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No Safe Haven

Page 15

by Virginia Vaughan

  She remembered the note on her window. He’d been that close.

  The car that had run her off the road.

  The broken porch light at her home.

  Mrs. Brady’s murder.

  She gasped as she realized Mitch had been there, watching her all along. Tears fell on her cheek as she realized Mrs. Brady had suffered at Mitch’s hands. And Robert...?

  She glanced at the hallway where Andrew had been led away in handcuffs. Mitch had killed Robert and framed Andrew for the murder. But why? She sighed. She knew why. Mitch had seen Andrew with her and wanted him out of the way.

  After what seemed like hours, Margo emerged from the hallway and motioned to Jessica. She got up and rushed over.

  “What’s happening?” she asked. “Where is Andrew?”

  “Follow me.”

  Margo opened the door to an interrogation room and ushered her inside. In her hand, she held a file. Andrew, now free from the handcuffs, stood when she entered. Jessica rushed to him and hugged him tightly.

  “Have a seat.” Margo pulled a chair over and motioned for Jessica to sit down before removing a photograph from the file folder in her hand. She tossed it across the table.

  Andrew pulled it toward him then nodded. “That’s him. That’s the man that attacked me and set me up.”

  He pushed the photo to Jessica. She didn’t dare touch it. She didn’t need to. Mitch’s cold blue eyes glared at her from his prison photo.

  “He escaped from the Georgia State Correctional Facility three weeks ago. The FBI recently expanded the search to include our area due to some very sketchy possible sightings.”

  “Does he have a connection here?”

  “None that we knew of—” she glanced at Jessica “—until now.”

  Andrew turned to look at her, too. “Who is this man? How does he know you?”

  She stared at him and knew it was time to come clean about Mitch and her past. Now, he would finally know the truth about her. She wasn’t just like one of those women she counseled. She was one of them.

  She turned the photo over so that Mitch’s eyes were no longer probing into her. “He wants me. It’s always been about me. Mitch stalked and terrorized me for weeks. Dean tried to protect me from him.”

  “And Reynolds killed him?”

  “Yes.” The memory of that night was forever seared in her mind. Mitch had nearly killed her, as well. It was only the timely arrival of the police that had saved her life.

  “But why is he after you? Did you help his wife or his girlfriend?”

  She stared at Andrew and felt her heart tear inside of her. He still saw her as the woman she pretended to be, the one who helped others out of trouble instead of the one who needed help. “No.” She opened her mouth to tell him, but the words died on her lips. This confession would forever change their relationship.

  “Did you witness one of his crimes? Is that why he’s after you?” He sighed, exasperated with her. “Jessica, what is your connection to this monster?”

  “It’s a personal connection.” Margo glanced her way. “Isn’t it?”

  Tears spilled down her face. She nodded and wiped them away. “I was twenty-two when I met Mitch Reynolds. We dated for eight months. I didn’t know what kind of man he was at first, but it didn’t take long before he revealed his true self. When I tried to break up with him, he—” her voice caught “—he became violent. Dean was only trying to help me, but Mitch stabbed Dean. He murdered him.”

  “So he escapes from prison and comes to find you. He’s obsessed with you,” Margo said.

  She nodded. “He always told me I belonged to him and that no one or nothing would ever separate us.”

  Margo let out a sigh of aggravation. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

  “I didn’t want to burden you.”

  “You were in danger, Jessica. You should have told me. You should have trusted me.”

  Margo was right. She should have told someone, but she’d naively believed that part of her life was behind her. Despite the fear she’d carried around, she had never really believed she would ever be in this situation again.

  Or maybe she had believed it. Maybe that was why she’d kept everyone at arm’s length for so long.

  Margo picked up the file and walked out, slamming the door as she left. Jessica jumped at such a loud indicator of her anger. She wiped at the tears streaming down her face. Margo deserved better than she’d given her. She’d been a much better friend than Jessica had.

  Andrew reached out and held her hand in his. When she looked up into his face, his expression was not one of condemnation, but of compassion and understanding. “She’ll calm down. She’s just hurt that you didn’t trust her.”

  “I should have. I owed her more than that.”

  He squeezed her hand. “I wish you’d trusted me enough to tell me the truth, but I don’t blame you. The police will capture him and everything will be fine.”

  “Until when? Until he escapes again? I thought I was safe while he was in prison, but I wasn’t. I’ll never be safe from him.”

  “You’re not alone in this. We’ll get through this together. I won’t let him hurt you, Jessica.”

  Pain like a knife twisted in her heart. She’d already witnessed Andrew’s protective nature with Sarah. He would try to protect her, too. She couldn’t allow that...Wouldn’t allow that. Mitch had already done so much damage—Andrew had been accused of murder, disgraced as a prosecutor. She couldn’t let him risk his life, as well.

  “I can’t let you get involved in this. It’s too dangerous. Mitch is too dangerous.”

  “Too late. I’m already involved. I won’t let him hurt you.”

  “It’s not you he wants. It’s me.”

