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Love's Tender Warriors

Page 13

by Radclyffe

  “Shh. If you’re going to say anything the least bit serious, I don’t want to hear it. Not yet.”

  Silently, too shell-shocked by the events that had transpired seemingly with a will of their own, Drew merely nodded and took her hand. “Come on.”

  A minute later, Sean sat naked on the edge of the bed, watching as Drew undressed by the light filtering in from the adjoining room. She found her mouth suddenly dry, and other places decidedly not, as her eyes roamed over Drew’s body. She had expected something magnificent, and the hard-muscled, powerful form certainly was, but she hadn’t been prepared for what the sight did to her. She was used to responding to the world with her head and her heart, but this new reaction—this gut-wrenching physical craving—astounded her. She wanted this woman—wanted to touch her, taste her—God, she wanted to devour her.

  “Lie down with me,” Sean ordered hoarsely, pulling back the sheets and reclining on the pillows.

  Wordlessly, Drew complied.

  Scarcely breathing, Sean leaned on one elbow. Her hand hovered above Drew’s chest as she took her time looking up and down that amazing body, imprinting the many wondrous images in her mind. What a glorious sight a woman is. How could I not have known? How could I have waited so long?

  Then, Sean found she couldn’t think. Urges she hadn’t known existed in her rose with a fury, demanding that she feel, that she take, that she give. Following her instincts, not entirely certain but somehow confident nevertheless, she lightly traced her fingertips over the swell of breast, emboldened by the slight jerk of Drew’s hips at the first meeting of their flesh. Looking into Drew’s face, Sean found blue eyes almost black with longing, and the sight struck her heart like a hammer blow.

  “You’re very beautiful,” Sean murmured just before she lowered her head and closed her lips around a taut, hard nipple. From a distance, she heard a groan, and she smiled. Rubbing her cheek over the sensitive peak, she asked, “Is this all right?”


  Lingering with her lips around Drew’s nipple, Sean massaged the small firm breast in her palm and was rewarded with another gasp as she nipped gently at the tender skin. Drew’s responsiveness made her head go light. Such sweet power.

  “Tell me what you like,” Sean requested breathlessly as she continued her tortuous exploration with mouth and fingers over the crest of Drew’s ribs and down the center of her abdomen. When she brushed her hand over the base of Drew’s belly, Drew’s long legs jerked and twisted in the tangled sheets.


  “Tell me what you need.”

  “I...would you...touch me?” Drew implored, her voice agonizingly strained. “Just...ah, God...” Her hips jerked again as Sean ran a finger between the swollen folds, so close to where she desperately needed to be stroked.

  “Where do you like it?” Sean’s throat was so heavy with lust she could barely speak. Her vision suddenly dimmed, and she clenched her thighs hard as blood hammered through her own heated flesh. Distantly, she heard a soft cry as she stroked the undersurface of the bulging clitoris. “Here?”


  Circling the tense shaft, purposefully avoiding the sensitive tip, Sean asked intently, “Where else?”

  “...on top...harder...”

  Sean fondled her with a firm fingertip. “Will this make you come?”

  “Oh...yeah.” Drew’s breath was ragged, her blood humming in her ears. “Soon.”

  “I don’t want you to. Not yet.”

  “, I...need to.” She was wound so tight it almost hurt, and she whimpered when Sean eased the pressure. “Oh…let me, please?”

  “I will,” Sean whispered, amazed at her ability to excite the woman who excited her so much. “But I want to go slowly. I want to feel all of you.”

  “I might...explode,” Drew warned breathlessly. “Can’t help it.”

  “Then I’ll start again.”

  Avoiding the erect clitoris which twitched visibly as she watched, Sean caressed the delicate folds surrounding it, pressed her fingertips to the blood engorged tissues, and massaged lightly, indulging her desire to know every inch of the magnificent body. Within seconds Drew’s hips arched from the bed.

  “No more...God...Sean,” Drew cried.

