My Roommate's Dad: A Forbidden Romance (Forbidden Fantasies Book 15)

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My Roommate's Dad: A Forbidden Romance (Forbidden Fantasies Book 15) Page 5

by S. E. Law

  “Mmmph! Unnnnh!” she squeals, unable to hold in her pleasure. I feel her warm hand wrap around my cock and instantly grow larger. As she begins pumping her fist up and down my shaft, her hips start to move. Her hips hump back and forth against me, rhythmically working my fingers deeper and deeper into her sweetest spot.

  Our bodies move together naturally as we pleasure each other. Hell, this is no awkward first hook-up. It feels like we’ve known each other’s bodies for centuries. In this moment, I sense that this woman is going to be a big part of my life going forward, even as she pulls away breathlessly, those big brown eyes looking into mine.

  “Damon,” she breathes. “Are you ready?”

  “I’m so ready,” I growl in reply. Like a berserker, I yank her dress off, literally tearing the material in the process and leaving her in nothing but the tiniest black panties. Then I rip those off as well, completely unapologetic about ruining her lingerie before bunching the fabric up and pressing it to my nose.

  “Shit baby, your cunt smells good,” I growl.

  Her eyes flare, and she becomes an animal too. She rips at the remainder of my clothes, until everything’s lying in tatters on the floor. Then we stand fully nude before each other, both short of breath. Holy fuck. Is this really happening? Is this goddess really going to be mine?

  But this is no untouchable diva. Instead, Rose shoots me a charming smile while jiggling her boobies at me like the sluttiest stripper.

  “I guess we’re both ready to go, hmmm?” she giggles.

  I nod, utterly mesmerized by the jouncing white flesh.

  “I love your body, Rose. You’re beautiful,” I manage in a strangled tone.

  Before she can say anything, I scoop her up off of the floor, my hands cupping each generous ass cheek. Her legs instinctively wrap around my waist as she squeals. Then, she grabs onto the back of my head and presses herself against me, those large breasts pushing against my face. Shit, this girl knows some good tricks. Her skin smells like honey and I run my tongue deep in the valley between her titties.

  “Oooh!” she squeals again. Her head drops back, causing her back to arch, and I open my mouth and latch onto a nipple, circling it with the tip of my tongue before angling my hips to her sweetest spot.

  “Oooh,” she moans again as I begin pressing insistently against that wet slit. “Oh god, you’re huge!”

  But I’m getting into her one way or another, and my cock pulses as she slowly slides down my shaft, her head thrown back with pleasure.

  “You can do it,” I growl breathlessly. “Relax, sweetheart. I’m big, but if you just relax, it’ll go in easier.”

  Sure enough, Rose inhales sharply and then exhales, her ripe body loosening to accommodate me. It’s tight, but soon, she’s seated fully on my shaft and her cunt clench is so powerful that I struggle not to come.

  “Damn baby,” I rasp. “You feel like a virgin.”

  She gasps, while wriggling her hips a bit.

  “Well, Mr. Pratt, I can assure you that I’m not.”

  “Good,” I choke out. “Because then I can fuck you as hard as I want.”

  With that, I force her downwards even more, pressing my hips up as hard as I possibly can. Rose screams out.

  “Damon, oh my god! You feel so good inside of me. You’re so deep!” I can’t answer, as she’s so tight I feel like all the blood is leaving my body.

  “Uhh, yes. Fuck me Damon. I never want you to stop!”

  That causes me to go berserk. I begin lifting and dropping Rose ruthlessly on my cock, each hard pound accompanied by a shrill scream. I’m fucking her so hard, I’m surprised my cock doesn’t come popping out of the back of her throat. I’m just about to come, when suddenly Rose stops me.

  “Hold on just a sec,” she pants breathlessly. “Let me give you a treat.”

  Then, she raises herself up so far up that my shaft pops out.

  “What are you doing?” I growl. But the answer is clear when a sly smile comes over her beautiful lips. She moves closer to me so that my hardness bumps against that back hole, and before I know it, she’s pressing down, moaning breathlessly as I slide into her anus.