  “You don’t have to go through this alone.”

  “Don’t I? I brought this on. People are dead because of me, Andrew, because I was foolish enough to believe Mitch’s lies. I won’t let anyone else pay the price for my foolishness.”

  She got up to leave, but he stood and blocked her way. “If you think you can get rid of me that easily then you’re wrong. I’m not leaving you to face this man alone.”

  “Don’t you understand? Mitch will kill anyone I’m close to.”

  “I’m not afraid of him.”

  The image of Dean stepping in front of her, the knife plunging into his chest, flashed through her mind. “You should be. He’s dangerous.”

  “I will not give up on you, Jessica, and I will not let you push me away. I don’t care what happened in your past. I only care about your future...our future.” He reached for her hand and held her. “I love you too much to let you face this alone.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. Had he just proclaimed his love for her? That knife turned another round.

  He pressed closer. “Did you hear me? I said I love you. I want to spend my life with you, Jessica.”

  Tears filled her eyes. She pulled her hand away and walked to the door. “I’m sorry. I don’t have a life to give you.”

  She knocked on the door and thankfully someone opened it. She rushed out before he could protest further.

  The tears she’d been holding back burst through. With Mitch roaming free, nothing would ever be fine again.

  * * *

  What was happening? His world seemed to be crumbling around him. Andrew paced the small jail cell where they’d placed him. His mind was working through every detail he could remember. He’d responded to a text message from Sarah only to walk into a trap.

  So where was Sarah? Had this Mitch Reynolds hurt her? He bit back that bitter pill. Better not to think that way. Maybe Sarah had escaped, dropping her phone in the process. She couldn’t call for help and she was alone.

  He gripped the bars and pushed against them,
anything to work out the agitation. Two women he loved were in trouble and he’d been stuck inside a jail cell for nearly twenty-four hours where there was nothing he could do.

  He leaned against the bars. Nothing he could do but pray.


  He gulped away the panic that threatened him. He’d once believed in an all-powerful God, one who could protect those he loved. But He hadn’t protected Tory. Why should Andrew give Him a second chance?

  He sat down on the bed. What else could he do? Where else could he turn? He was at his lowest and there was no one else to turn to.


  He looked up to see Margo standing there.

  “Margo, where is Jessica? Is she safe?”

  “She’s fine. She’s gone back to the shelter. I’ve got a call in to a couple of off-duty friends to act as security guards at the shelter.”

  “What about Sarah? Has anyone heard from her? Does he have her?”

  “Calm down, Andrew. Sarah is okay. We issued a bulletin for both her and Robert’s cars. A patrol car found her walking down Littleton Street. She’s beat up, but she’s fine.”

  “Can I see her?”

  She nodded then motioned to someone down the hallway. Moments later a uniformed officer led Sarah in.

  He looked up and saw Sarah running down the hallway. Tom was behind her. Margo unlocked the cell and Sarah rushed into his arms.

  He hugged her tightly, relief flooding him. “Are you all right? Are you hurt?”

  “I’m fine,” she assured him. Tears flooded her eyes. “I figured after the way we left it that I couldn’t call you anymore for help. I’m sorry, Andrew. I shouldn’t have left Jessica’s. I should have listened to you.”

  He pulled her into hug. “You can always call me, Sarah. It doesn’t matter how angry I get, I’ll always be there to help you.”

  “We need to take her statement,” Margo said.

  Andrew nodded and released her. Sarah was safe. That was all that mattered. And with Robert dead, she would stay safe.

  Margo motioned toward an officer who escorted Sarah out.

  “I’ll be in shortly to represent her,” Tom said.

  Margo nodded then walked off.

  Tom quickly got down to business. Andrew had called him in once he realized the mess he was in. “I’m challenging the legality of the search of your vehicle. It was predicated only on an anonymous tip, certainly not enough for probable cause. The knife is tainted evidence. Don’t worry. You’ll be out by tomorrow.”

  Tomorrow might be too late. “What about bail?”

  “CJ told me she would be asking for high bail.”

  “I don’t care what it costs. I’ll pay whatever I have to as long as it gets me out today.”

  Knowing Sarah was safe should have helped ease the urgency he felt, but it didn’t. The danger was still out there lurking around, looking for an opportunity to strike. And he was helplessly stuck here.

  “Please, Tom. See what you can do. Jessica is in trouble, and a madman has taken extreme measures to keep me out of the way.”

  Tom nodded and picked up his briefcase. “Okay. I’ll go see what I can do about getting you out of here tonight.”

  * * *

  After Andrew wrote a big fat check to the city clerk’s office, Tom pushed open the courthouse door and led the way as Andrew followed. “Keep your head down and don’t say anything.” The group of reporters crowding the courthouse steps pounced the moment they were through the doors, shoving cameras and microphones in his face and shouting questions.

  “Andrew, why did you kill your brother-in-law?”

  “Did you think you could get away with it because of your position in the D.A.’s office?”

  “Did he threaten you?”

  He slipped on his sunglasses and pushed his way past them, ignoring their questions.

