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No Safe Haven

Page 13

by Virginia Vaughan

  “Don’t tell me what to do.” He backhanded Sarah.

  Jessica saw her glance her way and for the first time noticed the fresh new injuries on her face and neck and her tear-stained cheeks. She’d only been with this man a few hours and already he was back to beating her. He was on a violence roll which meant they were both in real danger.

  He grabbed Jessica’s purse and tossed it to Sarah. “Grab the money and cell phone.”

  Sarah dug through the purse as Robert tore through the living room obviously looking for valuables.

  Jessica dared a glance at Sarah again. “Are you all right?” she asked.

  Sarah nodded but made no move to help her. She pulled out the measly forty dollars Jessica had in her wallet. “This is all she has.”

  Robert took the cash then grabbed Jessica by the hair. “Where’s your money?”

  “I don’t have any money. That’s all I have. I promise.”

  “Don’t lie to me,” he warned her. “I know people are all the time giving money to these causes. You must have a stash somewhere.”

  “No. All the donations go into a fund. I don’t have—”

  He slammed his hand into her midsentence and Jessica fell against the wall as pain ripped through her face.

  Sarah screamed but Robert was not finished with her yet. He yanked her to her feet and smacked her again before pulling her toward him. “Did you really think you could stick your nose into my business and I wouldn’t cut it off?”

  Fear choked her. He was going to kill her and Sarah was going to watch. Lord, I don’t want to die! She tossed a pleading look to Sarah, noting the young woman didn’t seem to know what to do.

  “Robert, don’t do this. She was nice. She helped me.”

  He smacked her across the cheek. “She kept you from me. That can’t go unpunished.”

  This wasn’t it. This wasn’t how she wanted to die. Not at the hands of a slime like Robert Young. And what about Andrew? She’d finally found a good man to love. She’d finally been given a second chance. And after losing Tory, could he stand to lose someone else he cared about?

  A peace settled over her and suddenly all the training Margo had taught her pushed past the fear. When Robert turned back to her, she used her palm to smack him at the bridge of his nose. He swore and screamed but released her, and Jessica took off running. Not fast enough. He grabbed her before she reached the door and pulled her back. She wriggled on the floor trying to free herself of him, but he overpowered her and was quickly on top of her, pinning her to the floor with his knees.

  He barked an order to Sarah. “Get me something to tie her up with.”

  Sarah backed away, unwilling to comply, but Jessica was uncertain for how long Sarah’s hesitancy would last. She kicked and struggled trying to free herself from this man’s grasp, but his overpowering weight was no match for her.

  He swore again at Sarah then got up and dragged Jessica kicking and screaming across the room. As he reached for the TV cord, she managed one good kick that hit its mark at his knee. It buckled and he fell, but he quickly recovered and hit her, sending her reeling. She fell against the coffee table, hitting her head and shattering the wood beneath her. The room began to spin at the impact of her fall. She felt sick and knew she would be soon if she lived long enough. The room spun in and out of focus. She saw Robert yank the cord from the wall. He grabbed her hands and tied them. She was helpless to move to escape. She was going to die...and she would never have the chance to tell Andrew how much she loved him.

  “What do you want with me?” she managed to ask weakly as the room began to dim.

  He hovered over her, his face inches away. “I want my revenge.”

  She saw something above his head, a flash of wood that came crashing down over him. Robert collapsed, landing on top of her. Sarah’s screams seemed so far away. Jessica tried to move, willing all her remaining strength to lift her head to see who had come to her rescue.

  “What are you going to do with him?” a voice asked. It sounded like a woman’s voice, familiar but garbled by the pounding in her head. Sarah? Mia? Had she found someone to help that quickly?

  “I have a plan,” a man’s voice responded.

  She tried to focus on the voices and finally latched on to a figure standing over Robert, who lay unmoving on the floor. Jessica saw a pair of jean-clad legs, and when her rescuer moved toward her, she thought she saw cowboy boots.

