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The Sheikh's Pretend Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 2)

Page 5

by Albany, Cara

  She leaned against the cool stone, feeling the soft chill against the skin of her forearms. This was a peaceful place. It was a veritable oasis in the midst of an unforgiving, arid desert. The opulence of the way Raz's family lived suddenly struck her as a painful contrast to the way the indigenous tribe lived far away on the northern coast.

  Ella reminded herself that was the real reason she was here. Ella felt suddenly guilty for having enjoyed even one moment of her time this evening. She should have been back in the city, planning her activities for the next day. Instead, she had succumbed to the charms of a Sheikh and had allowed herself to be taken to his private place, to enjoy the kind of luxury denied so many.

  Ella shivered slightly and drew her arms around herself. She sighed and heard Raz's chair slide on the marble terrace. He moved to her and leaned on the balustrade by her side. Ella was determined not to look into Raz's eyes. She knew the dangers that lay in his gaze. She'd seen the way he'd looked at her in the limousine, and been surprised at herself for welcoming his appreciative gaze. This wasn't like her at all. She'd kept relationships with men on the back burner for too many years now, to suddenly succumb to the charms of the desert sheikh. Even if he looked like something that had emerged out of a fevered dream.

  "The garden is beautiful, isn't it?" Raz said softly.

  Ella nodded and continued to fight the urge to look at Raz.

  "It's my father's pride and joy. He's spent years developing the garden into what it is now." Raz laughed. "When I was a boy it was nothing but a ragged patch of green with a few trees. But now, it looks incredible."

  Ella nodded. "He must be very proud of his work."

  "Would you like to go for a walk?" he asked looking toward the garden.

  Ella felt a sudden rush of sensation at the mere thought of being alone with Raz in the garden. Her first thought was that she couldn't trust herself to be there with him, with no-one watching. Could she trust him? Even more importantly, could she trust herself?

  Ella glanced at Raz and saw he was waiting for her reply. His eyes were filled with what looked like hopeful expectation.

  Ella allowed herself one more, brief moment of deliberation and then she seized the moment. "Of course, I would. That would be lovely," she said. It would do no good to give Raz the impression that she didn't have the courage to be alone with him.

  Raz's eyes lit up, and he reached out a hand, but Ella took one step away from him, eager to maintain at least some kind of respectful distance.

  Ella followed Raz down the set of steps that led from the balcony and into the garden. They stepped out onto the grassy bank that sloped down to a flat area. It stretched away from them toward a tree-lined pathway.

  Ella's heels sank into the soft grass, and she lost her balance for a moment. Raz thrust out a hand, and Ella took it with a reflexive movement that surprised her. Raz's fingers wrapped around her hand the same way they had done when he had helped her out of the car on their arrival. Ella glanced at Raz. "I think I'll take my shoes off."

  Raz nodded appreciatively. "Sounds good," he said.

  Ella let Raz hold her hand while she stretched down and flicked off her shoes. She hung the straps of her shoes around her fingers. The sensation of her feet on the cool grass was strangely pleasant. Ella curled her toes and smiled at Raz.

  "Better?" he asked.

  Ella nodded and saw Raz glance down at her bare feet. He seemed to take some simple, primal pleasure at seeing her standing barefoot on the grass.

  Raz released her hand, and they started to walk. At first, they said nothing to each other, happy to enjoy the quiet of the garden. Ella glanced back at the palace. From this side, the building looked as imposing as it had from the entrance. She saw how far it stretched back away from the front. There were additional wings and annexes, and she wondered how many bedrooms the place had.

  Now, why had she thought about bedrooms? She chided herself and cleared her throat hoping that Raz hadn't noticed the change in her complexion. Her cheeks felt suddenly warmer. She was glad that the light was softer as they made their way into the garden and further from the palace lights.

