Book Read Free


Page 13

by Ruth J. Hartman

  He turned off the ignition and turned toward me. “Addy? Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Stop saying you’re all right when you’re not. Are you thinking about college again?”

  “How did you know?” The man seemed to sense the slightest thing about me, good or bad. I’d never had that with anyone before.

  “When it comes to you, I just know. Something about us. We have a connection, don’t we?”

  “Yeah. We sure do. It’s crazy, isn’t it? We haven’t even known each other that long.”

  “Doesn’t matter. At least not to me. Why don’t we go on inside and we can talk during dinner. Does that work?”

  I nodded. As soon as he had gotten out on his side, I checked my reflection in the review mirror. I’d been in such a hurry to leave the house, I hadn’t checked before.

  It could be better. At least there wasn’t anything embarrassing in my teeth. Although, after dinner, all bets were off. But then, it would be dark in the truck later tonight, so…

  I jumped when Graham opened my door.

  “Uh, did you forget I was headed this way? It hasn’t been that long since I got out of the truck.” He shook his head and frowned. “And here I thought you really had missed me before.”

  That did it. I giggled. Couldn’t help it. Graham had a way of putting a funny spin on things.

  He reached up his hand to help me down. “Much better. I love your laugh, Addy.”

  “That’s good.” I straightened my shirt where it was wrinkled from the seatbelt. “Just be glad I don’t cackle like a witch.”

  He grabbed my hand and we walked across the parking lot. “That might be a deal-breaker.”

  I dropped my mouth open and let out a fake gasp. “You mean, you wouldn’t want to spend time with me if I had an awful laugh? Graham Stewart, who knew you could be so shallow?”

  “That’s me. High-maintenance farm boy.”

  He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we stopped at the seating hostess’ station. The girl, tiny and blond, peered up at Graham and winked. Winked! My hands curled into fists. How dare she? I glanced up at Graham who smiled back at her. Did he think she was pretty?

  You’re leaving him soon. You don’t know who he’ll be around while you’re gone.

  I’d been hearing so much from my mom about new boys I’d be meeting at college that I’d never even thought of who Graham might meet while he stayed here.

  Miss Winky-face showed us to our table. I glared at her, but she only had eyes for Graham. Paws off, blondie! Thankfully, she turned and left us.

  “You okay, Addy?”

  Startled, I let out a gasp.

  “You sure are jumpy tonight.” He pulled out my chair for me and helped me to sit before claiming his own chair. Reaching across the table, he took my hand.

  “Sorry. I’m fine, though.”

  He squeezed my hand once and then released it. “I’m not even going to check out the menu.”

  “Oh, right. The fishy thing.”

  He glanced both ways then leaned forward and whispered, “Don’t worry, I have a guy who’s gonna hook me up with some anti-fish breath mints.”

  Caught off guard at his comment, I snorted and then slapped my hand over my mouth when several people turned to stare.

  Graham, still keeping a straight face – how did he do that? – shook his head slowly. “Honestly, I can’t take you anywhere.”

  I bit my lip until I could get my giggles under control. “Who is gonna amuse me like this when I’m at Purdue?”

  Uh-oh. Wrong thing to say.

  Graham blinked and an expression so sad came over him that it made me want to cry. “Don’t worry. We’ll be in touch. You know, phone, emails. Maybe I can come visit.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I know. It just won’t be the same.” Before he could answer, the waitress came for our order. I’d been concentrating on Graham and hadn’t even looked at the menu. Oops.

  After he told her what he wanted, I just blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “Uh, hamburger and fries?”

  Graham raised his eyebrows. “Are you sure? Get whatever you want, Addy.”

  Frankly, I didn’t care what I ate, as long as we were together. I nodded. “I’m sure.” Plus, I just wanted the waitress to go away and leave us alone.

  She grabbed our menus and left.

  “Addy,” Graham took my hand again. “Are you worried about the cost of dinner? ’Cause I’m not. I do have a job, you know.”

