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Three Days of Rain

Page 3

by Christine Hughes

  She gave him the once over with her honey-colored eyes and her annoyance was quickly replaced by wariness. “I’ll be okay. Just have to make a call.”

  “Well, since I’m here, I could take a look at it. You know, see if I can fix it.”

  With one hand on her hip, she used the other to push stray curls behind her ear. “Do you actually know how to change a flat?”

  Jake laughed out loud. “I think I can manage. You have a full size attached to the back. I’ll just replace it. All you’ll have to do is buy a new replacement tire.”

  He had a nice laugh but she still wasn’t sure if she could trust him. “Sure. Go ahead. If you try anything, I’ll kick your ass.”

  Jake’s eyebrows shot up. She was so tiny; she barely came up to his shoulders. And he wasn’t sure she could do much damage in a blue sundress and flip-flops. “I’ll do my best to control myself. You have a jack?”

  She softened a bit. “I’m sorry. I’ve just been driving forever. This is the last thing I needed right now. And I have no idea if I have a jack.”

  “That’s okay. I’ll grab one from my truck. Where’re you coming from?”


  Jake paused. “Connecticut is a far cry from South Carolina. You sure you’re in the right place?”

  Her laugh was warm. “Of course, I’m sure. Are you gonna help me or not?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  After retrieving the jack from his truck, Jake went to work on changing the tire. It took all of fifteen minutes. When he was done, he walked around to the front and waited while she finished her phone call. He noticed a couple of suitcases in the back and a camera on the front seat.

  “I’ll be there soon. Don’t worry about me. Some nice guy just changed it for me...Yeah...No. I don’t think he’s a psycho murderer. Hold on.” Covering the mouthpiece with her hand she asked Jake, “Are you a psycho murderer?”

  He shook his head and she went back to her conversation. “He’s not...Yeah, I know. See you soon...Love you, too.”

  She punched off the call and looked at him. His eyes were so sad, tired. “Done?”

  “Done. I just fastened the other tire to the back. There’s an auto shop about fifteen minutes down the road. Chase Peterson owns the place. You can tell him Jake sent you.”

  “Well, Jake, thanks but my uncle told me he’d take care of it.”

  “All right. Well, have a nice trip and be careful. Get that spare replaced.”

  He turned to walk back to his truck when she stopped him.

  “Hey, Jake! We didn’t properly introduce ourselves. I’m Lily. Lily Burns.”

  “Nice to meet you, Lily Burns,” Jake said as he reached over to shake her outstretched hand.

  “Nice to meet you, too, Jake. And thanks again for changing my tire.”

  “Anytime. You have a nice trip to wherever you are going.”

  “I will, thanks.”

  Hands in his pockets, Jake walked back to his truck and watched as she climbed into hers. She started it up, pulled into the road, and drove off. It wasn’t until she was quite a ways down the road that he started up own truck, U-turned in the other direction, and headed to work.

  The momentary distraction wasn’t unwelcome. The brief encounter was actually quite amusing. Lily seemed like such a breath of fresh air that Jake had made sure he filled his lungs, in case the past came back later to drown him. He was only slightly aware of the tingle he still felt in the palm of the hand she had shaken.

  At the speed he was going, he pulled into the parking lot in five minutes. Danny was outside smoking a cigarette, waiting for him. Danny threw his hands in the air as he flicked the butt to the ground. “Jesus, Jake! Where have you been?”

  “I had to change a tire.”

  “All night? I’ve been calling you, texting you.”

  “My phone was off.”

  “Right, and I’m the Dalai Lama. You don’t make it easy for someone to apologize.”

  “You don’t need to apologize,” Jake said as he reached into the bed of his truck to grab his bag. He slung it over his shoulder and began walking towards the docks.

  “I do. Look, I’m sorry I mentioned her. It wasn’t my place. Jesus, Jake! Would you stop and look at me?”

  Jake stopped and turned to face his brother. He was quiet for a minute, reminding himself that Danny wasn’t the enemy. “Look. I’m really trying here. What do you want from me, Danny? I told you to leave it alone. You’re sorry for mentioning her and yet, here you are again, mentioning her. When the hell are you just gonna leave it alone? Look, she’s gone, all right? I know that.

