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An American Cinderella: A Royal Love Story

Page 9

by Krista Lakes

  “I did,” I said, repeating his words back. “I really liked it.”

  I opened my mouth to say more, but I couldn’t find the words. Not when I was looking into those blue eyes that held depths I could only dream of.

  His fingers left my cheek to come under my chin, tipping my face up to him. That slow, sexy, confident grin filled his face as he leaned forward and kissed me.

  And good lord could he kiss.

  I opened my mouth to his, tasting and feeling his every movement. His mouth was sure and confident as he found all the right spots to touch me. I moaned softly and his arms wrapped around me.

  I picked up my knee and straddled his waist, giving us a far better position to keep kissing. I loved the low growl of approval at my new orientation and the way his hands went to my waist and back, pulling me into him.

  His mouth left mine to trace the curve of my throat. My hands tangled in his beautiful hair as my own head tipped back. He ran his tongue along my skin, tasting me and kissing me at the same time. My pulse throbbed against his kisses as he worked his way to my shoulder.

  He pushed the shirt from my shoulder and nibbled on the bare skin, making me whimper with desire. We both had far too many clothes on. I looked down at him, our eyes meeting as we both realized we were thinking the same thing.

  He slid his hands under my shirt, his fingers hot and wanted along the bare skin of my stomach. With a practiced motion, he lifted my shirt up and over my head, tossing it to the floor behind me.

  He leaned back, his pupils dilating as he looked me over.

  “Wow,” he whispered, taking in my body with just my jeans and bra. The compliment made me flush. I didn’t feel like a wow, but when he said it, I thought it might possibly be true.

  He kissed my shoulder, sliding the strap of my bra off. My heart pounded in my chest, wanting to slow down and speed up at the same time. We were all alone and had all the time in the world, yet I didn’t want to wait. I wanted him all right there on my couch.

  I reached down to his waist and tugged up on his shirt. He pulled back his head from the skin of my shoulder just long enough for me to pull the fabric up and over his head. The shirt caught right at his eye level, his arms tangled and sticking straight up.

  His chest was a work of art. Playing rugby was good for him. He was lean and trim, but with enough muscle that I could play doctor and identify each ab. I let one hand touch his skin, feeling his heat and strength beneath me while the other kept him trapped in his shirt.

  He didn’t fight me, letting me keep him blindfolded and pinned for just a moment as I kissed him. I could feel him harden between my legs and I suddenly wished neither one of us had on pants. They felt like far too much restrictive clothing now. I thought about standing up and shimmying out of them, but that would require breaking our kiss.

  His hands tugged out of his shirt, and caressed my back. I pulled the shirt free of his head, wanting to see his beautiful face. His blue eyes were dark with lust as he worked the clasp on the back of my bra.

  I reached back, unhooking it myself. I let the silky bra fall forward, biting my lip and watching his face as I showed myself to him. His eyes widened and darkened. Beneath me, I could feel his excitement grow.

  He breathed in hard before diving forward and kissing the tender flesh. I hissed with delight as he took a nipple into his mouth. His hand cradled my other breast, holding me like I was his treasure.

  I wanted him so badly my entire body ached. I wanted his touch everywhere. I craved the caress of his fingers along every inch of my skin. I wanted him more than I’d ever wanted another man in my entire life.

  It was like being drunk I felt so crazy for him. Irrational need possessed me as I kissed him, grinding my hips into his.

  He responded in kind, his hands everywhere on my skin. His mouth nibbled and sucked, making me gasp and moan with delight while his hands held me close to him.

  I was about two minutes from orgasm and we still had on our pants.

  The room suddenly echoed with a bang on my door. We both froze, our faces centimeters away from one another and breathing hard.

  “It’s probably just Mrs. West downstairs,” I whispered. “She’s always needing to borrow baking supplies.”

  The entire room vibrated as the person outside banged on the door again. There was no way it was my eighty-year-old tiny little neighbor.