  “I’m not worried. I do like what I ordered. I mean, it’s not like it’s halibut or anything.”

  “Ah… halibut. Now there’s something I could go for.”


  His eyes crinkled at the corners. “You are so funny.”

  “I wasn’t even trying to be.”

  “Even better.”

  When our food came, I ate most of mine. I wasn’t really sure how much I tasted, though. All I wanted to do was study Graham. His big brown eyes, his dimples when he smiled, the sneaky glint he got in his eyes when he was trying to cheer me up. How was I going to leave him?

  Our talk during dinner wasn’t anything deep. It’s like neither one of us wanted to get into anything like that with other people around. When we were done and had gotten back in the truck, Graham took my hand.

  “Addy, I can tell that something is really on your mind. I’m sorry if you didn’t enjoy dinner.”

  I kissed his cheek. “No, I did! Thank you. I had fun just watching you.”

  “Watching me eat? That can’t be good. Farm boys are pigs. Watching them chow down ain’t pretty.”

  I smacked his shoulder. “What I meant was, I just like looking at you.”

  He raised one eyebrow. “Yeah?”

  “Yep. Now let’s get out of here.”

  “In a rush, are we?”

  “I just want to be alone with you, that’s all.” I reached up and ruffled the hair right above his ear. He shivered.

  “Where do you want to go?” He started the truck and pulled out of the lot.

  “Our spot.”

  “We have a spot?”

  I rolled my eyes. “You know we do. Love Road?”


  I smacked his knee. “Oh come on, you knew where I meant.”

  One side of his adorable mouth slid upward. That dimple was gonna do me in.

  I pressed my head against his shoulder and didn’t budge until Graham parked the truck in our spot. We opened the windows to let in some cool night air. The crickets and tree frogs supplied the music.

  I sat back up and reached down to take off my sandals.

  “Getting comfy, are we?”

  I darted him a glance. “Got a problem with that?”

  “No ma’am.”

  “You can take off your shoes and socks, too, if you want.”

  “Addy, I thought we had this discussion at the waterfall. Farm boys don’t like to go barefoot.”

  “Mmmm…” I sighed.

  “What’s that for?”

  “That day, the one at the waterfall was…”

  He wound a strand of my hair around his finger. “Was…”


  “I thought so too.”

  I touched his cheek with my fingers, running them to his chin and then lightly placing feather-light touches down the side of his neck. Where I had touched him with my fingertips, I used my lips.

  Graham took a deep breath. “You have no idea how much you get to me, girl.”

  “Is that good? Or bad?” I ran my tongue right below his ear.

  He groaned. “Good. Really… really… good.” The last word came out as almost a growl.

  I undid the top three buttons of his shirt. Graham peered down and watched me, as if fascinated. Leaning toward him, I pressed my lips to his chest. He took in a big breath of air. I pulled back and looked up at him. “This okay?”

  He nodded.

  I kept kissing his chest, but p
ut my hand inside his shirt. When I touched his skin, he grabbed my hand, taking it and placing it behind his neck.

  “Addy, you’re like a drug. I can’t get enough of you.”

  “Mmmm. Same here. When I’m with you, I feel like we’re the only two people on earth.”

  “Right now, we are.” His lips, full and soft, lightly played across mine. His tongue met mine in a seductive dance. He really did taste like mint. When had he gotten one? Not that I cared. At that point, I thought he would have tasted good no matter what.

  I slipped my hands inside his shirt and ran my hands over his broad shoulders. Such power in those arms. Made me feel safe. His skin was a little rough across his shoulders, as if he’d been sunburned. Did he not wear a shirt when he worked on the farm?

  As I continued to stroke his skin, I gasped when cool air played across the top of my chest. I glanced down. When had he partially unbuttoned my blouse? He pulled me closer. Heat rose from where we touched, skin to skin.

  It was amazing. I’d never done that with a guy before. Never did more than hugging and kissing, really. Never wanted to. But with Graham, I wanted it. I wanted to do everything, even though a tiny part of me was still a little afraid.