  “I’ll get over it when I’m ready. None of this happened to you. One minute my life was making sense and the next it was shattered into oblivion. I know you keep trying but you’ll never understand. Not completely. You’re just a bystander, an audience. You get to watch my life crumble, feel sorry for me, then go back home to your wife and kids—your perfect life. I don’t need your pity, your apologies, or your thoughts on the matter. Look, I’m late for work. Just let it go, Danny. Please.”

  Danny was left standing alone in the parking lot as he watched his brother disappear through the building. Aw, Jake, he thought, when are you gonna wake up? He lit another cigarette and called his wife.

  “Hey, Meg. I tried to apologize to Jake. He won’t have it. I don’t know what to do anymore.”

  “Sweetie, just let it be,” she said. “Jake’s a big boy. He’ll snap out of it.”

  “It’s been two years! Two years! What the hell is he waiting for?”

  “I don’t know. I just don’t know what to tell you.”


  Lily pulled into the parking lot of her uncle’s place, got out, stretched, stared, and took in her surroundings. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and rolled her shoulders before she walked through the door.

  There were only a few customers and the bar was exactly how she’d pictured it. The well-worn booths and aged hardwood flooring welcomed her like an old friend. The walls, a pale shade of blue, were sprinkled with photographs she’d taken over the years and sent to her uncle. She walked across the room, taking it all in, pulling her hands slowly across each table she passed.

  “This is my home for the next few months,” she whispered.

  Billy came in from the back, grabbed a menu, and hurried over to the young girl in the dining room. “What can I get you?” It wasn’t until she turned around that he recognized her. “Lily! You made it! How was the drive? Your tire’s okay? Let me look at you!” He spun her around, noticing just how much she looked like her mother. Even her laugh was the same.

  “Uncle Bill! I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m just happy to have finished the drive.”

  “I told your mom you shouldn’t have driven all by yourself. I would have paid for you to fly.”

  “And leave my Jeep behind? No way! And besides, I’m a college graduate now. I can handle anything.”

  “I can’t believe you graduated from college, Lily. The last time I saw you, you were what? Like ten?”

  “Yeah, ten sounds about right. Thanksgiving, if I remember correctly.”

  “Right, Thanksgiving. I wasn’t sure I’d see you again after that argument your father and I had over the money I lent your mother.”

  “Well, I’m here now and regardless of what Dad says, I’m staying. You’ve got me for the whole summer!”

  “I’ve looked forward to it. You’ll be staying at my house. I’ve made up the basement room for you. It has its own entrance and bathroom. You can come and go as you please. And as far as money, you can work here, if you’d like. A few shifts a week should keep you in some spending money.”

  “And rent. I’d like to pay my way. I don’t want to put you out.”

  “Put me out? Never. And I wouldn’t take a dime from you, anyway, young lady. You’re family and family sticks together. Let me get your bags. I’ll call Chase in a little bit and we’ll see if we can’t get
that tire replaced.”

  She watched her uncle walk out to grab her things then she looked around again. Just the summer, she thought. And then she thought of the guy with the tired, sad eyes who’d changed her tire earlier. Yeah. Just the summer.


  Jake finished his shift a half hour late. Mr. Olsen hadn’t said anything to him but he wanted to make up for the time he was late this morning, and he knew the boss appreciated the extra time he put in.

  Muscles sore and stinking like fish, he headed for the locker rooms. All the guys were happy Mr. Olsen decided to put in showers when he took over the docks. It made for happier relationships now that they didn’t have to go home smelling like fish guts, chum, and bait.

  He took his time cleansing the day away. Clearing his head of all the excess weight, he allowed himself a few moments of peace. Instead of the usual blankness he so enjoyed, his mind offered a vision of the girl from this morning.

  Jake rubbed his hands over his face. He certainly didn’t need her intruding on his thoughts. He had enough on his plate without thoughts of some random girl he’d never see again. Annoyed, he shut off the water, stepped out of the shower into the locker room, and got dressed.