  Sean kicked the remaining covers away as she quickly settled between Drew’s legs, one hand now pressed to a firmly muscled thigh, the other parting the last barrier to the haven she longed to enter. Pressing her fingers inward, she unconsciously followed the subtle rise of Drew’s hips that led her deeper, enfolding her, enclosing her. The rhythmic spasm of those inner muscles told her what was about to happen, and she wanted Drew in her mouth when it did.

  Her first taste of another woman was indescribable—intoxicating, addicting—so primordially female. Drew tangled her fingers in Sean’s hair, pulling her even closer, and Sean let herself be guided by the trembling touch. Awed by the chance to give such pleasure, Sean answered Drew’s need—joyously, powerfully, humbly. She gripped Drew’s thrashing hips, preventing her from pulling away at the crest of her orgasm, wanting the connection to last eternally. Even when Drew eventually stilled, she continued to gently stroke her.

  With weak abandon, Drew forced Sean’s mouth away, gasping, “I can’t take anymore.”

  Sean felt bereft, severed too quickly from the sweet ecstasy. Resting her cheek against Drew’s leg, she tried to gather her wits. She felt incredible; she had never imagined such beauty, such exquisite, tender power. To give such pleasure at once thrilled and amazed her. She felt utterly satisfied, wordlessly full.

  “I want to do that again,” Sean mumbled.

  “Jesus.” Drew laughed unsteadily. “Have some mercy. Come up here.”

  As Sean moved up and settled against Drew’s body, she reached one hand to stroke the sated woman’s face. Drew pressed a kiss to Sean’s forehead, then enfolded her in her arms.

  “How you doing?” Drew asked languidly.


  “Good,” Drew murmured, guiding Sean’s leg across her own thighs. Sean was wet; she could feel it on her skin. Smoothing her palm along the crest of Sean’s hip, she stroked down the outside of her thigh and then back up the inner surface.

  Sean tensed.

  “You’re very good at making me come,” Drew whispered, her fingers a breath away from the center of Sean’s need. “Did that excite you?”

  “I loved it,” Sean moaned. “Can’t you...tell?”

  “Let’s see,” Drew said softly against Sean’s ear while brushing a thumb over her clitoris. Sean convulsed in her arms. “Mmm. Guess so.”

  “Oh, that’s so good,” Sean gasped, her mouth pressed to Drew’s neck, her fingers boring into the muscular shoulder. “Yes...ohyes...just like that.”

  “This time we’ll make it last,” Drew promised. “Nice and slow.”

  At first, the strokes were so light they were like a whisper against Sean’s almost too-sensitive flesh. The pleasure was so excruciating her entire body shuddered. “I’ve never this.”

  “You’re so wet,” Drew breathed. “So beautiful.”

  Sean arched her hips, seeking more, her breath already short in her chest. “What you’re doing to me...” Her voice was a whimper.

  Drew massaged the swiftly swelling tissues, her thumb sliding up and down the length of Sean’s clitoris with gradually increasing pressure until Sean thought she would burst.

  “Almost there,” Sean moaned, her stomach quivering wildly, but still she held on. “So...good...”

  “Don’t hurry, baby. I love to touch you.” Drew forgot to breathe and was suddenly light-headed.

  “I want to come with you...inside me,” Sean implored urgently. When she thought she would scream with the need to climax, she felt Drew enter her—gently at first, then commanding and sure. Clutching at Drew to keep from flying apart, Sean unknowingly sank her teeth into the tender flesh of Drew’s arm. As the rhythm within increased,
a cry tore from her.

  “Don’t stopdon’tstop, please don’t stop. Oh God, Drew...”

  Drew pressed her face to Sean’s cheek, murmuring, “I’ve got you, baby. Just let go.”

  Sean sobbed out her pleasure, dimly aware that Drew was saying her name over and over. Finally, when they both lay spent and gasping, Drew moved her fingers gently, starting to withdraw.

  “Don’t,” Sean gasped, covering Drew’s hand with her own, holding her inside. “If you leave me now, I won’t be able to bear it.”

  Thrusting slowly again, Drew whispered teasingly with her lips close to Sean’s ear, “Can you bear it if I stay?”

  Lifting her head from Drew’s shoulder, Sean captured Drew’s mouth as she pushed down hard into Drew’s palm, forcing her fingers deeper. When Sean released her from the kiss, they were both on fire. “What do you think?”

