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An American Cinderella: A Royal Love Story

Page 16

by Krista Lakes

  My back arched, finally close to release as he continued to slam into me, making me his own. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling me onto him over and over. I was so close, I closed my eyes and focused on moving my body with his to find my sweet release.

  He sensed it, and ran his thumb over my sweet spot, sending me into an explosion of his making. His name spilled from my lips as I lost control and flew over the edge.

  He tried to hold back, to stay strong, but he came with me, calling my name as he followed me into perfection. I felt him swell and swirl with me in the glorious colors of pleasure. My body vibrated with his, our forms connected eternally.

  I loved the way he tightened and stilled, his pleasure mixing with mine to create something even better than what we could achieve on our own.

  Panting, I held onto him, never wanting him to leave. His hand stroked my back, slow and smooth as our hearts pounded against one another. I looked up to see him smile at me and I knew that my heart was his.

  Chapter 18

  “Dessert?” Henry asked.

  “What? That wasn’t sweet enough for you?” I teased.

  He caught me in his arms, pulling me into him for yet another kiss. I sighed with contentment. I could never have too many kisses.

  “I have something for you,” he said. I felt his arms tense just slightly and he smiled even though the muscle in his jaw tightened. He was nervous about something.

  “Okay.” I smiled. “Can I put my clothes on or do you want me naked for it?”

  He looked down at my bare skin pressing into his. “Clothes. I may not make it if you don’t.”

  I grinned, feeling sexy as sin. Even though he’d just had me, he wanted me again. There was no sexier feeling than to know that once wasn’t enough.

  I went to my closet and pulled on a long, soft t-shirt and some comfy running shorts. It wasn’t supposed to be sexy, but comfortable.

  “That’s what you’re wearing?” Henry asked, standing there my main room in nothing but his boxer shorts and a smile.

  “Is there something wrong with it?” I asked, looking down and checking for holes or stains.

  “Just that you look edible.” His eyes went up and down my body and his pupils dilated. “It’s not fair that you do this to me.”

  I giggled and kissed his cheek. “You do the same to me, so turnabout is fair play.” I gave his boxer pant leg a gentle tug, revealing the curve of his hipbone. I’d meant the gesture to be playful, but seeing the masculine edges of his body heated my internal temperature several degrees.

  He winked as he tugged the other side down to match and I swatted him gently on the shoulder.

  “You said something about dessert,” I said, going into the kitchen and opening up my dish cabinet. “Do we need plates or bowls?”

  “Neither,” he replied. He walked over to the canvas bag and pulled something out. “No dishes this way.”

  I grinned and followed him over to the table. He set down a small bakery box and two forks before pulling out my chair for me like a gentleman. I had to laugh as I was in pajamas and he was wearing nothing but boxers, yet he was acting like we were at a fancy dinner party.

  I giggled as I sat down. He opened up the box to reveal a small round cake with lovely white icing.

  “It’s beautiful,” I told him.

  “It’s a Paradisa chocolate cake,” he explained. “I found this little bakery nearby that specializes in Paradisian desserts. This is as good as the stuff we get at home.”

  He handed me a fork before taking one himself.

  Carefully, I reached out and cut into the white icing. It melted under the pressure of my fork, giving way to a dark chocolate cake center. Henry watched as I brought the cake to my mouth, obviously wanting to see what I thought of it.

  The icing was a cream cheese vanilla that blended with the rich texture of the chocolate cake. I’d never tasted cake so rich and moist. There were small pieces of milk chocolate baked into the cake that melted as they hit my tongue.

  “Wow,” I said, closing my eyes and focusing on the delicious chocolate and vanilla explosion in my mouth. “This is amazing.”

  Henry smiled with pride as he took a bite and nodded. “Just like home.”

  “If this is how you eat in Paradisa, I’m going to need to be on a serious diet.” I took another bite, finding it just as rich and creamy as the first. “How do people not weigh a million pounds with food like this?”

