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The Naughty Sister (Sorority Sins XXX Book 1)

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by Sadie May

  Dan rewarded me with a broad smile and when I flicked my gaze over to the professor, I was surprised to see that his expression had thawed a bit. His lips turned up at the corners as his gray eyes seemed to warm. The effect was powerful and confusing. The change in his appearance wasn’t drastic but it took my breath away and heated me to my core.

  Holy cow he had charisma in spades when he wanted to use it. The approval in his eyes was heady. Addictive. I could see myself doing anything and everything to earn that look from him in the future. Just when I thought I couldn’t be any more shocked by the change in him…by the change in us, he murmured words of approval. “Good girl.”

  It wasn’t much, but those words made me hot. It was something about the commanding tone of his voice and that rare warmth in his eyes. Whatever it was, it was hard to breathe. I couldn’t seem to get enough oxygen.

  Worse, way worse—I was turned on. Like, really turned on. My panties were wet and I squeezed my thighs together to help alleviate the throbbing ache.

  The professor’s small smile turned into a smirk and I heard Dan’s soft laugh beside me before he leaned over to speak quietly directly into my ear. “We’re glad to have you on board, Rachel. Something tells me the three of us are going to have a lot of fun together.”

  My mouth went dry with nerves. I had the sudden and distinct impression that I’d just gotten myself into something and that I was in over my head. Was it too late to turn back?

  The answer was yes, because no sooner did I have the thought than the professor leaned forward in his chair and rested his clasped hands on the desk. Dan slid into the seat beside mine.

  “It would be helpful to the project, Ms. Sythe, if you tell us a little about yourself now, at the outset, so we have a base standard to work with,” the professor said. I shifted in my seat. His words were harmless enough, but it was his eyes that made me uncomfortable. The cold, unreadable mask he wore during class was intimidating, but this was different. His eyes were far from cold and the unflappable mask seemed to slip. Now there were all sorts of emotions flickering across the surface but I couldn’t make sense of it. His look was challenging, but intrigued. Commanding, but charismatic. His eyes were filled with something dark that made my lower belly feel heavy and my breasts strain against the lace of my bra.

  I was still intimidated by him but that anxiousness was tempered by this overwhelming physical reaction.

  He was waiting for me to speak and I glanced over at Dan, as if for help. Wasn’t this his paper? My mind drew a blank when I tried to think of ways to describe myself that didn’t make me sound as lame and vanilla as I felt at that moment.

  I was just your average college freshman—nothing of significance compared to the handsome, witty TA, let alone the professor with his cool confidence and sexy intelligence.

  Dan leaned forward and once again I was overwhelmed by the heat and scent of him. “Why don’t you start with the basics?” he prompted. “How do you see yourself physically?”

  I licked my lips to ease the dry, scratchy feeling in my throat. I glanced up just in time to see the professor’s eyes fixed on my lips and I know I wasn’t imagining the fact that his eyes grew even darker.

  “Um,” I started. “I guess I would say my looks are pretty average.” That was the truth. I had long brown hair, brown eyes, and a curvy body. Big breasts, rounded hips, and a butt that Morgan had described as “juicy” when I wore a bikini during rush week. I’d decided to take that as a compliment.

  I supposed I was pretty enough, but I wasn’t about to win any competitions and I paled in comparison to most of the slinky, waif-like girls at the house.

  Dan pulled out a notepad and started jotting something down.

  “Keep going,” the professor insisted. “Would you say you’re studious?”


  “An overachiever?”

  I felt a smile tugging at my lips at that understatement. “Yes.”

  “A prude?” The professor’s tone was as bland and benign as it had been during the other questions but my heart leapt into my throat at the personal question. I willed my body not to overreact, but it was too late. My cheeks felt like they were on fire.

  Was I a prude? Up until the night before I would have said yes, without a second thought. Yes, I’d had sex a handful of times but only after I’d turned eighteen my senior year and only with a boy I’d thought I loved.

