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The Sheikh's Pretend Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 2)

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by Albany, Cara

  Ella glanced out the window, trying to drive those insistent thoughts of Raz Al Kharif firmly out of her mind. But, no matter how closely she looked at the passing stores and people walking along the sidewalks, she couldn't get rid of thoughts about Raz.

  How could someone like Raz have made such an impression on her? She couldn't make sense of it. As far as Ella was concerned, she was here in Qazhar on an errand of mercy. She had a mission to expose a great wrong being done to an indigenous tribe who had lived for centuries in the region bordering the two kingdoms. Now, their lives were being threatened by rapacious oil exploration, and Ella was sure that either Raz Al Kharif or Karim Al Jafhar were responsible in some way. Ella was determined to hold one, or both, to account.

  But, meeting Raz had made things more than a little complicated. The last thing she'd expected was that he would be so handsome and charismatic. Her image of oil sheikhs had been entirely different. Raz looked more like a playboy billionaire than Ella's idea of a wizened old man in charge a country's energy resources.

  And, in fact, Raz didn't just look like a playboy billionaire. He had all the appearance of a very dangerous and beguiling specimen of male. One that Ella knew she should steer well clear off.

  In spite of herself, Ella felt a quivering in her middle as she recalled his imposing, lithe figure leaning toward her as his lower back rested against the front of the desk. As he'd looked down at her, his eyes filled with feral desire, Ella had felt something shift in her core, something completely surprising. Every nerve in her body had tingled, and she hadn't been able to control the sensation, no matter how hard she had tried.

  Even resuming her argument with him had only served to heighten the surprising desire that had briefly overcome her.

  There had been something, though which had really shocked her. Right now, Ella was mildly ashamed to admit it.

  The feelings that had briefly flooded her body had felt good.

  So good.

  Ella closed her eyes, trying block out the sights of the passing street. She inhaled, trying to steady her nerves.

  Had he noticed? Was it possible that Raz hadn't seen the effect he'd had on Ella? She doubted it. He was too used to the effect he had on women not to have noticed. And that made her think of one thing which caused her jaw to tighten.

  Had he tried to use his obvious, primal sexuality to stop Ella from pursuing the truth? Ella frowned at that thought. Surely he couldn't be so brazen, so callous, as to tempt her with promises he had no intention of keeping.

  Maybe he had simply been playing her for a fool.

  Indignation rose within Ella. Well, she would show him.

  Ella dug into her back and drew out her cellphone. It was time to speak to Karim Al Jafhar.


  "I'm so glad you called me, Miss Brant," Karim Al Jafhar said, his gray-haired brows furrowing, his deep-set eyes leering at her. Ella wished he wouldn't look at her like that. "I heard you were in Qazhar and wanted to talk to you about the unfortunate material which was released to the media."

  She glanced over Karim's shoulder at the two heavily muscled guards who had accompanied their elderly boss to the reception area of Ella's hotel. Both men stood like statues glancing around at the people milling around the marble and glass space. Outside, darkness had fallen, and the lights in the hotel lobby seemed unusually bright.

  Ella nodded and tried to maintain her composure. "It seemed like a good opportunity to speak with you," she replied. "I'm only going to be here a short while."

  "Really?" Karim said leaning forward. "And how are you enjoying your stay here, so far?"

  Ella frowned. "This is not a holiday, Sheikh Al Jafhar," she said.

  Ella saw him stiffen at the way she had addressed him. She wondered if she had transgressed some unwritten rule of etiquette. Maybe those rules didn't apply to her.

  "Of course, it isn't," he replied. "This is a most serious business. And the attention it has brought to my kingdom has not gone entirely unnoticed by the delegates at the upcoming conference."

  Karim shifted the tangle of loose white robes away from around his feet. He was dressed in traditional garb. Ella thought he looked as if he'd stepped out of a history book, but she immediately chided herself for her insensitivity to his cultural ways. Who was she to judge?

  Ella leaned back in the soft chair and asked herself once again if she had acted wisely in contacting Karim and requesting this meeting. She had known from her contacts that the ruler of the neighboring kingdom was attending an energy conference in the city. It was her best chance to meet with him and confront him with the same allegations she had thrown at Raz only hours before.