  Drew couldn’t answer, already lost.

  Chapter Nine

  The night was dark, nearly starless, and the cold bit through her light fatigue shirt within seconds. She’d forgotten her jacket. It was still draped over the back of the chair in the bar.

  Her breath made small puffs of white as she ran.

  It couldn’t have been more than five minutes. Why did it feel like hours? Why were the streets so quiet? How could she have disappeared so quickly?

  Jesus, where are you?

  The alley appeared suddenly on her right, beckoning as if it were an open mouth, calling to her. She felt an invisible hand clutch her body and pull her into a blackness that was far darker than the night.

  She shivered despite the sweat soaking her clothes. She heard muffled noises, muted groans, a cry of pain.

  No. NONONO...

  Sharp pain pierced her side, and she kicked out into the void, striking something solid that fell away before her fury.

  Just hold on. I’m almost there. Don’t give up...please...please don’t give up...

  A blow to her shoulder exploded with agonizing pain. She pivoted, blocked the next strike, then connected with flesh, the impact radiating through the one arm she could still move.

  The alley narrowed; no light. Her heart beat so loudly, she couldn’t hear anything else at all.

  Stumbling, staggering, she extended her hand—felt stone. No way out.

  So quiet. Too quiet.

  Why can’t I hear her any longer?

  Then, inexplicably, she could see. Trembling, terrified, she reached toward the still form at her feet. Choking back a howl of anguish, she turned the body over.


  Bloody and bruised, Sean’s face stared back at her.

  “Oh no...oh, Jesus, no!” Drew bolted upright, tearing at the covers, trying to run. Sweat-covered, shaking uncontrollably, she almost threw herself from the bed.

  “What is it?” Sean cried, sitting up amidst the tangled sheets, one hand stroking the wet, trembling back. Her heart was pounding. She’d never heard anything come close to the agony in Drew’s voice.

  Drew dropped her head into her hands, her chest heaving as she fought to get air. At length, back still turned to the woman in her bed, she muttered through clenched teeth, “Just a bad dream. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” came the soothing voice. “Can you tell me?”


  Sean kept silent, continuing her gentle ministrations until the tight muscles under her fingers relaxed. As much as she wanted to know this woman who had awakened her senses and stirred her heart, she knew it would take more than one night of passion to build that trust. Everything she had observed, so far, about the solitary ex-marine had suggested that there were nightmares in her past that haunted her still. Now, she’d just seen the proof.

  “Let me hold you then.”

  “In a minute.” Drew’s voice was hoarse. She needed time to separate the past from the present. She’d thought she had succeeded in that, until recently. This was the worst it had been in years. Wearily, she forced herself to stop thinking about it, doubting that she would find the answers. To her horror, a faint moan escaped her throat.

  “I’m here,” Sean said softly.

  As Drew lay back down beside Sean, she reached for Sean’s hand but didn’t move any closer. “It’s almost morning.”

  “I know.” Sean laced her fingers through Drew’s and raised the other woman’s hand to her lips. The skin was soft, slightly salty. Sean loved the taste of her.

  “Are you all right?” Drew asked. “About last night?”

  “All right?” Sean laughed, turning on her side to face Drew. “I am so completely all right, I may never stop smiling.”

  “I got a little...carried away there at first. Sorry.”

  “You were wonderful. I couldn’t have waited another second.” Sean rubbed the top of Drew’s hand, which she still held, over her cheek. Shyly, she added, “As I recall, I was right behind you.”

  “I just couldn’t help it. I wanted you so much,” Drew confessed, still stunned by what had passed between them. How did this happen? What have I done?

  “Drew, I never dreamed it could feel this good. I have never experienced anything like it in my life.”

  Stiffening, Drew turned her head in surprise. “Never? I thought...” her voice trailed off.

  “It may run in the family, but I’m a slow starter,” Sean admitted. Suddenly self-conscious, she joked, “But, now that I know, you’re in trouble.”

  Drew laughed shakily. “No regrets?”

