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Page 16

by Ruth J. Hartman

  The roommate I really wanted was Graham. Wouldn’t that be something… to share a home? A bed? A life? I truly did envy Amber. Had I made the wrong decision in coming to college too? It shocked me that I was having thoughts of wanting to live with Graham, just because I’d never had the desire to do that with anyone before. But then, until I met him, I hadn’t met the right person.

  A knock at the door caught my attention. Amber’s mom and dad? They had already left the day my parents had dropped me off. I opened the door to find a middle-aged couple who reminded me of my parents, though they looked nothing alike. “Hi, I’m Addy. You must be Amber’s parents.”

  With murmurs of hello, they stepped into the room. Amber returned just then and raced into her father’s arms. Tears flowed again. Poor girl. Yet I understood.

  It had taken no time at all for short goodbyes and loading Amber’s things into their car. What a whirlwind that was. Matched as roommates by the college. Talked on the phone. Met the first day in our room. Gone a week later. I sighed and dug my phone from my purse.

  No call from Graham. But I really needed to talk to him, tell him what was going on. Hear his voice. I shut the door to our room, my room now, and sprawled out on my bed. I dialed his number and waited. I know he was probably working, but I hoped—


  I let out a sigh, so grateful he’d answered.

  “Addy? Is that you?”

  Oops. “Uh, sorry. Forget to say anything.”

  He chuckled and then lowered his voice. “Is everything all right?”

  “Not… not really. But if you’re busy…”

  “No. I’m good. I’m sitting in my truck taking a break.”

  The truck… better not think about all the fun we had there. That would only make being apart worse. “Oh, well, um… Had sort of a situation here.”

  “Situation? Like…”

  “My roommate? Amber?”


  “She isn’t my roommate anymore.”

  He hesitated. Was he frowning, wondering what happened? “Oh. I’m sorry. Did you have a fight or something?”

  “No. She just got homesick. For her family. And… her…”

  Something scratched against the phone. Had he pressed it closer to his ear? “What, honey? What happened?”

  “She misses her boyfriend back home. She couldn’t bear it.” I ran my hand along the edge of my quilt. “Sometimes, I think I…” A sudden burst of tears overtook me. I hadn’t even known it was coming.

  “Addy, oh honey. Do you need me to come and see you?”

  “You… you would do that?” I had wanted him to, of course, but hadn’t wanted to ask. He did have a job, after all.

  “Of course.”

  I took in a deep breath, starting to relax. “When do you think you could come?”Now that he’d offered, I couldn’t think of anything else.

  “I have a couple of hours of work to finish up and then I’ll take a shower, change and be up there, say, seven o’clock tonight? Does that work?”

  “Yes. Thank you. Graham, I can’t wait to see you.”

  “Me, too. See you soon.”

  I disconnected the call and glanced around at my half-empty room. Now I’d be even lonelier when I thought about not being with Graham. I’d never been one to have a ton of friends, usually I had a few, but mostly was a loner. Until Graham. I didn’t want to be apart from him. It was an odd concept for me, wanting to be with someone that much. Growing up, I’d kind of felt like an only child since the others were so much older than me and left for college when I was still pretty young.

  But Graham… What would it be like to live with him? Get to see him every day? Lie next to him at night? Share everything? Make love?

  A shiver ran through me. Make love. I wanted to, so bad. Part of me was nervous, though. Graham had never said so, but I assumed he’d slept with at least Darlene, since they dated for so long and he was older when they broke up. What if we did make love and I was a disappointment to him? He acted like he really wanted me now, but there was still the excitement of the unknown. I wanted to give my whole self to him, but once I did, would it be not what he thought? Not what I thought?

  For the next couple of hours, I did my homework. Then I took a shower and fixed my hair and put on some light make-up. It seemed like an eternity since I’d seen him. I’d just tidied up the room when there was a knock on the door.