  Clomp, clomp.

  Clomp, clomp.

  And when he was close enough, he knelt beside her and grinned, that sadistic, smug grin that haunted her nightmares.


  “I think it’s time we eliminate the boyfriend.”

  Andrew! He was talking about eliminating Andrew!

  She tried to scream but darkness finally enveloped her.


  Andrew dialed Jessica’s cell phone, but the call went right to voice mail.


  Now he was worried.

  He’d been by the shelter only to learn about Jessica’s plan to pack up her house. But Danielle had also told him Jessica had been gone all afternoon. It wasn’t like her to be out of touch with the shelter.

  He’d decided to drive by her house to make certain she was okay and to let her know he was okay, as well. Robert’s tactics wouldn’t work. He wouldn’t play those games with him.

  His gut clenched when he saw the police cars parked in front of Jessica’s house. He parked by the curb three houses down then jumped from his car, his pulse racing.

  God, please let her be okay.

  Part of the yard was taped off as a crime scene. Forensic personnel were walking to and from the house with evidence boxes and equipment. A small group of neighbors huddled on the lawn speaking to an officer, and another officer guarded the entrance.

  He hesitated at the curb, torn. He wanted to see Jessica, but the thought of all the bad things that could have happened to her ran through his head. He repeated his plea to God.

  Please let her be okay.

  He tried to keep his voice calm as he approached the uniformed guard. “What happened here?”

  “I’m going to have to ask you to step back, sir. This is a crime scene.”

  He pulled out his A.D.A. identification and showed it to the patrolman. It always got him into crime scenes. “I want to speak to the lead detective.”

  The prosecutor side of him took charge, which was good. He needed to get into that house to see what had happened and get some information about Jessica. And he didn’t want the standard line they gave friends and family when something really bad happened. He wanted the truth. He routinely dealt with the police and knew being a crazy, emotional boyfriend was the best way to be escorted from the scene. Prosecutor guy would get him the answers he needed.


  He looked up to see Margo standing on the porch.

  She sighed then waved him in. “Come on.”

  He went under the tape and climbed the porch steps. “Margo, what happened here? Where is Jessica? Is she all right?” And, suddenly, he was the crazy, emotional boyfriend.

  She held up her hands to stop his questioning. “Jessica is okay. Paramedics transported her to the hospital. She has some bruises and probably a concussion, but she’s going to be fine.”

  “What happened?”

  “Someone pushed their way into the house and attacked Jessica. Mia ran when she realized what was happening and got a neighbor who called it in. When the first unit arrived, they found Jessica unconscious on the floor.”

  Andrew glanced into the living room. Overturned furniture suggested a struggle. “She fought him.”

  “Of course she did. I taught her that. We collected skin samples from beneath her fingernails, and there were seve
ral blood samples on the carpet.”

  His mind immediately went to Robert—and Sarah. “Who did this, Margo?”

  “We haven’t determined a suspect yet. Mia didn’t see the assailant. Hopefully Jessica can tell us when she wakes up.”

  “But you must have a suspicion.”

  “It looks like a robbery gone bad. Several items are missing, her laptop included.”

  Robert was an opportunist. What’s robbery compared to assault and possibly murder? “Is there any evidence of more than one assailant?”

  “Possibly, but it’s too early to tell.” She must have seen where his thoughts were headed. “Andrew, there’s no evidence to suggest Robert and Sarah were involved.”

  “It’s pretty coincidental, don’t you think? On the same night he has me arrested, Jessica is attacked and robbed?”

  “Coincidences don’t make cases. Evidence does. Now, why don’t you go so we can do our job and collect that evidence?”

  He was torn again between his longing to see Jessica, to make sure for himself that she was really all right, and his need to stay and make sure everything was done by the book. Robert couldn’t be allowed to get away with this because of a technicality. But hadn’t Bill told him that any case he was involved in would contaminate the case? Would Robert get away with this, too?