  Ella drew in a deep breath and felt the peace of the place settle into her. She inhaled the aroma of the many beds of flowers that had been planted along the pathway. A few steps later and they were beneath a canopy of tall trees that stretched away toward where the fountain was located. The branches moved softly in the evening breeze, creating a background sound like gentle waves settling upon a beach.

  This was a magical place. She felt so incredibly fortunate to be here, sharing this moment with a man she realized she still did not know that well. But, he was so very courteous, as if he realized that this must all seem so strange to her. It was as if he were giving her the chance to take it all in, adjust to this exotic place that was as far as possible from the world she knew back in America.

  Eventually, they emerged into the open area in the middle of which stood the fountain. Water gushed elementally out of the trunks of carved white elephants. The torrent splashed noisily into the wide base of the fountain. The sound of the water seemed almost out of place in the garden, but Ella realized she was glad to be next to the coolness. The air around the fountain felt almost chilly in comparison to that of the garden.

  There was a low bench facing the fountain. Ella went to it and sat down, curling her legs beneath the stone seat. She gazed up at Raz as he stood looking at the fountain.

  "It's so beautiful," Ella said.

  "It was carved by one of our finest artisans," Raz explained. "The elephants represent good fortune." Raz looked down and gave her own of his devastating smiles. "Or so I have been told."

  "I don't think your family have needed much in the way of good fortune," Ella replied gazing around her.

  Raz frowned. "What makes you say that?"

  He remained standing, looking down at her, and Ella wondered why he hadn't immediately taken the chance to sit by her side.

  "The wealth of your kingdom is world renowned," Ella said.

  "We're not the only kingdom with such wealth," Raz replied. "There are others with more than us."

  "Having more doesn't always mean it is used wisely," Ella said.

  Raz sat down by her side, a look of concern on his face. "Wisdom has nothing to do with how much money you have," he said.

  Ella nodded. "I know that. My father and I had virtually nothing. Yet, he is the wisest man I've ever known."

  Raz's gaze ran over Ella's features and settled finally on her eyes. "He was wise enough to bring up a beautiful daughter."

  Ella felt the heat rise to her face. Raz was mere inches away from her, and yet she was sure she could feel the heat of his body against her side. The loose fabric of her dress suddenly seemed like a poor defense against Raz's presence.

  Ella dragged her gaze away from Raz. She felt him move closer to her and then his fingers touched her chin, gently and softly, as if her face was the most delicate thing imaginable. Ella felt her throat tighten, and her breath caught. She turned to Raz and saw the desire in his eyes. It was plain to see, and he was doing nothing to disguise it now.

  Ella knew that she should move; sensed that the only thing she should do would be to stand and demand they go back inside the palace. But, her body would not do what her mind implored her to do.

  Their eyes met, and Ella felt her heart race faster, her blood coursing suddenly quicker through her veins. What was it about this man that affected her like this, she asked herself, even although she knew that there was no answer.

  Raz leaned his head closer to Ella, and a wolfish grin creased his lips. He looked as if he wanted to devour her.

  Ella swallowed, even though it took an effort to do so.

  "Raz," she said softly.

  Raz shook his head. "Don't say anything. There's only us here, now. That's all that matters," he murmured.

  Ella could feel his breath against the side of her face. Then his head dipped, and he was kiss
ing her behind her ear, sending spasms of exquisite pleasure coursing through her body. She leaned in against him, inviting him, feeling the pressure of his lips against her skin. She kept telling herself that this wasn't right, that it still wasn't too late to end this. But, she didn't move away from him.

  Ella raised a defensive hand against his chest, and she was sure she could feel the thudding of his heart. She didn't try to push him away, merely resting her fingers against the smooth material of his white shirt. She could feel the coarseness of his chest beneath the fabric.

  Raz touched a hand to her shoulder, drawing her closer to him. Ella twisted slightly on the seat. She closed her eyes, and all she could hear was breathing; her own and Raz's steady pulsing breaths.