  Besides, each time had been pretty boring, if I was being honest. Missionary style and over before I knew it had begun. I’d never even orgasmed…until last night.

  Up until twelve hours ago I would have said yes to being a prude, but that was before I’d had a threesome and before I’d found out that I was now part of a house that was considered raunchy. Somehow none of that aligned with the prudish reputation I’d had all during high school.

  As I continued to stare at the professor in embarrassed confusion, his lips twitched up at the corners once more and I saw a hint of amusement flicker across his face. “That wasn’t intended to be a difficult question, Ms. Sythe.”

  “Rachel,” I said automatically. Every time he called me Ms. Sythe I felt like I was sitting in the principal’s office. “Please, call me Rachel.”

  He tipped his head in acknowledgement. “All right…Rachel.”

  My heart did a funny flip in my chest at the way he drawled my name in that low voice of his. He seemed to be saying so much more than just my name.

  Dan caught my attention with a hand on my forearm. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about here in this office, Rachel. Anything you say is strictly confidential.”

  I nodded and tucked some hair behind my ear. I was being silly, reading something into the professor’s question that wasn’t there. He wasn’t propositioning me, he was just trying to get some answers.”

  I forced myself to respond without overthinking. “I think so,” I said. “Yes.”

  The professor tipped his head to the side. “You don’t sound too confident in that answer.”

  I licked my lips again and nearly gasped aloud as his eyes zeroed in again, making me hyper aware of my lips.

  “I-I’m,” I swallowed and tried again. “I’m not confident.” There, that was honest, at least.

  “Go on,” Dan urged.

  I looked from the professor and then back to Dan, my cheeks painfully hot, but I plunged ahead. “I was a prude. Definitely. But then….” I shook my head. There was no way I would tell them what happened the night before.

  “But then….” The professor’s voice was close to a growl.

  “But then I came to college,” I said. “And there are more opportunities here. Less rules.” I shrugged, at a loss for words. “I guess I’m not quite sure what I’m capable of. That remains to be seen.”

  Their silence was deafening.

  Had I said too much? Had I said the wrong thing?

  Maybe some of my anxiety was evident because the professor gave me the first true smile I’d ever seen from him. “Your honesty is refreshing. You, my dear, might just be the perfect case study.”

  That did nothing to ease the heat in my cheeks but it did help the tension ease in my stomach.

  He leaned back in his seat. “I think I can speak for Dan when I say it will be a great pleasure to watch you.” His expression was enigmatic but his tone hinted at something dark and delicious. “I’d love to see what you’re capable of.”

  Chapter Two

  I took the long way back to our house after class. My head was spinning from everything that had happened over the past twenty-four hours. I wasn’t sure what to make of it—particularly the way the professor and Dan had looked at me before I ran out of there. Like I was edible, or something.

  It was more than that, they’d made me feel like I was suddenly part of some deep, dark secret, not just a volunteer for a grad student’s paper. Add to that the fact that I was one hundred percent convinced that Dan knew about our sorority’s first night “tradition,” I guess
you could call it. If he knew, did that mean the professor knew too, or was I just paranoid? One thing was for sure. I was thoroughly freaked.

  I was also incredibly horny. I’d thought the ache would ease with a long walk through the quad, but when I came back to the house, I was in a worse state than when I’d been sitting there in their office with a throbbing, wet pussy.

  The house was quiet, most of the girls were probably still in class. I locked the door to my room and laid down on the bed.

  I’d never touched myself before. Not like that. I’d always thought it would be weird, and honestly I’d never really seen the appeal. But then again, up until the night before I’d never had an orgasm so I’d had no idea what I was missing out on.

  But now…oh hell, now I needed that release more than anything. I was pretty sure I might explode if I didn’t get off. I tugged up my skirt and slipped a hand down my panties, tentatively at first, my fingers slipping between the folds and into my slick wet heat.

  Oh shit, that felt good.

  My fingers found my clit and I mimicked the motions that Alison had done. And then I closed my eyes. It didn’t take much to conjure up the fantasy that had been haunting me ever since Dan asked me about my first night.