  Not of him. Not of being with him. Of that I was sure. I had no doubts. It was just the unknown. What if I messed it up? How many girls had he done things with, that was more than just kissing?

  “Oh Addy…” Graham kissed my neck.

  I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, nearly losing control when he ran his lips down my neck and kissed right above my bra.

  If he keeps doing that, I’m gonna burst into flames!

  I felt the warmth of his hands on my back as he ran them beneath my shirt. “This all right, Addy?”

  “Yeah.” Oh, yeah…

  I gasped when he ran his hands up my stomach and cupped his hand over my bra. I thought I would combust right there!

  His whispered against my neck. “Still good?”


  “Your skin is so soft, Addy. It’s like silk.”

  I smiled. “Glad you approve.”

  “Oh, it’s much more than approve.” He ran his finger down my stomach, stopping just above the top of my shorts.

  How far would he go? I wasn’t sure I was ready for everything yet, but if he started, I wasn’t sure I would stop him. Being with him had taken on a life of its own. A life I wanted to feel every part of.

  I put my hands on his face, drawing his lips back to mine. When I tilted my head, I opened my mouth to his. His tongue slid inside my lips, taking its time in its exploration. Graham’s breath was hot and moist. Just like my mouth felt. Just like my whole body was.

  Now I understood how people said it was easy to go all the way with someone you cared so much about. Someone you loved.

  I did love him. With my whole self. I was going to explode unless I said the words. But I was scared. What if he didn’t say them back? What if he didn’t really love me like I did him?

  Do it Addy. Just say it.

  I had to. I’d die if I didn’t.

  I pulled away and put my hands on his chest.

  He lowered his eyebrows. “Something wrong, Addy?”

  “I… need to say something.”

  He acted uncertain. “All right. Um, did I do anything that you didn’t—”

  “No, it’s not that. It’s all good.” So good…

  He let out a sigh. “Honey, if I ever do anything you don’t want, just say the word. I’m not the kind of guy to force myself on you. I hope you know that.”

  I touched my finger to his lips. “I know. I trust you, Graham.”

  “Is that what you wanted to say? That you trust me?”

  “There’s something… else.”

  He took my face between his palms. “What? What is it?”

  I pushed down the nervousness that quivered in my stomach. I’d never said the words before. What would he say? How would he react?

  Listen to your heart, Addy.

  “Graham, you know I care for you, right? So much.”

  “I know.” He kissed my forehead.

  “Well… I…”

  “What is it, Addy? You know you can tell me anything.”

  I bit my lip and gazed into his eyes. “Graham, I love you.” I held my breath as I waited for him to say something. Do something.

  He smiled and pressed his lips lightly to mine. “I love you too.”

  I sighed. “You do?”

  “I do. No doubt whatsoever. And I’ve never said those words to any other girl before.”

  “I’ve never said them before either.”

  He pulled me into his arms and laid his cheek on the top of my head. “Guess we just entered new territory, huh?”

  “Yeah. You all right with that?”

  His warm breath blew across my hair when he chuckled. “Very. You?”

  “More than I can say.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Addy is leaving me tomorrow. I can’t believe it. How had a girl I’d only known a few weeks grabbed my heart and taken it captive? Guess that means she’s the one for me. Not guessing, though. I was sure. Thinking about the other girls I’d dated, I couldn’t even imagine having those feelings for any of them. It was as if my whole life had been leading up this point. The time when I would meet my other half.

  I glanced down at the occupant of the passenger seat of my truck. Wonder what she would name him? The large teddy bear sat there with big brown eyes and a pink bow around his neck. Would she like him? Think it was a sappy gift? Time to find out.

  The thump when I closed my truck door echoed off the house. As I walked up Addy’s drive, a warmth from down deep inside my heart stirred and I looked up. There she was, watching me. Had I felt her gaze? Known somehow she was there? I forced a pleasant expression, though my heart wanted to break. After tonight, who knew when I would see her again?

