ZetaTalk: Being Human

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ZetaTalk: Being Human Page 5

by Nancy Lieder

  doing more.

  Thus, the issue falls to the audience, what they must do for themselves. Anxious people do not carefully read what has been written, then are primed by the biological imperative that flight or fight is designed to meet to act. Thus, when faced by the actual possibility of a pole shift, tidal waves, crumbled cities, lack of food, and no help from the

  government, they panic. Given that ZetaTalk has proven to be the only source of solid and well considered

  information on what to do, and in this we are including the Troubled Times network of solution sets and the nonprofit which seeks to provide this information to mankind, their action drives like a spear against ZetaTalk and Troubled

  Times. Nancy finds she lately has been grateful for the foresight that developed Troubled Times and the hip-pocket

  booklet that the nonprofit has developed. The over 100 Troubled Times TOPICs and TEAMs that have developed

  allow the anxious to be pointed to reading material specific to their concerns. Thus, they have something they can do, and the adrenaline that flight or fight has dictated is dissipated into purposeful activity.

  Will this trend diminish, or change, going into the shift? It will only increase, until e-mail queues sorting out the real questions from those seeking information readily available, if only one would take a web site click or two, may be

  necessary. In time, Internet service will become disrupted to the point where mail is not necessarily delivered and

  bounced only because of delays, and web sites are inaccessible to many due to satellite down time. Thus, an important

  support step for those wanting to help is to create mirror sites, of that information the ZetaTalk and Troubled Times

  sites offer. Many mirror sites already exist, in point of fact, for instance where translated material has been made

  available within countries speaking the language. But it is a bit late, when the satellites start malfunctioning, to seek to set this up! In that acting as a traffic cop, directing the anxious to this or that information, could be done by many individuals, we also recommend that this be structured before the flood.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/beinghum/b87.htm[2/5/2012 1:27:16 PM]

  ZetaTalk: The Insecure

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  ZetaTalk: The Insecure

  written Dec 5, 2004

  Debunkers, under the guise of presenting truth seem to really fear Nancy, given all the time and energy

  they spend on her and her ideas be they flawed or nay. Is it the message, or her perceived insanity they

  fear? A logical person knows if a person is a crackpot and posting on the internet, you ignore them and

  they go away. When you fight, piss and moan, all you do is give them more credence in the eyes of those

  who believe and in the eyes of many on the fence.

  Beyond the professional debunker, whose full or part time job is to haunt message boards or web sites in search of

  people discussing what the establishment wants to deny at present, there are those so in the grip of fear and insecurity that they attack the message for no other reason. The message is, in short, unthinkable. Life, for humans on Earth, is

  highly insecure in the best of times. Even with the best that modern medicine can provide, most illness is not curable and palliative measure only provided. Lightning can strike anytime, any place, and neither prayers or bribes make a

  difference. Meteors and fireballs from the sky are erratic, and despite man’s best efforts at prediction earthquakes

  strike without warning, dropping buildings and bridges. Then there are all the reassurances from employers and

  governments and insurers that pension funds, savings, home ownership and assets, all are solidly there and will be replaced should any event remove them. Yet employers go bankrupt, governments go bankrupt and change their rules

  or default on their promises, and insurance companies default. Loyalty from friends and family also cannot be relied

  upon solidly, as the divorce rate and domestic violence statistics show. Friends are supportive only while this

  friendship aligns with their life circumstances, and the friendship dropped when it becomes inconvenient. Thus, despite

  man’s best efforts to make himself secure, he is, in essence, standing naked in the cold rain, alone.

  Enter Planet X and the ZetaTalk message that the world will turn upside down, experience earthquakes that will shatter

  cities everywhere, roll flood tides inland for hundreds of miles along coastlines everywhere, explode industrial

  complexes into a cesspool of chemical pollution, destroy the communication and transportation networks so that travel

  is on foot or impossible, remove the convenience of electricity and clean water supplied to the home and replace this

  with long dark nights and drinking water smelling like the neighbors sewage, suddenly stop the delivery of food stuffs

  to the local store with no replacement so that rats and weeds and rotting corpses become the only food available. For

  many, especially those in cities or whose lifestyle by choice or necessity has made them soft and dependent, this is

  what the message means. Unthinkable. There are no options that come readily to mind, for these individuals.

  If they are by nature strong and resourceful, they think about the steps to be taken in the event, and plot a plan,

  as there is always some plan that can be formulated. They may realize that the outcome, for themselves, is death, and become resigned and live their last days in the most meaningful manner possible.