  I ran so fast to the door, I’m not even sure my bare feet touched the floor. Grabbing the knob and swinging open the door, I waited very impatiently as Graham walked in. Then I closed and locked the door.

  His denim shirt appeared to be a favorite. Washed so many times the blue had faded to nearly white. His jeans, too, were well-worn. Let’s face it, the man looked good in anything.

  I jumped up and threw my arms around his necked. “I missed you!” I could hardly catch my breath as I kissed him, hard. My heart slammed against my ribs. Why did it feel like a year since I’d said goodbye?

  He ended the kiss and lowered me to the ground. Without saying a word, he took my hand and led me to sit on the bed. I climbed onto his lap, facing him, wrapping my legs around his waist.

  “Addy,” he cupped my chin. “Are you all right?”

  “I am now.”

  “You sounded awful on the phone.”

  A single tear that I didn’t expect, slid down my cheek. I wiped it away. “That’s ’cause my heart was breaking.”

  “Aww. Because of Amber?”

  “Because of you.”

  He pulled away slightly, surprise in his eyes. “Me? I’m right here.”

  “But you weren’t then. I can’t explain it very well, but there’s a need inside of me to be with you, to see you, touch you. And when we’re apart…” I swallowed hard and glanced away.

  Graham put his finger beneath my chin, turning my face back toward his. “I get it.”

  “You do? I thought I sounded like a lunatic.”

  “Well…” He smirked.

  I giggled and smacked him on the shoulder.

  Graham pressed his forehead to mine. “No really. I get it. I feel exactly the same way. It feels like you’ve been gone from me for such a long time.”

  He really did get it.

  “So, Addy, what can I do to make you feel better now?”

  “Just love me.”

  “You know I do.” His glance fell to my lips.

  I closed my eyes and waited for his kiss. When his lips met mine, I sighed. This was what I’d needed, craved. I couldn’t get enough of him. I’d never felt this bottomless want for anyone before. It was like I had just let go of the edge of the cliff and was falling, but never landed.

  Falling… in love.

  Graham ran his hands down my back. “Is this… will we get in trouble? In your room like this?”

  “Guys are allowed on the floor until midnight.”

  “What happens after midnight? You turn into a pumpkin?”

  I smiled. “I hope not. I don’t look good in orange.”

  He chuckled. “You’d look good in anything.”

  “After midnight, you’re supposed to leave the dorm.”


  “So, you’d either stay and I might get caught and get in trouble or—”

  “We leave the dorm together?”

  I nodded. “As long as we’re together, I don’t care where we are.”

  “Same here.”

  I pulled closer to him, my lap now directly positioned over his. The hard knot under me told me he was feeling the same thing I was. Want. Need. Love.

  I pulled his face to mine and tilted my head a little. As my lips connected with his, I opened my mouth and ran my tongue over his lips.

  He groaned. “Addy you taste so good.”

  “Mmm.” As I kissed him again, I ran my hand through the back of his hair. He shivered but didn’t stop me. Even though he’d done it before, I shuddered when he began to run his tongue over my neck and col
larbone. I whispered, “You sir, are irresistible.”

  “Then we really are a good match, ’cause so are you.”

  His tongue was hot and moist against my skin. I was so glad I had never done more than just hug and kiss other boys, because I would have hated to miss all these firsts with Graham.

  Graham tried not to smile as he eyed Fuzzy, who sat on the end of the bed, and then me. “I hate to say this, but your bear is, uh, staring at us. He seems a little too interested.”

  “Fuzzy is interested in everything. I caught him trying on my pink underwear last night.”

  Graham gave a mock frown in the bear’s direction. “Dude, you’re weird.”

  I laughed and unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt, running my hands over his chest. I loved the feeling of his skin beneath my palm. A spark ignited down deep.

  “Addy, I honestly can’t get enough of you.”

  “I feel the same about you. It’s crazy.” I kissed his shoulder.

  “No. It’s love. And I’m in deep.”