  “Doesn’t that feel good, Mr. Pratt? I told you, professionals are ten times better, aren’t they?”

  At this point, I can’t even remember my own name. Am I really having standing anal with my daughter’s best friend? But it’s true, and a deep growl bursts from my chest as she moves her bottom up and down my painfully hard rod, jerking me off with her tight rectum.

  “Oooh, oooh, oooh,” she moans, her eyes fluttering closed with pleasure. “Oh yeah.”

  I can’t take it anymore. I’m a man experienced in the sack. I’ve been with all sorts of women, and done all sorts of dirty shit. But Rose takes things to the next level, and before I can stop myself, I’m ejaculating wildly into her back passage.

  “FUCK!” is my surprised cry. “Holy shit!”

  The curvy girl merely moans, her bottom hole clutching me with pleasure.

  “Yes, give it to me,” she pants. “Fill my ass full of your seed.”

  With that, I spray her with everything I have. My balls pump and pump, dumping gallons into the curvy girl’s body. There’s so much that it literally drips out from where we’re joined, coating her thighs and leaking from her secret spot. Meanwhile, Rose begins to come too. Her juices thicken, and her legs tighten around me, those thick thighs trembling. Then she throws her head back and lets out a breathless cry, her voice intertwining with my own.

  “Oh Mr. Pratt!” she mewls. “Oh yes! Yes, more!”

  With that, it’s all over. I come a second time, dumping a bonus load into the beautiful woman. It’s surprising because that’s never happened before. I’ve had mind-blowing, passionate rolls in the hay, but this is next level, and Rose has taken me by surprise. I’ve more than met my match; I’ve met a woman who is my superior, and I am hers for the taking.



  It’s been two months since I propositioned Damon. While we haven’t moved forward in terms of getting Saucy Nights off the ground, at least not as of yet, we have in fact moved forward in terms of our relationship, and it’s been wonderful. I’ve been thoroughly enjoying every minute of it. Damon is kind, charming, and funny, and he’s helped to pull me out of my funk the last couple of months. I always feel happy when I’m around him, and it’s almost as if anything that I used to see as a problem just slips away when I’m with him. The alpha male is good at that kind of thing, and always puts things in perspective.

  Plus, to my surprise, Damon is a secret romantic. He loves bringing me flowers, giving me gifts and treating me like a princess. Of course, there isn’t much PDA, but in private, he’s very affectionate and always seems to be touching me somewhere on my body. I love it, and it feels like we’ve been together forever.

  However, we have been keeping our relationship private. It isn’t that we mind the age gap or anything; we’re both quite comfortable with the situation. We just want to be completely sure this thing is going to last before coming out to Lucy.

  In truth, we are both feeling a bit nervous about filling in his daughter on our clandestine affair. She would probably be supportive because let’s be honest: she’s married to Damon’s best friend, and Shane’s a good two decades older than her. It’s just the shock of knowing that your dad is dating your best friend. Would Luce be okay with that? I certainly hope so.

  But despite what his daughter may or may not think, we certainly do not want to give up each other either. This may be new, but it feels right. I’m not sure where we’re going with this long-term, but right now, I want to enjoy my time with him. And tonight, I’ll be doing just that because Damon’s taking me to an art museum downtown. He got the idea when he came to my apartment a few weeks back and noticed an art history book sitting bookmarked on the coffee table. He asked me about it, and I went straight off the deep end. I just couldn’t stop talking! I got so carried away because art and h
istory are my two favorite subjects in the world.

  Of course, Damon, being the romantic that he is, went home that night and bought us passes to the local art museum. He chose this weekend because of the feature exhibition: Art Through the Ages. I’m really looking forward to it because the exhibit promises to be a comprehensive survey of how art and artists have metamorphosed, changed, and even expanded since prehistoric days to the modern age. It’s going to be amazing.

  When we depart from his penthouse, his arm goes around my waist.

  “Aren’t you afraid of people seeing us?” I ask wryly.

  He bends to kiss the tip of my nose.