  Addy stepped out onto the porch, her smile faltering, then broadening again. I knew tonight would be hard for her, because it was nearly killing me.

  I walked up the steps and took her hand, giving it a light squeeze. “Ready to roll?”

  She nodded, gave one peek over her shoulder to her house and then followed me to the truck.

  We had a routine, she and I. I’d go to her house, help her into the truck, then we would drive somewhere to be alone. My whole life was tied up in this girl. And very soon, in just a few hours, I’d have to say good-bye. How I was supposed to do that, I didn’t know.

  Addy stood on her tiptoes in the grass and peered through the truck window. “What’s that, Graham?”

  “Somebody I want you to meet.”

  She raised her eyebrows and opened the door. “Oh… how sweet! For me?”

  I moved the bear and helped her climb in, then placed the bear on her lap. “Nah, I got it for your brothers, but since they’re not here, maybe you could babysit for a while.”

  “Don’t you mean bear-sit?”

  I lifted one side of my mouth in an awkward smile. My throat felt tight, like I couldn’t breathe. Just a little time left with you, Addy… I hurried around to the driver’s side and climbed in, glad to have my seatbelt and keys to fiddle with, so Addy wouldn’t see how hard this all was for me.

  I prayed for darkness so my facial expressions wouldn’t be so obvious. Just a little longer now and the sun would be down. By then, we’d be at our special place.

  She touched my arm. “Thank you, Graham. This is so sweet of you.”

  I angled around to watch her. I couldn’t help it. She was like a magnet for my eyes, my body, my heart. I gave a shrug, hoping I could pull off a casual attitude. “You’re welcome. Didn’t want you to be at school by… by yourself.”

  She blinked several times. Was she trying not to cry? “Silly man, I’ll have my roommate, Amber, remember?”

  I drove the truck down the street and turned the corner, the actions so familiar now as if I’d been visiting
Love Road my whole life. “True, but I’m thinking Amber might not sleep with you in your bed.” Wish I could though…

  “Probably not. And since I won’t have Romeo to sleep with, I’ll have him.” She pressed her face into the bear’s fur. Everything in me wished she was doing that to my face, my neck, my chest.

  “What will you name him?”

  She focused her big brown eyes on me, eyes so like the bear’s. “Oh, I get to do that?”

  “Sure. If you leave to up to me, he might be called cow, or something.”

  “Well no. That’s not gonna happen.”

  I laughed. “Poor city girl has developed a pathological fear of bovines.”

  She smacked my arm. “Stop already. I can’t help it if they creep me out when they stare at me.”

  “Back to your bed-mate here. What’s his name?”

  “Hmmm.” She ran her finger over his face. “Since he’s a gift from you, I’ll call him G.”

  “G? That’s a really short name.”

  “Okay, then. What’s your middle name? You never told me.”

  I shrugged.

  “Oh come on, you know my whole name. Yours can’t be as bad. So what is it?”

  “You might never want to be seen with me when you hear it.”

  “I’m made of stronger stuff than that. Spill it.”

  “You asked for it.” I raised my eyebrows. “Ready?”

  “Yes! What is your middle name?”


  Addy frowned. “What’s wrong with Alan?”

  “Think of my initials…”

  “G-A-S. Oh!” A huge snort erupted from her lips and she smacked her hand over her mouth. “Uh, sorry.”

  I laughed too. “I’m used to it now. At least it’s not as embarrassing to have those initials as a guy as it might be for a girl.”

  She nodded. “I see your point. Hmm, so I’ll call the bear, GA.”

  “Gah? You’re naming my present gah?”

  “I won’t say it like that. I’ll say, G…A…”

  “No, that won’t work.”

  “Why not?”

  “Cause you might slip and say, Gah! And the poor bear will feel like a fool.”

  Addy gazed down at the bear. “Hey there, what do you want me to call you?” She leaned her head so her ear was next to the bear’s mouth. “What’s that? Really? All right, if you’re sure.”


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