  Ella lifted the small cup of coffee to her lips and peered at Karim. The coffee was dark and bitter, and it made her flinch. Karim noticed her expression and she could see thought behind his eyes. He was trying to evaluate her, size her up. But, whereas Raz had looked at her with hungry desire, Karim's gaze was one filled with suspicion and caution.

  He was nothing like Raz Al Kharif, that was for sure. Karim was twice as old as Raz and reputed to be twice as bad tempered. Already she had gotten the impression that Karim commanded some respect in Qazhar, despite being from another rival kingdom. The staff in the hotel had seemed surprised to see such a regal figure reduced to meeting with a foreign woman in public. Ella had insisted on meeting Karim in the hotel reception. She couldn't imagine being in private with him. It would have been too risky, she told herself.

  "You are here on your own, Miss Brant?" Karim asked.

  "I'm in touch with my employer regularly," she replied lest he get any ideas that she was vulnerable. Raz had already taken care of that, she told herself. Now, why had that thought made her feel suddenly calmer?

  "That is very wise," Karim said. "Overseas travel is so dangerous these days." Karim leaned his head lower, and his eyes seemed to fill with menace. "Don't you agree?"

  Ella felt a chill cut into her middle, and she found it hard to swallow. Had he just threatened her?

  Ella drew in a sharp breath. "That may be the case, sir. But, I'm here to find out some facts. My employer is most anxious to know exactly what is going on with that poor indigenous tribe."

  Karim frowned. "That indigenous tribe you refer to is of no consequence." He waved a dismissive hand.

  Indignation raced through Ella's body. "No consequence?" she shrieked. The sound of her voice called the immediate attention of the two guards. They both looked at Ella as if she had threatened their employer.

  Karim gave her a jaded smile, as if the whole subject was already boring him. "They have been complaining for many years, despite all that has been done for them. In any case, they are not my concern. Their tribal land straddles the two borders. If anything, they are Sheikh Al Kharif's problem. Not mine."

  "So, you are washing your hands of all responsibility?" Ella demanded. "Sheikh Al Kharif had a different view."

  Karim's brows rose. "You've already met my esteemed friend?"

  "I wasn't aware he was your friend," Ella replied. "In fact, I was led to believe you and he don't exactly see eye to eye on anything."

  "We're not rivals, if that is what you're suggesting."

  "Sheikh Al Kharif seems to think you are doing things you shouldn't be doing in that region."

  "And your little visit to both our kingdoms is designed to achieve what, may I ask?" Karim asked nonchalantly. "Or are you not planning to visit my kingdom," he said sarcastically. "You would be most welcome, I assure you."

  Karim ran his gaze up and down Ella's figure, causing her to stiffen involuntarily. "Most welcome," he whispered.

  Ella could feel a menace behind the superficially pleasant demeanor. She couldn't help wondering how this conversation would have gone if she had been foolish enough to meet with him in private. It would have been an entirely different kind of danger from the one she had felt in the presence of Raz. With him, there had been an immediate feeling of barely contained, instant, sensual
desire. The way she had felt then was a million miles from how she was feeling right now.

  It seemed that Sheikh Karim was not going to respond to reason. But then, Ella had known he probably wouldn't.

  Ella gritted her teeth and fixed Karim with a firm look. He didn't flinch from her withering gaze. He merely smiled as if he already sensed some kind of victory. "From what you've said, it seems you have no intention of admitting any kind of responsibility for the pollution problems you have caused."

  Karim stared at her, anger filling his eyes. "Any pollution is entirely the fault of the drilling and processing carried out by Qazhar. It has nothing whatsoever to do with me."

  "Really?" Ella blurted our angrily.

  Karim didn't move a muscle. His dark eyes were unmoving and resolute.

  Ella shifted in her seat, leaning toward the Sheikh. "Then, I will have no option but to make my findings public, in much the same manner as I've done recently. Only this time, since I plan to visit the area myself, I'll have first-hand details to publish. Videos. Photographs. You know." Ella smiled sarcastically. "All that good stuff," she declared boldly, giving the Sheikh a challenging stare.