  “Henry!” A male voice called out from the other side of the door.

  Henry’s eyes went wide and he pulled back.

  “Is that Andre?” I asked, recognizing the voice. What in the world was he doing banging on my door? He was going to make the neighbors come out in a moment.

  “Let me see what he wants,” Henry said. He gave me a quick peck on the lips before scooting out from underneath me and heading to the door. I stared after him for a moment before realizing I didn’t have anything on my upper body. I managed to grab my throw blanket and wrap it around my shoulders before Henry wrenched open the door.

  Andre stood there, his hand poised to bang yet again.

  “You better have a good reason,” Henry told him, his voice low and dangerous.

  “It’s important.” Andre looked at Henry and then gave me a polite nod over Henry’s shoulder.

  I blushed like a tomato and pulled the blanket a little bit tighter. It was pretty obvious what the two of us had been up to.

  I tried not to listen in on their conversation. I knew it was a rude thing to do, but I couldn’t help it. My apartment was just too small and their conversation too important to me.

  “This couldn’t wait?” Henry asked, his voice dark. His bare back was strong and I liked the way his jeans looked on his ass. They looked better on my couch, but I could appreciate them from here.

  “Don’t shoot the messenger,” Andre replied, his voice calm and collected. “I’m just doing what I’m told.”

  Henry crossed his arms. “Did you tell him I’m busy right now?”

  Andre nodded. “I was told he needed you now. No questions.”

  “He probably just forgot the freaking WiFi code again,” Henry grumbled. He glanced back at me and I did my best to smile. He turned back to Andre. “Twenty minutes?”

  Andre shook his head slowly. “I was instructed to pick you up immediately.”

  Henry let out a string of curses that assured me he had been telling the truth about being in the army.

  “You better tell mum I’m going to murder my brother,” Henry informed Andre. “Let me get dressed.”

  Andre made no move to step out of the doorway as Henry moved to shut it.

  “I promise I’ll be good,” Henry said, holding up his hands. Andre shook his head. “Fine. Foot in door, then.”

  Andre slid one foot into the door frame and Henry pushed the door closed as much as possible with a foot still in the way. It gave me a modicum of privacy, especially since I could see Andre intentionally looking in the opposite direction of the door crack.

  “What’s going on?” I asked. I had a feeling we weren’t going to go back to kissing.

  “I have to go,” he said, picking up his shirt from the floor. He handed me my shirt in the process.

  “Oh.” My heart dropped. Even though I suspected it, hearing it made it true. “Why?”

  The question came out more pathetic sounding than I meant.

  Henry pulled the dark blue fabric of his shirt over his head. It was on inside out. He growled and pulled it off again, straightening it out and trying again.

  “My brother needs me,” he replied. “I have to go.”

  I pouted. “It can’t wait?”

  Henry tugged the fabric down, hiding his perfect body from me. He put his knee on the couch, coming in close to me.

  “I don’t want to go, but duty comes first,” he said, his accent thicker than usual. He swallowed hard. “I want to stay with you, but I don’t have a choice.” I frowned and his face fell. “Please don’t be mad.”

  “Don’t be mad
that your friend is stealing you away?” I grumbled, looking pointedly at the door.

  “No, that my brother is an arsehole with terrible timing. Andre’s just the unfortunate soul that had to deliver the message.” He put his hand to my cheek, pulling me into a gentle kiss. “I’ll make it up to you. Promise.”

  “You better,” I replied.

  A hint of a smile pulled at his lips.

  “Henry,” Andre called from outside the door. “We need to go.”

  We both sighed. Henry kissed me once more. It was full of promise and regret. My body ached to wrap around him again. I wanted to slam the door shut and steal him away for myself.

  But Andre was a lot bigger than I was.

  “You have some serious explaining and sucking up to do,” I told him as he went to pick up his shoes.