  If they are by nature weak, clingy, and demanding, another turn is taken. They watch the viability of their

  pension funds and savings melt away as the USD drops and corporations go belly up. They see the weather

  erratic, the ferocity of storms on the rise, and watch movies like the Day After Tomorrow with fists in a ball,

  white knuckles. They would make shrill demands of someone, but God is not listening and the government

  certainly is not listening. Now what?

  If a weak individual cannot succeed by demanding or clinging, there is only one option available for comfort - denial.

  They need not worry because it is not happening, all is normal. The weather is normal if one assumes massive climate

  cycles that stretch millions of years, at least this is what the TV is reporting. No one knows what causes these cycles,

  and any life threatening extreme is extrapolated out thousands of years hence, so no need to worry. The government

  propaganda is that the economy is on the rebound, jobs being created, and a firm hand at the helm. All evidence to the

  contrary is simply not absorbed, and if pushed to be acknowledged, is denounced in a shrill voice and slamming doors.

  These individuals entertain denial, in an increasingly shrill and angry manner, as the threats to their secure world

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta183.htm[2/5/2012 1:27:17 PM]

  ZetaTalk: The Insecure

  increase. What does one do when they are being threatened? They consider themselves under attack, and respond

  accordingly. This proceeds along these lines, more rigid denial, more vicious attacks against the message, until the day

  reality breaks through and it can no longer be denied that something is amiss. At this point the denial changes to red

  faced demands for these weak individuals, hopping up and down and loudly demanding that someone reinstate their

  security and take care of them. If you have an individual in your neighborhood like this, move, before the pole shift.

  They won’t change.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta183.htm[2/5/2012 1:27:17 PM]

  ZetaTalk: Disaster Reactions

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  ZetaTalk: Disaster Reactions

  written Sep 2, 2003, during Lou Gentile live radio

  In an instance such as major earthquakes, globally, such as those that will accompany the rotation stoppage, it is like a disaster ramped up into a larger scope. The same processes occur: all the hospitals are mobilized, people are ferried out of the disaster area to safer places, tents are erected, looting is suppressed, and this is done on a larger scale. In

  situations such as this, there are more people that are unattended, ill, but unattended. A broken leg sometimes for days

  before being set simply because greater emergencies exist. So it is just a matter of scale.

  Why would Martial Law be imposed in the face of an emergency such as this? Rather, all of the emergency personnel

  or volunteers would work themselves to death as they did in the 911 disaster at the WTC, without stop. This is how

  they would react. Martial Law is only imposed in rare circumstances in democracies or in social democracies where it

  is only a short delimited and a disaster does not already exist.

  Therefore, worry less about this than about your neighbors. We will tell you that a mass disaster, such as seeing an

  object in the sky, accompanied by large earthquakes and a communication shutdown, is going to cause your greatest

  worry to be your neighbor or someone in your household. People will go mad, they will go insane, they will be frantic

  with anger and wanting to direct it somewhere. They will be lashing out at each other. They will run away from their

  responsibilities and then be dealing with grief on top of anger. You should expect, as you do with animals that go a bit

  nutsy during an earthquake or prior to an earthquake, you neighbors and family member may be unpredictable, angry,

  lashing out. Anticipate this, and formulate an action plan to deal with it, and do not be surprised.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta25.htm[2/5/2012 1:27:18 PM]

  ZetaTalk: Life: Downside Up

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  ZetaTalk: Life: Downside Up

  written July 31, 2004

  In this day and age, how can one have a positive outlook? Everywhere you look –diseases, war, terror,

  earth disasters, corruption in business and government. Too many are just out for themselves period. Also,

  with the impending Planet X cataclysm ahead, there is very little to have a positive attitude about.

  The effect of great changes on one’s life are often described a having life turned upside down, implying that the up

  side, the optimistic or upbeat outlook, has become a downer, depressive. That this is the prevailing attitude is due to

  the loud complains of those who have lost in the change, as those who have gained are too busy enjoying the new

  vistas that have opened before them to comment. We are not speaking here of material goods, the homes lost, the

  business inoperable, the value of what had been put aside in savings diminished or gone. We are speaking of the

  thousands of depressing deadlocks that hold people in their ordinary lives, which they see no way of escaping,

  suddenly broken. The most obvious is the bondage that material goods place on their owners, and the social

  obligations that societies place upon their members.