  “We play rugby,” Henry replied with a chuckle. “And this is usually saved for special occasions. It’s not an everyday treat.”

  I took another bite and let the flavors melt on my tongue. I peeked open one eye to look at him smiling at my enjoyment. “Thank you for sharing this with me,” I told him, my mouth full of cake.

  “It’s my pleasure,” he replied. He played with his fork, not really taking another bite, but not setting it down either.

  “You said this cake is for special occasions?” I asked. He nodded. He was still nervous about something. He hid it well, but I knew him well enough now that I could see it written all over his face. “I know that a date with me is pretty amazing and definitely qualifies as a reason to have cake, but is there another reason you brought this?”

  He set his fork down and focused his blue eyes on me.

  “Have you ever heard of the Paradisa Ball?” he asked.

  I swallowed my bite of cake. “Um, a little. It’s a major national holiday in Paradisa. Everyone wears a mask for the day and you dress up as royalty. I always thought it sounded like a fancier Halloween.”

  “A little. Not near as much candy.” He nodded. “There’s usually lots of parties and masquerade balls. The dressing up is important. Do you want to hear the story of why we do this?”

  I nodded. This didn’t explain why he was nervous, but I had a feeling it would lead into it. His words sounded almost rehearsed, so I wasn’t going to pressure him. Besides, I wanted to know more.

  “Yes, please.” I put my chin in the palm of my hand and listened as he began to speak.

  “Once upon a time, several hundred years ago, there was a prince of Paradisa. He was the beloved only child of the king and queen. He was supposed to marry a princess and continue the royal line as his father and his grandfather had done before him.”

  Henry’s accent made listening to the story so much better. It sounded richer and I could almost see the prince he spoke of. I imagined he looked a lot like Henry.

  “One day, the prince looked out his window and fell in love with a peasant girl. He saw her watching the sun set over the palace wall and lost his heart to her smile. Everyday he watched her, falling ever more in love with her. He knew it could never be, but he had to meet her. So, he pretended to be a commoner and snuck out to at least learn her name.

  “She was everything he wanted in a woman. Smart, funny, beautiful, and kind. She treated him as an equal, rather than a prince because she didn’t know who he was. Despite his best efforts, he lost his heart. When he confessed his love to her, he found that she loved him back. For a moment, they were happy.

  “The prince knew she would make the perfect queen for Paradisa, but that her common birth would be a problem. It was law that the prince marry a woman of noble blood. He knew his father wouldn’t even meet her without a title to her name. Legally, they could never be together.

  “When he revealed that he was a prince, and their happy moment was shattered. She broke down in tears knowing they could never be together. It seemed hopeless, until the woman came up with a plan for the king to approve the marriage.

  “The prince declared a masquerade ball to announce his beloved to the court. The king and queen were excited that their son had finally chosen a bride, and happily agreed to meet her at the ball. The prince then dressed his love in silks and a beautiful silver mask. She looked the part of a queen, even if her blood was common.

  “She was the most beautiful guest of the ball. She charmed the king. She charmed the qu
een. They felt she was the right choice for their son and the country. The king gave his permission for the two of them to be wed. It was after this declaration that the woman removed her mask and revealed her station to be nothing more than that of a servant.

  “She was chased out of the palace by the king’s guards. The prince was furious that his father would go back on his word. The entire country was shocked and angered that one of their own was not good enough for the king. Under this pressure, the king relented and the prince sought out his love once more.

  “They were married to the cheers of the country. She was the best queen in a hundred years of queens and the country thrived because of her wisdom. We call her the Peasant Queen. To honor their story, Paradisa holds a masquerade ball every year. No one knows who anyone is or what their station in life is. Janitors can be kings and princes can be paupers. For one night every year, everyone is equal and able to fall in love. That is the story of the Paradisa Ball.”