  He grinned at me as he slid on his hat. “Sucking up? I can do that.”

  My core heated at the idea of him sucking on me again, even though I wasn’t happy that he was leaving.

  “Bye, Andre,” I called as Henry opened the door. Henry gave me one last glance before leaving. “Bye, Henry.” His name was softer.

  I hated the way the door clicked shut and the silence that followed it. I hated the fact that I was suddenly horny and alone.

  I repeated Henry’s curse.

  At least that made me feel a little bit better.

  Chapter 9

  I woke up the next morning grumpy and needing a cold shower. The only thing I had dreamed of all night was Henry and those scorching kisses.

  But, even in my dreams we never got where I wanted to go. He always got pulled away at the last second.

  I showered quickly, finding I had run out of conditioner and shaving cream, but still had a decent amount of shampoo left. I nicked my left ankle with my razor, probably because I didn’t have enough shaving cream, and I got soap in my eyes as I rinsed.

  It was starting out as an awesome day.

  I dressed in comfortable slacks and a dark blue button up blouse. At least I hadn’t managed to screw up my clothing selection, even if my shirt was a little more low-cut than usual.

  My milk was sour and my coffee stale. I was running late and I was out of eggs for breakfast.

  I sighed and looked over at my little love-seat. I could still feel Henry’s kisses and the way his hand slid along my bare back. I shivered, the cold shower not doing anything for me now. I checked my phone, but there were no new messages.

  I grumbled and picked up my bag. Big fat raindrops splattered against my window and I sighed. I’d need to bring a jacket and an umbrella. And change my shoes.

  I sighed and gathered my things. I couldn’t find my umbrella, despite the fact that I knew I had it the week before. I would just have to deal with a raincoat, I decided. I was already late as it was.

  Finally ready, I opened my front door to find a bouquet of flowers. Fifteen long-stem red roses sat in a simple glass vase. It was elegant and I wondered why there were more than just the traditional twelve.

  I looked around the hallway, but there wasn’t a soul around. Just the flowers.

  Carefully, I leaned over and found a small envelope tucked among the beautiful red blossoms.

  * * *

  Still not as beautiful as you.


  * * *

  I smiled as I played with the card between my fingers. It was sweet. It didn’t make up for ditching me last night, but it was a step in the right direction. I picked up the flowers and brought them inside, putting them on my small table.

  Even in the gray light of the rain, they were beautiful and the soft scent of fresh flowers filled my small room. I shook my head, smiling as I headed out to work.

  The rain kept most of the tourists inside the museums or crowded into buses, so I was able to navigate the streets to work with ease. I ended up only being a few minutes late. I stood in the entrance of my building, shaking off water before heading up the stairs.

  “How was the date?” Gus asked, peeking up over his computer monitor at me.

  “It was really good,” I told him with a smile. “We went to a rugby game and then we got noodles for dinner.”

  Gus raised one eyebrow. “And he was a perfect gentleman, right?”

  “Do you really want to know?” I asked him, putting on my best devious grin. I waggled my eyebrows at him. “I can give you details. His skin is flawless.”

  Gus’s cheeks darkened and he made an exasperated sound before ducking back behind his computer, making me laugh. I wondered how he was going to survive when his own daughters were into adulthood and having children. I could imagine that he would just tell himself the storks did it.

  “Don’t worry Gus.” I grinned, scanning my ID badge into the system. “He was all duty and honor.”

  To my disappointment, I thought to myself.

  “That’s not what I want to hear,” Jaqui said, startling me as she came out of the stairwell. “I wanted him to ruin you for all other men. Tell me more about the flawless skin.”

  “I’m not listening to this,” Gus said, shaking his head and hiding behind his desk. “I don’t want to know. Please go upstairs and go to work.”

  “I, on the other hand, want to know everything,” Jaqui said, linking her arm in mine and heading back up the stairs. “My love life is in shambles and I need to live vicariously through someone.”

