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Another Day (Books We Love mature romance)

Page 16

by Roseanne Dowell

  “I don’t know, Andrew. I’m busy with the renovation and Liz is moving back, did I tell you? She wants me to help her. I’m just not sure I have the time.”

  “Meg, look at me.” What was wrong with her? Andrew took hold of her shoulders. “I want us to live here. You, me, Julie, Jason - even Harvey. I’m asking you to help me make a new life for us. I know it’ll be an adjustment, but we need a change. Besides, this is the kind of house you always wanted.”

  She stared at him. “You want me back? Want to make a fresh start? Want to live here with me?”

  Andrew shook his head. Why did she seem so surprised?

  “You big lummox, why didn’t you say so in the first place?”

  “You can fix the den for your office. It’ll be your space.” He waved his hand around the kitchen. “This can be one of your projects.”

  Meg stared at him. Her face a mask of surprise.

  “What I’m asking, is will you take me back?”

  “I...Andrew...yes!” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. “You have the darndest way of asking a person to do something.”

  Andrew let out a sigh of relief. She still wanted him. After all the pain and anguish, she wanted him back. Wanted to make a new start. Damn, he loved this woman.

  “Let me look at it again.” She headed to the living room.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Thank you, God. Andrew sighed. He didn’t know what he’d do if she had said no. He had taken so long to come to terms with what she had done. Taken forever to take part of the blame.

  “If you don’t like this house we’ll look for something else.” He followed her while she stood and looked at the master bedroom. He thought she’d love this house. Had looked high and low to find something she had once described. This seemed to fit the bill.

  “Oh no, I love this house. It’s what I always pictured. It’ll be perfect...” She laughed. “No, not perfect. It‘ll be ours.”

  “No. Not perfect, Meg. You made me see that. We’ll fix this house together with all its imperfections, and we’ll live here with all our faults.” Damn, he loved her. It took all his restraint not to make love to her right there on the bedroom floor.

  Jesus, he was worse than a teenager. Take control, man. Grow up. But he didn’t want to grow up. He wanted her, loved her, and he couldn’t wait to show her how much. And they wouldn’t have to wait much longer. He followed Meg from room to room.


  I finished my tour of the house, paying closer attention to detail.

  “How soon will it be ours?” I asked. “The house has a lot of potential, and I can’t wait to get started.” I couldn’t wait for my new life with Andrew. I wanted to move in now. Wanted to make love to my husband. It had been so long. Suddenly, I remembered the lacy black bodysuit I bought. I couldn’t wait to model it for him. Couldn’t wait for him to notice it was crotchless. My face burned, and I turned away.

  What was the matter with me? I wasn’t some sex-crazed kid. I was a grown woman for God’s sakes. But, oh how I wanted this man. It had been far too long. No way was he leaving me tonight. Nope, tonight he was staying home where he belonged.

  “As soon as we sign the papers and give them the down payment. We’re pre-approved and since it’s empty, almost immediately,” he answered.


  What was that look just before she turned away. He could have sworn she was blushing. Was that desire he saw in her eyes? He couldn’t wait to get her home. No more apartment living for him. He’d pick up his clothes tomorrow. But tonight, he was staying with his wife. He couldn’t bear to spend one more night away from her.

  Tomorrow he’d call Joe. He wanted that new position now. He didn’t care if Joe thought he was crazy or not. He didn’t want to travel anymore. He wanted to spend his nights with his family where he belonged.

  Jason and Julie only had a couple more years of school and they’d be off to college. He had missed too much of their high school years. It was time he got more involved. It was time he spent more time with his kids, got to know them.

  “What about Julie and Jason? Oh Andrew, we can’t take them out of school.” All their friends are there. They grew up with those kids.”

  “I checked that out first thing. They’ll stay in the same school.” Wouldn’t you know Meg would think of something like that? There was a time he left all that kind of thing up to her. But no more. It was time he shared the responsibility for the kids. Time he remembered little things like that.

  “So what do you think? You want to sign the papers tomorrow?”

  “I’d sign them now if I could,” Meg laughed. “I do love you, Andrew, but I have to ask, can you forget?”