  I sighed. “Yeah. Me too.”

  Graham lay down on the bed, pulling me with him. He flipped us over so I was under him. He moved to one side and just stared at me.


  “You are so beautiful.”

  I blinked. “Thank you.”

  “I’m not finished.”

  “Oh.” I ran my fingers down his chest.

  “You are beautiful outside and in. I love everything about you. How you hate shoes. Love cats. Are afraid of cows and can’t catch a Frisbee.”

  “Hey.” I giggled.

  “I love how you care about me and make me feel wanted and loved. I can’t believe how blessed I am to have met you that night we went to the club. My life hasn’t been the same since.”

  “That’s good, I hope?”

  “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me in my whole life. I don’t want to be without you.”

  The sudden reminder of me living here at school and Graham being two hours away hit me hard. Tears, heavy and wet, slid down my cheeks.

  Graham’s eyes widened. “Oh, no. Have I scared you?”

  “No.” I touched his chin. “No, never. Everything you just said is exactly how I feel about you. That’s why me being here at school is so freakin’ hard.”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “I’m wondering if I made a big mistake in coming here.”

  Graham leaned up on one elbow and peered down at me. “But it’s what you’ve always wanted. To go to school to be a vet.”

  “I know. But now that I’ve met you, I realize you’re more important to me than anything else.”

  “I’d never want you to give it up for me.”

  “But I would. I will. Just ask.”

  “I won’t ask it of you, Addy. I can’t.”


  He placed his finger over my lips. “No. But I don’t want you to worry about it. We’re… we’ll fix it, okay? Do you trust me?”

  “With my life.”

  “Then don’t fret. I’ve been thinking about some things and I…”


  “I can’t tell you yet.”

  I grabbed his shoulders. “Graham, you’re killing me.”

  “Trust me.” He leaned closer and pressed his lips to mine.

  Chapter Twenty-two


  I couldn’t wait to see Addy. I laid hard on my truck’s gas pedal to get there faster, then telling myself to slow down. With all the plans I was making for Addy and me, I needed all the cash I could get. Being saddled with an expensive speeding ticket wasn’t part of the plan.

  The plan… yeah, it was coming together nicely. Once Addy met my parents tonight, I figured it was time to let Addy in on at least part of my plan. Would she be cool with it? Or get scared and run?

  The tiny ring box sat in my glove compartment, waiting for the right moment when I could give it to her. I knew it was what I wanted, to marry her, and soon. But what would she say? I knew Addy loved me, had no doubt about that, but what if she wasn’t ready? If she said no…

  Don’t even think about that. She loves you. No matter what she says tonight, you’ll both work it out. I had to believe that, or I’d go crazy.

  I reached the campus and pulled into the lot. After locking the truck, which I didn’t usually worry about, living out in the country as I did, I ambled to the building.

  Everything in me wanted to run.

  I got some strange looks when I walked to the elevator. Was it because of my size, or the fact that I was so obviously not dressed like all the guys who were students here? What could I say? Country boys were different.

  No. country boys were better.

  As soon as I reached Addy’s room, the door opened and she flung her arms around me, giving me a good, long kiss. I pulled back and snickered. “Guess you’re ready to go?”

  She grabbed her bag and purse and shut the door. “Been ready for an hour!”

  I took her bag in one hand and grabbed her hand with the other. “A guy’s gotta work sometime.”

  She stopped and stared at me, her eyebrows lowered. “Are you making your uncle mad because you’re spending so much time with me? Time you should be working?”

  I tugged her along until we were back outside to my truck. “Addy, my uncle is a very smart man.”


  “He gave me some great advice a while back.” I unlocked the truck and helped her in. When I got in on my side I tossed her bag behind my seat.

  Addy tapped her fingers on the armrest. “Are you going to share with me what this great advice might be?”

  “In due time.”

  “What? Why do you do that? Make me wait for stuff?”