  Ella opened her eyes, and Raz moved his head, his lips hovering in front of Ella's. At that moment there was a silent, unspoken communication between them both. It was something beyond words, a deep physical connection that seemed to rise up from somewhere inside them both. They hesitated as if waiting for one another to agree to the one thing they both knew was undeniable.

  Then, suddenly, from somewhere in the garden, there was a screaming sound, like the keening noise an animal in distress would make. It almost sounded like someone laughing, a mocking noise that made the air vibrate. Someone was here, she thought urgently.

  It jolted Ella out of her reverie, and she jumped, startled, shifting quickly away from Raz.

  "What was that?" she gasped.

  Raz's eyes widened, and she followed his gaze away past the fountain. On the other side of the clearing she saw a large, multi-colored bird standing there, a huge train of plumage stretching out behind it.

  "It's a peacock," he explained. His shoulders sank, and he shook his head.

  Ella gazed at the bird. Of course, she thought. A bird. The long, thin neck of the peacock shifted from side to side as if showing disapproval.

  "I thought it was someone laughing," Ella ejaculated.

  "The peacock's call sounds like someone's voice," Raz admitted.

  Ella popped her shoes back on and stood quickly, fixing her dress into place. "I'd like to go back, please," she announced.

  Raz nodded. He looked resigned to the fact that the moment had been lost. Raz stood and glared at the peacock. He gestured for Ella to start the long walk back to the palace. Her heart was still thudding, and the adrenaline caused by his proximity was still rushing through her veins. Ella started to walk back through the garden. This time, the sounds of the hissing branches overhead seemed to be taunting her. How could she have been so stupid? Hadn't she realized what could happen? She had almost submitted to Raz's fiery desire. Without the interruption, she wondered where it all would have ended.

  Back on the balcony, the empty dinner plates had been cleared away by servants. Ella turned to Raz as he took the last step up from the garden. He looked utterly deflated.

  "I'm sorry," Ella said.

  Raz frowned. "For what?"

  Ella gestured toward the table and the garden. "For all of this. I shouldn't have come."

  Raz shook his head. "Of course you should have," he insisted. "It's been a wonderful evening."

  Ella shook her head. "Perhaps for you, Raz. However, I can't let this happen again."

  Raz took a step forward. "What do you mean?"

  Ella raised her chin and gave Raz a firm look. "From now on, any meeting between us must be purely on business terms."

  Raz's mouth opened, and he seemed about to say something, but then he sighed and shook his head. "Fine. I understand," he murmured sharply.

  Did he really understand? Ella wasn't even sure why those words had leapt out of her mouth. Was she pushing him away, in spite of how he had made her feel only moments ago?

  Ella could see the distress in his eyes. She understood that the last thing he would want would be to make a scene in his family home. Maybe something like this had happened before, with other women. Ella didn't want to think about that, right now. All she wanted was to get back to the city and the safety of her hotel.

  "Can I be taken back to my hotel?" she asked.

  Raz nodded wordlessly. He started to walk back into the palace. As Ella followed behind him, her heels clacking on the marble floor, she asked herself one more thing. Once she had made it back to the safe haven of her hotel, would she ever again be able to trust herself to be alone in the company of Raz Al Kharif.


  How could he have been so stupid, Raz said to himself in the bathroom mirror the next morning. He paused in the middle of shaving himself and held the foam covered blade to one side, narrowing his eyes at himself.

  Yes, he thought, examining his features. That is what a stupid man looks like. He shook his head and then hurriedly finished shaving.

  He'd made a fool of himself last night, in the garden. Ella's beauty had driven him crazy, and he had let himself be overcome with burning desire. He had to admit that it had been wonderful to nuzzle behind her ear and feel her react to his touch. Ella had shown him that beneath that feisty surface there lurked an inner core of wanton desire.

  Raz drew in a deep breath and sighed. Ella's desire had been plain to see. He had loved the way she had responded to his touch. He'd been sure she wanted him as much as he needed her.