  “I’ll forget.” Andrew pulled her close. “I miss you so much. I’m more miserable without you. Dr. Keller made me admit that. She wants to work with both of us, if you’re willing.”

  “Of course I’m willing. But we’re going to have to make some changes, some compromises. I won’t quit my job.” She looked at him, as if watching his reactions.

  “I can’t, won’t go back to the way it was before. It didn’t work then, it won’t work now. I want us to work together. We’re husband and wife, not boss and employee. I have just as much right to make decisions as you do. And I’m not going to ask for permission for every little thing anymore.”

  Andrew just nodded while she spoke, a silly grin on his face. He couldn’t help it. He liked this new side of Meg. The assertive side. And she was right. She knew how to make decisions on her own. He had trusted her to raise his kids. He sure as hell could trust her to make decisions about other things.

  “I want free hand decorating this house without consulting you about every little thing. I won’t make big decisions without talking it over with you first, of course…”

  Andrew put his finger to her lips, silencing her. He pulled her to him, tilted her head and kissed her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her.

  “Whatever you want.”


  I leaned my head against his chest. It felt so good to be in his arms. But I had meant what I said. I wanted to start fresh, and I wanted some independence.

  Dr. Keller told me I needed to be my own person. Had to like and respect myself first. I couldn’t depend on anyone else for happiness. I finally realized, although married, I had my own life, too.

  Needed my own space.

  All these years I had catered to my family. Not that I minded catering, but I had done it because I thought it was expected of me, not always because I wanted to.

  I thought that’s what wives did.

  I couldn’t entirely blame Andrew. I had stepped into the role. We were young, we didn’t know any better.

  “Let’s get something to eat, and then we’ll go tell the kids. How do you think they’ll take it?”

  I laughed. “Are you kidding? They’re going to be thrilled. Julie probably won’t sleep for a week - she’ll be so excited. She’s been so unhappy since you’ve been gone.”

  I couldn’t wait to see the look on my daughter’s face when she heard the news.

  “And wait until they see your new car. Jason is going to love it. You know how he loves SUVs”

  “Yeah, I bet he will,” Andrew groaned. “He’s going to want to get his driver’s license soon, isn’t he? They’re growing up too fast, honey.”

  I couldn’t remember the last time Andrew had called me that. I followed him into the restaurant. He took my hand when we reached the door. It felt good, warm and strong. He pulled me to him and kissed my cheek. A fire flickered deep inside of me.


  “Julie, Jason,” I called when we got home. “Where are you? Harvey, come on boy. The lights are on. Where is everyone? You did leave them a note, didn’t you?”

  “Ha, they aren’t here, they’re at your mom’s.” Andrew stood in the foyer holding a note. “It seems they decided to take Harvey and spend the night there when they found out we were together. It say
s that maybe, with them not around, we’d grow up and work things out and get back together.”

  “You’re kidding? They wrote that? Let me see.” I took the note. “Someone put them up to this. Aunt Liz comes to mind. Liz took Julie and Jason for pizza tonight. They probably saw our note and... Can you beat that? Let’s go get them.” I set the note on the table. “I can’t believe they did this.”

  “Are you sure you want to go get them? Spoil their plan for us?” Andrew pulled me close and nibbled my neck.

  “We haven’t been alone in this house all night for what—seventeen years?” He ran his fingers through my hair. Backed me towards the stairway.

  “Do you want to let them think this was their idea?” I looked up at him, saw the desire in his eyes, and knew mine reflected the same thing back. Right now, I didn’t care what they thought. All I knew was I wanted my husband. The kids could wait.

  “What’s another day?” He brought his lips to mine with more passion.

  “Umm, yeah, what’s another day?” I answered with a passionate kiss of my own.

  “Let’s go upstairs.”

  I didn’t have to ask him twice. He picked me up and carried me up to the bedroom and set me down next to the bed. His gaze moved slowly over my body from head to toe, finally coming back to rest on my eyes. Desire smoldered in his sending shivers of excitement through me.

  He eased his arms around me and pulled me toward him. I smelled the tangy spice of his aftershave. A quiver started in the pit of my stomach. I wanted him. Needed him. I leaned toward him.

  His lips brushed across mine – just the hint of a kiss. I stared at him, begging for more with my eyes.