  Ella saw the immediate effect of her words in the sudden reddening of Karim's face and the widening of his eyes. He clutched at the side of his chair, his knuckles whitening.

  "How dare you speak to me in such a manner," he gasped. "And you, a foreign woman, with no right to speak with one such as I?"

  Ella suppressed a satisfied grin. "I have every right to speak to you about these matters."

  Karim rose from his chair and peered down at her. "I will not be spoken to in this manner by the likes of you. I agreed to see you in the mistaken belief that you were some silly young Western woman with ideals above her station. I can see that you are not even that," he exclaimed.

  "Really? So, what is my true station then?" Ella demanded. "To be subservient to a Sheikh? Is that where I belong?"

  Ella saw that their raised voices had caught the attention of hotel guests and staff. Karim's two security guards moved closer.

  Karim tugged on his robes trying to retain some sense of dignity. He'd noticed the onlookers and didn't seem to relish being a part of such a spectacle.

  When he spoke his voice was lower, but no less threatening than before. "You are not fit enough to grace the bed of one so noble as a Sheikh," he sneered, his gaze running up and down Ella from head to toe.

  "Thankfully, that is a fate I won't have to endure," Ella stated.

  Karim's expression soured even more, his mouth turning downwards. "Go back to where you belong, Miss Brant. Lest you come to harm."

  Ella was seized powerfully by the twin emotions of fear and indignation. "Harm? What kind of harm Sheikh Karim?"

  Ella saw Karim smile and open his mouth, his reply almost on his lips. Then she heard a voice. A very familiar voice.

  "Miss Brant? There you are."

  Ella looked past Karim's bodyguards and saw Raz standing there, a wide smile on his face.

  "Miss Brant. I thought I'd find you here," she heard Raz say. He held his arms out wide, and he looked genuinely pleased to see her.

  Ella felt her mouth open in astonishment. What was he doing here? And how had he found out where she was staying?

  Raz walked toward them, but the two bodyguards moved, placing themselves in front of Karim. Raz halted and looked at the two giants.

  Raz smiled and winked at them. "Nice to see you, guys."

  Ella almost had to suppress a laugh when she saw the two bodyguards look at each other with puzzled expressions. Raz gently placed one hand on each of the mens' chests and eased them aside. "If you don't mind, I've come to collect Miss Brant."

  Karim twisted around and gaped at Raz. "Sheikh Al Kharif. How nice to see you," Karim said.

  Raz extended a hand. Ella saw Karim grasp Raz's hand firmly. She was sure she saw his knuckles whiten as he squeezed Raz's hand so tight it should have made Raz grimace. But, Raz didn't even react. Both men held their gaze at each other for long enough to confirm to Ella that there was simmering tension that was liable to bubble to the surface any moment now.

  Raz's gaze shifted to Ella, and she stood quickly. Raz's brows furrowed slightly, and he looked back at Karim. "I see you and Miss Brant are having an informal chat," he said.

  Karim released Raz's hand and looked at Ella. The fury that had been written on his face moments before had vanished, to be replaced by a forced civility. "We were just discussing that unfortunate situation on our border. You know. The one your people caused," Karim said.

  Raz squinted at Karim. "Really, Karim. You know better than to talk business in a lovely place like this. And in front of such delectable company," Raz said with a hungry glance at Ella.

  Karim's eyes narrowed. "Miss Brant has some very interesting views on the matter. I was telling her she would be welcome to visit my kingdom any time she wished to discuss the matter further," Karim said.

  Raz's features darkened imperceptibly. Ella was sure she saw his jaw tighten for a moment, and then he regained his air of affability. "Did you, now." Raz glanced at Ella, who had managed to move closer to him. He seemed pleased to see her closer to him and addressed Karim with a firm tone. "I don't think there's much chance of that happening, Sheikh Al Jafhar," Raz said, adopting a formal and slightly censorious tone.

  Karim bristled. "I'll thank you to keep your nose out of my affairs," he said.

  "Affairs?" Raz said with a wry grin at Ella.

  Ella felt heat rise to her face.