  I smiled as Henry’s story came to an end. “I like it. But you forgot an important part of the prince and princess’s story.”

  “I did?” Henry frowned, mentally going over his beautiful retelling. “What did I leave out?”

  “And they lived happily ever after,” I told him. “That’s how a happy story always ends.”

  He chuckled and smiled. “I did forget.” He put back on his story-teller face. “ And they lived happily ever after.”

  His accent added an extra dimension to the words that made me believe for a moment that the prince and princess really did live happily ever after.

  “I love it, but I still am unsure what the story has to do with cake.” I pointed to the cake with my fork. I’d eaten nearly half of it during his telling. It had made the story even sweeter.

  Henry smiled, but he looked nervous again. He slid an envelope out from under the bottom of the cake tray and pushed it across the table to me.

  “What’s this?” I picked up the envelope. It was made of heavy stationary that felt expensive. The Paradisian emblem of a twinned unicorn and dragon was engraved on the front. I recognized it from the seals on my work documents.

  “I want to invite you to the Paradisa Ball,” Henry explained. “We’re holding one here in Washington this year.”

  My eyes widened and I opened the envelope to reveal a beautiful invitation written with golden ink.

  “How? How did you get this?” I asked in disbelief.

  “Work,” he explained with a shrug. “I know a guy. A couple of them, actually.”

  I stared at the beautiful calligraphy. It reminded me of a wedding invitation I once saw in my stepmother’s house for a billionaire’s daughter. This looked even prettier. I couldn’t believe Henry had invited me.

  “So will you come?” Henry swallowed hard, looking at me with those big blue eyes.

  “Of course,” I replied. “Of course I’ll come. Yes!”

  Henry relaxed and grinned as I ran around the table to kiss him and thank him properly. He pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms around me. He kissed my shoulder and then rested his cheek against where he’d just kissed.

  “I’m going to have to get a dress,” I thought aloud. “I need to wear a ball gown, right?”

  Henry nodded. “Yes. And a mask.”

  “I can do that,” I replied, a grin filling my face. “You are going to see what a senator’s daughter can pull off. I’m going to blow you away.”

  Henry grinned and held me tighter. “I can’t wait.”

  Chapter 19

  “Jaqui? I have a question for you about tomorrow,” I said, stopping in Jaqui’s office before heading to the copy room to continue making folders. I felt light and free. Not only was I going to a fancy party on Saturday, but I didn’t have to scan documents today.

  “Sure.” Jaqui paused with her fingers still on the keys of her computer and looked up at me. “What’s up?”

  “Can I get out a little early tomorrow?” I asked.

  Jaqui frowned slightly. “As long as we’re done with the folders. Why?”

  I grinned. “I have to get a dress.”

  Jaqui’s eyes lit up. “A dress? What kind of dress?”

  “A fancy one. Henry somehow got us invitations to the Paradisian Masquerade Ball on Saturday,” I told her. I grinned at the way her jaw dropped.

  “No way! I’ve heard it’s next to impossible to get into that. The president’s even going!” She shook her head. “You seriously have to find out if Henry has a brother or a friend. How in the world did he get tickets?”

  I shrugged. “He says he knows a couple of guys through his work,” I replied. “But, I need to get a dress. Can I leave a little early tomorrow?”

  “Yes, of course,” Jaqui assured me. “You have to get something amazing.”

  “You want to come? I could use a little help picking something out.”

  Jaqui’s face fell. “I can’t. I’m behind on this delegation thing.” She thought for a moment. “But, send me pictures and I’ll give you my opinion as you try them on.”

  “I can do that. And thank you,” I said. I was a little disappointed that my friend with the best fashion sense couldn’t come and help me pick something out, but I understood.

  I gave her a wave and headed to the copy room.

  “Remember, you’re going to send me pictures and I’ll give you scores,” Jaqui said when I stopped by her office Thursday afternoon. “I’m thinking that with your complexion, you need a jewel tone. Deep red, dark green, purple... I like purple.”