  His mouth moved across mine lightly then with more pressure. A moan escaped from deep in my throat.

  My hands came up behind his head and pulled him closer. I opened my mouth and tasted the sweetness of him. I wanted to devour him. I pressed my body to his, wanted to be part of him, wanted to be one with him.

  He walked me backwards toward the bed, never taking his lips from mine and slowly removed my blouse and bra.

  He slipped his fingers in my jeans and slid them down over my hips. Slowly, he eased me down onto the bed.

  Finally, he took me, slowly, seductively, passionately.

  I awoke the next morning, stretched, and felt Andrew’s warm body next to mine. I looked at him and watched his even breathing while he slept. I resisted the urge to run my fingers along his lips. Resisted the urge to kiss him awake.

  For the moment, I just wanted to enjoy him lying here. Here back in our bed where he belonged. My thoughts went back to last night when he made love to me.

  So tender, so gentle, yet so sexy and seductive. I couldn’t wait to wear the sexy black outfit for him. Maybe we could go away together, just the two of us. Just for a couple of days, maybe a weekend.

  Maybe I’d plan it and surprise him. A weekend at a Spa, that’s what we’d do. I couldn’t wait.

  How life had changed in the past several months. I couldn’t believe I was lying here next to Andrew after all that happened.

  His eyes fluttered, and I gave in to the urge to touch him. The big faker wasn’t asleep after all.

  He grabbed my hand and rolled over on top of me and nibbled my lips. I nibbled back.

  “Hmm, I can’t think of a better way to wake up.” Being in Andrew’s arms brought a new sense of security to me.

  After we made love, I got up to shower. “How about we pick up the kids and take them to breakfast? Then we can show them the house.”

  Andrew agreed and after a quick cup of coffee, we were on our way.

  “How do you think they’ll like the new house?” Andrew asked.

  “As long as you’re back, Julie would live in a tent. And Jason is agreeable to anything. I don’t think they’ll mind.”

  We pulled into my mother’s driveway. Julie and Jason must have been watching for us. They ran out to greet us, followed by Harvey yipping at their heels.

  Julie jumped up, hugged her father, and twirled him around. She gave me a look which was a little too knowing for my comfort. Andrew caught the look too and winked at me above Julie’s head. Our daughter was growing up and a little too knowledgeable for her own good.

  Of course, they weren’t babies. What did I expect them to think when I showed up here with Andrew? It was obvious to anyone that he spent the night.

  Anyway, why should she care? We were married.

  “Wow, Dad, neat car. Whose is it?” Jason ran his hand along the door.

  It was obvious he couldn’t wait to get behind the wheel.

  “It’s mine. I suppose next you’re going to ask if you can drive it.”

  “Well, now that you mention it, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. I’d like to take a Driver’s Ed course in January.”

  Andrew groaned. “We’ll talk about it later. Come on, let’s go say good-bye to your grandmother and thank her for keeping you. Mom and I are taking you to breakfast. We have something to talk to you about.”

  Julie ran ahead followed by Harvey. Jason broke into a run and raced her.

  “I’m afraid our kids are growing up.” I took Andrew’s hand and sighed.

  “Yeah, pretty soon we’ll be in that house by ourselves. Will you mind?”

  “I might have a few months ago, but not now. I look forward to being alone with you again.” I looked up at him. A surge of love raced through me. Life had its ups and downs, but I knew now I could cope.

  Andrew and I had come to a new place in our lives. I knew we could withstand anything thrown our way and our marriage would be stronger for it.

  And, I knew there would always be another day.

  The End

  About The Author

  Multi-published author, Roseanne Dowell, writing instructor and former school secretary, is an avid reader and writes various types of romance –paranormal, contemporary, and mystery. Living in Northeast Ohio with her husband of fifty years, she has six children, fourteen grandchildren and one great grandchild. She spends her time between writing, quilting, and embroidering. She’s been published since 2006. She also enjoys blogging, tweeting, facebooking and posting on various writers groups.

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  Other books by Roseanne Dowell

  Published by Books We Love:

  Secrets, Lies and Love

  Designed for Love

  Time to Love Again

  Shadows in the Attic

  Elusive Mission

  Ring Around the Rosy

  Geriatric Rebels

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