  On his way out he saw Danny, sitting on the end of the dock, smoking a cigarette. Walking over, Jake dropped his bag and sat down, legs dangling over the edge. He picked up the box of Marlboro’s, took one out and lit it, inhaling deeply. “When are you gonna quit smoking?”

  Danny laughed. “One day, I guess.”

  Jake took two more drags and threw the lit butt into the water. He mentally thanked God smoking wasn’t a vice he’d ever held on to. He looked out over the water and watched as rays of sunset sparkled over the waves. “We okay?”

  Inhaling one last time before throwing the filter into the water, Danny replied, “Yeah, Jakey. We’re okay.”

  “You sure?”

  Clasping his hand on Jake’s shoulder, Danny said, “Yeah. I’m sure.”

  “Good. Now get up. I’m starving. Billy’s got those crab cakes on special tonight and I could eat about ten.”

  “Oh, yeah. It’s Wednesday. Crab Cake Wednesdays also mean dollar pitchers.”

  “Call Meg and tell her you’re having dinner with me. I’m buying.”

  “But she made meatloaf.”

  Jake stared at his brother like he had two heads. “Really?”

  “All right. You don’t have to tell me twice.”

  Jake walked back towards his truck and threw his bag in the bed.

  Danny knew buying dinner was Jake’s way of apologizing. He flipped open his cell. “Hey, Meg. How’re the boys?”

  “They’re fine. How was work?”

  “Good. Good. Listen, I’m goin’ over to Billy’s with Jake for dinner. I’ll be home in time to read the boys a story.”

  “Have fun. Tell Jake I said hi. Love you.”

  “Love you, too, sweetie.”

  Twenty minutes later, Danny parked his beat up minivan next to Jake’s pickup. He noticed his brother staring at something in the parking lot.

  “Whatcha lookin’ at?”

  “Oh nothing. Just thought I saw something familiar.” Jake shrugged it off and walked into Billy’s bar like he did every night.

  “Jake! Danny! Comin’ in for a drink?”

  Danny patted his stomach. “Sure enough, Billy. We’re starving, too.”

  “Have a seat over and I’ll send someone to take your order.”

  “Crabcakes, Billy,” Jake informed him. “Just crab cakes for both of us and a pitcher.”

  “Make it light beer, Billy,” Danny interjected. “Meg’s on me to lose a few pounds.”

  “Will do,” Billy said as Jake and Danny settled into the same booth they’d sat in for as long as they’d been coming here.

  “Meg’s on you to lose a few pounds?” Jake teased.

  “Aw, come on. I’ve put on about ten pounds in the past year and ten the year before that. And it ain’t coming off like it used to.”

  “Jesus, Danny. You’re thirty, not fifty. And you’re in pretty decent shape. What’s she talking about?”

  “Listen, sometimes you have to pick your battles. If she wants me to eat green salad instead of potato salad, then that’s what I’ll do. Light beer instead of regular? Fine. No use arguing over it. Besides, I don’t have time to run an hour a day like you do.”

  “Yeah, I guess. Maybe if you told her you wanted to run with me, she’d help you make time.”

  “Thanks, but I don’t think I could keep up with you. You’re just as fast as you were in high school, man. I don’t know how you do it.”

  “Running clears my head. I like it.”

  “Hey, fellas. Billy said you wanted a pitcher of light. I’ll get your crab cakes as soon as they’re up.”

  Jake looked up at the interruption and was taken aback for a minute. The white tank Lily wore set off her tanned shoulders and toned arms. Her hair was still a bit wild, but she’d pulled it back into some sort of girly-ponytail-bun thing.

  “Hey! It’s you,” she said as her eyes lit up with recognition.

  He leaned back, confused by why she was at the bar. “Yeah. And it’s you.”

  The two stared at each other for a few seconds before Danny cleared his throat.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Danny, this is Lily. Lily, Danny, my brother.”

  “Nice to meet you.” She held out a dainty hand and Danny took it, still looking back and forth between the two of them.