  “I am willing to do my part to keep you happy,” I told her.

  We headed up the stairs to my office as I told her how the date went. I explained how much fun I had at the rugby game. I told her how I shared my favorite noodle restaurant with him. I told her that we were getting hot and heavy on the couch, and that it was some of the best kissing I’d ever experienced.

  “And then his friend interrupted,” I finished. “Just knocked on the door and said he had to go. That there was family issues.”

  “What did Henry say?” Jaqui asked as we headed down the hallway to my office. It was cooler up here today because of the rain. I was glad I had worn long sleeves.

  “He just went. I mean, he didn’t want to go, but he didn’t call his brother or anything. He just left.”

  I shrugged and pushed open the door to my office and stopped suddenly. Three different flower bouquets sat on my table. Each was a different kind of flower in a rainbow of colors and all of them made my office smell amazing.

  “Yeah. These came for you this morning.” Jaqui grinned at me and leaned against the door frame. “I had them brought up here for you. Now that I know what happened, I think he feels bad.”

  “I would agree,” I murmured going over to the first bouquet of yellow daffodils. There was no way he could have known that these were my favorite. I fingered a small note tucked in the blossoms.

  * * *

  Still not as beautiful...

  * * *

  I smiled and shook my head, going to the next bouquet. This one was white tulips with tips of red and purple. They were stunning. There was another note.

  * * *

  I’m sorry I left.

  * * *

  I carried the notes with me as I went to the last bouquet. It was full of different shades of blue and purple hyacinth and the sweet lilac-like scent filled my entire office with the smell of spring. Hyacinth were my second favorite flowers, right after daffodils. There was one last note.

  * * *

  I’m bringing you lunch.

  * * *

  I smiled and put all three notes in my pocket.

  “According to the internet, yellow flowers mean apology,” Jaqui read from her phone as she pointed to the daffodils. “Tulips are also apology flowers. As is hyacinth. Good lord, those smell amazing.”

  “What about roses?” I asked. “He sent some to my apartment.”

  “Um...” Jaqui scrolled down her phone. “Here it is: does he have a reason to apologize? Because fifteen roses means ‘I’m sorry.’ Your guy knows his flowers.”

  “Or he looked it up just like you,
” I told her. I smelled the hyacinth again. He sure did pick my favorites.

  “You going to forgive him?” Jaqui asked. “Because four bouquets? I’d at least let him buy me dinner to apologize.”

  I chuckled. “Yeah. I think I can let him do that.”

  “You said his name is Henry Prescott, right?” Jaqui asked, tucking her phone back into her back pocket. She frowned slightly as if she were thinking hard. “And he’s from Paradisa?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. He plays for the Royals. They’re a rugby team.”

  “That explains the killer body,” Jaqui agreed. “I swear he reminds me of someone. I just can’t place it. It’s like I’ve seen him before.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Like I’ve seen his picture somewhere. He just looks famous to me,” Jaqui tapped her lip with her finger. “It’ll come to me. I recognize him from something.”

  “Jaqui, do you really think a famous guy would be dating me?” I pointed to my rain-wet hair and mud-splattered pants.

  “Yeah. Because you freaking rock,” Jaqui replied, not even pausing a little. It made me smile.

  “Thanks, Jaqui.” Despite the cool of the rain in my office, I felt warm all over with her friendship.

  “Anyway, you need to get to work. You’re all caught up on backlog, right?” Jaqui looked around at the various boxes filling my office. “Because I have news.”

  I nodded. “I finished yesterday. On to the real stuff today.”

  “Good. I was told that the Paradisians made a huge trade maneuver last night that is going to affect the negotiations. You’ll be getting new boxes by lunch.”

  I groaned. “More work for me. Yay.

  “There’s more.” Jaqui looked apologetic. “They’ve asked for it to be sped up. They want the documentation sooner rather than later.”

  I groaned again. “Which means a lot more work for me.”


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