  I pictured him in my room, between my legs like Alison had been. But in my imagination it was his cock being shoved inside me and not a cold, lifeless dildo. Oh sweet Jesus, I hadn’t known how wet I could get until I slipped two fingers inside, letting myself pretend it was Dan’s cock stroking my pussy, in and out, over and over.

  I licked my lips, my breath coming in short gasps. The only thing missing in my fantasy was the professor.

  I knew exactly how I wanted him. He’d be beside me on the bed, tearing open my blouse, that dark gray gaze filled with desire as he ripped off my lace bra and watched my tits bounce in time with Dan’s fucking.

  Then he’d lean down, his eyes meeting mine and holding me hostage as he took a nipple into his mouth and sucked.

  My fingers slid over my clit, inside my pussy, my movements frantic and desperate as my mind’s eye summoned up a vivid image of my deepest darkest desire.

  I threw my head back and pictured Dan grabbing my hips to hold me still as he pounded into me, the professor whispering dirty words of encouragement as he came to my side and slid down his fly, releasing his cock so I could take it into my mouth and bring us all over the edge.

  Oh shit. Oh God. One more thrust of my fingers and I came apart with a violent shudder, coming back to my cold, lonely reality with a thud but with a smile firmly pasted on my lips.

  Oh man, I would definitely be doing that again soon. Just as soon as I was able.

  A little while later, I had to rouse myself from bed. I couldn’t lie in bed all night touching myself, no matter how tempting it might sound. My housemates were home and by the sound of it they were having fun. It was only my second night, I had to at least make an appearance.

  Besides, I still hadn’t decided what I was going to do about Dan. Should I tell someone that a sociology TA might possibly be in on the big secret? Maybe Missy. She’d been the friendliest to me since I moved in the day before and was easy to talk to.

  I was still contemplating whether I should bring it up but the decision was made for me. When I walked downstairs I found that everyone was busy. Some were cleaning, others were decorating. From the kitchen I could smell cooking and one girl was unloading a crate full of beer and wine.

  “Hey,” I said to Alison, who was closest to me in the hallway. “What’s going on?”

  “First party of the semester, newbie.” She paused beside me long enough to give me a wink. “I hope you’re up for it.”

  What the hell did that mean? Great, now my freak out levels were at an all time high. “Um, have you seen Missy around?”

  She jerked her head toward the kitchen. “In there helping to get ready.” She gave me a meaningful look. “Like you should be.”

  I flashed her my best people-pleasing smile. “I’ll get right on it, I just need to ask her a quick question.”

  But when I found Missy, she was knee-deep in appetizers and was commanding a group of sophomore girls like she was a drill sergeant. Her blond hair was piled up on her head in a messy bun and she wore an old-fashioned apron that was streaked with stains as though she’d been using it as a dish rag for her dirty hands.

  She spotted me hovering in the kitchen doorway and gave me a quick smile. “Hey, new girl, glad you’re here. I could use some help getting desserts made.”

  I nodded and headed toward a corner of the kitchen where flour, eggs, and icing were spread out waiting to be turned into something. The other girls scattered to do the chores Missy had commanded and for one moment at least I had her to myself.

  “So, this party,” I started.

  Missy laughed. “Don’t get all scared, newbie. We throw these things all the time.”

  “Oh.” I cleared my throat. “What exactly happens at these parties?”

  My mind had gone back to the night before, not to mention Missy’s little lecture this morning about how our house was infamously raunchy. Add to that Alison’s warning in the hall and I was just shy of terrified.

  But I was also excited, which scared me more than anything.

  Missy never answered me, she got distracted by two girls who were carrying in a case of plastic cups. “What are you, crazy? Those are the crappy cups we use for ragers. Tonight is a mixer with our sister frat house, break out the good stuff.”

  I let out a little sigh of relief as I reached for the cupcake mix Missy set in front of me. Missy had basically answered my question right there. Tonight would be a tame night, just a mixer. That I could definitely handle.