  He reached Tom’s sedan and slid into the passenger’s seat as Tom got behind the wheel. A reporter banged on the window, the questions continuing through the glass. “Why did you do it?”

  He turned his head away from the camera lens as Tom started the engine and put the car in gear. There was a time when he’d craved the attention of the press. Now he’d give anything to make them go away.

  Oh, how his life had changed.

  “So what do you want to do now?” Tom asked as they left the crowd behind them.

  He took a deep breath. Only one thing occupied his mind. “I have to see Jessica.”

  “After what you went through with Tory, I have to ask,” Tom stated. “Are you sure getting involved with Jessica is a good idea? The risks—”

  “Are necessary,” Andrew finished. “I’ve been with her, Tom. She doesn’t seek out danger, but she doesn’t run from it either, not when it means keeping others safe.”

  “And you’re okay with that?”

  “I’m better than okay with it,” Andrew said, smiling. “It’s the main reason I fell in love with her.”

  * * *

  You’re mine, Jess.

  She jerked awake, those words haunting her dream. She was still at her desk, having fallen asleep some time during making phone calls. How could she sleep knowing the mess she’d made? She checked the security feed and saw the two off-duty police officers Margo had found to act as security guards still up front. The women were somewhat safe for now, but she had to clear the shelter. Those officers would be no match for Mitch if he really wanted to get inside. Jessica knew he would harm anyone and everyone who got in his way.

  Her mind was already again working, going over plans, people she could call, things that needed to be taken care of. She’d called every shelter within a hundred miles looking for available beds, but she was having trouble finding enough. But it was time to start moving out the ladies that she had found a place for.

  She couldn’t abandon these women, but she couldn’t let them stay here with Mitch nearby. He wouldn’t hesitate to use any one of them to get to her.

  She forced her legs to stand and walked toward the kitchen, needing coffee. She walked by the common room and found several of the women standing around the television. The news was on talking about Andrew and the women were shaking their heads in disbelief.

  “Assistant District Attorney Andrew Jennings was in court this morning for his preliminary hearing on charges of murder.”

  Jessica looked up at the television screen as a video of Andrew leaving the courthouse ran. He was surrounded by lights and flashes and screaming reporters, all hollering at him for a chance to tell his story. She’d seen him play up for the camera before, his handsome face always a plus for him, but today he lowered his face and rushed past them without commenting.

  The newscaster continued. “A.D.A. Jennings is known to be tough on crime on those whose cases he prosecutes. But now the city is wondering will the D.A.’s office be tough on this crime?”

  She walked over and switched off the television. “Why are you all standing around watching this instead of packing?”

  Deloris stepped forward. “Honey, what’s going on? He seemed like such a nice young man. I’m sure this is a mistake.”

  Mia appeared in the doorway and called to her. “Jessica, I thought you were sleeping.”

  She frowned at Mia. “I don’t have time for sleeping. Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “I-I thought you needed the rest.”

  She stopped and turned to the girl, realizing how young and innocent she really was. “You don’t seem to understand. We have to clear out this shelter as soon as possible. We’re still short two beds. I’m going to call some friends in Shreveport and see if they can put up Joan and Deloris. I need you to make sure the rest of the ladies are packed and ready to go as soon as possible.”

  “You’re scaring me, Jessica.�

  “You should be scared, Mia. Until this place is cleared out, we’re all in danger.”

  Mia reluctantly nodded then scurried away.

  Jessica went to the kitchen and saw the coffeepot was empty. She’d been through two entire pots of coffee already in the past twenty-four hours. Her body ached to rest, but she couldn’t, not until everyone was safely away from her. These women had enough danger to worry about without piling hers on top of their situations. They would be taken care of in other shelters. And Jessica had even managed to find a home for Mrs. Brady’s dog.

  The doorbell rang and Jessica flinched. Who was coming here? And what did they want? She grabbed her coffee cup and headed down the hall. She’d given strict instructions to Mia and the other ladies not to answer the door. Not to even go near it. No one needed to be let inside without Jessica knowing about it.

  She checked the security feed and saw Andrew standing on the stoop. She sighed. Why was he here? Hadn’t they already said everything that needed to be said?

  She set down her cup and unlocked the door, bracing herself for what she had to do. She’d known he would come and had practiced what to say to him when he did, gone over and over it in her head until she could recite every word without the tear of her heart bleeding through. This had to be believable. He had to be convinced it was over between them. She had to hurt him to save him.

  His life depended on it.

  She unlocked the door but the words died on her lips the moment she saw him. His green eyes glistened with pain as he looked at her. She’d never seen him so defeated and her arms ached to hold him, to offer comfort and reassurance.

  Instead, she was about to knock him down another peg. Her heart screamed at her not to do it. How much more could he take?

  Lord, I can’t do this alone.

  “What are you doing here, Andrew? I asked you not to come here. I thought I made myself clear.”

  “I won’t abandon you, Jessica.”

  “I don’t need your help, Andrew, and I don’t want it.”


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