  Raz surprised Ella by suddenly reaching out and wrapping his fingers around her hand. "Never mind. Miss Brant is with me," he stated as if there was no possibility of a reply.

  Ella saw Karim's brows rise. Raz tugged gently on Ella's hand. She considered wrenching her hand free, but when he'd touched her, a delightful tingle had raced up her arm and across her shoulders, catching her unawares. Ella glanced into Raz's eyes and saw a brief nod of his head.

  "Miss Brant did not mention any appointment with you," Karim said to Raz.

  Raz smiled. "We have a dinner date. Isn't that right, Ella?" Raz said looking at her and awaiting confirmation.

  Ella's eyes flashed between the Raz and Karim. "Why, yes. Sheikh Al Kharif kindly offered to buy me dinner."

  Raz looked pleased, almost as if it were real and they were about to go on a prearranged date. Why was he so anxious to get Ella away from Karim?

  Raz tugged on Ella's hand one last time and glanced at his watch. "We have to go. Our table is waiting, and my limo is parked at the entrance. I don't think the doorman approves," he said with a last grin at Karim's two bodyguards.

  And then Ella felt herself being guided swiftly away from Sheikh Karim and through the lobby of the hotel entrance. Her heels clacked on the marble floor, and she was aware of curious eyes following the sight of the Sheikh leading the young American woman out of the hotel.

  She followed Raz through the swinging doors and out into the cool night air. She saw the limousine parked there, just as Raz had said. The engine was ticking over, and the driver stood by the open door waiting for her and Raz to enter.

  Once outside, she halted suddenly, releasing her hand from his grasp. Raz turned and looked at her.

  "What the hell was that about?" Ella demanded.

  Raz grinned. "I was saving you from him. That's what I was doing."

  "I don't need saving from anyone, Sheikh Al Kharif."

  Raz shook his head. "That's not what I saw when I came into the hotel. It looked like he was giving you some kind of warning."

  Ella thrust a hand on her hip. Raz quirked a brow at her, and she saw his eyes glance up and down her body. "As I said. I can look after myself," she stated.

  Raz grinned wolfishly. "I'm sure you can, Ella," he replied. Raz glanced at the limo. "Care to join me?"

  "For dinner?" Ella exclaimed, sounding almost incredulous. "I think I might go back to my room," she said turning to go back into the hotel.
  Raz ran up to her and seized her arm. Ella looked down at his hand and then into his eyes. "Are you trying to stop me going to my room?"

  Raz's mouth opened, and he glanced down at his hand, releasing Ella's arm. "I don't think that would be such a good idea, right now," he said slowly.

  "Why on earth not?" Ella asked.

  Raz sighed and smiled at Ella. For a moment, she was seized with a sense of just how charming this Sheikh could be when he wanted to be. His smile was one she was sure had broken more than a few hearts over the years. She was determined not be just another notch on his bedpost.

  "A table has been arranged," Raz said simply.

  Ella looked at him in surprise. "You need to book tables? Why don't I believe that?" she asked with a frown.

  "It would be a shame to waste the chance to sample the delights of my country's cuisine. And, I'm sure you've had a long day," he said.

  Ella shook her head. "Only dinner?"

  Raz didn't reply to that question, so she supposed she'd have to take his word. The word of a sheikh. That must be worth something, she figured.

  Ella glanced at the limo, and Raz's gaze followed hers. "Your carriage awaits," he said extending an arm toward the open door.

  Ella sighed and shook her head, starting to walk toward the limo and wondering just what she was letting herself in for by agreeing to spend an evening with the sheikh.


  "How did you know where I was staying?" Ella asked. Her voice had that sharp edge to it that he had come to enjoy so quickly. When Ella wanted to challenge him about something, she spoke with a slightly indignant quivering tone that he found so incredibly sexy. No woman had ever spoken to him like that before.

  Raz leaned back on the leather seat inside the limo and tried to restrain the urge to slide his hand across the back of the seat, just behind Ella's long, elegant neck. It was a delight to have this beautiful woman in his limousine. In the soft light of the car's interior, she looked even more exquisite, even more elegant than he had previously thought.


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