  “Actually, no, not at all. I love being with you, honey, and I don’t care who sees.”

  I pull away for a moment, with a startled smile.

  “Even if it’s Lucy?”

  “Okay, maybe not my daughter,” he acknowledges with a laugh. “But she will have to find out sooner or later. We can’t keep this under wraps forever.”

  I nod and smile, but inside, my heart’s beating like a drum. Holy smokes, I’m walking down the streets of New York with Damon Pratt’s strong arm around my waist! Everyone can see we’re together!

  But my lover doesn’t seem to mind. When we get to the museum, he hands the usher our tickets and then pats me on the bottom playfully.

  “Go to it, sweetheart. I know how much you’ve been looking forward to this.”

  I giggle, and after spending almost an hour in the feature exhibition, where he willingly stood hostage while I read all the informational placards, we stroll leisurely through the remaining galleries. Damon slings his arm around my shoulder, keeping me close as we chat companionably.

  To my surprise, my boyfriend knows a great deal about this subject and makes intelligent comments on each piece, noticing details and techniques that only a true lover of the arts would. He goes on to describe the use of color, light, and texture in various works, and even points out the careful treatment of the human figure in space when looking at a piece depicting a woman set away in isolation from her tribe.

  “Either you’re a bit of an art historian yourself, or you learned very quickly from the exhibition tonight,” I say in a teasing tone, as I look at him with adoration.

  “When you find out a pretty girl likes something, you learn everything you can about the topic,” he quickly responds with a wink. I gasp and let out a small giggle, unsure whether he is kidding or not.

  “You did not!” I exclaim. But he stays mum. Instead, he pulls me in tight to his chest and plants a kiss atop my forehead.

  “Art and architecture have a lot in common, sweetheart. Both are intriguing to me. Studying various art forms only adds to my capabilities as a designer,” he says with a grin. “In fact, my first love was actually the graphic arts. I used to illustrate cartoons when I was a kid.”

  My jaw drops open.

  “Really? Do you still have some of your old cartoons around?”

  Damon shakes his head ruefully.

  “No, because my parents have moved so many times that they’ve been lost along the way. But my first drawings weren’t good, anyways. There was one about a duck that often got caught in the sprinkler system.”

  I begin to giggle.

  “I never thought of you as a guy who was into ducks as protagonists.”

  He grins.

  “Me neither, but when you’re eight years old, anything goes. It was either that, or a bear that could balance on a high wire. Now, enough about my past as a budding graphic artist. I saw on the map that there is a restaurant on the museum grounds. Want to grab some dinner, honey?”

  “Oh yes, I’m starving!” I respond excitedly. “But don’t think I’m forgetting about the duck and the bear!”

  He merely chuckles and pats my bottom again as we make our way to the restaurant. Interestingly, the museum restaurant is called Le Canard.

  “Wait a minute, doesn’t the name ‘Le Canard’ mean ‘duck’ in French?”

  Damon shoots me a droll look.

  “It does, honey. I guess my past is coming out of the woodwork, and there’s no getting away from it. But in you go, baby girl. I hear the French have especially delicious oysters, and I want to eat a couple dozen.”

  I giggle at his extravagant claim, but indeed, my boyfriend does order a bit of everything from the menu. It’s delicious, and I try my first pair of frog legs, which turn out to taste like chicken. After dinner we order champagne and pair it with a decadent piece of raspberry cheesecake. We are taking turns scooping creamy white and red bites of goodness from the plate, and the conversation has turned to Harlow and Jay-Jay, his grandchildren.

  “I just can’t get enough of those kids,” Damon grins. “I always claimed I wouldn’t be one of those corny grandparents that spoils his grandkids rotten, but I can’t help it.” His eyes sparkle as he thinks about Lucy’s children and he flashes the most genuine of smiles. “They’re too cute,” he finishes.

  I laugh aloud at this. Not only do I find it adorable how Damon dotes on his grandchildren, but I can relate! Lucy’s kids are my godchildren after all and I spoil them just as rotten as he does.