  Marriage brings the joys of companionship, partnership, and the patter of little feet. It also almost inevitably brings the responsibility of holding that boring job and the requirement that one restrict social interaction to the work place and

  close family. For a man to have a close friendship with a woman other than the wife, or the wife to enjoy the company

  of another man, is considered a threat, brings pouting and argument, and however innocent, is dropped for the sake of

  peace and the continuation of all the positive thing the marriage brings. The expectation that the martial partner must

  then be all to the other is a pressure and responsibility that is in and of itself depressing. We are not speaking here

  simply of sex, as these restrictions impose immobility on the partners ability to react to life in general. Should a

  husband want to help build housing for the poor on the other side of town on a Saturday morning, his wife reminds

  him that she expects him to repair their garage, and the fact that the construction group includes a number of single

  woman who share the husband's concern for the poor is a hidden agenda. Should the wife want to garden to give the

  neighborhood children the experience of growing their own food, she may find her husband making derogatory

  comments about her rough hands and sunburned neck, her focus no longer appropriately on being his showcase or

  trophy wife. Restrictions, not empowerment, becomes the norm.

  Jobs, whether termed a career or profession or trade or simply something temporary to bring in money, are equally as

  restrictive. Income level goes up as experience or skills increase, so that the longer one holds the job, the more they

  earn, and the family does not sympathize with having that income reduced simply because the wage earner wants a

  change. There was the expense in time and money for collage or university or apprenticeship, the union seniority, the

  associations with others in the field, the vacation time and pension benefit earned because of time on the job to

  consider. Once again, the wage earner is restricted, looking out on a vista of years, decades, before him or her and

  seeing no change possible, as any step outside of the rut puts at risk all that has been gained. Should a doctor wish to serve the poor, rather than those with the funds to pay the clinic bills, the doctor must face angry clinic stockholders

  and most likely a divorce from a spouse who does not wish to sell the home and second car and drop the country club

  membership. Should a plumber wish to work in waste management, realizing what goes down the pipes and the

  damage it can do to the environment, the plumber would likely need to ask the spouse for financial as well as

  emotional support during a time of lost income, and once again social and marital expectations become a head wind

  against change.

  We have mentioned that the poor, the homeless, the mentally ill, will fare better during the coming changes because

  they will not grieve for lost possessions, and already being at the bottom of life’s ladder, will find themselves suddenly counseling others on how to survive. We have mentioned that the coming changes, the pole shift, is a great leveler,

  putting the formerly wealthy on the streets and in desperation, and the formerly homeless in a larger junk yard from

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta140.htm[2/5/2012 1:27:18 PM]

  ZetaTalk: Life: Downside Up

  which to build a hovel. What we have not mentioned is that outside of the loss of material possessions, and the lose of

  the security blanket that most assume they have around them in the form of pension and insurance coverage and social

  services, the wealthy and financially secure will have a greater downside up from changed social circumstances. No

  longer forced to put in hours that restrict one’s life virtually to the work place, no longer forced to pander to the

  supervisor or boss and restrict one’s chatter to reflect the proper attitude, no longer forced to freeze out social

  interactions that threaten the status quo or repress the urge to spontaneously help others, the former drone of the status quo finds themselves more alert, feeling an energy they had lost early in life as restrictions closed about them like a

  net, and perhaps feeling alive for the first time in decades.

  These opportunities for renewal will come to all because of the massive changes the pole shift will bring. Even where the family survives intact, the home, though damaged, survives the quakes and winds intact, and the po
litical fabric of

  the region earns its leadership by their response to the catastrophe and remains thus intact, there will be a changed

  environment. Where formerly, the weight of what was to be lost was on the side of the status quo, now the status quo is dwarfed by a compelling emergency. Helping to rebuild housing for those now in out in the rain, the doctor giving

  service to the poor without expectation of payment, dealing with chemical spills and broken sewage mains that

  threaten the environment and health of the community, and putting up gardens as a food source when the supplies

  scrapped from the wreckage of homes and grocery stores run down - now no one can argue that these steps are not of prime importance. The clingy and demanding spouse, the possessions demanding to be polished, the inane boss

  demanding to be considered brilliant, all can be ignored. Life has received an infusion of energy, charged not only by need for action on the part of anyone with a heart that cares, but also by the breaking of virtual bondage that most societies represent. A downside, suddenly up!

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta140.htm[2/5/2012 1:27:18 PM]

  ZetaTalk: When Things Go Wrong

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  ZetaTalk: When Things Go Wrong

  written Feb 21, 2005

  After the pole shift there will be many injuries, many traumatized people, overwhelming the emergency

  services. Most often, people not prepared to give first aid will be stepping in, as getting to a doctor will not

  be possible. There are going to be a lot of mistakes made, by good hearted people trying their best, a steep

  learning curve. This will lay a burden of guilt on those folks, something they do not need as a distraction

  as they are most likely the only people pitching in to help and the need will be great. Any advice?

  The sense of guilt comes from many sources, among them a sense of loss or grieving, a sense of horror that a casual

  mistake or accident can have such consequences, a sense of foreboding on the fragility of life and and safety and

  security, an expectation of retaliation from some source, and empathy for the victim so the horror is being re-


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