  “Regrets?” Sean replied, suddenly serious. She leaned up on one arm to find Drew’s eyes. “You are a considerate and wonderfully passionate lover, and making love with you has easily been the most beautiful experience of my life. My only regret is that I didn’t meet you ten years ago.”

  “Ten years ago,” Drew murmured, her eyes distant. “No, it would have been too soon.”

  “Probably. Maybe now is exactly the right time.”

  “Maybe,” Drew said quietly, but she didn’t need the nightmares to remind her that couldn’t be true.

  “Oh God,” Sean uttered, feeling the sudden distance between them. “I never even thought—are you involved? I never asked—”

  “No,” Drew said abruptly, “that’s not what I meant.”

  “Then what?”


  Sean took a deep breath, willing herself not to push. As much as she wanted to understand, for her own sake as well as Drew’s, she knew it would take time. They’d slept together, and that meant a great deal to her. She hoped it did to the woman beside her, too. But there were still so many things left unsaid.

  “Last night was special to me,” Sean said quietly. “I hope you know that.”

  Drew kissed her, a sweet, tender kiss of longing and, for an instant, surrender. Her voice was barely audible when she whispered, “For me, too.”


  It was 5:00 a.m. when Sean entered the still house. A light burned in the library, and when she looked in, she discovered Susan sprawled out on the couch, still in her jeans and sweatshirt. For a second, Sean’s heart plummeted, but a quick glance around showed no evidence that her sister had been drinking. The blank blue TV screen indicated that she had probably fallen asleep watching a video. Sean attempted to back away and cross to the stairs without disturbing Susan, but a sleepy voice called out.

  “Can you still walk?”

  Sean laughed as she joined her sister, flopping into the oversized leather chair in front of the fireplace and swinging her legs over the arm.

  “Barely. I’m sorry I didn’t call. I didn’t expect to be out so late, and then...”

  “Did you spend the night doing what I think you’ve been doing?” Susan sat up, her eyes sparkling in a way that they hadn’t for weeks. “I hope?”

  Sean blushed. “If you mean, did I spend the night making mad, passionate love with an incredibly beautiful woman—the answer is yes.”



Wow—holy shit—oh my God—my sister—my sister has come out!” Susan bounced slightly as she flung her arms wide. “At last.”

  “‘Come out’ is not the word for it,” Sean exclaimed, trying to sort through the emotional aftermath of the incredible previous night. “Reborn, maybe? Yes, that might begin to describe it. How in hell has the world managed to keep this a secret? Why isn’t every woman a lesbian?”

  Susan’s laughter, her first laughter in weeks, rang through the room. “Oh, Sean, you’ve caught it. Lesbian psychosis—in full bloom already.”

  “Shut up,” Sean growled, but her eyes were laughing. “So what if all I can think about is getting her into bed again? Hell, all I have to do is think of her and I’m—”

  “Enough. You’ll embarrass me.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Sean shrieked.


  “How incredible it is?”

  Susan grew suddenly still. “It is, isn’t it?”

  “Hey, I’m sorry.” Sean rose quickly and moved over beside Susan, slipping an arm around her shoulders. “Listen to me. This is a terrible time for you, and here I am swooning.”

  “That’s okay.” Susan hugged her. Trying to joke, she added, “One of us should be getting some.”

  “Look, we can talk tomorrow—later today. Whenever. You should get some sleep,” Sean said solicitously, mindful of Susan’s still precarious condition.

  “Will you stop taking care of me for one minute and enjoy this?” Susan’s tone was light, but her eyes were serious. “Jesus, Sean. It’s the first time. Don’t let it go so fast.”

  “Believe me,” Sean said quietly. “I haven’t. I can still remember every second. I think I always will.”

  “Good. You should.” Susan took a deep breath, then smiled with genuine happiness. “So tell me really, what’s going on? Besides the great sex, I mean.”

  “I’m a little afraid to think about it, Suse.” Sean grew pensive. “This is all new to me. I’ve been seriously attracted to her for weeks, and when she invited me to her apartment, all I could think was that I wanted her. I honestly didn’t think about what it meant. And now all I can think about is touching her again. I think I might have skipped a few steps.”


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