  “I thought you were visiting an uncle or something.”

  “I am. My Uncle Billy. I’m staying with him for the summer. Why? Do you know him? Oh right, you probably do. This is such a small town.”

  “Billy’s your uncle?” Danny asked.

  “Yeah. My mom’s brother. I haven’t seen him in years and I’ve never been down here. He always used to come up to visit us.”

  “Yeah, we know Billy,” Jake said in a bit of a daze.

  “Okay, well, you boys enjoy your beer. I’m gonna go check on your order.”

  Lily walked away but Jake couldn’t stop looking at her. Danny’s snapping fingers pulled him back.

  “Dude. What?” he demanded.

  “Geez, Jakey. You’d think she’d hypnotized you or something. Who was that?”

  “Get out of here. She’s just some girl I helped out this morning.”

  “The flat tire girl?”

  “Yeah. No big deal. She’s probably working for Billy till she goes home. Hey, I bet she’s the one who took all those pictures on the wall. She had a camera in her jeep. And she did say she was from Connecticut.”

  “I don’t know. He did say his niece took them. Why don’t you ask her?”

  Jake looked at the loopy grin on his brother’s face. He knew Danny was challenging him to talk to her again. What’s the big deal? Besides, he wasn’t interested in talking to her, anyway. Looking at her, definitely. Talking to her? What was the point?

  Billy walked over to their table and sat down next to Danny.

  “What’s up guys? How’s my fish menu gonna look this week?”

  Billy bought all his fish from Mr. Olsen. His menu primarily depended on what the fishermen hauled in. Jake used to go out on the boats but was relegated to the docks about four years ago. Mr. Olsen could have fired him, Jake knew, but instead he seemed to take pity on him. Jake wasn’t sure he’d ever be allowed back on the boats after what he did.

  He knew Danny and Billy were discussing the day’s catch, but Jake couldn’t hear them. He was filled, once again, with memories of Maddie Olsen...


  It was just like any other morning. Jake was on the boat organizing the supplies the guys were hauling on board. He and Maddie had fought the night before which wasn’t that out of the ordinary. They fought a lot. And that morning, he had a black eye to prove it.

  She’d gone nuts when he decided to stay out a bit longer than he told her he would. She accused him of cheating on her with e
very girl she could think of. He denied it, of course. Maddie was the only girl he’d been with for a year already. Sure, he had, at one point, slept with most of the names she was screaming at him but none of them since he’d started dating her.

  The trouble was that fight, like all the others, was out of the blue. Sure, he’d started a few of the arguments but she was master of the sneak attack. She’d find some loose thread and pull on it, obsess over it until she riled herself up to near craziness. And last night was no different.

  He’d walked into the house and immediately she was in his face screaming and accusing. Jake had had too much to drink, as usual, and wasn’t in the mood for her insane outbursts.

  “What the hell are you blabbering about?” he demanded.

  “Blabbering? You go out, sleep with some cheap slut, and I’m the one blabbering?”

  “I didn’t sleep with anyone, Maddie. Relax.”

  “Then where were you? And don’t tell me the bar. I called and Billy said you’d left hours ago.”

  “I was with Danny and some of the other guys down at the docks. We were having a few drinks. Celebrating the haul we brought in yesterday.”

  She slapped him hard across the face, leaving a print of her small hand on his cheek. Jake looked at her and his eyes turned hard.

  “What the hell, Maddie? Don’t hit me.”

  She raised her hand again but this time he grabbed her wrist right before she could smack him again.

  “Stop, Maddie.”

  She fought against him but he held her wrist and walked her up against the wall.

  “Look at me. Look at me! I didn’t sleep with anyone else. I haven’t slept with anyone else in over a year. Here.” He pulled out his cell and punched in his brother’s number. “Call Danny and ask him yourself.”

  He let go of her and stepped back as she took the phone. With her eyes on his she ended the call before anyone answered and threw the phone at Jake, hitting him hard, in the eye.

  “Son of a bitch, Maddie! What are you doing? Jesus!”


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