  “’Cause if drives you wild.”

  “Yeah, it drives me crazy.” She placed her hand on my thigh. “But what really drives me wild is you.”

  I gazed at her. “Good to know.”

  I turned on the radio as I drove to my folks’ house, loving the feel of Addy’s head on my shoulder. There wasn’t a big need to talk as long as we were together. That’s another thing I loved about her. About us. That we could just be sitting close and that was enough.

  Well, sometimes… although other times, she lit a fire inside of me I thought would never cool down. I wanted so bad, so bad, to make love to her. To touch her all the places I wanted to touch, but… a part of me wanted to wait. Not long. I didn’t think I could stand to wait very long. But if Addy accepted my proposal and said she’d marry me soon, we wouldn’t have to wait all that long.

  I glanced down at her as she ran her fingers over my thigh. Sometimes, though, I was ready to chuck the whole waiting thing and just make love to her right here, right now.

  She was worth the wait, though. More than worth it. I loved her so much that I wanted everything to be right. Special. I didn’t want our first time to be on the seat of a truck or on a dorm room bed. I wanted it to be perfect. For both of us.

  Since I had never made love to anyone before either.

  Her first time would be mine, too.

  If we could just wait…

  Addy’s hand crept higher up my leg, dangerously close to the part of me that longed for her touch.

  Have mercy…

  When we reached my parents’ house, I pulled into the long lane and parked by the barn. I helped her down from the truck and took her hand. “You all right with this?”

  Addy squeezed my hand. “A little nervous, I guess. What if they don’t like me?”

  I kissed her cheek. “Addy, how could they not?”

  We walked into the house, the smells from the kitchen tantalizing and wonderful. Mom put down the spoon she held over a pan on the stove and wiped her hands on her apron.

  She smiled and stepped over to us. “This must be Addy.”

  I laughed and held up my hand that was joined with Addy’s. “It better be, or I’m in trouble, huh?” Addy chuckled too. Good. If I could le
ssen the tension for her, all the better.

  “Addy,” my mom said and held out her arms. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

  Without hesitation, Addy stepped into my mother’s embrace. I knew from experience that my mom’s hugs were legendary and made you feel like you were wanted and special. All the things I wanted Addy to feel tonight.

  As they ended the hug, my dad came in. “Well hey there.” He smacked me on the shoulder and gave Addy a quick hug.

  Addy grinned. “It’s so nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Stewart.”

  Mom shook her head. “None of that around here. I’m Cara and this is John.”

  “Okay. Thanks.” Addy smiled and glanced away.

  Was she embarrassed? I remembered feeling that way when I met her parents. Like I was on display. I didn’t want Addy to feel uncomfortable. I looked at my mom. “Can we help you with dinner?”

  She waved a hand. “No. It’s ready. I was just stirring the pudding for dessert. Addy, I hope you like fried chicken.”

  “I love it.” Her eyes lit up and she relaxed her tight grip on my hand.

  We sat down at the table, already set. I glanced around. “Where’s Aunt Paula?” Sometimes my dad’s sister ended up at our house for supper since she lived alone about three miles up the road.

  Mom glanced at Dad and back to me. “We thought maybe for tonight it could be just the four of us.”

  Good plan. I nodded. My aunt could make anyone feel like they were under interrogation. Addy had already gotten a small taste of it on the phone before, and I didn’t want her to go through it tonight.

  The dinner and conversation were nice and relaxing. Just like I knew it would be. My parents were so easy to be around. From what I could tell about Addy’s they were nice, but maybe a little more driven. Her dad hadn’t wasted any time reminding Addy right after graduation about sticking to the plan. What would they say about us getting married so soon?

  My palms started to sweat. I had been so excited to buy the ring, especially knowing my parents were behind me, that I hadn’t given much thought to her parents. What if they said—?

  “Graham?” Addy waved her hand at me. “I’m going to help your mom with the dishes. Wanna help?”


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