of his neck. “What do you say, cowboy? Want to take me for a ride?”

  His arms went around her and before he could second guess his decision, he bent his head, slamming his lips down on hers. She felt soft compared to his hardness. Sliding his hands to her hips, he walked her back until the wall of the bar stopped them from going any further. Taking a hold of her hands, he pressed them above her head and kept them there in a one-handed grip, never breaking contact with her lips. Using his free hand, Neal palmed her breast over the tight fabric of her shirt. She fit his hand perfectly. Large tits with a body fit for fucking. Passing her breasts, he dragged his hand over the roundness of her stomach—it always amazed him how some women with Sandy’s body shape could be so uncomfortable where she oozed confidence—until he cupped her heat at the apex of her thighs. She was hot against his hand.

  Slipping under her short skirt, he pressed his fingers against her soaked panties.

  “Fuck. You’re wet.”

  He dipped past the fabric of her panties to slide between her smooth pussy lips.

  Holy fuck. She shaved.

  “I want to touch you.” She moaned, her hands fighting his grip.

  Neal couldn’t let her touch him. The moment her hands were on his body, he’d lose the fight. Sandy had become a thorn in his side since she’d turned eighteen. Watching her with his brother had cut him to the core. Neal knew she would never be his woman. The thought killed him inside.

  He gazed into her eyes and knew if he didn’t get control of himself, he’d forget about everything and simply take her.

  * * * *

  “Please,” she begged.

  When his hand left her body she knew he was withdrawing from her.

  “I can’t. For fuck sake you were with my brother.” Neal pulled away. Sandy watched as he glanced around them, obviously checking to see if someone had caught them.

  “No one knows you’re with me,” she snapped. When would she learn? Neal didn’t want her.


  Ouch. That one hurt.

  “If you don’t want to be with me why did you have your fingers in my pussy?”

  The urge to squeeze his cock until he sunk to his knees tempted her.

  “What do you expect when you’re easy?” He stomped off leaving Sandy pissed off.

  Why did she have to fall for a man who seemed incapable of seeing her as anything other than a good time? Yes, she had fun when she went out on the town and enjoyed her fair share of lovers. But he had no right to judge when he wasn’t there to see who she went home with, if anyone. At twenty-five she refused to wait around for Neal to find her attractive. Going out with the knowledge she’d be alone by the end of the night left her feeling cold. Stomping her feet, she stalked back to the bar. She passed couples smooching and the sight disgusted her. Neal couldn’t handle the fact she wasn’t some shy little virgin. Well, his fucking loss.

  The moment she crossed the threshold, she spotted Neal with his hands wrapped around a woman. A woman who had a reputation rivaling her own. Sick of being treated like shit, she grabbed her bag from the booth she’d reserved with a few friends. A couple of men tried to stop her leaving. She refused their offers, leaving the bar alone. Why did she always have to let Neal get to her? In all the years she’d known him, he’d never given her any indication of wanting her. His hard cock was not a great sign. Most guys got hard over a willing female body.

  She walked past the parked cars, finding her truck along the dirt road. Rubbing away the sweat from her brow, she unlocked the door and threw her bag onto the seat before starting to climb in.

  “Sandy, wait.” She watched as Luke ran up. “Where are you going?”


  “I’m sorry about my brother.”

  “What’s there to be sorry about? He’s a wanker, who likes treating me like shit. I’m done with him, Luke.”

  Sandy climbed into her truck and reached for the door.

  “Don’t let him get to you. Neal has an issue with us being an item.”

  “We haven’t been an item for years, Luke. I’m tired of waiting around. Please let go of my door.”

  Luke stepped back, shaking his head.

  She started up the engine and drove off. Gritting her teeth, she tightened her grip on the steering wheel.

  The pain in her gut was kicking her backward, as the image of him in another woman’s arms burned its way through her brain. Showing Neal she wanted him hadn’t worked. No matter how much Luke agreed she’d be perfect for his brother, Sandy was tired of being thrown about like a rag doll.

  An idea sprung to mind. She wouldn’t be available to him no matter how much she wanted him. From now on she would make him come to her. The time of her begging him was over.

  Chapter Two

  Neal finished putting the horses out to graze. His body ached from the excess work. Luke had gone into town to get some supplies only to be held up because it was a Sunday. Leaving him to do a great deal. His two other brothers were out in the fields doing their rounds, checking to make sure the fences were all intact.

  Pulling his gloves off, he made his way into the house. The scent of apple and cinnamon wafted through the air. Licking his lips as his belly growled, he followed the delicious aroma all the way into his mother’s kitchen. Sarah Haney, his mother was a brilliant cook.

  The Haney family had been ranchers for generations. Slick cowboys who worked hard and played even harder if their reputations were anything to go by. His sister, Cheyenne had a weak heart so she helped around the house while he and his brothers did the hard work. The ranch was big enough that he didn’t have to live with his parent. He owned a small house over on the next pastur
e. Nothing huge but something he could start a family with.

  “Mom, something smells good as usual.”

  “Don’t nick any. Go and get cleaned up. Luke called. He said he’s on his way home. The other two should be coming in shortly. That heat will be the death of us if we aren’t careful.”

  He washed his hands and the sweat off his brow. The summer was turning into one of the worst he’d ever lived through. Unbuttoning his shirt, he splashed some water on his chest.

  While he cleaned up, his dad, Luke and two brothers had returned. Cheyenne sat at the table reading a book. His mom pulled the roast out of the oven and placed the meat on a board before handing it to his dad to cut.

  “Thanks, Sarah.” His dad took the knife and began carving. Neal sat down, waiting as their mom set bowls of mashed and roast potatoes, parsnips, and vegetables with lots of gravy in the center of the table.

  “How was town, dear?” Sarah asked Luke.

  “Busy. There are a lot of problems with the drought. Folks are scared of their crops being destroyed from the lack of rain.”

  Neal served himself putting plenty of mashed potatoes and vegetables on his plate. He was starving. Glancing around the table, he noted one of the chairs remained vacant. Since Sandy had been a kid she’d been coming to the Haney house for Sunday dinner. Her presence is what made the event so memorable. She and Luke were a pair together. They could have the whole family in fits of laughter over a high school tale or something.

  “Where’s Sandy?” he asked.

  Every member of his family turned to stare at him. Neal understood why. After she’d turned eighteen—evolving into a sex goddess—he’d spent as much time as possible trying to avoid her.


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