  “I promise to send you pictures. Thanks again for letting me go early today.”

  Jaqui waved me off. “You did a great job on those folders. You’ve been so helpful, it’s not a problem. Now, get out of here and get a dress.”

  I chuckled and waved as I said goodbye and headed out of the office early. It felt strange to leave while everyone was still hard at work at their desks.

  “Have fun, Aria,” Gus called to me from his desk as I walked past. “Do whatever Jaqui recommends. Dress wise. Not man wise.”

  “I will,” I promised, waving at him.

  There was almost no traffic since it wasn’t rush hour yet, so my bus ride to the dress store was easy and comfortable. I had some ideas for a dress, but I knew it really depended on what I found at the store. I had decided to try a bridal shop that specialized in high end gowns, especially since this was supposed to be a black-tie super exclusive event. I wanted to look like I belonged and I was willing to spend a little bit of my savings to do so.

  I found the swanky shop in the downtown area and walked inside. Two circular white leather couches took up the center of the brightly lit room and soft music played overhead. Racks of designer gowns in various shades of white hung to one side while the other held a rainbow of colors and designs.

  “Welcome to Boutique,” a woman announced coming up to greet me. She wore a sleek gray suit and her blonde hair pulled back in a trendy ponytail. “How may I help you?”

  “Hi. My name’s Aria. I have a reservation,” I replied.

  “Of course.” The woman smiled and motioned me to the couches. “Would you like something to drink? I have champagne and sparkling water.”

  “Um, I’m fine. Thank you. Maybe in a little bit.”

  “Feel free to browse the dresses.” She pointed to the various stands filled with all hues of satin and lace. “I’m sure we’ll find something you love.”

  I spent the next two hours trying on various styles of ballgowns. I tried satin, silk, taffeta, lace, sequins, sparkles, tulle and everything in between. I tried to send pictures of each of them to Jaqui, but I was having a hard time picking one that felt right. Nothing felt good enough.

  “I think I might have a gown for you,” the woman said after I discarded yet another dress with a sigh. “I didn’t bring it out at first because it’s a little out of your selected price range. Do you want to see it?”

  I did some mental math at just how much money I was willin
g to spend on a dress. Then I thought of standing next to Henry. I wanted to look my best. “Bring it out.”

  The saleswoman went to a different rack and pulled out a beautiful purple satin gown. It was simple, but shimmered in the light. I could see the price tag and while it made my stomach twist, I knew I should at least try it on.

  The dress fit wonderfully. I walked out of the changing room and looked in the mirror. I loved that it had cute little shoulder straps and a nice defined waist. It was a little high in the bust and the skirt needed to be hemmed, but it fit. Plus, it looked good. Really good. I snapped a picture in the mirror and sent it to Jaqui. She texted back after a moment.

  * * *

  It’s perfect. Sold. Done.

  * * *

  I grinned, feeling like I was finally getting somewhere. I tried to ignore the price tag.

  “It has a secret pocket, by the way,” the saleswoman said, watching me in the mirror. “In case that helps.”

  I found the sleek little pocket built into one of the side seams. My little burner phone fit perfectly.

  “I’ll take it,” I told the saleswoman.

  “Excellent,” she replied. “If you’d like, we have an in-house seamstress. She can hem that for you and have it ready Saturday morning.”

  “That would be perfect,” I said. The shop was close enough that I could run over here in the morning and still have more than enough time to do my hair and makeup.

  I stood for a moment, turning in the mirror and enjoying the view. This was a dress I could wear to a fancy party. I had black shoes that would look nice and I knew I could find a simple gold or white mask at the costume shop that would look wonderful. It was perfect.

  “I’ve seen peacocks preen less than you, dear.”

  My blood went cold at the snide voice of my stepmother. I looked up from the dress in the mirror and saw my stepmother standing behind me. Her arms were crossed and she looked pissed.


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