  Margo must have seen the conflict in him—or maybe she really just wanted him gone—because she touched his arm and her voice softened.

  “Andrew, I had to leave Jessica in order to come back here and oversee the crime scene. I would feel better if someone she cares about was there with her when she awoke.”

  He thought of Jessica lying alone and hurt in the hospital. His heart broke at the image. He should be with her.

  “We really do have this under control. This is what I do, Jennings.” She flashed him that cocky grin he’d come to know in the time since he’d met her. She understood the conflict he was feeling. She was probably feeling it too, wanting to be with her friend but drawn to the scene to make sure whoever did this paid the price. She was giving him a way out with dignity, and he was thankful for it.

  “I’ll be at the hospital if you need me.”

  He started off the porch, but her hand on his arm tightened. He turned back to her.

  “If she wakes up, you’d better call me. I mean it, Jennings.”

  He saw in her eyes the seriousness of that statement. She was not a lady to be trifled with. “I will.”

  He stepped off the porch and headed to his car. Margo went back inside and he overheard her barking orders to be careful in collecting the evidence. He reached his car and slid into the driver’s seat. Despite their past encounters, he realized he liked Margo, and he was glad Jessica had a friend like her on her side.

  * * *

  Andrew braced himself before entering the room. His mind kept going back to all the times he’d seen Sarah beaten and bruised. It always tore at him, every single time. Now, he had to see Jessica that way, too.

  He took a deep, steadying breath then pushed open the door. He took a few steps toward the bed. His breath caught in his throat when he saw her face, bruised and swollen. He held her hand and kissed it then smoothed her hair. She didn’t deserve this. She shouldn’t even have been involved. It was because of him and Sarah that she was here, beaten and bruised. She might say it was a risk of her job, but that didn’t change the facts. She was here because he’d let her into his life.

  His legs gave out and he fell to his knees. He put his face on the bed, fighting the onslaught of emotions that pelted him—anger, confusion, blind fury at the injustice of it all. He wanted to scream, cry and smash something all at once. And, most of all, he wanted Robert’s head on a platter. It wasn’t right that he could get away with this again and again. When did it end? When would the law finally work for justice for Sarah and Jessica and him?

  Never. The police can’t do anything. It’s up to you to stop him.

  He found himself nodding along, agreeing with his own bitter, cynical thoughts. Andrew had devoted his life to the law, and it had now failed him multiple times. Maybe it was time to take matters into his own hands. Someone had to stop Robert. If he had to be that someone, then he would.

  Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord. That verse in Romans 12 wriggled its way past his bitter tirade and planted itself in his consciousness. How many times had he heard that verse echo in his mind since this mess with Sarah started? And how many times had he pushed away that promise of God’s ultimate justice?

  He closed his eyes and fought the primal scream that threatened to escape him. Instead, he lowered his head and directed his pleas toward Heaven. Why, God? Why is this happening again? Why does Robert seem to get away with everything while those I love pay the price for his actions?

  Jessica squeezed his hand and began to squirm. He glanced at her just as she opened her eyes and looked his way. A slight smile played on her lips when she saw him. “Hi.” Her voice was raspy and strained and, although it tore at him to hear it like that, her voice was like music to his ears.

  “Hi. How do you feel?”

  “Sore, but not too bad considering.”

  “You’re going to be fine.” He pulled her hand to his lips and kissed it again. A new emotion—thankfulness—pushed its way to the forefront. “I thought I’d lost you there for a moment.”

  “It takes more than that to get rid of me. Ha-ha.” She tried to laugh but grimaced in pain instead, causing Andrew to leap to his feet.

  “Try not to talk.” He gently kissed her forehead then pulled out his phone. “I’d better call Margo. She vowed she’d do me bodily harm if I didn’t call her when you regained consciousness.” He gave Jessica a playful smile. “I believe she’d do it, too.”

  Margo answered on the first ring. “Hello.”