  When the girls left to get the “good stuff,” whatever that meant, I took the chance to ask my next question. “No one knows about the, um….”

  She turned to face me when my voice trailed off. “The what?”

  I lowered my voice to a near whisper. “The stuff I did last night? The tapes?”

  Her amusement was obvious. “Don’t worry. The only people who know what really goes on here are the ones in our inner circle.” Her tone grew serious. “The only people who know anything have just as much at stake as you do. So don’t worry, okay? Everyone here has secrets and that’s how we know they’ll be kept.”

  I nodded and she turned back to her work. I kind of wanted to ask follow up questions. Like, who exactly was in this inner circle? But she had gone back into work mode and I had cupcakes to bake.

  Hours later I stood with a glass of wine in hand and smiled up at one of the frat boys who was regaling me with a not-terribly-funny account of his soccer practice.

  I tried to keep the smile on my face as I searched the room for Missy or one of the other girls I knew. If I was being honest, I’d have to admit that for my first party at a sorority house…I was bored.

  Missy had been right, this was no rager. It was more of a quiet get together with the two most upstanding and responsible houses on campus. In other words, it was a snoozefest.

  Which I should be grateful for, really. I mean, I’d been working myself into a tizzy about what would be expected of me at my first party. Given what had happened my first night, my imagination had run wild. I’d been daydreaming about wild orgies or sex acts that involved whips and chains.

  Instead I got a glorified tea party the likes of which I’d have no problem inviting my grandmother to.

  Huh. Funny how disappointed I was considering my trepidation.

  I took another sip of my wine as I tried not to think about the other fantasies I’d been harboring all day. Ones that involved the professor and Dan. I hadn’t been able to get them, or our meeting this morning, off my mind all day.

  As I stared up at the dull soccer player I found myself wishing that he was Dan or the professor. Preferably both. I’d realized by the end of our meeting today that I liked them best as a pair. Something about the professor excited me. Called to m
e. But he was so intense that I needed Dan’s calming presence to be around him. And Dan sweet and easy to talk to, but when the professor was with him, he seemed to have an edge. Secrets that I couldn’t fathom. If they were here, what would they be talking about? Something far more interesting than sports, that was for sure.

  A few hours and more than a few drinks later and I was relaxed to the point of tired. I smothered a yawn as I said goodbye to one of the guys who’d been chatting me up earlier. The crowd was starting to dwindle and since it was a small group to begin with, I figured I was almost ready to say goodnight to my first ever sorority party and hello to my pillow.

  I was wrong.

  Just as the last of the boys said goodbye, Missy tugged on my hand as she giggled. “Come on, newbie. You played your part well, but now’s when the fun begins.”

  I was honestly too tipsy to question her. Even if I could have found the words, I was all but jogging to keep up with her as she raced through the house, tugging me along behind her. When we reached the kitchen she threw open the door to the basement with a flourish. “Voila!”

  I stared at her and then the darkened doorway. “What am I looking at?”

  She gently pushed me ahead of her so I was walking down the stairs.

  “Welcome to the real party,” she said in a sing-song voice from behind me.

  I’d been to the basement before when they’d given us pledges a tour of the house. It had been thoroughly underwhelming, just an unfinished basement with some washers and dryers and a closet full of cleaning supplies.

  Sure she was joking, I cast a quick look at Missy over my shoulder. “Very funny, Missy. Can I go to bed now?”

  We reached the bottom of the stairs and rather than head to the right where I’d gone last time, she pulled on my arm so I was following her through a closed door to the left that I’d never noticed before.

  As if reading my mind, Missy turned to me. “We cover this door with an old bookcase when we’re showing people around.”

  As soon as the door opened, I’d heard music and then voices. I followed her through a dark hallway and into a carpeted room with dim lighting and sexy music. Some of the girls were down here already but there were men here too. Not the frat boys we’d been entertaining upstairs, but men.


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