  “I know what you mean,” I giggle. “I recently got Harlow a three-foot high Barbie doll. Lucy groaned when she saw it.”

  Damon laughs.

  “I didn’t even know they had Barbie dolls that tall,” he remarks while popping another forkful of cheesecake in his mouth.

  “Yep,” I nod with satisfaction. “It was a special edition and I wanted to gift Harlow a Barbie because Barbie’s a classic. I know lots of girls are into Bratz and American Girl these days, but I grew up with Barbie and still like her the best.”

  Damon chuckles.

  “You don’t have a Barbie collection at home, do you, honey?”

  I shake my head.

  “No. I used to have a lot, but like you, my parents moved often, so all my dolls were probably given away.”

  Damon grins.

  “Should I get you a Barbie for Christmas this year then?”

  I giggle.

  “No! Absolutely not! Get one for Harlow though. She and Jay-Jay are truly are lucky to have so many people that care about them.”

  Damon chuckles, looking so handsome in his black shirt.

  “How are things with Luce, by the way?”

  I pop another bite of cheesecake into my mouth.

  “Good, as far as I know. She’s busy as a mom of two kids, but she loves it. But everything’s fine between you guys now, right? I remember how scared Lucy was to tell you she was dating Shane. She was really nervous about that.”

  Damon looks rueful and stirs a little in his seat.

  “I’m sorry,” I add quickly. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable by bringing up old news. I suppose it’s still a tricky scenario to navigate at times, even now.”

  “No, no. Don’t apologize,” Damon says. He takes my hand in his to assure me it’s okay. “It was surprising, definitely, when I found out. I mean, how many guys really want to discover that their daughter’s dating their oldest friend? But it doesn’t seem like a big deal at all anymore. Shane treats her well, and he dotes on his kids too. I’m just glad Lucy is happy.”

  I smile, and he continues.

  “The age gap thing between my daughter and Shane isn’t a problem anymore either. My being upset about their relationship would be the pot calling the kettle black, don’t you think?”

  I laugh, and my eyes being to glisten, causing Damon to lean over the table and softly kiss me. Then he pulls back and my breath hitches a bit.

  “What are you thinking about babe?” Damon asks in a low voice. My lips purse for a moment and then break into a smile.

  “Well, I love being with you, and I love spending time with you. It’s just that …”

  “This doesn’t have to do with our May December relationship, does it?” he asks ruefully. “I knew that wasn’t a good topic to bring up.”

  “No, no!” I say, wavi
ng my hands. “I was just wondering, well, do you have any thoughts on Saucy Nights? I know it hasn’t come up much ever since we talked about it that first time but I feel bad because … well, I haven’t been working, really. You’ve been supporting me.”

  Damon takes my hand and looks deep into my eyes.

  “Are you okay with that, honey? I don’t mind supporting you financially at all. And you know I can’t let you work for City Girls again. Not while you’re with me.”

  I blush.

  “I know, it’s just that it’s strange to be a kept woman, so to speak,” I whisper, my voice difficult to hear.

  His eyes flare and a gentle finger strokes my cheek.

  “No, you’re not a kept woman, sweetheart. I love being with you, and we’re only doing this because it’s what works best right now.”

  I blush.

  “I know, but I can’t live off of your dime forever, Damon. I should get my own thing going! Oh my god, imagine if your daughter found out about this.”

  Damon throws his head back and laughs.

  “Lucy wouldn’t care,” he says. “Besides, it’s just a few thousand a month, honey. It’s no big deal. I don’t mind paying your rent and food, and hell, if we weren’t on the downlow, I’d have you move in with me stat.”

  I gasp, looking into his eyes.

  “Move in with you?” I parrot.

  He nods, eyes gleaming.

  “Sweetheart, I’d love to wake up to your luscious curves every morning and sate myself in your sweetness. But right now, we haven’t even told my daughter about us, so it’s too early for that.”

  I gasp, my heart going a million miles a minute. Does he really mean that? Does he really see a long-term future for us? But I force myself to stay calm. If Damon was really serious, then he’d help me with my business, wouldn’t he?


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