  But, almost inevitably she had pulled away from him. It hadn't just been the sudden interruption. There was more to her withdrawal than that. It was as if she had been frightened by the desire he had unearthed within her. It had almost been as if she had been caught unawares by the fact that he could reach her like that.

  Raz had been with many women, but there was one thing he had realized last night. Ella wasn't just another woman. She was unique and different from all the others. She had gotten under his skin like no other. He desperately needed to know more about her.

  Raz recalled the journey back to Ella's hotel. He'd insisted on accompanying her in the limousine. They hadn't said a word to each other during the entire drive. Ella hadn't even looked at him, and that had cut into his heart. When she had stepped out of the car, she had merely looked at him and politely thanked him for a lovely evening.

  As if it had only been a pleasant evening and nothing else!

  Raz had wanted to seize Ella in his arms and kiss her hard and long, try to make things different between them. But, there had been no chance to do that. Ella had closed the door firmly just as he had leaned forward, seeking some kind of reconciliation.

  Raz hadn't slept the whole night. He had lain in bed wide awake hour upon hour, images of Ella tormenting him, making him firm with unsatisfied desire all night long. By the time the sun had risen, Raz had wound up exhausted and worn out. He'd dashed out of bed, determined to get some answers to the questions that had tortured him all night.

  Raz dressed himself in a casual jacket and pants and got ready to leave.

  He called for his car and drove himself into the city. Traffic was light at this time. By the time he reached the hotel, he was impatient. He had been running over in his mind what he should say to her. He hoped she would forgive him calling on her so early, but there really was nothing for it. The impatience of desire burned in Raz. It was a fire that could only be quenched by seeing Ella and telling her just what last night had meant to him.

  Raz left his car to the valet parking and dashed into the hotel. He halted at reception and caught the attention of the man behind the counter. Raz saw that the man recognized him. Of course, he did. Raz's face was as well known as any famous person.

  "Sheikh Al Kharif?" the man said. "What can I do for you?"

  "Miss Brant. Ella Brant. Call her. Tell her I am here to see her," he instructed.

  The man looked suddenly hesitant. "I cannot do that," the man said.

  In spite of himself, Raz felt an impulse to reach across and demand that the man give him what he wanted. Raz was instantly ashamed of the urge. That wasn't how he usually behaved, Raz said to himself. He was better than that. He was a sheikh and had stand
ards to maintain.

  Raz drew in a deep breath and gave the receptionist a forced, patient smile. "Why is that?" he asked.

  "Miss Brant is no longer a guest of this hotel," the receptionist said politely.

  "What!" Raz roared. Some nearby guests turned suddenly, startled by the forcefulness of his voice.

  "She left earlier this morning," the man explained.

  "Left? You mean she checked out permanently?"

  The man nodded. "About two hours ago. She seemed most distressed. In fact, she was very much in a hurry to leave."

  What had he done? Raz asked himself. Had he driven her away just by showing her the depth of his attraction to her?

  "Did she say where she was going?" Raz asked, trying to contain the frantic tone in his voice.

  The man shook his head. "She gave us no forwarding address. The only thing I heard her say to the valet who brought her car was a request for directions to the Northern Province Road."

  Was she going north? But, of course. Why wouldn't she carry on with what she had come here to do? Why would she forget the real reason she had come to Qazhar? Especially now that she had made it clear there was no place for him in her life.

  "Oh. There was one other thing. Sheikh Kamir's bodyguard was most helpful in giving Miss Brant directions to the Northern Province Road. He seemed very interested in the fact that Miss Brant was leaving so early. In fact, he'd been in reception since early in the morning."

  "Really? Kamir's bodyguard?"

  The receptionist smiled as if he was completely unaware of the seriousness of what he had just said.

  Raz gazed around reception. "And where is this bodyguard now?" he asked.

  "He left soon after Miss Brant," the receptionist said.

  Fear jolted through Raz's body like an electric shock. He turned and ran to the hotel's revolving doors and barrelled through them, almost tumbling onto the sidewalk outside. The valet stared open-mouthed at Raz.


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