  “It’s Andrew. She’s awake.” He heard what sounded like an elevator ding.

  “I’m already at the hospital. I’m on my way up now.”

  He closed the phone and turned back to Jessica. “She’s on her way up.”

  Margo entered the room and, although she kept her calm composure, Andrew saw the worry on her face. She tried to hide it behind a big smile.

  “Girl, you look like you picked a fight with a beehive. How do you feel?”

  “I’m sore, but I’m okay.” Jessica tried to sit up and both Andrew and Margo rushed to help her.

  Margo played with a wisp of Jessica’s hair then pulled a chair close to the bedside. “Do you remember what happened?”

  Jessica nodded. “They pushed their way inside.” She looked at him and his heart fell. “It was Robert and Sarah.”

  He didn’t think his world could crumble any more, but it did. Sarah was involved. How could his Sarah get involved in hurting Jessica, who’d done nothing but try to help her?

  “We have to find them. I think Sarah is in danger.”

  “You’re right about that,” Margo said, staring straight at Andrew with a hard stare. “When I get my hands on her... Nobody messes with my friend. I don’t care whose sister she is.”

  Andrew understood her anger. “Sarah made her choice. She’ll have the pay the consequences.”

  Jessica reached for both their hands. “No, Sarah is in danger. We have to help her.”

  “Jessica, honey, she attacked you.”

  “No, she didn’t. She tried to stop Robert. Believe me, she’s in trouble if she stays with that man.”

  Margo pulled out her cell phone. “I’ll have someone go by Robert’s house. If they’re there, they’ll be arrested.”

  Andrew glanced at her. “You’re not going yourself?”

  “I think it’s better if I don’t.”

  He saw her restraint. She was fighting the same feelings he was. “You’re right. If I got my hands on him r
ight now, I’d kill him and not give it a second thought.”

  A puzzled expression clouded Jessica’s face. “What’s wrong? Are you in pain?”

  “I don’t...there was someone else there.”

  “At the house?”

  “Yes, I’m sure of it. I just can’t seem to remember who. Everything is so fuzzy.”

  “Maybe it was the neighbor who called 911.”

  She shrugged. “Maybe. I can almost see his face. He spoke to me.”

  He rubbed her hand. “I’m sure it will come back to you, Jessica. Even if it doesn’t, what does it matter?”

  “It feels important, like it’s something I need to remember.”

  Margo’s phone beeped before she could make the call. She glanced at the screen then frowned and gave Andrew a strange look. “I have to go.”

  “Is something wrong?” Jessica asked her.

  “Just work stuff.” She planted a kiss on Jessica’s head. “I’ll check in on you later.”

  Andrew followed her to the door and stopped her before she walked out. “What’s going on? Does this have to do with whoever broke into Jessica’s house?”

  “No, it’s another case. A young girl Jessica was trying to help. Amy Vance.”

  “I know her. That’s my case.”

  “Then you should probably come with me.”

  “Why? What happened? Did Shroud beat her up again?”

  “No.” Margo sighed. “This time he killed her.”

  * * *

  Andrew scanned the room. Blood splattered the walls. Crime scene cones were in several spots around the floor. Photographers were still photographing and bagging evidence.

  “A 911 call was placed at 10:27 p.m. Officers responded and found the body. They arrested Michael Shroud an hour later. He had blood on his clothes and he’d recently fired a weapon.”

  “Did he say anything when he was arrested?”

  “Yes. He said he’s innocent.”

  He shook his head as he glanced around at the violence Michael Shroud was capable of. He’d seen violence before but it had never hit him this hard.

  Worry clouded Margo’s face. “I want you to ask for this case. Make sure you get it. You know, Andrew. You understand the domestic violence cycle now. Shroud is going to claim he didn’t do this. He’s going to try to say someone else broke in and shot her. I don’t want to see him get away with murder. I want you to make sure you get justice for this young girl.”


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